407 research outputs found

    The Image Of The Professor In American Academic Fiction 1980-1997

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    The Use of the Rorschach with Young Children: Special Considerations in Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation and in the Measurement of Cognitive Functioning

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    A discussion of the Rorschach\u27s validity as a diagnostic tool seems most manageable when validity is addressed not in terms of global personality descriptions, but rather in terms of specific subquestions. This paper investigates the Rorschach\u27s usefulness as an indicator of cognitive functioning in preadolescent children. Within a developmental framework and focusing primarily upon the cognitive theories of Jean Piaget, predictable stages of the child\u27s intellective growth are described with an emphasis on Rorschach response patterns which seem to best chronicle that growth. Empirical data from both clinical and educational spheres are offered as supportive evidence for the Rorschach as a cognitive correlate. An additional area of focus involves special administrative, scoring, and interpretive considerations of the Rorschach with young children. Though less documented by empirical data, these three areas have been extensively addressed by clinicians via theoretical assumptions and clinical observation. Halpern\u27s theoretical assumptions regarding the development of the child\u27s cognitive skills as well as the traditional scoring systems of Klopfer and Beck will be review. Ledwith\u27s longitudinal study of children\u27s Rorschach responses provides substantial normative data regarding specific scoring categories, and the relationship of certain response patterns to age. In a composite sense, then, the Rorschach emerges as an effective correlate of cognitive functioning in children, and may in fact tap certain cognitive processes in limited populations even more adequately than traditional standardized measures of I.Q

    Simulación de una Unidad Hospitalaria de Urgencias y su USO Potencial Para la Gestión

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    ResumenEn este trabajo se modeliza la Unidad de Urgencias del Hospital Ntra. Sra. del Pino como un sistema de colas y se diseñan y analizan mediante técnicas estadísticasde simulación con el lenguaje de programación SIMSCRIPT II.5 estructuras organizativas alternativas encaminadas a tres objetivos fundamentals: cómo se puede mejorar la eficiencia técnica de la Unidad a través de la reorganización y reasignación de la fuerza de trabajo actual; cómo reacciona el sistema ante cambios en las tasas de afluencia de los pacientes; y qué decisiones sobre asignación adicional de recursos serían más eficientes. Los cuellos de botella actuales son el Servicio de Clasificación, el Laboratorio de Analítica y el Servicio de Radiodiagnóstico, con tiempos medios de espera de 11, 31 y 12 minutos respectivamente. Algunos de los diseños alternativos pueden mejorar esta situación con un coste social que se cuantifica en el trabajo.SummaryWe developed a computer simulation model of Emergency Department Operations of the Hospital Ntra. Sra. del Pino as a queue system. We designed and analyzed alternative functional structures of the Department and their implications on resources organization and reallocation. We programmed the operations, relations and flows between the components of the system with the simulation language SIMSCRIPT II.5. We have designed alternative configurations to assess how technical efficiency could be improved through the reallocation of human resources; how the system react would to interarrival time of patients changes; and what decisions must be taken about resources allocation in order to improve efficiency. Triage, Emergency Laboratory and radiology have the maximum average waiting times (11,31 and 12 minutes, respectively). Some alternative organization patterns may improve this problem. Their social cost is also quantified in this work

    El desarrollo sustentable. Modelo de conciliación entre el progreso económico, la justicia social y la preservación del medio ambiente

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    1 archivo PDF (15 páginas). magyetsEl objetivo de este artículo es mostrar que el desarrollo sustentable es un modelo posible de lograr, que puede equilibrar el crecimiento y desarrollo económico con el desarrollo social, al tiempo que protege el medio ambiente y permite una conciliación entre el hombre, la naturaleza y la economía. El desarrollo sustentable establece que los objetivos económicos, sociales y ambientales del desarrollo deben ser definidos en términos de sustentabilidad, lo que significa que el bienestar de las generaciones futuras no debe ser menor que el de las generaciones presentes. Por ello, el concepto de desarrollo no puede estar simple y exclusivamente ligado al crecimiento cuantitativo de variables macroeconómicas. El desarrollo sustentable implica la transformación de las estructuras económicas y sociales para adaptarse con rapidez a la transición global del mundo, por lo que asume una postura equitativa y considera las necesidades de los pobres del mundo, así como las restricciones impuestas por el estado actual de la tecnología, de la organización social y de la capacidad del ambiente para satisfacer las necesidades presentes y futuras. El desarrollo sustentable es opuesto a las posturas “del hombre contra la naturaleza” o “del empleo contra el ambiente”. En forma conciliadora propone proteger los empleos y el ambiente, ya que no se puede alcanzar una verdadera calidad de vida sin la preservación de éste y, mucho menos, pensar en empleos en el futuro, sin él. ABSTRACT: The objective of this article is to show that sustainable development is a model that is possible to achieve. It allows getting a balance among the economic growth and development with the social development, while protects the environment, permitting conciliation among humankind, nature and economy. The sustainable development establishes that the economic, social and nature environmental objectives of the development have to be defined in terms of sustainability. It means that the welfare of future mankind generations must not be less than the one belonging to the current generations. That is why; the concept of development cannot be simple and exclusively related to the quantitative growth of macroeconomic variables. The sustainable development implies the transformation of economical and social structures in order to be rapidly adapted to the global transition of the world. Therefore, it assumes a philosophical posture of justice and equity and considers the needs of the poor world’s people, as well as the restrictions imposed by the state of the art technology, the social organization and the environment capacity to satisfy the current and future needs. Sustainable development is opposed to the ideas of “the humankind against nature” or “the job against the environment”. As a conciliator model proposes protecting the jobs and the environment, because it is not possible to achieve a true quality of life without the environment conservation, and much less, to think about jobs in the future, without him. PALABRAS CLAVE: Desarrollo sustentable, desarrollo económico, desarrollo social, medio ambiente, conciliación. KEYWORDS: Sustainable development, economic development, social development, environment, conciliation


