452 research outputs found

    Prevalence and impact of founder mutations in hereditary breast cancer in Latin America

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    Approximately 10% of all cancers are considered hereditary and are primarily caused by germline, high penetrance mutations in cancer predisposition genes. Although most cancer predisposition genes are considered molecularly heterogeneous, displaying hundreds of different disease-causing sequence alterations, founder mutations have been identified in certain populations. In some Latin American countries, founder mutations associated with increased risk of breast and other cancers have been described. This is particularly interesting considering that in most of these countries, populations are highly admixed with genetic contributions from native populations and from the influx of several distinct populations of immigrants. In this article, we present a review of the scientific literature on the subject and describe current data available on founder mutations described in the most common breast cancer predisposition genes: BRCA1, BRCA2 and TP53

    Genetic epidemiology of BRCA1- and BRCA2-associated cancer across Latin America

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    The prevalence and contribution of BRCA1/2 (BRCA) pathogenic variants (PVs) to the cancer burden in Latin America are not well understood. This study aims to address this disparity. BRCA analyses were performed on prospectively enrolled Latin American Clinical Cancer Genomics Community Research Network participants via a combination of methods: a Hispanic Mutation Panel (HISPANEL) on MassARRAY; semiconductor sequencing; and copy number variant (CNV) detection. BRCA PV probability was calculated using BRCAPRO. Among 1,627 participants (95.2% with cancer), we detected 236 (14.5%) BRCA PVs; 160 BRCA1 (31% CNVs); 76 BRCA2 PV frequency varied by country: 26% Brazil, 9% Colombia, 13% Peru, and 17% Mexico. Recurrent PVs (seen ≥3 times), some region-specific, represented 42.8% (101/236) of PVs. There was no ClinVar entry for 14% (17/125) of unique PVs, and 57% (111/196) of unique VUS. The area under the ROC curve for BRCAPRO was 0.76. In summary, we implemented a low-cost BRCA testing strategy and documented a significant burden of non-ClinVar reported BRCA PVs among Latin Americans. There are recurrent, population-specific PVs and CNVs, and we note that the BRCAPRO mutation probability model performs adequately. This study helps address the gap in our understanding of BRCA-associated cancer in Latin America

    TSC1 and TSC2 gene mutations and their implications for tratment in tuberous sclerosis complex : a review

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    Tuberous sclerosis complex is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by skin manifestations and formation of multiple tumors in different organs, mainly in the central nervous system. Tuberous sclerosis is caused by the mutation of one of two tumor suppressor genes, TSC1 or TSC2. Currently, the development of novel techniques and great advances in high-throughput genetic analysis made mutation screening of the TSC1 and TSC2 genes more widely available. Extensive studies of the TSC1 and TSC2 genes in patients with TSC worldwide have revealed a wide spectrum of mutations. Consequently, the discovery of the underlying genetic defects in TSC has furthered our understanding of this complex genetic disorder, and genotype-phenotype correlations are becoming possible, although there are still only a few clearly established correlations. This review focuses on the main symptoms and genetic alterations described in TSC patients from 13 countries in three continents, as well as on genotype-phenotype correlations established to date. The determination of genotype-phenotype correlations may contribute to the establishment of successful personalized treatment for TSC

    TULP3 : a potential biomarker in colorectal cancer?

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second most common cancer in women and the third most common cancer in men globally. The identification of differentially expressed genes associated to patient’s clinical data may represent a useful approach to find important genes in CRC carcinogenesis. Previously, the TULP3 transcription factor was identified as a possible prognostic biomarker in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Considering that pancreatic and colorectal tissues have the same embryonic origin, we investigated the profile of TULP3 expression in CRC hypothesizing that it may have a role in its development. We comparatively analysed TULP3 gene expression in CRC and normal adjacent colonic tissue and assessed association of expression profiles with survival and clinicopathological information, using publicly available datasets. TULP3 expression levels were increased in CRC when compared to the adjacent non-tumoral tissue. In addition, higher TULP3 gene expression was associated to lymphatic and vascular invasion in colon adenocarcinoma (COAD) and rectum adenocarcinoma (READ), respectively. In summary, our results point to a possible role of TULP3 as a diagnostic and prognostic biomarker in CRC. Additional studies are necessary to confirm these preliminary findings

