23 research outputs found

    Genotipagem de isolados de Giardia duodenalis de primatas não humanos mantidos em zoológico do Brasil

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    Giardia infections in captive nonhuman primates (NHP) housed at a Brazilian zoo were investigated in order to address their zoonotic potential. Fresh fecal samples were collected from the floors of 22 enclosures where 47 primates of 18 different species were housed. The diagnosis of intestinal parasites after concentration by sedimentation and flotation methods revealed the following parasites and their frequencies: Giardia (18%); Entamoeba spp. (18%); Endolimax nana (4.5%); Iodamoeba spp. (4.5%); Oxyurid (4.5%) and Strongylid (4.5%). Genomic DNA extracted from all samples was processed by PCR methods in order to amplify fragments of gdh and tpi genes of Giardia. Amplicons were obtained from samples of Ateles belzebuth, Alouatta caraya, Alouatta fusca and Alouatta seniculus. Clear sequences were only obtained for the isolates from Ateles belzebuth (BA1), Alouatta fusca (BA2) and Alouatta caraya (BA3). According to the phenetic analyses of these sequences, all were classified as assemblage A. For the tpi gene, all three isolates were grouped into sub-assemblage AII (BA1, BA2 and BA3) whereas for the gdh gene, only BA3 was sub-assemblage AII, and the BA1 and BA2 were sub-assemblage AI. Considering the zoonotic potential of the assemblage A, and that the animals of the present study show no clinical signs of infection, the data obtained here stresses that regular coproparasitological surveys are necessary to implement preventive measures and safeguard the health of the captive animals, of their caretakers and of people visiting the zoological gardens.A pesquisa de infecções por Giardia e a caracterização genotípica deste protozoário foi realizada em primatas não humanos (PNH) mantidos em Zoológico a fim de avaliar o seu potencial zoonótico. As amostras dos animais consistiram de fezes colhidas do piso de 22 baias onde eram mantidos 47 primatas de 18 diferentes espécies. Exames coproparasitológicos foram realizados pelos métodos de concentração por sedimentação e centrífugo-flutuação e revelaram a presença dos seguintes parasitas e suas respectivas frequências: Giardia (18%); Entamoeba spp. (18%); Endolimax nana (4.5%); Iodamoeba spp. (4.5%); oxiurídeos (4.5%) e estrongilídeos (4.5%). O DNA extraído de todas as amostras fecais foi submetido à técnica de PCR para a amplificação dos genes gdh e tpi de Giardia, porém, só foram obtidos amplicons das quatro amostras positivas provenientes de Ateles belzebuth, Alouatta caraya, Alouatta fusca and Alouatta seniculus. O seqüenciamento dos fragmentos amplificados foi possível apenas para as amostras oriundas de Ateles belzebuth (BA1), Alouatta fusca (BA2) e Alouatta caraya (BA3), cuja análise fenética de ambos os genes revelou pertencerem ao genótipo A. As análises das sequências de tpi revelaram que todas as amostras pertencem ao subgenótipo AII. No que se refere ao gene gdh as análises revelaram uma amostra pertencente ao subgenótipo AII (BA3) e duas ao subgenótipo A1 (BA1 e BA2). Considerando o potencial zoonótico do genótipo A e o fato de que os animais não apresentavam sintomas de infecção, os dados do presente trabalho salientam a importância de se realizar, periodicamente, exames coproparasitológicos dos animais de zoológico, para implementação de medidas preventivas para resguardar a saúde dos animais em cativeiro, a de seus tratadores e dos visitantes de parques zoológicos

    IL-4 Protects Tumor Cells from Anti-CD95 and Chemotherapeutic Agents via Up-Regulation of Antiapoptotic Proteins

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    We recently proposed that Th1 and Th2 cytokines exert opposite effects on the pathogenesis and clinical outcome of organ-specific autoimmunity by altering the expression of genes involved in target cell survival. Because a Th2 response against tumors is associated with poor prognosis, we investigated the ability of IL-4 to protect tumor cells from death receptor- and chemotherapy-induced apoptosis. We found that IL-4 treatment significantly reduced CD95 (Fas/APO-1)- and chemotherapeutic drug-induced apoptosis in prostate, breast, and bladder tumor cell lines. Analysis of antiapoptotic protein expression revealed that IL-4 stimulation resulted in up-regulation of cellular (c) FLIP/FLAME-1 and Bcl-xL. Exogenous expression of cFLIP/FLAME-1 inhibited apoptosis induced by CD95 and to a lesser extent by chemotherapy, while tumor cells transduced with Bcl-xLwere substantially protected both from CD95 and chemotherapeutic drug stimulation. Moreover, consistent IL-4 production and high expression of both cFLIP/FLAME-1 and Bcl-xLwere observed in primary prostate, breast, and bladder cancer in vivo. Finally, primary breast cancer cells acquired sensitivity to apoptosis in vitro only in the absence of IL-4. Thus, IL-4 protects tumor cells from CD95- and chemotherapy-induced apoptosis through the up-regulation of antiapoptotic proteins such as cFLIP/FLAME-1 and Bcl-xL. These findings may provide useful information for the development of therapeutic strategies aimed at restoring the functionality of apoptotic pathways in tumor cells

