29 research outputs found

    Evaluación de ácidos grasos en las carcasas de cerdos alimentados con sorgo termoprocesado durante el crecimiento y la terminación

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    The growing interest on meat and fat quality has brought the implicit need to know the content and composition of pig carcass fat, due to probable negative impacts on human health. The greatest challenges are the reduction of saturated fatty acids content in meat, mainly palmitic acid, and the increase of mono- and poli-insaturated fatty acids amount. The aim of this study was to determine the composition of fatty acids in depot tissues of pigs at 90 kg of liveweight, fed on different diets, containing sorghum grains processed in different ways, or ground corn. The samples were obtained in vivo from subcutaneous fat, by biopsy. Once the samples were stabilized, the most abundant fatty acid, and the percentage of relative abundance in each sample were determined by a gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC - MS) coupling technique. From this experience it could be concluded that the pigs fed on sorghum, independently from its presentation, show carcasses higher in mono- and poli-insaturated fatty acids. Those fed on ground and extruded sorghum had linolenic acid in their carcasses. The diets composed by thermo-processed sorghum showed higher meat quality carcassesEl interés creciente por la calidad de la carne y de la grasa, ha traído implícita la necesidad de conocer el contenido y la composición de la grasa de la res porcina por probables impactos negativos sobre la salud humana. El mayor desafío es, la reducción del contenido de ácidos grasos saturados en la carne, principalmente del ácido palmítico, y el incremento de la cantidad de ácidos grasos monoinsaturados y poliinsaturados. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la composición en los distintos ácidos grasos de los tejidos de depósito de cerdos a los 90 kg de peso, expuestos a diferentes dietas compuestas por granos de sorgo sometido a distintos procesamientos en relación al grano de maíz molido, en muestras obtenidas in vivo, de grasa subcutánea mediante una biopsia. Estabilizadas las muestras obtenidas se utilizó una técnica de acoplamiento cromatógrafo de gases – espectrógrafo de masa (CG – EM) con el fin de identificar el ácido graso más abundante de la muestra y el porcentaje de abundancia relativa de otros ácidos grasos componentes de las muestras analizadas. A partir de la experiencia se pudo concluir que los cerdos alimentados con sorgo, independientemente de la forma de presentación del mismo, exponen reses con mayor presencia de ácidos monoinsaturados y poliinsaturados. Los alimentados con sorgo molido, aplastado y extruido presentaron ácido linolénico en sus carcasas. Las dietas compuestas por granos de sorgo tratados presentan carcasas con mejor calidad carnicera

    Evaluación de la capacidad antioxidante de nanopartículas de plata obtenidas a partir de extractos vegetales

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    En las últimas décadas la síntesis de nanopartículas de plata (AgNPs), ha experimentado un gran avance debido al elevado número de aplicaciones de las mismas en campos como la cosmética, la industria y en especial el medioambiente.Los extractos naturales presentan actividades biológicas como antioxidantes, que inhiben o retrasan los procesos oxidativos, a través de un mecanismo que suele conllevar su propia oxidación, en los últimos años el interés por los antioxidantes naturales se ha incrementado

    Evaluación de la capacidad antioxidante de nanopartículas de plata obtenidas a partir de extractos vegetales

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    Fil: Occhipinti, Ángela. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina.Fil: Olivero, F. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina.Fil: Durán, Katia. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina.Fil: Scoles, Gladis. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina.Fil: Pattacini, Silvia. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina.En las últimas décadas la síntesis de nanopartículas de plata (AgNPs), ha experimentado un gran avance debido al elevado número de aplicaciones de las mismas en campos como la cosmética, la industria y en especial el medioambiente.Los extractos naturales presentan actividades biológicas como antioxidantes, que inhiben o retrasan los procesos oxidativos, a través de un mecanismo que suele conllevar su propia oxidación, en los últimos años el interés por los antioxidantes naturales se ha incrementado

    Estudio de las posibilidades productivas y económicas de las empresas porcinas con manejo intensivo en la región semiárida pampeana

