57 research outputs found

    Ascites: Treatment, Complications, and Prognosis

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    Ascites is the most common complication in patients with cirrhosis. It can lead to several life-threatening complications resulting in a poor long-term survival outcome. Ascites is due to the loss of compensatory mechanism to maintain effective arterial blood volume secondary to splanchnic arterial vasodilatation in the progression of liver disease and portal hypertension. Refractory ascites, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP), hyponatremia, and hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) are complications that can occur with ascites, all of them leading to a worse quality of life and short-term mortality. When complication appears, liver transplantation as a definitive and curative treatment should be considered. Other common therapeutical approaches to control ascites such as diet, sodium restriction, or the use of diuretics are needed to avoid these complications, although some patients will require further treatments when ascites becomes refractory to standard treatment. This chapter will review the complex treatment of ascites, and its related complications

    Cardiac Hepatopathy

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    Liver disease resulting from heart disease has generally been referred as “cardiac hepatopathy.” The two main forms of cardiac hepatopathy are acute cardiogenic liver injury (ACLI) and congestive hepatopathy (CH). ACLI most commonly occurs in the setting of acute cardiocirculatory failure, whereas CH results from passive venous congestion in the setting of chronic right-sided heart failure (HF). Both conditions often coexist and potentiate the deleterious effects of each other on the liver. In CH, the chronic passive congestion leads to sinusoidal hypertension, centrilobular fibrosis, and ultimately, cirrhosis (“cardiac cirrhosis”) and hepatocellular carcinoma. The differentiation between congestion and fibrosis currently represents an unmet need and a growing research area. Although cardiac cirrhosis may only arise after several decades of ongoing injury, the long-term survival of cardiac patients due to advances in medical and surgical treatments is responsible for the increased number of liver complications in this setting. Eventually, the liver disease could become as clinically relevant as the cardiac disease and further complicate its management

    LOXL2-A New Target in Antifibrogenic Therapy?

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    The concept of liver fibrosis and cirrhosis being static and therefore irreversible is outdated. Indeed, both human and animal studies have shown that fibrogenesis is a dynamic and potentially reversible process that can be modulated either by stopping its progression and/or by promoting its resolution. Therefore, the study of the molecular mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of liver fibrosis is critical for the development of future antifibrotic therapies. The fibrogenesis process, common to all forms of liver injury, is characterized by the increased deposition of extracellular matrix components (EMCs), including collagen, proteoglycans, and glycoproteins (laminin and fibronectin 2). These changes in the composition of the extracellular matrix components alter their interaction with cell adhesion molecules, influencing the modulation of cell functions (growth, migration, and gene expression). Hepatic stellate cells and Kupffer cells (liver macrophages) are the key fibrogenic effectors. The antifibrogenic mechanism starts with the activation of Ly6Chigh macrophages, which can differentiate into macrophages with antifibrogenic action. The research of biochemical changes affecting fibrosis irreversibility has identified lysyl oxidase-like 2 (LOXL2), an enzyme that promotes the network of collagen fibers of the extracellular matrix. LOXL2 inhibition can decrease cell numbers, proliferation, colony formations, and cell growth, and it can induce cell cycle arrest and increase apoptosis. The development of a new humanized IgG4 monoclonal antibody against LOXL2 could open the window of a new antifibrogenic treatment. The current therapeutic target in patients with liver cirrhosis should focus (after the eradication of the causal agent) on the development of new antifibrogenic drugs. The development of these drugs must meet three premises: Patient safety, in non-cirrhotic phases, down-staging or at least stabilization and slowing the progression to cirrhosis must be achieved; whereas in the cirrhotic stage, the objective should be to reduce fibrosis and portal pressure.Funding: This research was funded by NEXT-VAL grant 15/12 from Health Research Institute Marques de Valdecilla (IDIVAL)

    Urine Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 Is an Independent Predictive Factor of Hospital Readmission and Survival in Cirrhosis.