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    Coastal areas are valuable and sensitive environments subjected to great anthropogenic pressure. Among these pressures, metal pollution is of priority concern as these pollutants can reach concentrations that exceed the levels established to protect sensitive organisms in the ecosystem. In coastal lagoons, shallow systems with a reduced exchange with the open sea, metal concentrations are one or two orders of magnitude higher than in open-waters. In addition, these systems are subjected to physicochemical variations that can alter the biogeochemical cycling of the metals. Singular environmental events such as strong winds cause metal resuspension, torrential rain events provoke the entrance of solutes and pollutants, and phytoplankton blooms dramatically increase the concentration of organic matter. These events provoke alterations in the concentration and speciation of metals in the water column. This will have a direct impact in the organisms living in the area, since metal toxicity and bioavailability depends on the chemical speciation. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is the most important variable influencing metal speciation and bioavailability in seawater. However, the effects of DOM on metal bioavailability have not been yet unravelled and contrasting results have been reported, some showing that DOM protects against metal toxicity and others showing the opposite. The present study was designed to study how the biogeochemical cycling of trace metals in the water column of coastal lagoons is influenced by these singular environmental events and how this affects the incorporation of metals by the primary producers, in this case, microalgae, with particular focus on the effect of dissolved organic matter on metal biouptake. The proposed work combines field sampling and analytical work in the Mar Menor lagoon (SE Spain). This project will substantially contribute to widen our knowledge about the behaviour of metals in coastal areas and to determine how the presence of DOM affects their toxicity

    SIN PALABRAS: La comunicación NO verbal en estudiantes de profesiones sanitarias y no sanitarias

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    La Comunicación NO Verbal (CNV) es un tipo de comunicación que no siempre se incluye como tal en las competencias y objetivos de las titulaciones académicas y que a menudo se considera sólo desde un punto de vista teórico. Pero, en el ámbito laboral, se exige a los profesionales que sepan controlar a su favor la CNV, en especial a los profesionales de la salud, por el posible impacto sobre el paciente. Mediante formulario on-line, se pidió a los estudiantes matriculados en titulaciones relacionadas y no relacionadas con la sanidad, que valorarán el papel de la CNV en diferentes situaciones de la vida cotidiana. Participaron estudiantes universitarios: U. de Alicante y U. Nacional de Tucumán (Argentina), y de Formación Profesional: IES Leonardo da Vinci (Alicante) e INS Gabriela Mistral (Sant Vicenç dels Horts, Barcelona). Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes universitarios consideran más importante y valoran mejor la CNV que los de Formación Profesional. Sin embargo, no se aprecian diferencias significativas entre estudiantes de titulaciones sanitarias y no sanitarias en ninguno de los dos niveles académicos. Ante estos resultados hacemos una llamada a la reflexión sobre la importancia que debería adquirir la práctica de la CNV en las titulaciones sanitarias


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    Mar Menor coastal lagoon is a shallow system with a reduced exchange with the open sea, that is affected by several anthropogenic pressures, mainly agriculture and mining. The mining sierra of Cartagena-La Unión has been historically discharging mining waste rich in heavy metals in the south area of Mar Menor, resulting in high metal concentrations in sediments (García and Muñoz-Vera., 2015). The nutrients reaching the lagoon, together with the high temperatures, also provoke phytoplankton blooms that lead to high concentrations of dissolved organic matter (DOM). It is well known that total metal concentrations are not good predictors of their bioavailability, and metal speciation should be taken into account. The presence of ligands, such as DOM in the water, may form metal-DOM complexes and protect against the deleterious effects of metals. The present study aims at studying the effect of DOM on the speciation of dissolved metals (Cu and Pb) in Mar Menor waters. With that aim, filtered water was sampled at five sites in Mar Menor lagoon at several sampling periods. Metal concentration was analysed by ICP-MS with Argon gas dilution, DOC was analysed in a carbon-specific infrared gas analyser and optical characterization of DOM was obtained from absorbance and fluorescence spectra. Complexiometric titrations of Cu and Pb were performed by anodic stripping voltammetry following Durán and Nieto (2011). Preliminary results show that Cu and Pb concentrations in Mar Menor waters are higher than in other coastal areas, especially in the south area of the lagoon, reaching concentrations of tens of nanomolar. DOC concentrations are also very high in Mar Menor waters, leading to high complexation capacities for Cu, therefore protecting aquatic biota from the deleterious effects of Cu. Pb, on the contrary, is poorly complexed by DOM, and almost all dissolved Pb is present in inorganic forms

    New subfamily belonging to Enicocephalidae

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    4 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.Includes bibliographical references (p. 4)