23 research outputs found

    The Physics of Mind-Matter Interaction at a Distance

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    The aim of this work is identification and localisation of the interaction between mind and matter, specifically with respect to random number generators, and identification of the type of energy that can alter the degree of randomness of bit-string outputs of these electronic devices. Regarding localisation of the mind/random-number- generator interaction, we believe it occurs through the production of electron+gap pairs in the inversely polarised P-N junction of the Zener diode that is used as a white noise generator, with resulting peaks of non-random current. Conversely, regarding the type of energy acting on the analogue signal, we believe it is made of photons of wavelength ranging from 0.2 to 1.1 \u3bcm, each therefore carrying an energy of between 6.2 and 1.14 eV. The most controversial part concerns the means by which the human mind can produce this type of energy from a distance to act directly on a chosen target, in that it is not possible for it to have been emitted by either the body or brain as biophotons

    EEG correlates of social interaction at distance

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    This study investigated EEG correlates of social interaction at distance between twenty-five pairs of participants who were not connected by any traditional channels of communication. Each session involved the application of 128 stimulations separated by intervals of random duration ranging from 4 to 6 seconds. One of the pair received a one-second stimulation from a light signal produced by an arrangement of red LEDs, and a simultaneous 500 Hz sinusoidal audio signal of the same length. The other member of the pair sat in an isolated sound-proof room, such that any sensory interaction between the pair was impossible. An analysis of the Event-Related Potentials associated with sensory stimulation using traditional averaging methods showed a distinct peak at approximately 300 ms, but only in the EEG activity of subjects who were directly stimulated. However, when a new algorithm was applied to the EEG activity based on the correlation between signals from all active electrodes, a weak but robust response was also detected in the EEG activity of the passive member of the pair, particularly within 9 – 10 Hz in the Alpha range. Using the Bootstrap method and the Monte Carlo emulation, this signal was found to be statistically significant

    A Pilot Study of Distant `Mind-Matter' Interaction with Digital Photography

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    This pilot study explored the possibility of (a) mentally producing, at a geographical distance, predefined images on digital sensors within modern professional-grade photographic equipment, and with (b) sufficient resolution to be objectively verified via a Structural Similarity Index by specialized software for pattern recognition. Three participants, expert in distant ‘mind-matter interaction’ techniques, completed a total of 49 trials. In 6 out of 49 trials (12.2%), the Structural Similarity Index of the ‘target’ image, chosen by the participant for the distant mental influence trial on the camera’s sensor, was greater than that obtained when the target was different. These preliminary results suggest the possibility of using modern cameras to study the putative effects of distant ‘mind-matter’ interactions

    How Many Bodies Are There? Unexpected Discoveries About the Subtle Body and Psychic Body

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    1. Patrizio E. Tressoldi[1][1][⇑][2] 2. Luciano Pederzoli[2][3] 3. Patrizio Caini[2][3] 4. Alessandro Ferrini[2][3] 5. Simone Melloni[2][3] 6. Elena Prati[2][3] 7. Diana Richeldi[2][3] 8. Florentina Richeldi[2][3] 9. Alice Trabucco[2][3] 1. 1Universita di Padova, Italy 2. 2EvanLab, Firenze, Italy 1. Patrizio E. Tressoldi, Universita di Padova, via Venezia 8, Padova 35131, Italy. Email: patrizio.tressoldi{at}unipd.it The possibility to induce real out-of-body experiences (OBEs) using hypnotic inductions, with the opportunity to interview participants during their experience, permits to investigate in depth the characteristics of different aspects of this particular state of consciousness from a first-person point of view. In this article, six selected participants report the description of another "body" we named "subtle body," identified as an intermediate entity between the physical body (Pb) and their "Self" or "I-identity" that was named "psychic body," and their relationships and characteristics. The "subtle body" was described as a sort of white silvered cloud surrounding the Pb, with a particular enlargement of its hands and feet that could move quickly like flying from one place to another even if less easily than the "psychic body," and a vague sense of attrition was perceived when passing through walls. Similar to the "psychic body," the "subtle" one too could move forward and backward in time even if they did not seem perceiving the sense of time. The "subtle body" was referred to be connected with the physical one by a sort of white brilliant link sometimes described like a silvered string more or less visible, whereas no visible links were identified between the "subtle body" and the "psychic" one. These reports were compared with similar descriptions deriving from the Vedanta philosophy and Theosophical tradition. [1]: #aff-1 [2]: #corresp-1 [3]: #aff-

