4,167 research outputs found

    Frequency domain model of ff-mode dynamic tides in gravitational waveforms from compact binary inspirals

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    The recent detection of gravitational waves (GWs) from the neutron star binary inspiral GW170817 has opened a unique avenue to probe matter and fundamental interactions in previously unexplored regimes. Extracting information on neutron star matter from the observed GWs requires robust and computationally efficient theoretical waveform models. We develop an approximate frequency-domain GW phase model of a main GW signature of matter: dynamic tides associated with the neutron stars' fundamental oscillation modes (ff-modes). We focus on nonspinning objects on circular orbits and demonstrate that, despite its mathematical simplicity, the new "ff-mode tidal" (fmtidal) model is in good agreement with the effective-one-body dynamical tides model up to GW frequencies of 1\gtrsim 1 kHz and gives physical meaning to part of the phenomenology captured in tidal models tuned to numerical-relativity. The advantages of the fmtidal model are that it makes explicit the dependence of the GW phasing on the characteristic equation-of-state parameters, i.e., tidal deformabilities and ff-mode frequencies; it is computationally efficient; and it can readily be added to any frequency-domain baseline waveform. The fmtidal model is easily amenable to future improvements and provides the means for a first step towards independently measuring additional fundamental properties of neutron star matter beyond the tidal deformability as well as performing novel tests of general relativity from GW observations.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; matches published versio

    Gravitational-Wave Asteroseismology with Fundamental Modes from Compact Binary Inspirals

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    The first detection of gravitational waves (GWs) from the binary neutron star (NS) inspiral GW170817 has opened a unique channel for probing the fundamental properties of matter at supra-nuclear densities inaccessible elsewhere in the Universe. This observation yielded the first constraints on the equation of state (EoS) of NS matter from the GW imprint of tidal interactions. Tidal signatures in the GW arise from the response of a matter object to the spacetime curvature sourced by its binary companion. They crucially depend on the EoS and are predominantly characterised by the tidal deformability parameters Λ\Lambda_{\ell}, where =2,3\ell=2,3 denotes the quadrupole and octupole respectively. As the binary evolves towards merger, additional dynamical tidal effects become important when the orbital frequency approaches a resonance with the stars' internal oscillation modes. Among these modes, the fundamental (ff_\ell-)modes have the strongest tidal coupling and can give rise to a cumulative imprint in the GW signal even if the resonance is not fully excited. Here we present the first direct constraints on fundamental oscillation mode frequencies for GW170817 using an inspiral GW phase model with an explicit dependence on the ff-mode frequency and without assuming any relation between ff_\ell and Λ\Lambda_\ell. We rule out anomalously small values of ff_\ell and, for the larger companion, determine a lower bound on the f2f_2-mode (f3f_3-mode) frequency of 1.39\geq 1.39 kHz (1.86\geq 1.86 kHz) at the 90\% credible interval (CI). We then show that networks of future GW detectors will be able to measure ff-mode frequencies to within tens of Hz from the inspiral alone. Such precision astroseismology will enable novel tests of fundamental physics and the nature of compact binaries.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Towards models of gravitational waveforms from generic binaries II: Modelling precession effects with a single effective precession parameter

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    Gravitational waves (GWs) emitted by generic black-hole binaries show a rich structure that directly reflects the complex dynamics introduced by the precession of the orbital plane, which poses a real challenge to the development of generic waveform models. Recent progress in modelling these signals relies on an approximate decoupling between the non-precessing secular inspiral and a precession-induced rotation. However, the latter depends in general on all physical parameters of the binary which makes modelling efforts as well as understanding parameter-estimation prospects prohibitively complex. Here we show that the dominant precession effects can be captured by a reduced set of spin parameters. Specifically, we introduce a single \emph{effective precession spin} parameter, χp\chi_p, which is defined from the spin components that lie in the orbital plane at some (arbitrary) instant during the inspiral. We test the efficacy of this parameter by considering binary inspiral configurations specified by the physical parameters of a corresponding non-precessing-binary configuration (total mass, mass ratio, and spin components (anti-)parallel to the orbital angular momentum), plus the effective precession spin applied to the larger black hole. We show that for an overwhelming majority of random precessing configurations, the precession dynamics during the inspiral are well approximated by our equivalent configurations. Our results suggest that in the comparable-mass regime waveform models with only three spin parameters faithfully represent generic waveforms, which has practical implications for the prospects of GW searches, parameter estimation and the numerical exploration of the precessing-binary parameter space.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures. Modified discussio

    Tracking the precession of compact binaries from their gravitational-wave signal

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    We present a simple method to track the precession of a black-hole-binary system, using only information from the gravitational-wave (GW) signal. Our method consists of locating the frame from which the magnitude of the (=2,m=2)(\ell=2,|m|=2) modes is maximized, which we denote the "quadrupole-aligned" frame. We demonstrate the efficacy of this method when applied to waveforms from numerical simulations. In the test case of an equal-mass nonspinning binary, our method locates the direction of the orbital angular momentum to within (Δθ,Δϕ)=(0.05,0.2)(\Delta \theta, \Delta \phi) = (0.05^{\circ},0.2^{\circ}). We then apply the method to a q=M2/M1=3q = M_2/M_1 = 3 binary that exhibits significant precession. In general a spinning binary's orbital angular momentum L\mathbf{L} is \emph{not} orthogonal to the orbital plane. Evidence that our method locates the direction of L\mathbf{L} rather than the normal of the orbital plane is provided by comparison with post-Newtonian (PN) results. Also, we observe that it accurately reproduces similar higher-mode amplitudes to a comparable non-spinning (and therefore non-precessing) binary, and that the frequency of the (=2,m=2)(\ell=2,|m|=2) modes is consistent with the "total frequency" of the binary's motion. The simple form of the quadrupole-aligned waveform will be useful in attempts to analytically model the inspiral-merger-ringdown (IMR) signal of precessing binaries, and in standardizing the representation of waveforms for studies of accuracy and consistency of source modelling efforts, both numerical and analytical.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, 1 tabl

