27 research outputs found

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Head Together (Nht) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Kelas III SD Negeri 011 Sidorejo Kecamatan Simpang Kanan

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    The problem in this research is the low learning outcomes IPA Elementary School third-grade students 011 Sidorejo ie with an average of 61.95 with KKM 65. This is because the teacher is still less varied in using models or strategies in the learning process that resulted in the current active students are less involved learn. The study is in the form of classroom action research (PTK). This study aims to improve learning outcomes IPA Elementary School third-grade students 011 Sidorejo. The formulation of the problem "Does the application of the type learning model Numbered Head Together (NHT) can improve learning outcomes IPA third grade students of SD Negeri 011 Sidorejo?". Subjects of this study third grade students of 20 people consisting of 6 men and 14 women. research results show that the activity of teachers has increased by 66.66% in the first cycle to 87.5%. Activities of students also increased by ie from 91.66% to 95.83% in the second cycle. Learning outcomes of students has increased from a base score with an average of 61.95 increased by 62.5% to 75 at UH Cycle I, subsequently at the UH second cycle students on average increased by 87.5% to 95.83%. The completeness classically increased from 59.75% to preliminary data increased to 67.75% in the first cycle, subsequently increased to 80.5%. From these data it can be concluded that the application of the type of learning model Numbered Head Together (NHT) can improve learning outcomes IPA third grade students of SD Negeri 011 Sidorejo

    Antibacterial Activities Test of Combination of Ethanolic Extract of Betel Leaves (Piper Betle L.) and Basil Leaves (Ocimum Basilicum L.) Against Staphylococcus Aureus

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    Betel leaf extract and basil leaf extract contain phenol compounds, safonin, flavonoids, tannins, and essential oils that act as antibacterials. Skin is very susceptible to infection or other skin diseases one of which is caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. This research needs to be done to test the antibacterial activity of ethanol extract of green betel leaf, basil leaf and combination of both extracts to S. aureus. The process of extraction of betel leaf and basil leaves was done with 96% ethanol solvent using maceration method. The combinations used in the sample solution were the concentration of ethanol extract of green betel leaf (0%, 15%, 30%, 45%, 60%, 75%) and basil leaf extract (0%, 15%, 30%, 45%, 60 %, 75%). Furthermore, the antibacterial activity was tested for S. aureus with well diffusion method. The data obtained were tested statistically using Anova and Duncan's advanced test. The result of statistical analysis showed difference of drag zone (p <0,05) between various concentration of ethanol extract of green betel leaf, basil leaf and combination of both extracts to S. aureus. The smallest resin zone of ethanol extract of  betel leaf and ethanol extract of basil leaves is at 0% concentration (S0 and K0) and highest at 75% concentration (S5 and K5). While the smallest zone of inhibition for the combination of ethanol extract of betel leaf and ethanol extract of basil leaves at concentration S0K0, S0K1 and S0K2 is 0 mm and highest at S5K5 concentration is 31,3 mm. The higher concentration of betel leaf extract, basil leaf extract and the combination of the two extracts, the inhibition of diameter zone will be better. It can be concluded that the combination of  betel leaf extract and basil leaf extract has the ability to inhibit the growth of S. aureus better than single extract

    Development of Caulis Extract (Tinospora Crispa (L.) Hook. F. & Thomson as Plasmodium in Preparations Tablets

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    Brotowali (Tinospora crispa (L.) Hook. f. Thomson is a wild plant & in the Woods, fields or planted page near the fence, and the usual planted as medicinal plants. The entire plant (roots, stems, and leaves) has a bitter taste that can be used as a traditional medicine as Plasmodium. This research aims to make the tablet dosage of Caulis extract with gelatin Binder and polivenilpirolidon materials that meet the requirements of the physical quality of a tablet that is acceptable. Prior to the manufacture of tablets do extract raw materials testing which includes the determination of the levels of ash, determination of microbial impurities, testing the determination of aflatoxin levels of impurities, the determination of the levels of pesticide residues, the determination of the level of heavy metal impurities. Caulis extract tablet manufacture is made with two formula with each different binding materials, namely formula I used gelatin formula II 5% and 5% use polivinilpirolidon. The methods used in the manufacture of Caulis extract tablets using a wet granulation method. Granul tested his physical properties obtained covering moist, flow properties, compressibility granule. Tablets obtained physical quality test performed which include uniformity of weight, hardness, size uniformity, compressibility, and the crushed tablets. The data obtained were analyzed statistically using SPSS 15.0 for windows program namely testing T-Test with a 5% confidence. The results showed that the two formula tablets with the uniformity of weight, hardness, size uniformity, compressibility, and the time crushed tablet that meets the requirements of the physical quality of a good tablet. The conclusions of this research are extracted Caulis tablet can be created that meets the requirements of physical quality test tablet

