29 research outputs found

    Hybrid scheduling for the parallel solution of linear systems

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of designing a dynamic scheduling strategy that takes into account both workload and memory information in the context of the parallel multifrontal factorization. The originality of our approach is that we base our estimations (work and memory) on a static optimistic scenario during the analysis phase. This scenario is then used during the factorization phase to constrain the dynamic decisions. The task scheduler has been redesigned to take into account these new features. Moreover performance have been improved because the new constraints allow the new scheduler to make optimal decisions that were forbidden or too dangerous in unconstrained formulations. Performance analysis show that the memory estimation becomes much closer to the memory effectively used and that even in a constrained memory environment we decrease the factorization time with respect to the initial approach.Nous proposons des stratégies d'ordonnancement bi-critères, qui s'intéressent à la fois à la performance et à la consommation mémoire d'un algorithme parallèle de factorisation de matrices creuses, basé sur la méthode multifrontale. L'originalité de notre approche est que nous basons nos estimations mémoire sur un scénario optimiste (simulation lors de la phase d'analyse),qui est ensuite utilisé lors de la factorisation pour contraindre les décisions dynamiques d'ordonnancement. Un nouvel ordonnanceur a été implanté, qui prend en compte ces nouvelles contraintes. De plus, la performance a été améliorée parce que notre nouvelle approche permet à l'ordonnanceur de prendre des décisions meilleures, qui étaient interdites ou trop dangereuses auparavant. Une analyse de performance montre que les estimations mémoire sont beaucoup plus proches de la mémoire effectivement utilisée, et que le temps de factorisation est amélioré de façon significative par rapport à l'approche initiale

    An Unsymmetrized Multifrontal LU Factorization

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    A well known approach to compute the LU factorization of a general unsymmetric matrix A is to build the elimination tree associated with the pattern of the symmetric matrix A+A T and use it as a computational graph to drive the numerical factorization. This approach, although very efficient on a large range of unsymmetric matrices, does not capture the unsymmetric structure of the matrices. We introduce a new algorithm which detects and exploits the structural asymmetry of the submatrices involved during the processing of the elimination tree. We show that, with the new algorithm, significant gains both in memory and in time to perform the factorization can be obtained

    Task Scheduling in an Asynchronous Distributed Memory Multifrontal Solver

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    We describe the improvements to the task scheduling for MUMPS, an asynchronous distributed memory direct solver for sparse linear systems. In the new approach, we determine, during the analysis of the matrix, candidate processes for the tasks that will be dynamically scheduled during the subsequent factorization. This approach signi cantly improves the scalability of the solver in terms of execution time and storage. By comparison with the previous version of MUMPS, we demonstrate the eciency and the scalability of the new algorithm on up to 512 processors. Our test cases include matrices from regular 3D grids and irregular ones from real-life applications