3,111 research outputs found

    A manifesto for energy-aware software

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    According to recent estimates, computing and communications could account for 20% of energy usage globally by 2025.1 This trend shows no sign of slowing. The annual growth in power consumption of Internet-connected devices is 20%. Data centers alone are now accounting for more than 3% of global emissions. Even if you are not worried about this trend on the mega scale, you are likely concerned with the power consumption of the devices in your pocket, on your wrist, and in your ears. Software, hardware, and network attributes all contribute to power usage, but little attention has been given to this topic by the information and communications technology (ICT) community

    Women cotton farmers: Their perceptions and experiences with transgenic varieties: A case study for Colombia

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    This paper explores gender differences in cotton cultivation and looks into the perceptions and experiences of women and men with transgenic varieties. With few exceptions, researchers in the area of impact evaluation of crop biotechnology have only marginally included gender considerations in their work. This exploratory pilot study was developed in order to incorporate gender into our quantitative evaluation work. This study used a participatory and descriptive approach that allowed us to listen to women and men farmers' perceptions and insights. The project was conducted in the main cotton-producing regions of Colombia where a handful of transgenic varieties have been in the market for the past six years.crop biotechnology, Genetically modified crops, Genetic engineering, Cotton, Gender,

    Dimorfismo sexual en la forma y tamaño de la cabeza de serpientes Mapaná (Bothrops asper) mantenidas en cautiverio

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    ABSTRACT: sexual size dimorphism in snakes is generally well documented, however, sexual shape dimorphism has been poorly studied. As snakes are considered gape-limited predators, identifying patterns of sexual size and head shape dimorphism can help elucidate the life history of these organisms. Objective: to detect differences between sexes regarding head size and shape dimorphism of Mapaná snakes (Bothrops asper) maintained in captivity under the same diet in order to determine if it has a plastic or genetic origin. Methods: geometric morphometrics were used to quantify the head size and shape of male and female Mapaná snakes. Results: our results suggest that head shape is sexually dimorphic, being relatively wider in females compared to males. In both sexes head shape also varied with snout-vent length (SVL), growing wider as body size increases. Head size was also sexually dimorphic, with female head being larger than that of males of the same body length. Head size also increased with SVL. However, female head size increased disproportionally faster when compared to males. Conclusions: evidence of sexual differences in head size and shape of Mapaná snakes raised under the same diet was found. These findings suggest that sexual head size and shape dimorphism is not a plastic response given that both sexes were maintained under similar conditions, which suggests a strong genetic basis. Sexual shape dimorphism is also being mediated by stronger phenotypic changes of females while males seem to have a more constrained phenotypic head development.RESUMEN: el dimorfismo sexual en el tamaño de las serpientes está bien documentado, sin embargo el dimorfismo sexual en la forma ha sido pobremente estudiado. Dado que la dieta de las serpientes está limitada por el ancho de su hocico, identificar patrones de dimorfismo sexual en la forma y tamaño de la cabeza es útil para comprender mejor su historia de vida. Objetivo: detectar evidencias de dimorfismo sexual en el tamaño y forma de la cabeza de serpientes Mapaná (Bothrops asper) mantenidas bajo la misma dieta para determinar si su origen es genético o plástico. Métodos: se utilizó morfometría geométrica para cuantificar el tamaño y la forma de la cabeza de machos y hembras. Resultados: los resultados sugieren que la forma de la cabeza es sexualmente dimórfica, siendo más ancha en las hembras. En ambos sexos, la forma de la cabeza varió positivamente con la longitud hocico-cola (SVL). El tamaño de la cabeza también fue sexualmente dimórfico, siendo más grande en las hembras que en machos de la misma talla. El tamaño de la cabeza también aumentó con la SVL; sin embargo, este aumento fue desproporcionalmente más rápido en las hembras. Conclusiones: se encontraron evidencias de dimorfismo sexual en el tamaño y la forma de la cabeza de serpientes Mapaná alimentadas con la misma dieta. Los hallazgos sugieren que este dimorfismo sexual es de origen genético y no es una respuesta plástica, debido a que ambos sexos fueron mantenidos bajo condiciones homogéneas. Este dimorfismo es además mediado por un cambio fenotípico más fuerte en las hembras, mientras que los machos parecen tener un desarrollo fenotípico más canalizado

    Effects of live-bait shrimp trawling on seagrass beds and fish bycatch in Tampa Bay, Florida

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    The use of live shrimp for bait in recreational fishing has resulted in a controversial fishery for shrimp in Florida. In this fishery, night collections are conducted over seagrass beds with roller beam trawls to capture live shrimp, primarily pink shrimp, Penaeus duorarum. These shrimp are culled from the catch on sorting tables and placed in onboard aerated “live” wells. Beds of turtlegrass, Thalassia testudinum, a species that has highest growth rates and biomass during summer and lowest during the winter (Fonseca et al., 1996) are predominant areas for live-bait shrimp trawling (Tabb and Kenny, 1969). Our study objectives were 1) to determine effects of a roller beam trawl on turtlegrass biomass and morphometrics during intensive (up to 18 trawls over a turtlegrass bed), short-term (3-hour duration) use and 2) to examine the mortality of bycatch finfish following capture by a trawl

    Análisis financiero de una compañía de servicios de asesoría administrativa y contable

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    Trabajo de Síntesis AplicadaSe realiza el diagnostico financiero de la empresa “Compañía de Servicios de auditoria” en el periodo 2014 a 2018, identificando las principales variables que afectan los indicadores de la compañía y proponiendo recomendaciones que permitan desarrollar una adecuada gestión financiera en un horizonte de 5 años del 2019 al 2023. Entre las herramientas financieras utilizadas se encuentra el análisis horizontal, vertical, indicadores de rentabilidad y liquidez.INTRODUCCIÓN - PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA - OBJETIVOS - ESTADO DEL ARTE - METODOLOGÍA - DIAGNÓSTICO - RECOMENDACIONES - REFERENCIAS - ANEXOSEspecializaciónEspecialista en Análisis y Administración Financier

    Simulação de Organizações Internacionais para alunos do ensino médio (SIEM)

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    Anais do 35º Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul - Área temática: EducaçãoO SiEM pretende oferecer aos alunos de ensino médio de Santa Catarina a oportunidade de debater assuntos conflituosos da agenda internacional, através de simulações das organizações internacionais. Assim, busca-se estimular no jovem estudante a capacidade de compreensão dos acontecimentos internacionais, a cultura da tolerância e a ampliação de sua consciência social. O projeto vem sendo desenvolvido com êxito e sucesso desde 2011 e já está em sua 7 a ediçã