    Hubungan antara Dukungan Keluarga dengan Kemampuan Perawatan Diri (Self Care) pada Pasien Pasca Stroke di RSUD Pirngadi Kota Medan

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    Stroke is a condition of brain experiencing neurodegenerative disorders such as local or global, occuring in sudden emergence, progressive, and fast. Impaired nerve function in stroke caused by circulatory disorders of the brain non-traumatic. Post-stroke patients need support and help the family in the treatment himself. This study aims to determine the relationship between family support with self-care skills  in patients with post-stroke. The study design is analytic survey with cross sectional approach. The study populations were 40 people and samples of this study were all post-stroke patients who were undergoing rehabilitation of physiotherapy with drawn by saturated sampling technique. The results showed that 47.5% of respondents got enough family support, and 55% of respondents have the ability of self-care with some aid. Based on the test results from Spearman Rank correlation, family support with self-care skills  has a correlation coefficient of 0.38 and Sig. (2-tailed) 0.01, meaning there is a relationship between family support and self-care skills on post-stroke patients in the Royal Prima Hospital Medan. In conclusion, this study shows that family support and self-care skills strongly influence at the level of the patient\u27s recovery. It is hoped that families to be more attentive to the needs and provide optimal support either support of awards/emotional, facilities and support information

    Analysis of glutathione S-transferase (M1, T1 and P1) gene polymorphisms in Iranian prostate cancer subjects

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    Glutathione S-transferase enzymes are active in detoxifying a wide number of endogenous and exogenous chemical carcinogens and subsequently, are crucial in protecting the DNA. Several studies show some differences in association of glutathione S-transferase M1, T1 and P1 genetic polymorphisms with the risk of prostate cancer in various populations. The current study was done with Iranian subjects to evaluate the association of the polymorphism of glutathione S-transferase subtypes (T, M and P) and the susceptibility of prostate cancer in Iranian patients as compared to controls. Blood samples were collected from 65 prostate cancer patients and 65 unrelated health individuals as controls from Milad hospital, Tehran, Iran. The polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method was used to determine the polymorphism of glutathione S-transferase pi (GSTP1) -313 A/G gene, while multiplex PCR method was utilized to detect the glutathione S-transferase teta (GSTT) 1 and glutathione S-transferase mμ (GSTM) 1 null allele. There was no significant association in the -313 G allele (Val) of GSTP1 gene  olymorphism and prostate cancer risk (odds ratio 0.61, 95% confidence intervals (CI) 0.08 - 4.60, p = 0.627). Moreover, no relationship was found between the polymorphism of GSTT1 (odds ratio 0.66, 95% CI 0.27 - 1.62) and GSTM1 (odds ratio 0.54, 95% CI 0.27 - 1.08) genes and higher risk of prostate cancer among Iranian subjects (p > 0.05). This study showed that either GSTP1-313 G polymorphism or GSTT1 and GSTM1 genes cannot be predisposing risk factors for prostate cancer among Iranian subjects.Key words: Glutathione S-transferase, prostate cancer, polymorphism

    Association of TNF-α G308A gene polymorphism in essential hypertensive patients without type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    This study aims to investigate the effects of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) G308A gene polymorphism on essential hypertension (EHT) with or without type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The project was conducted on buccal epithelial and blood cells for case and control patients, respectively. Epithelial cells were obtained from the inner part of the cheeks. Techniques including DNA extraction, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) were utilized to assess biomarkers of DNA damage. Our results demonstrated significant differences between wild and mutated genotypes among EHT patients without T2DM. We also found a significant association between wild and mutated allele frequencies in EHT patients (P < 0.05). Clinical characteristics between the groups (EHT with or without T2DM and controls) showed statistically significant association (P < 0.05). Overall, we show that G308A polymorphism of the TNF-αgene may be a significant genetic risk factor for EHT without T2DM patients in Malaysia

    Identifikcation and Determination the Levels of Red Hawker at Cileungsi Market Shows the Contain of Rhodamine B by UV-VIS Spectrophotometric

