125 research outputs found

    Pengawasan Penggunaan Tenaga Kerja Asing Di Sumatera Barat

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    The Republic of Indonesia was founded, the Indonesian people have realized that work is a human need for citizens. This is stated and mandated in Article 27 paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution which states that "Every citizen has the right to work and a living that is decent for humanity". This has implications for the state's obligation to facilitate citizens to obtain decent work for humanity. However, recently the use of foreign workers has become one of the main issues in Indonesia. Foreign workers are foreign nationals holding visas with the intention of working in Indonesian territory. Constitutionally, the use of foreign workers in Indonesia is regulated in Law no. 13/2003 concerning Manpower and strengthened by Law no. 25 of 2007 concerning Investment. Thus the use of foreign workers cannot be avoided because it is constitutionally very possible. Another factor that influences the presence of foreign workers in Indonesia is the agreement of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) which began in 2015. This has provided opportunities for the free use of foreign workers for the ASEAN region. What has always been a problem is the high unemployment rate caused by the lack of employment opportunities for Indonesian citizens

    Pola Pengelolaan Kekayaan Nagari Dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Dalam Peningkatan Kesejahteraan

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    One of the objectives of a state is stated in the fourth paragraph of the preamble to the 1945 Constitution, namely for the welfare of the community. After the enactment of the Regional Government Law, regional governments were given the authority to regulate and manage their own regional government affairs. The existence of nagari as a legal community unit in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia has a constitutional basis in Article 18 B paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution, the article states "The state recognizes and respects the unity of customary law communities and their traditional rights ...". Before the amendment of the 1945 Constitution, Nagari was recognized as an area with original and special rights. Nagari as the lowest government unit that directly deals with the people in West Sumatra, in its development, is required to be able to empower and provide increased welfare for its people. An important aspect of Nagari autonomy is the authority to regulate (regularend) the household in the form of a legal product known as Nagari Regulation. With the existence of rules, the second aspect of autonomy will be implemented, namely the aspect of managing (besturen). Aspects of regulating according to the authority of the Nagari stipulated in the Nagari Government Law (a) authority based on rights of origin, (b) Village-scale local authority; (c) authority assigned by the Government, Provincial Government, or Regency / Regional Government City; and other authorities assigned by the Government, Provincial Government, or Regency / City Regional Government in accordance with the provisions of statutory regulations. Good management of village wealth and community empowerment will be able to improve community welfare, according to the aspirations of the Indonesian natio

    The IPA (Advertising) Effectiveness Awards 1980 - 2002: A Reflection of Non-Marketing Advertising

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    Theoretically, advertising has been regarded as a marketing communication; that is, advertising is subsumed under marketing. However, this thesis deconstructs the existing theories and argues that advertising historically was not a marketing tool due to practical conflicts within the British advertising industry. Field work was conducted by means of interviews in addition to document research of publications by practitioners. After the Second World War, marketing people in Britain adopted the modern marketing concepts from the US where marketing and advertising people used the same principles and practice of advertising. The thesis traces back to fundamental concepts in social sciences such as economics, sociology and psychology that marketing and advertising people applied to their disciplines. Then, relevant historical backgrounds including the history of advertising agencies, market research and account planning are explored. They indicate that advertising was not part of marketing communications but rather located between marketing and communications. The application of various social sciences and the historical backgrounds govern British agency people's practice of advertising research during the 1960s and 1970s. They used research to explain advertising effectiveness in terms of both communication and sales. However, they found some disagreements between their concepts and that of marketing people in their client companies. They felt more frustrated when clients and research companies used scientific principles and practice in measuring advertising effectiveness. The 1960s and 1970s events led to the origin of the IPA (Institute of Practitioners in Advertising) Awards in 1980. The IPA Awards were in fact the consequence of the past as they tried to maintain their stance of developing advertising effectiveness theories as opposed to those of clients and research companies for two decades. However, as the Awards grew and became one of the most recognised award schemes in the industry, they were used by agency people as a tool to increase their agencies' reputation rather than a demonstration of advertising effectiveness

    Biohydrogen productions from hydrolysate of water hyacinth stem (Eichhornia crassipes) using anaerobic mixed cultures

