18 research outputs found

    Kluver-Bucy Syndrome in a Patient with Bipolar Affective Disorder

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    Introduction: Kluver and Bucy described a behavioral syndrome in rhesus monkeys following bilateral temporal lobectomy which included psychic blindness, hyperorality, hypermetamorphosis, hypersexuality, and emotional unresponsiveness. Case report: A 44 years old right handed male of Indo-aryan origin, blacksmith by profession, had presented in manic phase of bipolar illness. He had hypersexuality, hypermetamorphosis, hyperorality, and altered dietary habits along with amnesia and fleeting misrecognition of even his close relatives. MRI of the patient showed mild cerebral atrophy with right temporal lobe atrophy. The patient was treated with lithium and olanzapine along with benzodiazepines. The symptoms resolved gradually with resolution of the manic phase. Patient had similar features in the previous manic episode as well that resolved with resolution of mania. Conclusion: The symptoms of Kluver-Bucy syndrome like increased libido, increased activity might be confused with that of mania. Other features of Kluver-Bucy syndrome and the overt hypersexuality could help identify it even during manic phase of bipolar illness

    A Cross-Sectional Study on Empathy and its Association With Stress in Medical Students

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    Introduction: Empathy is the cornerstone of the doctor-patient relationship and a crucial quality associated with better patient compliance and clinical outcomes. This study aims to assess the level of empathy and its association with the level of stress in 3rd and 4th year medical students Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in Kathmandu Medical College after taking ethical approval from the Institutional Review Committee and informed written consent from all the participants. The respondents completed a structured questionnaire including demographic profile, Jefferson Scale of Empathy-Student Version, and Perceived Stress Scale. Data were entered and analyzed in Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 20. Results: A total of 255 questionnaires were obtained with a response rate of 85.2%. The mean empathy score was 101.79 (SD  =  11.26) and the mean perceived stress score was 18.55(SD = 5.56). There was a statistically significant negative correlation between empathy and stress (p-value <0.01) and similar negative correlations were seen in sub-group analysis. Female students had higher empathy scores compared to their male counterparts (p-value <0.01). Fourth-year students reported lower empathy scores than third-year students (p-value <0.05).  Conclusion: Stress was found to be a significant determinant of empathy among medical students. Medical educators must be aware of this and should try to incorporate means to alleviate stress in medical education. Furthermore, effective stress management techniques to preserve empathy in medical students with a view to improve clinical competency and achieve optimum patient care needs to be studied

    Multimessenger NuEM Alerts with AMON

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    The Astrophysical Multimessenger Observatory Network (AMON), has developed a real-time multi-messenger alert system. The system performs coincidence analyses of datasets from gamma-ray and neutrino detectors, making the Neutrino-Electromagnetic (NuEM) alert channel. For these analyses, AMON takes advantage of sub-threshold events, i.e., events that by themselves are not significant in the individual detectors. The main purpose of this channel is to search for gamma-ray counterparts of neutrino events. We will describe the different analyses that make-up this channel and present a selection of recent results

    Tuberculosis in HIV Patient

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    Introduction: Strict monitoring of anti tuberculosis therapy (ATT) and antiretroviral therapy (ART) is crucial for proper management of TB/HIV co-infected patients. Methods: Between December 2006 and December 2008 a prospective observational study was conducted among 135 TB/HIV co-infected patients visiting antiretroviral therapy in Seti Zonal Hospital, Dhangadi. The diagnosed TB patients were subjected to ATT through directly observed treatment short-course (DOTS) and its response was evaluated as per WHO guidelines. Results: Among 135 studied subjects, 71.9% were males and over 88 % of the patients were in the age group 21 to 50. Of the Total TB cases 68.1% presented pulmonary TB (PTB) and 37.20% of the Extra-pulmonary Tuberculosis (EPTB) cases were lymph node TB. 75.5% of them had completed ATT, 8.2% transfer out and 12.6% were default. Conclusions: Majority of the patients presented PTB, and lymph node TB was found to be the most common EPTB. Comparatively, high efficacy of ATT was found in HIV patients visiting this resource poor setting. Key words: antiretroviral therapy; anti TB therapy; Dhangadi; lymph node T; treatment response