    Thyroid Cancer Resistance to Chemotherapeutic Drugs via Autocrine Production of Interleukin-4 and Interleukin-10

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    We investigated the mechanisms responsible for the widespread refractoriness to chemotherapeutic drugs observed in thyroid cancers. We show that malignant epithelial cells from papillary, follicular, and anaplastic thyroid carcinomas express high levels of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL. Exogenous expression of either Bcl-2 or Bcl-xL in normal thyrocytes was sufficient to prevent chemotherapeutic drug-induced cytotoxicity. All of the histological thyroid cancer variants examined produced interleukin-4 (IL-4) and interleukin-10 (IL-10), which increased Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL levels and protected thyroid cells from chemotherapeutic agents. Exposure to neutralizing antibodies against IL-4 and IL-10 resulted in down-modulation of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL, death of a considerable percentage of thyroid cancer cells, and sensitization of the residual tumor population to cytotoxic drug-induced apoptosis. In conclusion, autocrine production of IL-4 and IL-10 promotes thyroid tumor cell progression and resistance to chemotherapy through the up-regulation of antiapoptotic proteins. Thus, IL-4 and IL-10 may represent new therapeutic targets for the treatment of thyroid cancer

    Inhibition of DNA methylation sensitizes glioblastoma for tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand-mediated destruction

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    Life expectancy of patients affected by glioblastoma multiforme is extremely low. The therapeutic use of tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) has been proposed to treat this disease based on its ability to kill glioma cell lines in vitro and in vivo. Here, we show that, differently from glioma cell lines, glioblastoma multiforme tumors were resistant to TRAIL stimulation because they expressed low levels of caspase-8 and high levels of the death receptor inhibitor PED/PEA-15. Inhibition of methyltransferases by decitabine resulted in considerable up-regulation of TRAIL receptor-1 and caspase-8, down-regulation of PED/PEA-15, inhibition of cell growth, and sensitization of primary glioblastoma cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis. Exogenous caspase-8 expression was the main event able to restore TRAIL sensitivity in primary glioblastoma cells. The antitumor activity of decitabine and TRAIL was confirmed in vivo in a mouse model of glioblastoma multiforme. Evaluation of tumor size, apoptosis, and caspase activation in nude mouse glioblastoma multiforme xenografts showed dramatic synergy of decitabine and TRAIL in the treatment of glioblastoma, whereas the single agents were scarcely effective in terms of reduction of tumor mass, apoptosis induction, and caspase activation. Thus, the combination of TRAIL and demethylating agents may provide a key tool to overcome glioblastoma resistance to therapeutic treatments. ©2005 American Association for Cancer Research

    The power of video in science communication: the EDUlab media production

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    Avvicinare la scienza e la ricerca alle persone, in ogni aspetto, significa avvicinare il pubblico a temi complicati, inspirando buone norme comportamentali di rispetto e tutela ambientale ma anche avvicinare la scienza a chi ogni giorno è in grado di decidere, attraverso i finanziamenti, quali lavori scientifici supportare. Proprio in coscienza di questo, negli ultimi decenni la scienza ha smesso di essere autoreferenziale, comprendendo che divulgare contenuti altamente scientifici a ad un pubblico non specialistico è fondamentale. Divulgare vuol dire creare quell’anello di congiunzione tra la ricerca scientifica più avanzata e il pubblico, significa saper capire il linguaggio spesso criptico dei ricercatori e di adattarlo senza stravolgimenti in qualcosa di comprensibile alle persone comuni. Con questa mission, nel 2015 nasce ufficialmente il gruppo “EDULab dell’IAS-CNR di Capo Granitola”, ovvero un laboratorio creativo di divulgazione scientifica in cui ricercatori, tecnologi e tecnici di varie discipline che condividono la passione di divulgare la scienza e i risultati da essa prodotti nei propri ambiti di competenza. Nel tempo, l’attività del gruppo si è consolidata, portando a numerosi risultati e ad un numero ragguardevole di progetti e programmi. Tra gli innumerevoli prodotti divulgativi sviluppati, l’uso dei media, ed in particolare dei video, si è rivelato uno strumento eccezionale di “comunicazione empatica” attraverso cui il pubblico riesce ad “immergersi” letteralmente nei contenuti proposti, recependo e facendo propri contenuti anche molto complessi. Nell’era del web e dei social-media, infatti, i video sono ormai lo strumento più veloce ed efficace per veicolare informazioni ad un’ampia fetta di popolazione