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    Response surface methodology (RSM) with central composite design (CCD) was applied to optimize key factors affecting hydrogen production (HP) from diluted acid hydrolysate of water-hyacinth stem (WHS) by heat-treated anaerobic sludge in a batch fermentation process. Key factors affecting namely substrate concentration and initial pH was investigated. The results indicated that substrate concentration and initial pH had significantly effects on HP (p<0.05). A maximum HP hydrogen production rate and hydrogen yield of 182.7 mmol H2/L, 2.81 mmol H2/L h and 0.84 mol H2/mol hexose were obtained under the optimum conditions i.e. substrate concentration of 4.06 g/L and initial pH of 5.81. The total energy production from the fermentative of WHS hydrolysate was 1.97 kJ


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    This journal discusses the relevance of the concept of Al-Mawardi's wizarah to the Ministry of Advanced Indonesian Cabinet. This topic is interesting to discuss because the Ministry of the Advanced Indonesian Cabinet is in the public spotlight in today's Indonesian society, moreover it has found relevance between the concept of Al-Mawardi's wizarah and ministries in Indonesia. Another interesting thing is that the president can reshuffle his cabinet as a form of the president's freedom to choose his ministers. This journal examines using descriptive qualitative and collecting data through the Publish or Perish application and articles in related mass media. The data is ultimately searched for red threads, then conclusions are drawn, and developed related to the existing topic. The author finds that there is relevance between the concept of wizarah and the Ministry of Advanced Indonesian Cabinet, namely the existence of multiculturalism in this cabinet. The findings of this article can be a contribution to the Science of International Relations and a reminder of the harmony between religions in Indonesia

    Optimization of Factors Affecting Acid Hydrolysis of Water Hyacinth Stem (Eichhornia Crassipes) for Bio-Hydrogen Production

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    AbstractResponse surface methodology (RSM) with central composite design (CCD) was applied to optimize hydrolysis conditions of water-hyacinth stem (WHS). Firstly, the effects of reaction time (h), % diluted H2SO4 concentration (v/v) and shaking speed (rpm) for hydrolyze WHS were investigated. The optimum condition for WHS hydrolysis was reaction time of 7.73h, H2SO4 concentration of 1.31% (v/v) and stirring speed of 264.41rpm in which a maximum total sugar of 13g/L was obtained. Secondly, the hydrolysate WHS obtained from the optimum hydrolysis condition was further used as the substrate for hydrogen production by heat-treated anaerobic sludge. Results showed that the maximum HP of 127. 6 mmol H2/L was obtained


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    Abstract This article is objected to propose the created learning activities that might enhance quality of work for employees of small businesses in Thailand. Developmental research was applied with triangulation technique: literature and interview. Literature focuses on contextual learning, learning activities, quality of work, and small hotel business in Thailand. The interview purposively samples two employers and two employees from small hotel businesses in Thailand. Both learning and quality of work comprise several dimensions and perspectives. Scholars suggest business management applying them for human-resource and social development. Several research literatures further support that contextual learning can enhance skill, task, relation, and so on. Matched for learning at workplace under the economical conditions, contextual learning activities, learning activities through contextual learning which prioritizes authentic context and daily activities, are confidently created. The result posits six created contextual learning activities applying technology, such as computer and internet that businesses authentically possess on business purpose, as contextual tools to enhance quality of work for employees of small hotel businesses in Thailand. Applying learning activities, concern of target learners is discussed. In order to generalize the research, other target populations, such as resigned employees, employees and employers of bigger-sized hotel businesses or other accommodation businesses, and quantitative methodology are suggested for further studies