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    MCP-1 (monocyte chemoattractant protein-1) is a proinflammatory cytokine involved in chemotaxis of monocytes. In several diseases, such as acute coronary syndromes and heart failure, elevated MCP-1 levels have been associated with poor outcomes. Little is known about MCP-1 in cirrhosis. AIM: To investigate the relationship between MCP-1 and outcome in decompensated cirrhosis. METHODS: Prospective study of 218 patients discharged from hospital after an admission for complications of cirrhosis. Urine and plasma levels of MCP-1 and other urine proinflammatroy biomarkers: osteopontin(OPN), trefoil-factor3 and liver-fatty-acid-binding protein were measured at admission. Urine non-inflammatory mediators cystatin-C, ÎČ2microglobulin and albumin were measured as control biomarkers. The relationship between these biomarkers and the 3-month hospital readmission, complications of cirrhosis, and mortality were assessed. RESULTS: 69 patients(32%) had at least one readmission during the 3-month period of follow-up and 30 patients died(14%). Urine MCP-1 and OPN levels, were associated with 3-month probability of readmission (0.85 (0.27-2.1) and 2003 (705-4586) ug/g creat vs 0.47 (0.2-1.1) and 1188 (512-2958) ug/g creat, in patients with and without readmission, respectively; p<0.05; median (IQR)). Furthermore, urine levels of MCP-1 were significantly associated with mortality (1.01 (1-3.6) vs 0.5 (0.2-1.1) ÎŒg/g creat, in dead and alive patients at 3 months; p<0.05). Patients with higher levels of urine MCP-1 (above percentile 75th) had higher probability of development of hepatic encephalopathy, bacterial infections or AKI. Urine MCP-1 was an independent predictive factor of hospital readmission and combined end-point of readmission or dead at 3 months. Plasma levels of MCP-1 did not correlated with outcomes. CONCLUSION: Urine, but not plasma, MCP-1 levels are associated with hospital readmission, development of complications of cirrhosis, and mortality. These results suggest that in cirrhosis there is an inflammatory response that is associated with poor outcomes

    Porto-Sinusoidal Vascular Disease Associated to Oxaliplatin: An Entity to Think about It

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    Portal sinusoidal vascular disease is a presinusoidal cause of portal hypertension (PHT) of unknown etiology, characterized by typical manifestations of PHT (esophageal varices, ascites, portosystemic collaterals), plaquetopenia and splenomegaly with a gradient of portal pressure slightly increased, according to the presinusoidal nature of the PHT. A few cases in the literature have shown a relationship between oxaliplatin and the development of presinusoidal portal hypertension, years after the chemotherapy for colorectal cancer (therefore, different to sinusoidal obstruction syndrome). There are three mechanisms through which oxaliplatin can cause sinusoidal damage: 1) damage at the level of endothelial cells and stimulates the release of free radicals and depletion of glutathione transferase, with altering the integrity of the sinusoidal cells. The damage in the endothelial sinusoidal cells allows to erythrocytes to across into the Dissé space and formation of perisinusoidal fibrosis, 2) the appearance of nodular regenerative hyperplasia is favored by the chronic hypoxia of the centrilobular areas and, finally, 3) oxaliplatin can generate an obliteration of the blood capillaries and zones of parenchymal extinction. These three facts can develop, in a minority of cases, the appearance of a presinusoidal increase of portal pressure, which typically appears years after the completion of chemotherapy and sometimes is underdiagnosed until variceal bleeding, ascites or encephalopathy appear. The knowledge of this pathology is essential to be able to perform an early diagnostic and consult to the hepatologist.Funding: This research received an external funding of CI18/67/02 Acuerdo de cooperación en el programa de becas de investigación científica de IDIVAL de JANSSEN-CILAG, S.A

    Characterization of inflammatory response in acute-on-chronic liver failure and relationship with prognosis