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    &nbsp;Identifikasi dan Penetapan Kadar Jajanan Berwarna Merah Diduga Mengandung Rhodamin B di Pasar Cileungsi secara Spektrofotometri UV-Vis. Makanan jajanan menjadi bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari kehidupan masyarakat. Konsumsi makanan jajanan diperkirakan akan terus meningkat, dengan dijajakannya makanan dalam bentuk dan warna yang menarik dan mencolok sehingga dapat menarik konsumen untuk mengkonsumsinya. Namun permasalahannya apakah warna mencolok yang ditambahkan ke dalam pangan tersebut berasal dari pewarna yang aman atau dilarang penggunaannya. Pengujian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah jajanan yang berwarna merah mengandung pewarna rhodamin B dan seberapa besar konsentrasinya. Telah dilakukan uji kualitatif &nbsp;dan kuantitatif sebanyak 16 sampel jajanan berwarna merah yang didapat dari Pasar Cileungsi &nbsp;yang diduga mengandung pewarna sintetik rhodamin B. Metode yang digunakan spektrofotometri UV-Vis &nbsp;pada panjang gelombang 558 nm setelah sampel diekstraksi dan apabila sampel positif rhodamin B maka dilanjutkan untuk penetapan kadar. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan sebanyak 8 sampel mengandung rhodamin B yaitu kue apem 2,606 ppm, kue putu ayu 2,594 ppm, rengginang 15,312 ppm, kue mangkok 2,708 ppm, cenil 9,276 ppm, kerupuk pasir 19,991 ppm, cone ice cream 35,174 ppm, kerupuk gulali 15,231 ppm, sedangkan 8 sampel lainnya dinyatakan negatif mengandung rhodamin B. Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 472 Tahun 1996 tentang pengamanan bahan berbahaya bagi kesehatan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa jajanan yang telah diuji menunjukkan bahwa 8 dari 16 sampel tidak memenuhi syarat karena mengandung rhodamin B

    Kajian Bruguiera Gymnorrhiza (Tumbuhan Tancang) di Kawasan Mangrove Muara Aluh-Aluh sebagai Bahan Pengayaan Konsep Keanekaragaman Hayati di SMA dalam Bentuk Booklet

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Mendeskripsikan tumbuhan Tancang (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza) di kawasan mangrove muara Aluh-aluh (2) Mendeskripsikan hasil validitas bahan ajar booklet yang dikembangkan tentang Tumbuhan Tancang (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza) di kawasan mangrove muara Aluh-aluh (3) Mendeskripsikan hasil uji keterbacaan bahan ajar booklet yang dikembangkan tentang Tumbuhan Tancang (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza) di kawasan mangrove muara Aluh-aluh. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif dengan transek kuadran dan penelitian pengembangan dengan model Borg and Gall dalam Sugiyono. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) Tumbuhan Tancang (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza) memiliki tipe akar lutut, batang memiliki lentisel, dan daun yang berwarna hijau dengan permukaan yang licin serta mengkilap, tebal seperti kulit, berbentuk elips hingga lanset. Bunga berwarna orange hingga merah, terletak di ketiak daun dengan daun kelopak dan mahkota yang masing-masing berjumlah 10-14. Buah Bruguiera gymnorrhiza melingkar spiral, berbentuk bundar melintang dengan panjang 2-2,5 cm. (2) Bahan ajar booklet yang dikembangkan mendapatkan kategori valid dengan skor 3,50 sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pengayaan konsep Keanekaragaman Hayati di SMA. (3) Hasil uji keterbacaan oleh siswa mendapatkan skor 90,83% dengan kategori sangat baik dan layak untuk digunakan sebagai bahan pengayaan konsep Keanekaragaman Hayati di SM

    The Implementation of Consumer Protection Act on Cosmetic Business Agents (Study of Cosmetic Supervision at Makassar Agency of Food and Drug Control)

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    This study is entitled Implementation of the Consumer Protection Act on Cosmetic Business Agents (Study of Cosmetic Supervision at Makassar Agency of Food and Drug Control). This study describes how to supervise the implementation of consumer protection act on cosmetic businesses. To obtain answers to this problem, the writers use three methods of the data collection; Observations, interviews, and documentation. In field research, the writers use observation and interview instruments. Qualitative Data processing and the data analysis techniques that are used; Data reduction, the data presentation, and verification of data. The samples in this study were the Head of the Agency of Food and Drug Control, the Head of Examination Department, the Head of Enforcement Department, the Head of Testing Department, the Head of Information and Communication Department, some business agents and consumers. The results of this study indicated that the application of the consumer protection act has been carried out by cosmetic business agents in Makassar, the agents have applied all the rules relating to the production and distribution of products as well. Supervision of cosmetic businesses by Makassar Agency of Food and Drug Control both in the market and at the clinic has proceeded properly