4 research outputs found

    Familiarizing Students with a Friendly Learning Activity in Enriching English Vocabulary: Memorization Technique

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    In learning English, we must apply appropriate technique to mastery it. One of the technique used is memorizing vocabulary. The more vocabulary we memorize, the easier it will be for us to use the language in communicating. But not only memorization technique can improve our language learning but there are still many methods that we can use depending on how the learning or learning model is suitable for those learners. But in fact, based on the observations of researchers at SMP Negeri 2 Parepare, researchers found several problems in students' vocabulary mastery. One of the problems is the students still do not know various kinds of vocabulary such as adjectives, nouns, verbs and adverb, and how to arrange them in a sentence. In this study, the researchers applied a mixed method with a one group class pretest and posttest design. The researchers took one class as a sample where the number of students was thirty students. The results of data analysis showed that the memorization technique provided positive impacts on students’ English vocabulary. This is evidenced by the N-Gain test that aimed to see the effect of the treatment given, showing that there are four students in the high category, there are nineteen students in the currently/medium category, and there are seventeen students in the low category. In addition, the most of students responded memorization technique positively. It can be said that through the memorization technique, it can improve the vocabulary mastery of students at SMP Negeri 2 Parepare


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    The purpose of this research is to revolutionize the mentality of the Lembang community / Rante Liombong Villagem motivate and stimulate the work spirit of the Lembang / Rante Liombong Village community and the character of the community must act for change in a better direction. The target of this study is to become a community of integrity, willing to work hard, and have a mutual cooperation spirit. ", The Lembang / Rante Limbong village are aware of effective and efficient work, passionate and motivated to improve work outcomes. The main problem is having a weak mentality that is consumptive always wanting to get something by the Instant way. Large land is not utilized as well as possible, it is left to be a land to sleep without any plants, people prefer lazing at home especially for young people, do not have work ethic, work as they wish, during alcoholic drinks, cockfighting every evening , card gambling all night, even though they need big funds for their party costs, especially the Rambu Solo party.The method used in the activities of the Science and Technology application for society (IbM) is Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), which involves the community in activities. The implementation of this activity is through Sikombong (Socialization), assistance, field study and demonstration and evaluation to see the effectiveness of the program so that the program runs effectively and efficiently. The implementation method is to apply and apply an active, effective and efficient work model in order to increase productive work outcomes. &nbsp


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    This research is intended to increase space and time in learning English, where space and time for English is very difficult to find in Indonesia. Through Mobile applications, learning will be more exclusive so as to reduce psychological barriers and cut the gap between teachers and students. They will feel more confident in expressing their opinions. This lesson will also be more constructive, give each other feedback between students and students and lecturers with students. This research will begin with the observation process to determine the object and location of the research. The use of WhatsaApp in learning will be conducted outside the classroom by determining the regular schedule and consistently. Begin by creating a group of 5 students with low levels of English language skills. The feature to be used is voice comment/messaging. Speaking skills will be the focus of this research. The method to be used is a combination of quantitative and qualitative (Mixed Method). Observations and interviews as qualitative representations and measurements of audio / speaking duration represent quantitative. The results of the study indicate that the use of WhatsApp in supporting learning outside the classroom provides varied progress. The review is measured from several aspects, namely Gender, Duration, Personal Margin Duration, Total Duration and Overall Personal Average

    The Effect Of Child Work Behavior On Hemoglobin Levels

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    Abstract. The relationship between the work behavior of crew members on hemoglobin levels, with unhealthy work behavior variables, can cause a decrease or increase in workers' hemoglobin levels. The research was carried out at the Nusantara Port of Parepare KM. Queen Soya. Data processing using Chi-square test. The results of the study of P < 0.05 was 0.36, indicating that there was no significant effect on Hb levels. Keywords: Blood, Hemoglobin, worker