    The imaging for the the successful bio-communication: ORBS Brand

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    Producing accessible communication based on scientific research usually involves a great deal of effort in translating complex concepts into a non professional oriented information, but it is only through widely accessible data that knowledge dissemination have stronger repercussions in society. In concordance to this statement, the CNR IAMC and the “Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo” collaborated in the work frame of the "Information, dissemination and communication system of the Biodiversity Observatory of Sicily” project, a synergistic interaction between science and art. The researchers held biodiversity seminars to the Academy students, involving 19 professorships, aiming to increase the knowledge degree and awareness on the biodiversity, thus stimulating their creativity. One of the main activities carried out during this collaboration was the conceptualization and designing of the Biodiversity Observatory brand, with the representation of biodiversity as the main briefing. The winning proposal was chosen between 13 projects by popular vote, with the participation of more than 800 students and CNR researchers. The branding is a representation of the environment with the use of different animal silhouettes as a symbol of biodiversity. The elements are arranged on a spiral grid suggesting movement, a current that raises deep, nutrient-rich waters to the ocean surface. Extremely evocative and appealing, the logotype has become an integral part of the Observatory's identity, and it's been profusely applied over the years on communication and divulgative materials, website, exhibitions, and memorabilia. Involving such a large number of students and their social groups (family, friends, and etcetera) meant giving the citizens a leading role in an important activity. Participation of the public in the creation of the graphic identity of a key structure in their territory resulted in a dramatic increase of sensitization on the biodiversity and environmental cause and participation in divulgation activities in the following years

    Visita all'Osservatorio della Biodiversità marina e terrestre della Regione Sicilia - ORBS

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    Con il taglio inaugurale del nastro il 16 dicembre 2015, prende vita la struttura museale permanente dell'Osservatorio della Biodiversità marina e terrestre della Regione Sicilia che porta lo stesso nome del Progetto di Ricerca "ORBS – Sistema di comunicazione, informazione e diffusione dell'Osservatorio Regionale della Sicilia", intitolata il 21 dicembre 2018 al Dott. Sandro Fiorelli. Ad oggi, la struttura, è operativa presso la Sede Secondaria dell'Istituto per lo studio degli impatti Antropici e Sostenibilità in ambiente marino del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IAS – CNR) di Capo Granitola. Il progetto ORBS, finanziato da Regione Siciliana - Assessorato alla Cooperazione, Commercio, Artigianato e Pesca - Dipartimento Pesca, con periodo di attività 2013 - 2015, si è concluso proprio con la realizzazione della struttura museale; l'Osservatorio è stato istituito dall'Assessorato del Territorio e dell'Ambiente della Regione Siciliana nell'ambito di un accordo quadro con ARPA, ISPRA e CNR. Grazie al progetto ORBS, docenti e allievi dell'Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo e il personale CNR – IAS (ex IAMC) S. S. di Capo Granitola, hanno collaborato sinergicamente permettendo di realizzare delle azioni didattiche e creative di valore scientifico espresse con straordinaria forza e bellezza. Ricercatori e professori si sono confrontati al fine di combinare le proprie competenze riuscendo nel progetto ambizioso di coinvolgere e fondere i diversi ambiti scientifici sensibilizzando gli artisti ai temi della Biodiversità. Le opere prodotte, corredate da schede scientifiche, hanno oltre al valore artistico un aggiunto valore didattico. L'apertura della sezione espositiva dedicata alla diffusione e alla comunicazione della biodiversità rappresenta da un lato l'importante tappa conclusiva del progetto, dall'altro l'inizio di un percorso mirato alla diffusione della biodiversità verso il mondo giovanile, le scuole e per tutto il territorio. Questa strepitosa collaborazione "CNR – Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo" conferma l'importanza e l'opportunità di unire arte e scienza per esaltare la percezione della ricerca scientifica da parte della comunità. La divulgazione della scienza è un'attività complessa e sicuramente necessita di competenze e attitudini multidisciplinari oltreché di motivazione ed entusiasmo. La comunicazione delle tematiche scientifiche, di per sé ardua nella traduzione al grande pubblico, grazie alla forza esplicativa dell'arte, diviene opportunità di riflessione, osservazione, confronto per le comunità di visitatori. Il coordinamento delle visite delle scuole di ogni ordine e grado, Enti Pubblici, Comunità Scientifica, Cariche Istituzionali, Delegazioni di Politici Italiani e Stranieri, Associazioni Culturali, Associazioni No-Profit di Volontariato, Associazioni di Promozione Sociale, Organizzazioni di Volontariato, Onlus, pubblico in generale, presso ORBS, è affidato al qualificato personale (tecnici, tecnologi e ricercatori) dell'IAS – CNR S. S. di Capo Granitola, che gestisce in prima persona i visitatori nel percorso didattico e promuove il valore della divulgazione scientifica perseguendo la terza missione degli Enti di Ricerca, attraverso l'applicazione diretta, la valorizzazione e l'impiego della conoscenza