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    El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar los procesos de producción que llevan en la actualidad estas empresas en la región semiárida pampeana con el fin de evaluar el desempeño productivo y económico, y a partir de éstos encontrar las causas que afectan la viabilidad productiva, económica y social del sector, para entender los motivos que en ocasiones conllevan al deterioro cultural de los grupos sociales que se dedican a esta actividad que hoy el estado nacional ha puesto a la cadena de valor porcina como prioritaria en la agenda dentro del Plan Estratégico Agroalimentario y Agroindustrial para el quinquenio 2011-2016

    Avaluació de paràmetres físics i químics de la mel mitjançant l’ús d’anàlisi de components principals

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    En el presente trabajo fueron evaluados los parámetros de las determinaciones analíticas de 23 muestras de mieles de origen natural de la Provincia de La Pampa (Argentina), utilizando análisis de componentes principales (PCA) como herramienta multivariada para la evaluación y análisis de los resultados. Se realizaron las siguientes determinaciones analíticas: pH, humedad, contenidos de azúcares reductores, sacarosa, HMF, acidez libre, acidez total y actividad diastásica de acuerdo a métodos oficiales. A través de los resultados obtenidos mediante PCA, se pueden explicar fenómenos que ocurren sobre las variables estudiadas, tales como el comportamiento de la actividad diastásica, las interacciones entre HMF y acidez e interacciones entre sacarosa y azúcares reductores, que permiten evaluar las relaciones existentes entre las distintas variables analizadas.In this work, the parameters of the analytic determinations in 23 naturals samples from the province of La Pampa (Argentina), were evaluated, using principal components analysis (PCA) as multivariate tool for the data evaluation and analysis of results. Were carried out the following analytic determinations: pH, humidity, reducer sugars, sucrose, HMF, free acidity, total acidity and diastasic activity, according to official methods. Through the results obtained by means of PCA, several phenomenas can be explained that happen on the studied variables, such as the diastasic activity behavior, interactions between HMF and acidity and interactions among sucrose and reducer sugars, that allow to evaluate the existent relationships among the analyzed variables.En el present treball, s’avaluen els paràmetres de les determinacions analítiques de 23 mostres de la Província de La Pampa (Argentina), utilitzant anàlisi de components principals (PCA) com a eines per a l’avaluació i anàlisi dels resultats. Es realitzen les següents determinacions analítiques: pH, humitat, continguts de sucres reductors, acidesa lliure, acidesa total i activitat diastàsica, emprant mètodes oficials. A partir dels PCA, es poden explicar fenòmens que es donen sobre les variables estudiades, com són el compost diastàsica, les interaccions entre HMF i acidesa, i les interaccions entre sacarosa i sucres avaluar les relacions existents entre les diferents variables analitzades.Fil: Lozano, V.A.. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Química; ArgentinaFil: Boeris, M.S.. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Química; ArgentinaFil: Scoles, Gladis Ester. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Química; ArgentinaFil: Pattacini, Silvia Haydeé. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Química; ArgentinaFil: Marchevsky, Eduardo Jorge. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis. Instituto de Química de San Luis. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Química, Bioquímica y Farmacia. Instituto de Química de San Luis; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Química, Bioquímica y Farmacia. Departamento de Química. Área de Química Analítica; ArgentinaFil: Camiña, José Manuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Química; Argentin

    The impact of chest CT body composition parameters on clinical outcomes in COVID-19 patients