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      Objective: The objective of this investigation was to assess the biological activity of fresh fruit juices and freeze dried fruit juices including antioxidant and antibacterial activity.Methods: The fruits used in this study were Schleichera oleosa (Lour.) Oken, Carissa carandas L., and Sandoricum koetjape (Burm.f.) Merr. The fresh juice sample (FJS) was extracted and also prepared for freeze drying sample (FDS) by freeze dryer. The antioxidant capacity of FJS and FDS was assessed using the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) assays and determination for total phenolic contents (TPCs) by Folin–Ciocalteu's reagent. Antimicrobial tests were carried out by agar diffusion methods and evaluated by measuring the zone of inhibition against 10 isolates of pathogenic bacteria.Results: The highest antioxidant activity of FJS and FDS was found in S. oleosa and related to the scavenging effect on DPPH radical of FJS (100% concentration) and FDS (200 mg/ml) was found in the value of 93.05±0.31% and 82.18±0.33%, respectively. TPC of FJS and FDS from S. oleosa at the same concentration as in the DPPH assay was 1,003.53±1.96 ug GAE/300 g of matter and 827.77±23.15 ug GAE/100 ml of matter, respectively. Both FJS and FDS revealed antibacterial activity. The zone of inhibition of FJS was ranging from 8.3±0.6 to 24.0±1.0 mm and FDS values of 7.3±0.5-21.0±0.9 mm. The most potent sample against bacteria was FJS and FDS from S. oleosa which FJSs against Escherichia coli ESBL and FDS against Pseudomonas aeruginosa MDR2.Conclusion: Fruit juices of S. oleosa, C. carandas, and S. koetjape associated with antioxidant activity in the form of both fresh fruit juices and FDS. The result of this study showed that the value of DPPH and TPCs were slightly decreased in FDS compare with fresh juice. Screening of FJS and FDS of C. carandas revealed broad spectrum antibacterial activity. However, FJS of S. oleosa and S. koetjape showed inhibition of growth of bacteria, but few of FDS from these fruits could inhibit limited bacterial isolates. For antibacterial activity against pathogenic bacteria, the samples of fresh and freeze dried exhibited a different degree of activity


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    Jurnal ini mendiskusikan adanya relevansi konsep wizarah Al-Mawardi terhadap Kementerian Kabinet Indonesia Maju. Topik ini menarik untuk dibahas karena Kementerian Kabinet Indonesia Maju menjadi sorotan publik di tengah masyarakat Indonesia saat ini, terlebih ditemukan relevansi antara konsep wizarah Al-Mawardi dengan kementerian di Indonesia. Hal menarik lainnya adalah presiden dapat melakukan reshuffle dalam kabinetnya sebagai wujud dari kebebasan presiden memilih menterinya. Jurnal ini meneliti menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif serta pengumpulan data melalui aplikasi Publish or Perish dan artikel pada media massa yang terkait. Data tersebut pada akhirnya dicari benang merahnya, kemudian ditarik kesimpulan, dan dikembangkan terkait dengan topik yang ada. Penulis menemukan bahwa adanya relevansi antara konsep wizarah dengan Kementerian Kabinet Indonesia Maju yaitu tentang adanya multikuluralisme dalam kabinet ini. Temuan dari artikel ini dapat menjadi sumbangsih bagi Ilmu Hubungan Internasional serta mengingatkan adanya keharmonisan antar agama di Indonesia

    Screening of active antimicrobial and biological enzymes of microbial isolated from soil in Thailand

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    Objective: The objectives of this study were to isolate microorganisms and screen for potential antimicrobial activities from the soil. Methods: In this study, a total of 425 isolates were isolated from 100 soil samples. The preliminary screening for antimicrobial activities of these isolates was performed by modified cross-streak, agar diffusion, and modified icrodilution technique against 16 pathogenic bacteria and fungi.Results: In the anti-microbial activity, there were three isolates, namely, 277, 303, and 307 exhibited inhibitory activity against methicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus and Salmonella typhimurium respectively. This study also examined the various enzymes producing from soil microorganisms including chitinase, chitosanase, amylase, cellulose, caseinase, gelatinase, esterase, and lipase production of different selective media for 24 and 48 hrs using the direct spot method. The results revealed that 28 isolates could produce various enzymes with strong activity. Most of them produced gelatinase (5.65%) and caseinase (5.18%). There were four isolates that produce broad-spectrum enzyme. In addition, the investigation of selected microorganism identification showed that they can be divided into three groups: Burkholderia spp., Pseudomonas spp., and Rhodococcus spp.Conclusion: This study demonstrated that the microorganisms from soil are capable of producing potential, antibacterial, and bioactive enzymes.Keywords: Antimicrobial activity, Extracellular enzyme, Soil microbial, Drug-resistant bacteria
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