39 research outputs found

    A transition in the Dutch wastewater system? : The struggle between discourses and with lock-ins

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    Recently, calls have increased for a paradigm shift or transition towards resource recovery and a circular economy in the Dutch wastewater system. However, we have observed diverging interpretations on the nature of the transition. This reflects the political environment of sustainability transitions: political struggle emerges over the definition of problems, futures and strategies to be used. In order to help clarify the emerging debate and identify political choices, we conducted a discourse analysis. We identified three discourses that reveal some of the political choices to be made. One discourse is becoming dominant and focusses on optimising the large-scale infrastructure, market development and legislative changes. The discourse draws on the existing infrastructure and current political-economic institutions, which gives it an advantage in becoming dominant. Our findings also suggest that this discourse shapes a transition pathway that is characterised by lock-in effects and, at most, incremental changes instead of a fundamental shift in the established Dutch wastewater system

    A critical review of resource recovery from municipal wastewater treatment plants : market supply potentials, technologies and bottlenecks

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    In recent decades, academia has elaborated a wide range of technological solutions to recover water, energy, fertiliser and other products from municipal wastewater treatment plants. Drivers for this work range from low resource recovery potential and cost effectiveness, to the high energy demands and large environmental footprints of current treatment-plant designs. However, only a few technologies have been implemented and a shift from wastewater treatment plants towards water resource facilities still seems far away. This critical review aims to inform decision-makers in water management utilities about the vast technical possibilities and market supply potentials, as well as the bottlenecks, related to the design or redesign of a municipal wastewater treatment process from a resource recovery perspective. Information and data have been extracted from literature to provide a holistic overview of this growing research field. First, reviewed data is used to calculate the potential of 11 resources recoverable from municipal wastewater treatment plants to supply national resource consumption. Depending on the resource, the supply potential may vary greatly. Second, resource recovery technologies investigated in academia are reviewed comprehensively and critically. The third section of the review identifies nine non-technical bottlenecks mentioned in literature that have to be overcome to successfully implement these technologies into wastewater treatment process designs. The bottlenecks are related to economics and value chain development, environment and health, and society and policy issues. Considering market potentials, technological innovations, and addressing potential bottlenecks early in the planning and process design phase, may facilitate the design and integration of water resource facilities and contribute to more circular urban water management practices

    The SPPD-WRF framework : a novel and holistic methodology for strategical planning and process design of water resource factories

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    This paper guides decision making in more sustainable urban water management practices that feed into a circular economy by presenting a novel framework for conceptually designing and strategically planning wastewater treatment processes from a resource recovery perspective. Municipal wastewater cannot any longer be perceived as waste stream because a great variety of technologies are available to recover water, energy, fertilizer, and other valuable products from it. Despite the vast technological recovery possibilities, only a few processes have yet been implemented that deserve the name water resource factory instead of wastewater treatment plant. This transition relies on process designs that are not only technically feasible but also overcome various non-technical bottlenecks. A multidimensional and multidisciplinary approach is needed to design water resource factories (WRFs) in the future that are technically feasible, cost effective, show low environmental impacts, and successfully market recovered resources. To achieve that, the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) design space needs to be opened up for a variety of expertise that complements the traditional wastewater engineering domain. Implementable WRF processes can only be designed if the current design perspective, which is dominated by the fulfilment of legal effluent qualities and process costs, is extended to include resource recovery as an assessable design objective from an early stage on. Therefore, the framework combines insights and methodologies from different fields and disciplines beyond WWTP design like, e.g., circular economy, industrial process engineering, project management, value chain development, and environmental impact assessment. It supports the transfer of the end-of-waste concept into the wastewater sector as it structures possible resource recovery activities according to clear criteria. This makes recovered resources more likely to fulfil the conditions of the end-of-waste concept and allows the change in their definition from wastes to full-fledged products

    Global governance of biofuels: a case for public-private governance?

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    With this paper, we examine the current state of global governance of biofuels and assess the potential regulatory and non-regulatory mechanisms for such governance. We ask two questions: a) what are the current efforts and initiatives towards the global governance of biofuels; and b) which form of global governance is more likely to emerge in the field of bioenergy. We come to the conclusion that institution building through private governance and non-state actor partnerships can offer a viable and effective means of governance. However, the primacy of partnerships and networks in global governance also means a number of pitfalls to avoid, especially with regard to legitimacy and inclusion. Drawing lessons from the fields of forest and marine policy, we close with a number of policy recommendations for better private initiatives and partnerships for global governance of biofuels.

    Campañas institucionales sobre biotecnologías en Europa

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    Este artículo está basado en los resultados de un estudio europeo según el cual la educación favorecería el entendimiento entre ciencia y sociedad haciendo posible el apoyo social a las biotecnologías. La autora analiza y compara diversas iniciativas de comunicación institucional y proporciona un modelo de estrategia comunicativa para estos agentes sociales

    Campañas instituciones biotecnologías en Europa: ¿funcionan?

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    Global governance of biofuels: a case for public-private governance?

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    With this paper, we examine the current state of global governance of biofuels and assess the potential regulatory and non-regulatory mechanisms for such governance. We ask two questions: a) what are the current efforts and initiatives towards the global governance of biofuels; and b) which form of global governance is more likely to emerge in the field of bioenergy. We come to the conclusion that institution building through private governance and non-state actor partnerships can offer a viable and effective means of governance. However, the primacy of partnerships and networks in global governance also means a number of pitfalls to avoid, especially with regard to legitimacy and inclusion. Drawing lessons from the fields of forest and marine policy, we close with a number of policy recommendations for better private initiatives and partnerships for global governance of biofuels