    Numerical Relativity Injection Infrastructure

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    This document describes the new Numerical Relativity (NR) injection infrastructure in the LIGO Algorithms Library (LAL), which henceforth allows for the usage of NR waveforms as a discrete waveform approximant in LAL. With this new interface, NR waveforms provided in the described format can directly be used as simulated GW signals ("injections") for data analyses, which include parameter estimation, searches, hardware injections etc. As opposed to the previous infrastructure, this new interface natively handles sub-dominant modes and waveforms from numerical simulations of precessing binary black holes, making them directly accessible to LIGO analyses. To correctly handle precessing simulations, the new NR injection infrastructure internally transforms the NR data into the coordinate frame convention used in LAL.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures, technical repor

    Von der Macht der Sätze : sprachkritische Betrachtungen zum Drama "Kaspar" von Peter Handke

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    The article […] analyses the poetical review of language that is given in the named play. The centre of attention is how Handke forms his sceptical opinions about language into a provoking play and how he is influenced by the philosophical review of language like “Beiträge zu einer Kritik der Sprache” written by Fritz Mauthner, an almost forgotten philosopher of the beginning of the 20th century

    Validity of common modelling approximations for precessing binary black holes with higher-order modes

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    The current paradigm for constructing waveforms from precessing compact binaries is to first construct a waveform in a non-inertial, co-precessing binary source frame followed by a time-dependent rotation to map back to the physical, inertial frame. A key insight in the construction of these models is that the co-precessing waveform can be effectively mapped to some equivalent aligned spin waveform. Secondly, the time-dependent rotation implicitly introduces mm-mode mixing, necessitating an accurate description of higher-order modes in the co-precessing frame. We assess the efficacy of this modelling strategy in the strong field regime using Numerical Relativity simulations. We find that this framework allows for the highly accurate construction of (2,±2)(2,\pm 2) modes in our data set, while for higher order modes, especially the (2,1),(3,2)(2,|1|), (3,|2|) and (4,3)(4,|3|) modes, we find rather large mismatches. We also investigate a variant of the approximate map between co-precessing and aligned spin waveforms, where we only identify the slowly varying part of the time domain co-precessing waveforms with the aligned-spin one, but find no significant improvement. Our results indicate that the simple paradigm to construct precessing waveforms does not provide an accurate description of higher order modes in the strong-field regime, and demonstrate the necessity for modelling mode asymmetries and mode-mixing to significantly improve the description of precessing higher order modes.Comment: Improved version: correcting typos, adding acknowledgement and more reference

    Semantic selectivity reflects automatic processes but not automatic capture of spatial attention

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    Semantic selectivity describes the phenomenon that selective processing is influenced by semantic relatedness. The load-insensitivity criterion of automaticity, which states that automatic processes are insensitive to variations in information load, and the intentionality criterion of automaticity, which states that automatic processes are not affected by the observer\u27s intentions, were examined in five experiments in order to determine whether semantic selectivity reflects automatic processes;A priming-search task was developed in which participants reported the target (defined by initial letter) in a briefly presented backward masked search display consisting of a target and distractor. The search display was preceded by a prime that was associatively related to one of the words in the search display on half of the trials: When a related prime was presented, it was related to the target on half the trials;In Experiment 1, semantic selectivity was demonstrated using the priming search task: There was a semantic facilitation effect with higher report of semantically primed words that unprimed words. In Experiment 2, load was manipulated by presenting search displays comprised of one target and either one or three distractors: The semantic facilitation effect was obtained and it did not vary as a function of load. Thus, semantic selectivity met the load-insensitivity criterion of automaticity. In Experiment 3, participant\u27s intentional shifting of spatial attention was manipulated by presenting a central arrow cue 150 msec before the search display. The central cue validly indicated the target on 75% of the trials. The semantic facilitation effect was found and it did not depend upon central cueing; thus, semantic selectivity satisfied the intentionality criterion of automaticity;Experiments 4 and 5 replicated Experiments 2 and 3 using response latency rather than report accuracy as the dependent variable. The priming-search task was modified such that search displays were presented until a response was made and were not backward masked. The response latency data mirrored the response accuracy data. Thus, semantic selectivity seems to reflect automatic processes but it does not seem to reflect the automatic capture of spatial attention. Recent neuropsychological data are discussed that support a multiple-attentions approach

    Towards models of gravitational waveforms from generic binaries: A simple approximate mapping between precessing and non-precessing inspiral signals

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    One of the greatest theoretical challenges in the build-up to the era of second-generation gravitational-wave detectors is the modeling of generic binary waveforms. We introduce an approximation that has the potential to significantly simplify this problem. We show that generic precessing-binary inspiral waveforms (covering a seven-dimensional space of intrinsic parameters) can be mapped to a two-dimensional space of non-precessing binaries, characterized by the mass ratio and a single effective total spin. The mapping consists of a time-dependent rotation of the waveforms into the quadrupole-aligned frame, and is extremely accurate (matches >0.99> 0.99 with parameter biases in the total spin of Δχ0.04\Delta \chi \leq 0.04), even in the case of transitional precession. In addition, we demonstrate a simple method to construct hybrid post-Newtonian--numerical-relativity precessing-binary waveforms in the quadrupole-aligned frame, and provide evidence that our approximate mapping can be used all the way to the merger. Finally, based on these results, we outline a general proposal for the construction of generic waveform models, which will be the focus of future work.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables; replaced to match published version; journal ref. adde