6 research outputs found

    Assessment of population structure and management of Cordia dodecandra A. DC. in homegardens and tropical forest in Yucatan, Mexico

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    Cordia dodecandra A. DC. is an arboreal component of forests and Maya homegardens in the state of Yucatan, México. Changes in land use and landscape fragmentation have led to declines in wild populations. Understanding this species’ population structure is relevant to determining the current state of its populations and proposing strategies for its conservation. The population structure of C. dodecandra in forest and homegardens in Yucatan, and the management practices associated with the species were documented with interviews. Relative importance of the tree species in the associated vegetation was estimated. Seedling density (< 1m of height) was higher in the homegardens than the forest with an evident decrease in the density of juvenile individuals caused by practices such as weeding. In contrast, the forest contained a greater number of adult and larger individuals than in the homegardens. Individual C. dodecandra were taller in the forest, but those in the homegardens had a larger diameter at breast height. Although it has multiple uses (e.g. food, ornamental, wood) the C. dodecandra in homegardens received only minimal maintenance, possibly threatening its permanence in this system. This is concerning since the homegardens function as de facto germplasm banks for this species. Highlights Cordia dodecandra trees from homegardens have a diameter at breast height (DBH) larger than those that live in the dry forest. Cordia dodecandra trees in tropical dry forests, are taller than in homegardens. Succession data showed that tropical dry forests have more adult trees of Cordia dodecandra, and homegardens have a higher density of seedlings.Cordia dodecandra A. DC. is an arboreal component of forests and Maya homegardens in the state of Yucatan, México. Changes in land use and landscape fragmentation have led to declines in wild populations. Understanding this species’ population structure is relevant to determining the current state of its populations and proposing strategies for its conservation. The population structure of C. dodecandra in forest and homegardens in Yucatan, and the management practices associated with the species were documented with interviews. Relative importance of the tree species in the associated vegetation was estimated. Seedling density (< 1m of height) was higher in the homegardens than the forest with an evident decrease in the density of juvenile individuals caused by practices such as weeding. In contrast, the forest contained a greater number of adult and larger individuals than in the homegardens. Individual C. dodecandra were taller in the forest, but those in the homegardens had a larger diameter at breast height. Although it has multiple uses (e.g. food, ornamental, wood) the C. dodecandra in homegardens received only minimal maintenance, possibly threatening its permanence in this system. This is concerning since the homegardens function as de facto germplasm banks for this species. Highlights Cordia dodecandra trees from homegardens have a diameter at breast height (DBH) larger than those that live in the dry forest. Cordia dodecandra trees in tropical dry forests, are taller than in homegardens. Succession data showed that tropical dry forests have more adult trees of Cordia dodecandra, and homegardens have a higher density of seedlings

    Establecimiento de sistemas agroforestales para rehabilitar canteras en Mérida, Yucatán

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    San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, México : El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, 2009


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    Background. Human societies have always depended on animals to satisfy different needs such as food, shelter, company, medicine, religion, among others. In Mayan rural areas, at present, the use of fauna is daily, so it is necessary to evaluate the relationships established between them and it is necessary to recognize the value of importance that animals have. Objective. To characterize the use of animals in the homegardens and forest of Mayan communities of Sahcabá and Sanahcat in Yucatan. Qualitative tools such as: interviews, participant observation and questionnaire were used.  Results: Twenty-eight animal species were mentioned as useful: 11 in homegardens and 18 in forest; divided into mammals (7 in homegardens, 10 in forest), birds (4 in homegardens, 3 in forest), reptiles (3 in forest) e insect (1 in forest). Chicken, in homegardens, and the deer, in forest, had the highest use value (SUT = 0.86 and 0.84, respectively). Animals are economically important to families and provide them with food. Five species of fauna in homegardens and 2 in forest ones were mentioned with medicinal use for the treatment of 13 different diseases. Hunting, in growing areas and in the dry season, was the main means of obtaining animal biomass, with 15 species of wild fauna hunted for food. Implications: The results contribute to understanding the importance of wild and domestic fauna in the culture, food, and economy of rural families, as well as the role that families play in their conservation. Conclusions: The knowledge and use of fauna in homegardens and forest satisfy economic, nutritional, medicinal, and cultural (stories and legends) needs in the studied communities. Although this knowledge is still valid, losses of it are identified in the population of young people and children

    Experiencias de agroforestería en México

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    Cuadernillo especializado en actividades de agroforestería y ciencias ligadas a la naturaleza,El presente trabajo es una colección de los Cuadernos de Divulgación Ambiental, que constituyen un acercamiento inicial a tópicos ambientales de nuestro tiempo, abordados con una visión amplia y considerando diferentes ópticas. Con rigor académico, pretenden contribuir al conocimiento y la difusión de situaciones y problemáticas socio-ambientales, así como al entendimiento de sus dilemas, retos y oportunidades.Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (Semarnat