19 research outputs found

    Gendered News Reportage?: A Study of The Guardian and The Sun Newspapers, Nigeria

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    Gender is central to identity since humans are socially positioned as gendered subjects, and or choose to identify with certain genders. This positioning, then, is evident in discourse choices and patterns, as well as attitudes and orientations towards social phenomena. Premised on the gendered differentiation and framing theories, this study examines women reporters’ construction of news stories in two broadsheet mainstream newspapers in Nigeria, The Guardian and The Sun. Data comprise sampled news stories published between 2015 and 2017. Through textual and thematic analysis, the study reveals that it is social issues and institutional ideology or practice norms that predominantly drive female news constructions and reportage. The study concludes that women’s news reporting is, fundamentally, driven by a number of linguistic and structural values and that what counts most in female news reportage is fidelity to the professional code of practice. However, women tend to engage more in the coverage of some news beats that require less use of hard logical arguments. In view of these findings, a similar study might need to be undertaken in the future in relation to the male news reporters to provide framework for comparison

    Birth outcomes following self-inflicted poisoning during pregnancy, California, 2000 to 2004.

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe birth outcomes following intentional acute poisoning during pregnancy. SETTING: California Linked Vital Statistics-Patient Discharge Database, 2000 to 2004. PARTICIPANTS: Pregnant women age 15 to 44, who had a singleton live birth or fetal death that occurred between gestational ages 20 and 42 weeks who were discharged from the hospital for an intentional poisoning were compared to pregnant women discharged from the hospital for any nonpoisoning diagnosis. Intentional acute poisoning hospital discharges were identifed by the presence of an ICD-9-CM E-Codes E950-E952 (suicide, attempted suicide and self-inflicted injuries specified as intentional.) METHODS: Through a retrospective cohort design, birth outcomes including low birth weight; preterm birth; fetal, neonatal, and infant death; and congenital anomalies were identified by the presence of ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes or by notation in the dataset. RESULTS: There were 430 hospital discharges for an intentional poisoning during pregnancy documented in the dataset (rate=25.87/100,000 person years). The rate of intentional poisoning was greatest in the first weeks of gestation and declined with increasing gestational age. Analgesics, antipyretics, and antirheumatics were most commonly implicated. Adverse birth outcomes associated with intentional poisoning included preterm birth (odds ratio [OR]=1.34; 95% Confidence Interval [CI] [1.01, 1.77]), low birth weight (OR=1.49; 95% CI [1.04, 2.12]), and circulatory system congenital anomalies (OR=2.17; 95% CI [1.02, 4.59]). CONCLUSION: Intentional acute poisoning during pregnancy was associated with several adverse birth outcomes; however, these relationships may be confounded by concomitant maternal substance abuse

    Eunotiaceae (Bacillariophyceae) em igarapés da Amazônia Central, Manaus e Presidente Figueiredo, Brasil

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    Estudos florísticos e taxonômicos envolvendo diatomáceas são escassos para a região amazônica. As publicações existentes incluem registros de diatomáceas da Amazônia brasileira, do Equador, da Colômbia e do Peru e comumente mostram que Eunotia e Actinella (Eunotiaceae) são gêneros bem representados nessa região. A maioria dos igarapés amazônicos costuma apresentar potencial hidrogeniônico (pH) ácido, característica aquática que promove o desenvolvimento de uma comunidade típica de diatomáceas, dominada por espécimes de Eunotiaceae. O objetivo deste trabalho foi providenciar um levantamento florístico das espécies de Eunotiaceae presentes em igarapés da Amazônia Central brasileira e registrar os morfotipos de algumas espécies. Amostras fitoplanctônicas e perifíticas foram coletadas em cinco igarapés na rodovia BR-174, em Manaus e Presidente Figueiredo, em setembro e outubro de 1996 e fevereiro e março de 1997. Lâminas permanentes foram preparadas de acordo com a técnica de oxidação lenta para o estudo qualitativo. Vinte e três espécies pertencentes ao gênero Eunotia e seis ao gênero Actinella foram determinadas. Chaves dicotômicas de identificação, descrição detalhada, comentários relevantes e ilustrações foram providenciadas para cada táxon determinado. Morfotipos foram documentados para Eunotia zygodon. Espécies raramente citadas na literatura foram registradas, tais como, Eunotia falcifera e Eunotia rostellata.Floristic and taxonomical studies about diatoms to Amazonian region are commonly well represented by Eunotia and Actinella (Eunotiaceae). The available works include diatom assemblage from Brazilian, Ecuadorian, Colombian and Peruvian Amazonia. The local streams often present acid pH which provides environmental conditions to develop a very particular diatom community dominated by specimens of Eunotiaceae. Thus, the aim of this paper is to give a floristic survey of Eunotiaceae from central Amazonian rivers and to register the typical morphologic frustule variations of some species. Planktonic and periphytic samples were collected from five rivers located at the BR-174 highway, near Manaus and Presidente Figueiredo districts, during 1996 and 1997. Slides were prepared in accordance with the technique of slow oxidation for the qualitative determination. Twenty-three species of Eunotia and six of Actinella were identified. Dicotomic keys, taxonomic comments and photographic illustrations were added. Morphotypes of Eunotia zygodon were registered. Species scarcelly mentioned on diatom literature were registered, such as, Eunotia falcifera and Eunotia rostellata