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    ACLF is characterized by a systemic inflammatory response, but the cytokines involved in this process have not been well studied. The aim of this study was to characterize the systemic inflammatory response in patients with cirrhosis and ACLF and its relationship with prognosis. Fifty-five patients with cirrhosis, 26 with ACLF, were studied prospectively. Systemic inflammatory response was analyzed by measuring a large array of plasma cytokines by using a multiplex kit. A principal component analysis show noticeable differences between ACLF and decompensated cirrhosis without ACLF. Patients with ACLF had significant abnormal levels of 12 cytokines compared to those without ACLF, including: VCAM-1, VEGF-A, Fractalkine, MIP-1α, Eotaxin, IP-10, RANTES, GM-CSF, IL-1ÎČ, IL-2, ICAM-1, and MCP-1. Cytokines showing the most marked relationship with ACLF were VCAM-1 and VEGF-A (AUCROC 0.77; p = 0.001). There was a significant relationship between some of inflammatory mediators and 3-month mortality, particularly VCAM-1, ICAM-1, and GM-CSF (AUCROC>0.7; p < 0.05). Functional Enrichment Analysis showed that inflammatory markers differentially expressed in ACLF patients were enriched in leukocyte migration, particularly monocytes and macrophages, and chemotaxis pathways. In conclusion, ACLF is characterized by a marked inflammatory reaction with activation of mediators of adhesion and migration of leukocytes. The intensity of the inflammatory reaction correlates with prognosis

    Molecular characterization of chronic liver disease dynamics: From liver fibrosis to acute-on-chronic liver failure

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    Background & aims: The molecular mechanisms driving the progression from early-chronic liver disease (CLD) to cirrhosis and, finally, acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) are largely unknown. Our aim was to develop a protein network-based approach to investigate molecular pathways driving progression from early-CLD to ACLF. Methods: Transcriptome analysis was performed on liver biopsies from patients at different liver disease stages, including fibrosis, compensated cirrhosis, decompensated cirrhosis and ACLF, and control healthy livers. We created 9 liver-specific disease-related protein-protein interaction networks capturing key pathophysiological processes potentially related to CLD. We used these networks as a framework and performed gene set-enrichment analysis (GSEA) to identify dynamic gene profiles of disease progression. Results: Principal component analyses revealed that samples clustered according to the disease stage. GSEA of the defined processes showed an upregulation of inflammation, fibrosis and apoptosis networks throughout disease progression. Interestingly, we did not find significant gene expression differences between compensated and decompensated cirrhosis, while ACLF showed acute expression changes in all the defined liver disease-related networks. The analyses of disease progression patterns identified ascending and descending expression profiles associated with ACLF onset. Functional analyses showed that ascending profiles were associated with inflammation, fibrosis, apoptosis, senescence and carcinogenesis networks, while descending profiles were mainly related to oxidative stress and genetic factors. We confirmed by qPCR the upregulation of genes of the ascending profile and validated our findings in an independent patient cohort. Conclusion: ACLF is characterized by a specific hepatic gene expression pattern related to inflammation, fibrosis, apoptosis, senescence and carcinogenesis. Moreover, the observed profile is significantly different from that of compensated and decompensated cirrhosis, supporting the hypothesis that ACLF should be considered a distinct entity

    Adipocyte fatty-acid binding protein is overexpressed in cirrhosis and correlates with clinical outcomes