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    We assessed the impact of chest CT body composition parameters on outcomes and disease severity at hospital presentation of COVID-19 patients, focusing also on the possible mediation of body composition in the relationship between age and death in these patients. Chest CT scans performed at hospital presentation by consecutive COVID-19 patients (02/27/2020-03/13/2020) were retrospectively reviewed to obtain pectoralis muscle density and total, visceral, and intermuscular adipose tissue areas (TAT, VAT, IMAT) at the level of T7-T8 vertebrae. Primary outcomes were: hospitalization, mechanical ventilation (MV) and/or death, death alone. Secondary outcomes were: C-reactive protein (CRP), oxygen saturation (SO2), CT disease extension at hospital presentation. The mediation of body composition in the effect of age on death was explored. Of the 318 patients included in the study (median age 65.7 years, females 37.7%), 205 (64.5%) were hospitalized, 68 (21.4%) needed MV, and 58 (18.2%) died. Increased muscle density was a protective factor while increased TAT, VAT, and IMAT were risk factors for hospitalization and MV/death. All these parameters except TAT had borderline effects on death alone. All parameters were associated with SO2 and extension of lung parenchymal involvement at CT; VAT was associated with CRP. Approximately 3% of the effect of age on death was mediated by decreased muscle density. In conclusion, low muscle quality and ectopic fat accumulation were associated with COVID-19 outcomes, VAT was associated with baseline inflammation. Low muscle quality partly mediated the effect of age on mortality.We assessed the impact of chest CT body composition parameters on outcomes and disease severity at hospital presentation of COVID-19 patients, focusing also on the possible mediation of body composition in the relationship between age and death in these patients. Chest CT scans performed at hospital presentation by consecutive COVID-19 patients (02/ 27/2020-03/13/2020) were retrospectively reviewed to obtain pectoralis muscle density and total, visceral, and intermuscular adipose tissue areas (TAT, VAT, IMAT) at the level of T7-T8 vertebrae. Primary outcomes were: hospitalization, mechanical ventilation (MV) and/or death, death alone. Secondary outcomes were: C-reactive protein (CRP), oxygen saturation (SO2), CT disease extension at hospital presentation. The mediation of body composition in the effect of age on death was explored. Of the 318 patients included in the study (median age 65.7 years, females 37.7%), 205 (64.5%) were hospitalized, 68 (21.4%) needed MV, and 58 (18.2%) died. Increased muscle density was a protective factor while increased TAT, VAT, and IMAT were risk factors for hospitalization and MV/death. All these parameters except TAT had borderline effects on death alone. All parameters were associated with SO2 and extension of lung parenchymal involvement at CT; VAT was associated with CRP. Approximately 3% of the effect of age on death was mediated by decreased muscle density. In conclusion, low muscle quality and ectopic fat accumulation were associated with COVID-19 outcomes, VAT was associated with baseline inflammation. Low muscle quality partly mediated the effect of age on mortality

    Goodbye Hartmann trial: a prospective, international, multicenter, observational study on the current use of a surgical procedure developed a century ago

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    Background: Literature suggests colonic resection and primary anastomosis (RPA) instead of Hartmann's procedure (HP) for the treatment of left-sided colonic emergencies. We aim to evaluate the surgical options globally used to treat patients with acute left-sided colonic emergencies and the factors that leading to the choice of treatment, comparing HP and RPA. Methods: This is a prospective, international, multicenter, observational study registered on ClinicalTrials.gov. A total 1215 patients with left-sided colonic emergencies who required surgery were included from 204 centers during the period of March 1, 2020, to May 31, 2020. with a 1-year follow-up. Results: 564 patients (43.1%) were females. The mean age was 65.9 ± 15.6 years. HP was performed in 697 (57.3%) patients and RPA in 384 (31.6%) cases. Complicated acute diverticulitis was the most common cause of left-sided colonic emergencies (40.2%), followed by colorectal malignancy (36.6%). Severe complications (Clavien-Dindo ≥ 3b) were higher in the HP group (P < 0.001). 30-day mortality was higher in HP patients (13.7%), especially in case of bowel perforation and diffused peritonitis. 1-year follow-up showed no differences on ostomy reversal rate between HP and RPA. (P = 0.127). A backward likelihood logistic regression model showed that RPA was preferred in younger patients, having low ASA score (≤ 3), in case of large bowel obstruction, absence of colonic ischemia, longer time from admission to surgery, operating early at the day working hours, by a surgeon who performed more than 50 colorectal resections. Conclusions: After 100 years since the first Hartmann's procedure, HP remains the most common treatment for left-sided colorectal emergencies. Treatment's choice depends on patient characteristics, the time of surgery and the experience of the surgeon. RPA should be considered as the gold standard for surgery, with HP being an exception

    Diversity and ethics in trauma and acute care surgery teams: results from an international survey