    Th2 cytokines induce chemotherapy resistance in epithelial tumors via PI3K/AKT pathway

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    Several studies designate apoptosis as the predominant mechanism by which cancer cells die in response to chemotherapeutic drugs. Moreover, it was suggested that anti-apoptotic molecules activation play a pivotal role in the chemotherapeutic drugs resistance. We have recently demonstrated that the presence of Th2 cytokines in thyroid cancer microenvironment increase FLIP, Bcl-2 and Bcl-xl expression levels and protect cancer cells from chemotherapeutic drugs induced apoptosis. Particularly, in this study we demonstrate that IL-4 and IL-10 promote proliferation and chemotherapy resistance activating the PI3K/AKT signal pathway. Therefore, we extensively studied cell survival-related substrates and their modulation by Th2 cytokines in epithelial tumors. These substrates include members of intrinsic cell death machinery such as BAD and caspase 9, and forkhead family members and the transcriptional factor NF-kB, which seems to exert a key role in promoting anti-apoptotic genes expression. These findings elucidate a key molecular mechanism by which tumor cells escape conventional chemotherapy


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    A pesquisa de infecções por Giardia e a caracterização genotípica deste protozoário foi realizada em primatas não humanos (PNH) mantidos em Zoológico a fim de avaliar o seu potencial zoonótico. As amostras dos animais consistiram de fezes colhidas do piso de 22 baias onde eram mantidos 47 primatas de 18 diferentes espécies. Exames coproparasitológicos foram realizados pelos métodos de concentração por sedimentação e centrífugo-flutuação e revelaram a presença dos seguintes parasitas e suas respectivas frequências: Giardia (18%); Entamoeba spp. (18%); Endolimax nana (4.5%); Iodamoeba spp. (4.5%); oxiurídeos (4.5%) e estrongilídeos (4.5%). O DNA extraído de todas as amostras fecais foi submetido à técnica de PCR para a amplificação dos genes gdh e tpi de Giardia, porém, só foram obtidos amplicons das quatro amostras positivas provenientes de Ateles belzebuth, Alouatta caraya, Alouatta fusca and Alouatta seniculus. O seqüenciamento dos fragmentos amplificados foi possível apenas para as amostras oriundas de Ateles belzebuth (BA1), Alouatta fusca (BA2) e Alouatta caraya (BA3), cuja análise fenética de ambos os genes revelou pertencerem ao genótipo A. As análises das sequências de tpi revelaram que todas as amostras pertencem ao subgenótipo AII. No que se refere ao gene gdh as análises revelaram uma amostra pertencente ao subgenótipo AII (BA3) e duas ao subgenótipo A1 (BA1 e BA2). Considerando o potencial zoonótico do genótipo A e o fato de que os animais não apresentavam sintomas de infecção, os dados do presente trabalho salientam a importância de se realizar, periodicamente, exames coproparasitológicos dos animais de zoológico, para implementação de medidas preventivas para resguardar a saúde dos animais em cativeiro, a de seus tratadores e dos visitantes de parques zoológicos.Giardia infections in captive nonhuman primates (NHP) housed at a Brazilian zoo were investigated in order to address their zoonotic potential. Fresh fecal samples were collected from the floors of 22 enclosures where 47 primates of 18 different species were housed. The diagnosis of intestinal parasites after concentration by sedimentation and flotation methods revealed the following parasites and their frequencies: Giardia (18%); Entamoeba spp. (18%); Endolimax nana (4.5%); Iodamoeba spp. (4.5%); Oxyurid (4.5%) and Strongylid (4.5%). Genomic DNA extracted from all samples was processed by PCR methods in order to amplify fragments of gdh and tpi genes of Giardia. Amplicons were obtained from samples of Ateles belzebuth, Alouatta caraya, Alouatta fusca and Alouatta seniculus. Clear sequences were only obtained for the isolates from Ateles belzebuth (BA1), Alouatta fusca (BA2) and Alouatta caraya (BA3). According to the phenetic analyses of these sequences, all were classified as assemblage A. For the tpi gene, all three isolates were grouped into sub-assemblage AII (BA1, BA2 and BA3) whereas for the gdh gene, only BA3 was sub-assemblage AII, and the BA1 and BA2 were sub-assemblage AI. Considering the zoonotic potential of the assemblage A, and that the animals of the present study show no clinical signs of infection, the data obtained here stresses that regular coproparasitological surveys are necessary to implement preventive measures and safeguard the health of the captive animals, of their caretakers and of people visiting the zoological gardens