261 research outputs found

    Evaluation and control process in higher education institutions: a comparative analysis

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    Purpose The purpose of this paper is to study the evaluation and control processes in the governance systems of higher education institutions (HEIs). Design/methodology/approach This study compares the performance and control processes of strategic management in four HEIs in two European countries with binary systems – Portugal and The Netherlands. Using a case study approach, the authors find that HEIs with different missions and contexts have performance and control systems that are generally indistinguishable. Findings The controlling strategies in the public HEIs have taken on isomorphic characteristics based on processes that enhance competition, decentralize functions and solidify performance management. Originality/value In this paper, the authors “unpackage” strategic management to focus on the forms of control associated with performance evaluation. Performance evaluation is central to the management process and increasingly assuming an integral part of the institution’s identity and culture.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Academic culture in doctoral education: are companies making a difference in the experiences and practices of doctoral students in Portugal?

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    Aim/Purpose: This article examines the experience and practice of doctoral students by focus-ing on different dimensions of the PhD socialization process. It addresses the question of whether university collaborations with businesses influence the ex-perience and practice of PhD students. Background: The study explores the academic culture in the PhD process through the analy-sis of the experiences and practices of doctoral students in two groups - those without business collaborations (academic trajectories) and those with business collaborations (hybrid trajectories). Academic trajectories are seen as traditional academic disciplinary based doctoral education, while hybrid trajectories cross boundaries collaborating with companies in the production of new knowledge.Methodology: The article uses a qualitative methodology based on extensive interviews and analysis of the curriculum vitae of fourteen Portuguese PhD students in three scientific domains (engineering and technology sciences, exact sciences, and so-cial sciences). The doctoral program profiles were defined according to a survey applied to the directors of all doctoral programs in Portugal. Contribution: The study contributes to the reflection on the effects of collaboration with companies, in particular on the trajectories and experiences of doctoral stu-dents. It contributes to the understanding of the challenges associated with business collaborations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O futuro da ciência: As redes, a colaboração e a internacionalização

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    Gostaria de começar com um agradecimento muito especial ao Professor João Emílio Alves pelo amável convite que me fez para participar no IV Seminário de Investigação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico, organizado pela C3i (Coordenação Interdisciplinar para a Investigação e Inovação – Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre). Este Seminário de I&DT é uma ocasião singular para conhecer as actividades de investigação e desenvolvimento, tratando-se igualmente de uma oportunidade para divulgar o que há de novo no conhecimento e na inovação. É uma ocasião de partilha, mas também de reconhecimento do trabalho feito pelos investigadores do Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre ao longo dos últimos anos e, como tal, um momento de grande alegria. Estas ocasiões de reconhecimento são de grande importância tendo em conta as dificuldades que a ciência enfrenta hoje em Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Not All Pseudoaneurysms Are Femoral. A Transcaval Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement Rare Complication

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    We report a case of a 73-year-old male with multiple comorbidities, including postpoliomyelitis severe scoliosis, referred to our tertiary center due to a severe symptomatic aortic stenosis, considered high risk for surgical aortic valve replacement (AVR). Due to unsuitable femoral and subclavian accesses, the patient underwent a transcaval transcatheter AVR (TAVR) procedure, complicated by the development of an iatrogenic infrarenal aortic pseudoaneurysm with aortocaval fistula. Scoliosis can cause varying anatomic relationships between retroperitoneal vessels and intervertebral disk spaces, which increase the difficulty of the procedure and consequently lead to this vascular complication. Although most aortocaval fistulas close spontaneously after 1 year, the risk of pseudoaneurysm rupture in this critical area was crucial in the decision of a new successful percutaneous aortic stent intervention.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Conhecimento dos serviços da FCCN junto da comunidade científica e tecnológica nacional: um inquérito por questionário

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    O relatório aqui apresentado resulta de uma prestação de serviços, por parte de uma equipa do ISCTE-IUL, à FCCN (Fundação para a Computação Científica Nacional). Esta visou apoiar o lançamento de um inquérito por questionário aos membros da comunidade científica e tecnológica nacional, com o fim de aferir a perceção acerca dos serviços da FCCN, designadamente em termos de Conectividade, Computação, Colaboração, Conhecimento e Segurança.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Thromboembolic Complications During Endovascular Treatment of Ruptured Intracranial Aneurysms - Prevention and Therapy

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    As complicações tromboembólicas são as mais frequentemente reportadas durante a terapêutica endovascular de aneurismas intracranianos com espiras metálicas. A frequência deste tipo de complicação varia na literatura, contudo autores referem uma incidência entre 2,5 e 28%. Diversos mecanismos poderão estar envolvidos na formação e migração do trombo: pode ser já preexistente no interior do aneurisma a tratar e deslocar-se para o vaso portador; pode formar-se de novo na superfície das espiras ou dos cateteres utilizados; ou ainda no eventual colo residual se o grau de oclusão não for completo. Estudos demonstraram maior incidência de complicações tromboembólicas em aneurismas de colo largo. Neste trabalho discutimos a importância e justificação de medidas utilizadas na prevenção de complicações tromboembólicas durante e após a terapêutica endovascular de aneurismas rotos intra-cranianos. Referem-se ainda as opções e estratégias a adoptar na eventualidade de uma oclusão vascular ser detectada durante o procedimento, como a administração de inibidores da glicoproteina IIb/IIIa ou mesmo a libertação de stents intra-cranianos. Diversos casos exemplificativos são exibidos. A prevenção de complicações tromboembólicas e a rápida actuação perante a oclusão vascular são essenciais para a melhoria do prognóstico dos doentes submetidos a terapêutica endovascular de aneurismas rotos. O conhecimento profundo das opções disponíveis é essencial para a persecução desse objectivo