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    Background Investigating the context of trauma and acute care surgery, the article aims at understanding the factors that can enhance some ethical aspects, namely the importance of patient consent, the perceptiveness of the ethical role of the trauma leader, and the perceived importance of ethics as an educational subject. Methods The article employs an international questionnaire promoted by the World Society of Emergency Surgery. Results Through the analysis of 402 fully filled questionnaires by surgeons from 72 different countries, the three main ethical topics are investigated through the lens of gender, membership of an academic or non-academic institution, an official trauma team, and a diverse group. In general terms, results highlight greater attention paid by surgeons belonging to academic institutions, official trauma teams, and diverse groups. Conclusions Our results underline that some organizational factors (e.g., the fact that the team belongs to a university context or is more diverse) might lead to the development of a higher sensibility on ethical matters. Embracing cultural diversity forces trauma teams to deal with different mindsets. Organizations should, therefore, consider those elements in defining their organizational procedures. Level of evidence Trauma and acute care teams work under tremendous pressure and complex circumstances, with their members needing to make ethical decisions quickly. The international survey allowed to shed light on how team assembly decisions might represent an opportunity to coordinate team member actions and increase performance

    Evolving trends in the management of acute appendicitis during COVID-19 waves. The ACIE appy II study

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    Background: In 2020, ACIE Appy study showed that COVID-19 pandemic heavily affected the management of patients with acute appendicitis (AA) worldwide, with an increased rate of non-operative management (NOM) strategies and a trend toward open surgery due to concern of virus transmission by laparoscopy and controversial recommendations on this issue. The aim of this study was to survey again the same group of surgeons to assess if any difference in management attitudes of AA had occurred in the later stages of the outbreak. Methods: From August 15 to September 30, 2021, an online questionnaire was sent to all 709 participants of the ACIE Appy study. The questionnaire included questions on personal protective equipment (PPE), local policies and screening for SARS-CoV-2 infection, NOM, surgical approach and disease presentations in 2021. The results were compared with the results from the previous study. Results: A total of 476 answers were collected (response rate 67.1%). Screening policies were significatively improved with most patients screened regardless of symptoms (89.5% vs. 37.4%) with PCR and antigenic test as the preferred test (74.1% vs. 26.3%). More patients tested positive before surgery and commercial systems were the preferred ones to filter smoke plumes during laparoscopy. Laparoscopic appendicectomy was the first option in the treatment of AA, with a declined use of NOM. Conclusion: Management of AA has improved in the last waves of pandemic. Increased evidence regarding SARS-COV-2 infection along with a timely healthcare systems response has been translated into tailored attitudes and a better care for patients with AA worldwide

    Global disparities in surgeons’ workloads, academic engagement and rest periods: the on-calL shIft fOr geNEral SurgeonS (LIONESS) study

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    : The workload of general surgeons is multifaceted, encompassing not only surgical procedures but also a myriad of other responsibilities. From April to May 2023, we conducted a CHERRIES-compliant internet-based survey analyzing clinical practice, academic engagement, and post-on-call rest. The questionnaire featured six sections with 35 questions. Statistical analysis used Chi-square tests, ANOVA, and logistic regression (SPSS® v. 28). The survey received a total of 1.046 responses (65.4%). Over 78.0% of responders came from Europe, 65.1% came from a general surgery unit; 92.8% of European and 87.5% of North American respondents were involved in research, compared to 71.7% in Africa. Europe led in publishing research studies (6.6 ± 8.6 yearly). Teaching involvement was high in North America (100%) and Africa (91.7%). Surgeons reported an average of 6.7 ± 4.9 on-call shifts per month, with European and North American surgeons experiencing 6.5 ± 4.9 and 7.8 ± 4.1 on-calls monthly, respectively. African surgeons had the highest on-call frequency (8.7 ± 6.1). Post-on-call, only 35.1% of respondents received a day off. Europeans were most likely (40%) to have a day off, while African surgeons were least likely (6.7%). On the adjusted multivariable analysis HDI (Human Development Index) (aOR 1.993) hospital capacity > 400 beds (aOR 2.423), working in a specialty surgery unit (aOR 2.087), and making the on-call in-house (aOR 5.446), significantly predicted the likelihood of having a day off after an on-call shift. Our study revealed critical insights into the disparities in workload, access to research, and professional opportunities for surgeons across different continents, underscored by the HDI