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    Fatty-acid-binding proteins (FABPs) are small intracellular proteins that coordinate lipid-mediated processes by targeting metabolic and immune response pathways. The aim of the study was to investigate plasma FABPs levels and their relationship with clinical outcomes in cirrhosis. Plasma levels of L-FABP1(liver and kidney), I-FABP2(intestine), and A-FABP4(adipocyte and macrophages) were measured in 274 patients with decompensated cirrhosis. Hepatic gene expression of FABPs was assessed in liver biopsies from patients with decompensated cirrhosis and in liver cell types from mice with cirrhosis. Immunohistochemistry of A-FABP4 in human liver biopsy was also performed. Plasma levels of FABPs were increased in patients with decompensated cirrhosis compared to those of healthy subjects (L-FABP1: 25 (17-39) vs 10 (9-17) ng/mL p = 0.001, I-FABP2: 1.1 (0.5-2.1) vs 0.6 (0.4-1) ng/ mL p = 0.04 and A-FABP4: 37 (20-68) vs 16 (11-33) ng/mL p = 0.002), respectively. Increased A-FABP4 levels were associated with complications of cirrhosis, acute-on-chronic liver failure and poor survival. Hepatic A-FABP4 gene expression was upregulated in decompensated cirrhosis. Macrophages were the main liver cell that over-expressed A-FABP4 in experimental cirrhosis and increased A-FABP4 was found in macrophages of human biopsies by immunohistochemistry. A-FABP4 levels are increased in decompensated cirrhosis and correlate with poor outcomes. Liver macrophages appear to be the main source of A-FABP4 in decompensated cirrhosis

    Characterization of inflammatory response in hepatorenal syndrome : Relationship with kidney outcome and survival

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    Several lines of evidence indicate that decompensated cirrhosis is characterized by the presence of systemic inflammation. Hepatorenal syndrome (HRS-AKI) is a unique type of renal failure that occurs at late stages of cirrhosis. However, confirmation of the presence and significance of such inflammatory response in HRS-AKI is lacking. To characterize the systemic inflammatory response, as estimated by measuring a large number of cytokines, in 161 patients hospitalized for an acute decompensation of cirrhosis: 44 patients without acute kidney injury (AKI), 63 patients with hypovolaemia-induced AKI and 58 patients with HRS-AKI. HRS-AKI was characterized by an altered cytokine profile compared to the other two groups, particularly IL-6, IL-8, TNF-α, VCAM-1, fractalkine and MIP-1α. The inflammatory response was not related to presence of bacterial infection, concomitant acute-on-chronic liver failure or severity of renal dysfunction. Patients who responded to terlipressin and albumin had only a decrease in TNF-α and RANTES after treatment without changes in other cytokines. Interestingly, patients with persistent HRS-AKI had higher levels of IP-10 and VCAM-1 compared to those with resolution of HRS-AKI. VCAM-1 was also an independent predictor of 3-month mortality. A systems biology analysis approach showed that the inflammatory status of HRS-AKI was similar to that of chronic nonhepatic inflammatory conditions, such as lupus erythematosus or inflammatory bowel disease. Hepatorenal syndrome is characterized by a marked systemic inflammatory state, reminiscent of that of nonhepatic inflammatory diseases, that correlates with patient outcomes. See Editorial on Pag

    Is Routine Prophylaxis Against Pneumocystis jirovecii Needed in Liver Transplantation? A Retrospective Single-Centre Experience and Current Prophylaxis Strategies in Spain

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    In liver transplant (LT) recipients, Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PJP) is most frequently reported before 1992 when immunosuppressive regimens were more intense. It is uncertain whether universal PJP prophylaxis is still applicable in the contemporary LT setting. We aimed to examine the incidence of PJP in LT recipients followed at our institution where routine prophylaxis has never been practiced and to define the prophylaxis strategies currently employed among LT units in Spain. All LT performed from 1990 to October 2019 were retrospectively reviewed and Spanish LT units were queried via email to specify their current prophylaxis strategy. During the study period, 662 LT procedures were carried out on 610 patients. Five cases of PJP were identified, with only one occurring within the first 6 months. The cumulative incidence and incidence rate were 0.82% and 0.99 cases per 1000 person transplant years. All LT units responded, the majority of which provide prophylaxis (80%). Duration of prophylaxis, however, varied significantly. The low incidence of PJP in our unprophylaxed cohort, with most cases occurring beyond the usual recommended period of prophylaxis, questions a one-size-fits-all approach to PJP prophylaxis. A significant heterogeneity in prophylaxis strategies exists among Spanish LT centres.Funding: This study was supported by the Health Research Institute Marqués de Valdecilla. IDIVAL. Santander. NEXT VAL17/07 grant to José Ignacio Fortea Ormaechea