    Assessing COVID-19-Related Excess Mortality Using Multiple Approaches—Italy, 2020–2021

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    Introduction: Excess mortality (EM) is a valid indicator of COVID-19’s impact on public health. Several studies regarding the estimation of EM have been conducted in Italy, and some of them have shown conflicting values. We focused on three estimation models and compared their results with respect to the same target population, which allowed us to highlight their strengths and limitations. Methods: We selected three estimation models: model 1 (Maruotti et al.) is a Negative-Binomial GLMM with seasonal patterns; model 2 (Dorrucci et al.) is a Negative Binomial GLM epidemiological approach; and model 3 (Scortichini et al.) is a quasi-Poisson GLM time-series approach with temperature distributions. We extended the time windows of the original models until December 2021, computing various EM estimates to allow for comparisons. Results: We compared the results with our benchmark, the ISS-ISTAT official estimates. Model 1 was the most consistent, model 2 was almost identical, and model 3 differed from the two. Model 1 was the most stable towards changes in the baseline years, while model 2 had a lower cross-validation RMSE. Discussion: Presently, an unambiguous explanation of EM in Italy is not possible. We provide a range that we consider sound, given the high variability associated with the use of different models. However, all three models accurately represented the spatiotemporal trends of the pandemic waves in Italy

    A population-based cohort approach to assess excess mortality due to the spread of COVID-19 in Italy, January-May 2020

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    Aims: To assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on all-cause mortality in Italy during the first wave of the epidemic, taking into consideration the geographical heterogeneity of the spread of COVID-19. Methods: This study is a retrospective, population-based cohort study using national statistics throughout Italy. Survival analysis was applied to data aggregated by day of death, age groups, sex, and Italian administrative units (107 provinces). We applied Cox models to estimate the relative hazards (RH) of excess mortality, comparing all-cause deaths in 2020 with the expected deaths from all causes in the same time period. The RH of excess deaths was estimated in areas with a high, moderate, and low spread of COVID-19. We reported the estimate also restricting the analysis to the period of March-April 2020 (first peak of the epidemic). Results: The study population consisted of 57,204,501 individuals living in Italy as of January 1, 2020. The number of excess deaths was 36,445, which accounts for 13.4% of excess mortalities from all causes during January-May 2020 (i.e., RH = 1.134; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.129-1.140). In the macro-area with a relatively higher spread of COVID-19 (i.e., incidence rate, IR): 450-1,610 cases per 100,000 residents), the RH of excess deaths was 1.375 (95% CI: 1.364-1.386). In the area with a relatively moderate spread of COVID-19 (i.e., IR: 150-449 cases) it was 1.049 (95% CI: 1.038-1.060). In the area with a relatively lower spread of COVID-19 (i.e., IR: 30-149 cases), it was 0.967 (95% CI: 0.959-0.976). Between March and April (peak months of the first wave of the epidemic in Italy), we estimated an excess mortality from all causes of 43.5%. The RH of all-cause mortality for increments of 500 cases per 100,000 residents was 1.352 (95% CI: 1.346-1.359), corresponding to an increase of about 35%. Conclusions: Our analysis, making use of a population-based cohort model, estimated all-cause excess mortality in Italy taking account of both time period and of COVID-19 geographical spread. The study highlights the importance of a temporal/geographic framework in analyzing the risk of COVID-19-epidemy related mortality

    Noi refertiamo così… voi? Guida rapida per la valutazione sonologica della stenosi carotidea.

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    Da oltre quarant’anni si utilizzano gli ultrasuoni per rilevare una placca carotidea e per seguire nel tempo la sua evoluzione. I protocolli terapeutici hanno ridotto enormemente il suo impatto sulla salute delle persone ma la scelta fra terapia medica e chirurgica si fonda su una valutazione clinica e strumentale che è solo apparentemente semplice. Nei referti di un esame ultrasonografico riportiamo il più delle volte delle percentuali di stenosi, a volte puntuali, a volte in termini di range oppure ci esprimiamo con aggettivi che descrivono la gravità della stenosi ma spesso ci facciamo confondere dai numeri e dalle differenti modalità di calcolo del range di stenosi ed è indubbio che, a volte, le conclusioni risultano ambigue ed estremamente dipendenti dall’interpretazione dell’operatore. Il problema è che l’angiografia digitale, gold standard diagnostico per la stenosi carotidea, adotta delle metriche non del tutto riproducibili con gli ultrasuoni. Con questo documento vogliamo condividere la ricerca di un linguaggio comune, a partire dal referto dei nostri esami. Noi refertiamo così… voi

    Exploring the Brain-to-Brain interaction at a distance: a global or differential relationship?