    Conhecimento sobre câncer de mama e câncer de mama hereditário entre enfermeiros em um hospital público

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    OBJETIVO: avaliar os conhecimentos de enfermeiros envolvidos nos cuidados de pacientes oncológicos em um hospital público universitário, em relação ao câncer de mama e ao câncer de mama hereditário e verificar o uso de tais conhecimentos em sua prática diária. MÉTODOS: este é um estudo transversal. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de um questionário estruturado autoaplicado. De um total de 154 enfermeiros convidados a participar do estudo, 137 (88,9%) concordaram. Dois questionários foram excluídos, totalizando 135 analisados. RESULTADOS: a porcentagem global de respostas corretas não estava associada à idade (p = 0,173) ou à formação/especialização (p = 0,815). As perguntas foram classificadas em categorias. Nas categorias que abrangiam conhecimentos relacionados aos fatores de risco estabelecidos para o câncer de mama e aos indicadores do câncer de mama hereditário, a taxa de respostas corretas foi de 65,8% e 66,4%, respectivamente. Em relação à prática de aconselhamento genético, 40,7% dos entrevistados não tinham certeza sobre a definição de aconselhamento genético, e 78,5% relataram nunca ter identificado ou encaminhado um paciente com risco genético para uma avaliação de riscos especializada. A prática de ações educativas em relação a esse tema foi relatada por 48,5% dos entrevistados. CONCLUSÃO: este estudo reforça a necessidade de desenvolver ações qualificadoras para enfermeiros de modo que as estratégias para o controle do câncer tornem-se eficientes em suas prática de cuidados de saúde.OBJETIVO: evaluar los conocimientos del personal de enfermería involucrado en el cuidado de los pacientes de oncología de un hospital universitario público, en relación con el cáncer de mama y el cáncer de mama hereditario, y verificar el uso de esos conocimientos en su práctica diaria. MÉTODOS: estudio descriptivo de corte transversal; los datos se obtuvieron mediante un cuestionario estructurado autoadministrado. De un total de 154 enfermeros/as, 137 (88,9%) aceptaron participar en el estudio. Se excluyeron dos cuestionarios, totalizando 135 cuestionarios analizados. RESULTADOS: el porcentaje global de respuestas correctas no se asoció con la edad (p=0,173) o título/especialización (p=0,815). Las preguntas fueron clasificadas en categorías. En las categorías que implican el conocimiento de los factores de riesgo establecidos del cáncer de mama y los indicadores del cáncer de mama hereditario, la tasa de respuestas correctas fue de 65,8% y 66,4%, respectivamente. En relación con la práctica del consejo genético, el 40,7% de los entrevistados/as no estaban seguros/as acerca de la definición de consejo genético y el 78,5% informó que nunca habían identificado o derivado a un paciente en situación de riesgo genético para una evaluación de riesgos especializada. La práctica de acciones educativas con respecto a este tema se reportó en el 48,5% de los entrevistados/as. CONCLUSIÓN: este estudio refuerza la necesidad de desarrollar acciones de calificación para el personal de enfermería, para que las estrategias de control del cáncer de mama sean efectivas en su práctica asistencial.OBJECTIVE: To assess the knowledge of nurses involved in the care of oncology patients in a public university hospital, regarding breast cancer and hereditary breast cancer, and to verify the use of such knowledge in their daily practice. METHODS: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study. Data were obtained through a structured, self-administered questionnaire. Out of 154 nurses, 137 (88.9%) agreed to participate in the study. Two questionnaires were excluded such that 135 questionnaires were analyzed. RESULTS: The global percentage of correct answers was not associated with age (p=0.173) or degree/specialization (p=0.815). Questions were classified into categories. In categories involving knowledge of established breast cancer risk factors and indicators of hereditary breast cancer, the rate of correct answers was 65.8% and 66.4%, respectively. On the practice of genetic counseling, 40.7% of those interviewed were not sure about the definition of genetic counseling and 78.5% reported never having identified or referred a patient at genetic risk for specialized risk assessment. Practice of educational actions regarding this subject was reported by 48.5% of those interviewed. CONCLUSION: This study reinforces the need to develop qualifying actions for nurses, so that strategies to control breast cancer become effective in their health care practice
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