    Tuberculosis in HIV Patient

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    Introduction: Strict monitoring of anti tuberculosis therapy (ATT) and antiretroviral therapy (ART) is crucial for proper management of TB/HIV co-infected patients. Methods: Between December 2006 and December 2008 a prospective observational study was conducted among 135 TB/HIV co-infected patients visiting antiretroviral therapy in Seti Zonal Hospital, Dhangadi. The diagnosed TB patients were subjected to ATT through directly observed treatment short-course (DOTS) and its response was evaluated as per WHO guidelines. Results:  Among 135 studied subjects, 71.9% were males and over 88 % of the patients were in the age group 21 to 50. Of the Total TB cases 68.1% presented pulmonary TB (PTB) and 37.20% of the Extra-pulmonary Tuberculosis (EPTB) cases were lymph node TB. 75.5% of them had completed ATT, 8.2% transfer out and 12.6% were default. Conclusions: Majority of the patients presented PTB, and lymph node TB was found to be the most common EPTB. Comparatively, high efficacy of ATT was found in HIV patients visiting this resource poor setting. Key words: antiretroviral therapy; anti TB therapy; Dhangadi; lymph node T; treatment response

    Pattern of Abortion Care in a Tertiary Level Maternity Hospital in Nepal

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    Introduction: Complications from unsafe abortion are believed to account for the largest proportion of hospital admissions for gynaecological services in developing countries and not to mention the cost it imparts to the health system of a country. Therefore, it is equally important to find out the prevalence and the pattern of abortion among the women who utilize the safe abortion care services and provide a framework to target various health promotion programs including safe-motherhood and reproductive health; such that the future interventions to avoid the unintended pregnancy and unsafe abortion can be implemented accordingly. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a tertiary care hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal. Social and demographic information of all the women seeking induced abortions from January 2011 to December 2012 were included and the result was analyzed. Result: Abortion contributed to about 1.68% of the total patient served in the hospital that provides both obstetrical and gynecological services. Of the total 4830 patients who underwent induced abortion in this period, the mean age was 27, 92.3% were from the Kathmandu valley and more than one-third women (35.2%) were illiterate who couldn't read and write. Majorities were more than two parity and belonged to higher caste. Conclusion: The socio-demographic profile of the abortion clients in Nepal has remained similar over the years. We need to address the accessibility and availability to the safe abortion care services along with other safe motherhood programs guaranteeing access to safe abortion and post-abortion care to all group of women and also, women education regarding contraception to avoid repeated abortions or unwanted pregnancy in the future. _______________________________________________________________________________________ Keywords: abortion; pattern; socio-demographic

    Kluver-Bucy Syndrome in a Patient with Bipolar Affective Disorder: A Case Report

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    Introduction: Kluver and Bucy described a behavioral syndrome in rhesus monkeys following bilateral temporal lobectomy which included psychic blindness, hyperorality, hypermetamorphosis, hypersexuality, and emotional unresponsiveness. Case report: A 44 years old right handed male of Indo-aryan origin, blacksmith by profession, had presented in manic phase of bipolar illness. He had hypersexuality, hypermetamorphosis, hyperorality, and altered dietary habits along with amnesia and fleeting misrecognition of even his close relatives. MRI of the patient showed mild cerebral atrophy with right temporal lobe atrophy. The patient was treated with lithium and olanzapine along with benzodiazepines. The symptoms resolved gradually with resolution of the manic phase. Patient had similar features in the previous manic episode as well that resolved with resolution of mania. Conclusion: The symptoms of Kluver-Bucy syndrome like increased libido, increased activity might be confused with that of mania. Other features of Kluver-Bucy syndrome and the overt hypersexuality could help identify it even during manic phase of bipolar illness