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    Backgound: The main objective of this exploratory study was a confirmation of the results obtained by Giroldini et al, 2016, relative to the possibility of identifying a long-distance connection between the EEG activities of two totally isolated subjects, one of whom was stimulated with light and sounds. In this new study we have used the method of the steady-state stimulus (visual and auditory) given at the frequencies of 10, 12 and 14 Hz in order to answer the following questions: - What is the relationship between the power of the EEG response in the stimulated partner and that of the other isolated partner? - Is the relationship between the EEG activities of the stimulated and the isolated partner global (i.e., an undifferentiated response), or is it differentiated and thus displays variations depending on the characteristics of the stimulation applied to the stimulated partner? Methods: Five adults chosen for their experience in mind control techniques and their mutual friendships took part in this study. Each participant took turns in being both the stimulated partner and the isolated non-stimulated partner with each of the others, making a total of 20 pair combinations. The stimulated partner received three blocks of 32 visual-auditory stimulations lasting 1 second modulated at 10 Hz, 12 Hz, and 14 Hz respectively, with a constant inter-stimulus interval of 4 seconds. The EEG activity of each pair was recorded at 128 samples/sec over 14 channels and analyzed by measuring traditional steady-state potentials and the Pearson’s linear correlation between all possible signal pairs with an innovative algorithm. Results: From the results of twenty pairs of subjects, we found an overall increase in the correlation among the EEG channels of the isolated partners, therefore confirming the previous research. Furthermore, we did not find any correlation between the correlation strength among the EEG channels of the stimulated partner and that observed in the non-stimulated partner, suggesting that this physical characteristic cannot be transferred between isolated partners; but we did find that the correlation among the EEG channels of the isolated distant partners changed not only globally, but also when the frequencies perceived by the stimulated partners were outside the Alpha band, suggesting that this neurophysiological mental connection at a distance may be differentiated

    EEG correlation at a distance: A re-analysis of two studies using a machine learning approach

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    Background: In this paper, data from two studies relative to the relationship between the electroencephalogram (EEG) activities of two isolated and physically separated subjects were re-analyzed using machine-learning algorithms. The first dataset comprises the data of 25 pairs of participants where one member of each pair was stimulated with a visual and an auditory 500 Hz signals of 1 second duration. The second dataset consisted of the data of 20 pairs of participants where one member of each pair received visual and auditory stimulation lasting 1 second duration with on-off modulation at 10, 12, and 14 Hz. Methods and Results: Applying a \u2018linear discriminant classifier\u2019 to the first dataset, it was possible to correctly classify 50.74% of the EEG activity of non-stimulated participants, correlated to the remote sensorial stimulation of the distant partner. In the second dataset, the percentage of correctly classified EEG activity in the non-stimulated partners was 51.17%, 50.45% and 51.91%, respectively, for the 10, 12, and 14 Hz stimulations, with respect the condition of no stimulation in the distant partner. Conclusions: The analysis of EEG activity using machine-learning algorithms has produced advances in the study of the connection between the EEG activities of the stimulated partner and the isolated distant partner, opening new insight into the possibility to devise practical application for non-conventional \u201cmental telecommunications\u201d between physically and sensorially separated participants

    Can Our Minds Emit Light at 7300 km Distance? A Pre-Registered Confirmatory Experiment of Mental Entanglement with a Photomultiplier

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    With this pre-registered confirmatory study, we aimed at replicating the findings observed in two previous experiments where the focused mental entanglement (ME) with a photomultiplier located approximately 7300 km far from the location of a small group of selected participants, showed an increase in the number of photons with respect to the control periods. In particular, we aimed at replicating the increase of approximately 5% of photons detected in the ME periods with respect to the control periods in the bursts of photons above 10. The results observed in this study confirmed this increase replicating what observed in the two previous experiments. We discuss the characteristics of these photons which energy is estimated in approximately 65 eV at 788 THz and how ME can generate them at distance