    Acute Myocardial Infarction in the Puerperium

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    Os autores descrevem um caso clínico de paciente de 42 anos, com enfarte agudo do miocárdio (EAM) ao 3º dia de puerpério, tendo efectuado angioplastia directa. A propósito deste caso fez-se uma revisão das principais alterações fisiológicas cardiovasculares e da hemostase na gravidez, habitualmente bem toleradas pelas gestantes, mas que em mulheres com factores de risco ou com doença cardíaca prévia aumentam a probabilidade de eventos cardiovasculares. O volume sanguíneo e o débito cardíaco aumentam em média 50% durante a gestação, a concentração de hemoglobina diminui e a menor resistência vascular periférica condiciona uma queda da pressão arterial na primeira metade da gravidez. No pós parto imediato verifica-se um incremento na pressão de enchimento ventricular, volume sistólico e débito cardíaco e é no período peri-parto que o risco cardiovascular se encontra mais elevado. A incidência de EAM na gravidez e puerpério é baixa, no entanto a tendência é de aumento, tendo em conta o número crescente de gestações nos extremos da idade reprodutiva

    Safety and Effectiveness of the Genous Endothelial Progenitor Cell-Capture Stent: Follow-Up to 5 Years

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    AIMS: To evaluate the long-term clinical outcomes following percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with the Genous stent in an unselected population. METHODS: All patients admitted to a single center who underwent PCI using the GS exclusively, between May 2006 and May 2012, were enrolled, and a clinical follow-up of up to 60 months was carried out. The primary endpoint of major adverse cardiac event (MACE) rate was defined as the composite of cardiac death, acute myocardial infarction (AMI), and target lesion revascularization (TLR). RESULTS: Of the 450 patients included (75.1% male; 65.5 ± 11.7 years), 28.4% were diabetic and acute coronary syndrome was the reason for PCI in 76.4%. Angioplasty was performed in 524 lesions using 597 Genous stents, with angiographic success in 97.1%. At a median of 36 months of follow-up (range, 1-75 months), MACE, AMI, TLR, stent restenosis (SR), and stent thrombosis (ST) rates were 15.6%, 8.4%, 4.4%, 3.8%, and 2.2%, respectively. Between 12 and 24 months, the TLR, SR, and ST rates practically stabilized, up to 60 months. Bifurcation lesions were independently associated with MACE, TLR, and SR. CONCLUSION: This is the first study reporting clinical results with the Genous stent up to 60 months. The Genous stent was safe and effective in the long-term, in an unselected population

    Lateral tests on a two-story CLT house

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    A two storey full-scale model of a CLT house, of 4.5 m x 9.1 m in-plane, with a height of 5.04 m, was tested under quasi-static monotonic (pushover). The main objectives were to investigate the 3-D system performance of a CLT structure subjected to lateral loads in terms of lateral strength and deformability capacity, global behaviour of the structure, frequency response of the structure, performance of connectors (mainly hold-downs and angle-brackets) and connections between CLT panels. Lateral loads have been applied on the storeys inducing torsion to the building. Loading procedure, number and disposition of connectors varied between tests. With this campaign it is intended to obtain results on: i) load-deformation response of a 3-D CLT structure subjected to lateral loads; ii) global response of the structure, focusing on the performance of CLT slabs subjected to in-plane loads, performance of parallel and perpendicular walls, and response of the structure near openings; iii) failure mechanisms and on the performance of connections between CLT panels and connectors. The outcomes of the full-scale CLT house tests will be used for further analytical and numerical analyses to help implement the new generation of Eurocode 8.- (undefined

    Lateral tests on a two-story CLT house

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    Artigo em ata de conferênciaA two storey full-scale model of a CLT house, of 4.5 m x 9.1 m in-plane, with a height of 5.04 m, was tested under quasi-static monotonic (pushover). The main objectives were to investigate the 3-D system performance of a CLT structure subjected to lateral loads in terms of lateral strength and deformability capacity, global behaviour of the structure, frequency response of the structure, performance of connectors (mainly hold-downs and angle-brackets) and connections between CLT panels. Lateral loads have been applied on the storeys inducing torsion to the building. Loading procedure, number and disposition of connectors varied between tests. With this campaign it is intended to obtain results on: i) load-deformation response of a 3-D CLT structure subjected to lateral loads; ii) global response of the structure, focusing on the performance of CLT slabs subjected to in-plane loads, performance of parallel and perpendicular walls, and response of the structure near openings; iii) failure mechanisms and on the performance of connections between CLT panels and connectors. The outcomes of the full-scale CLT house tests will be used for further analytical and numerical analyses to help implement the new generation of Eurocode 8