659 research outputs found

    A Neumann eigenvalue problem for fully nonlinear operators

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    In this paper we study the asymptotic behavior of the principal eigenvalues associated to the Pucci operator in bounded domain Ω\Omega with Neumann/Robin boundary condition i.e. ∂nu=αu\partial_n u=\alpha u when α\alpha tends to infinity. This study requires Lipschitz estimates up to the boundary that are interesting in their own rights.Comment: 19 page

    Looking at Socially Integrative Cities through the Educating City: The Example of Educational Museums in Europe and China

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    This contribution aims to show how the idea of an educating city can help to find effective ways of social integration capable of promoting the well-being of individuals and the community. In this direction, the concept of an educating city is adopted as a key to re-read the concept of a socially integrative city through an eminently educational perspective. The education channel, rethought through multiple learning initiatives capable of following alternative paths to those of school and university experiences (formal education), allows enhancing the human potential and wealth of knowledge and skills of the city, making all citizens protagonists and participants. In addressing this issue, a specific case study will be analyzed: educational museums. The aim is to show how the museum, as a non-formal education space and an expression of collective identity, can play an important role in connoting a city as an educating city. Specifically, both the European and Chinese realities will be examined to offer one of the possible insights into how the city is a reality in progress to be explored, which can grow and improve together with its citizens if you work in the direction of community education (Dewey) by rediscovering a place that, like museums, can contribute to enrich the social capital of a community. ULTERIORI INFORMAZIONI: lo scrivente, F. d'Aniello, è autore del paragrafo Introduction: the Educating City: pp. 175-177

    Mimicking Behaviors in Separated Domains

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    Devising a strategy to make a system mimic behaviors from another system is a problem that naturally arises in many areas of Computer Science. In this work, we interpret this problem in the context of intelligent agents, from the perspective of LTLf , a formalism commonly used in AI for expressing finite-trace properties. Our model consists of two separated dynamic domains, DA and DB , and an LTLf specification that formalizes the notion of mimicking by mapping properties on behaviors (traces) of DA into properties on behaviors of DB . The goal is to synthesize a strategy that step-by-step maps every behavior of DA into a behavior of DB so that the specification is met. We consider several forms of mapping specifications, ranging from simple ones to full LTLf , and for each, we study synthesis algorithms and computational properties

    A suspicious dark lesion in a boy.

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    The presence of history of hyperpigmented crust in a patient with a history of adequate hygiene is typical of terra firma\u2010forme dermatosis. The treatment is the rubbing of the skin with isopropyl alcohol (removal of the hyperpigmented brown crust, confirming the diagnosis). Physicians should be aware because early diagnosis avoid unnecessary treatment

    Perceptions and attitudes toward blue energy and technologies in the Mediterranean area: ASKYOURCITIZENSONBE

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    An energy transition is needed in order to meet the European pledge of reaching climate neutrality by 2050. This transition cannot ignore the renewable resources available from 70% of the Earth (namely, the oceans and seas). This concept is fundamental for the planet, especially for the Mediterranean area. Marine renewable energies are still under-deployed in the Mediterranean area for many reasons, including legislative constraints, lower energy availability, and technological readiness. An appropriate participatory process including all actors (e.g., policymakers, firms, citizens, and researchers) is necessary for a correct path toward decarbonization. The BLUE DEAL project was conceived and implemented by 12 Mediterranean partners to tackle these issues and set the route for blue energy deployment in the Mediterranean area. Activities already conducted include a survey to probe the perceptions and attitudes of citizens toward blue energy. The survey targeted about 3,000 persons in 12 Mediterranean sites with the aim of bringing citizens into the discussion on future technologies. The results showed that although blue energy is still relatively unknown to the general public (only 42% of respondents were aware of these technologies), there was a general willingness (70%) to host one or more such installations in their areas. Here, we describe our survey method and some empirical results with suggestions for replicability and recommendations on how to use it for policymaking purposes

    Chaotic Orbits for Systems of Nonlocal Equations

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    We consider a system of nonlocal equations driven by a perturbed periodic potential. We construct multibump solutions that connect one integer point to another one in a prescribed way. In particular, heteroclinic, homoclinic and chaotic trajectories are constructed. This is the first attempt to consider a nonlocal version of this type of dynamical systems in a variational setting and the first result regarding symbolic dynamics in a fractional framework

    LCA based circularity indices of systems at different scales: a holistic approach

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    Many are the definitions of Circular Economy as well as the policies and strategies for its implementation. However, gaps still exist in quantifying the effects of circularity. The existing approaches are usually sector- or product-specific, limited to microscale systems, and/or fail to simultaneously assess the environmental impacts of the studied system. This paper introduces a generally applicable method in which a set of LCA-based indices of circularity are able to detect the effects of circularity/symbiosis strategies on the environmental performance of meso- and macro-systems. These indices quantify the overall system's circularity level by comparing the impacts of a system in which the components interact with each other (with a certain level of circularity) with an equivalent linear system (where no circularity takes place). The method works both on existing and projected systems, being able to track the effects of future circularity policies. This method obviates the limitations and the gaps mentioned above: it applies to meso- and macro-systems, it is not bound to a specific sector, it allows to capture the environmental impacts, and it is sensitive to the temporal dimension. This approach provides a tool to inform managers and policymakers for planning circularity actions and monitor their effectiveness while also capturing the temporal dimension

    Salicylic Acid Peel Incorporating Triethyl Citrate and Ethyl Linoleate in the Treatment of Moderate Acne: A New Therapeutic Approach.

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    BACKGROUND: Acne affects many adolescents. Conventional therapy often results in side effects and poor adherence, and the treatment does not consider the psychological effect of acne on patients, which is comparable with that of disabling diseases. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of a peel (30% salicylic acid, triethyl citrate and ethyl linoleate) combined with a home therapy with three topical agents (triethyl citrate, ethyl linoleate and salicylic acid 0.5% cream, lotion) in moderate acne of the face. DESIGN: Prospective, observational, multicenter, open-label, postmarketing, phase IV study. METHODS: Patients were assessed by comparing Global Acne Grading System (GAGS) score and total lesion count from 15 days before the first peel (T-15 ), after four salicylic peels (every 10 ± 2 days (T0 , T10 , T20 , T30 ), and 20 days after of the end of the study (T50 ). This treatment was associated to a home therapy. RESULTS: Fifty-three patients completed the study. The average GAGS score fell 49% between T-15 and T50 (p < .001). No patient withdrew for adverse events. CONCLUSIONS: This therapy was effective and well-tolerated in all cases. Chemo-exfoliation sessions ensured the continuous monitoring of clinical results and improved patient quality of life

    Design of a novel LOX-1 receptor antagonist mimicking the natural substrate

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    The lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor-1 (LOX-1), the major receptor for oxidized low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL) in endothelial cells, is overexpressed in atherosclerotic lesions. LOX-1 specific inhibitors, urgently necessary to reduce the rate of atherosclerotic and inflammation processes, are not yet available. We have designed and synthesized a new modified oxidized phospholipid, named PLAzPC, which plays to small scale the ligand-receptor recognition scheme. Molecular docking simulations confirm that PLAzPC disables the hydrophobic component of the ox-LDL recognition domain and allows the interaction of the l-lysine backbone charged groups with the solvent and with the charged/polar residues located around the edges of the LOX-1 hydrophobic tunnel. Binding assays, in a cell model system expressing human LOX-1 receptors, confirm that PLAzPC markedly inhibits ox-LDL binding to LOX-1 with higher efficacy compared to previously identified inhibitors
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