7 research outputs found

    TransmissĂŁo vertical do HIV e caracterĂ­sticas associadas em maternidade pĂșblica em Presidente Prudente, Brasil

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    In children, vertical transmission is the main form of HIV infection. Our aim was to determine the prevalence of HIV-1 vertical transmission in mother-infant pairs in a public maternity ward in Presidente Prudente, SP. Additionally; we sought to identify characteristics associated with this form of transmission. The files of 86 HIV-1-infected mothers and their newborns referred to a Public Hospital from March 2002 to March 2007 were analyzed. The HIV-1-RNA viral load of the newborns was determined by bDNA. The HIV-1 vertical-transmission rate was 4.6%. Children that were born in the pre-term period and breastfed were at a higher risk of HIV-1 infection (p = 0.005 and p = 0.017 respectively) than children born at term and not breastfed. Prophylactic therapy with zidovudine after birth for newborns was associated with a lower risk of infection (p = 0.003). The number of newborns weighing < 2,500 g was significantly higher for infected children (p = 0.008) than for non-infected newborns. About 22.9% of mothers did not know the HIV-1 status of their newborns eight months after delivery. The study suggests that it is necessary to increase the identification of HIV-1 infection in pregnant women and their newborns as well as to offer and explain the benefits of ARV prophylaxis.A transmissĂŁo vertical Ă© a principal forma de infecção pelo HIV em crianças. Nosso objetivo foi determinar a prevalĂȘncia da transmissĂŁo vertical do HIV em maternidade pĂșblica em Presidente Prudente, SP. AlĂ©m disso, procuramos identificar caracterĂ­sticas associadas a essa forma de transmissĂŁo. De março de 2002 a março de 2007, os prontuĂĄrios de 86 mĂŁes HIV-1 positivo e seus bebĂȘs, nascidos na maternidade de Hospital PĂșblico foram analisadas. A carga viral do HIV-1-RNA dos recĂ©m-nascidos foi determinada por bDNA. A prevalĂȘncia da transmissĂŁo vertical pelo HIV-1 foi de 4,6%. Crianças nascidas a prĂ©-termo e amamentadas tiveram um risco maior de infecção (p = 0,005 e p = 0,017, respectivamente), comparado com crianças nascidas a termo e nĂŁo amamentadas. A profilaxia com zidovudina depois do nascimento para os recĂ©m-nascidos foi associada ao menor risco de infecção (p = 0,003). O nĂșmero de recĂ©m-nascidos com peso < 2.500 g foi maior entre as crianças infectadas (p = 0,008), comparado com crianças nĂŁo infectadas. Oito meses depois do parto 22,9% das mĂŁes nĂŁo tinham conhecimento da infecção de seus bebĂȘs pelo HIV. O presente estudo sugere a necessidade em aumentar a identificação do HIV em gestantes e seus bebĂȘs e explicar e oferecer os benefĂ­cios da profilaxia antiretroviral

    Epidemiology of human immunodeficiency virus-visceral leishmaniasis-co-infection

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    In Brazil, the rates of mother-to-child-transmission (MTCT) of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) decreased from 20% to 1-2% in some regions. However, the country contains 90% of individuals infected with visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in Latin America, and the west region of São Paulo state faces an alarming expansion of the disease. We describe the epidemiological aspects of the expanding infection of VL and a case report of an HIV-VL-co-infected child from the west region of São Paulo state. The patient was an AIDS-C3 with low levels of CD4, high viral load, severe diarrhea, oral and perineal candidiasis, severe thrombocytopenia, and protein-caloric malnourishment. She evolved with sepsis, renal and cardiac failure. An rK rapid diagnosis test, indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT), and bone marrow aspirate were performed for VL. Her symptoms improved significantly after liposomal amphotericin B administration. From the 45 municipalities that compose the Regional Health Department of Presidente Prudente, Lutzomyia longipalpis vectors were found in 58% of them. VL infected dogs were found in 33% of those municipalities, infected dogs and humans were found in 29%, 20% are starting and 33% of the municipalities are preparing VL investigation. It is likely, in this patient, that VL advanced the clinical progression of the HIV disease and the development of AIDS severity. Supported by favorable conditions, the region becomes a new frontier of VL in Brazil. © 2013


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    The objective of this study is to evaluate the maternal and infant care of pregnant women infected with syphilis. A retrospective cross-sectional study was carried out of syphilis cases in pregnant women treated at a public hospital in the interior of SĂŁo Paulo who presented a positive rapid test for syphilis at delivery in 2020. The rate of syphilis found during pregnancy was 45.6 per 1000 live births. In total, 82% of the pregnant women who were diagnosed with syphilis during prenatal care received the recommended treatment and 100% of these pregnant women attended at the maternity hospital studied were treated in accordance with the guidelines of the STD/AIDS Reference and Training Center of the Health Department of SĂŁo Paulo. Regional public health policies should prioritize campaigns to prevent sexually transmitted infections and review prenatal care processes so that all pregnant women infected with syphilis receive the recommended treatment.O objetivo desse estudo Ă© avaliar a assistĂȘncia materno-infantil de gestantes infectadas com sĂ­filis.Foi realizado um estudo transversal retrospectivo dos casos de sĂ­filis em gestantes atendidas em um hospital pĂșblico do interior de SĂŁo Paulo que apresentaram teste rĂĄpido positivo para sĂ­filis no momento do parto no ano de 2020. A taxa de sĂ­filis encontrada durante a gestação foi de 45,6 a cada 1000 nascidos vivos. 82% das gestantes que tiveram o diagnĂłstico de sĂ­filis durante o prĂ©-natal receberam o tratamento preconizado e 100% destas gestantes atendidas na maternidade estudada tiveram o atendimento em conformidade com as diretrizes do Centro de ReferĂȘncia e Treinamento DST/AIDS da Secretaria de SaĂșde de SĂŁo Paulo. PolĂ­ticas de saĂșde pĂșblica regionais devem priorizar as campanhas de prevenção de infecçÔes sexualmente transmissĂ­veis e rever os processos de assistĂȘncia prĂ©-natal para que toda a gestante infectada com sĂ­filis receba o tratamento preconizado.&nbsp

    HIV-1-mother-to-child transmission and associated characteristics in a public maternity unit in Presidente Prudente, Brazil

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    In children, vertical transmission is the main form of HIV infection. Our aim was to determine the prevalence of HIV-1 vertical transmission in mother-infant pairs in a public maternity ward in Presidente Prudente, SP. Additionally; we sought to identify characteristics associated with this form of transmission. The files of 86 HIV-1-infected mothers and their newborns referred to a Public Hospital from March 2002 to March 2007 were analyzed. The HIV-1-RNA viral load of the newborns was determined by bDNA. The HIV-1 vertical-transmission rate was 4.6%. Children that were born in the pre-term period and breastfed were at a higher risk of HIV-1 infection (p = 0.005 and p = 0.017 respectively) than children born at term and not breastfed. Prophylactic therapy with zidovudine after birth for newborns was associated with a lower risk of infection (p = 0.003). The number of newborns weighing < 2,500 g was significantly higher for infected children (p = 0.008) than for non-infected newborns. About 22.9% of mothers did not know the HIV-1 status of their newborns eight months after delivery. The study suggests that it is necessary to increase the identification of HIV-1 infection in pregnant women and their newborns as well as to offer and explain the benefits of ARV prophylaxis