5,861 research outputs found

    Response of Two Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus L.) Genotypes to Va-mycorrhizal Inoculation and Phosphorus Levels

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    The performance of two sunflower genotypes (Morden and MSFH-8) with and without VA-mycorrhizal fungi at three P levels (38, 56 and 75 kg P2O5 ha-1) in vertisol of Dharwad was studied to determine the effect of mycorrhizal inoculation on plant growth, yield and P uptake. The results showed that the VAM inoculation increased sunflower yield (14%), total biomass (16%), oil content (3.1%) and P uptake (30.5%) over uninoculated control. The percent root colonization and chlamydo-spore count decreased with increasing P levels. The total biomass production, seed yield and P uptake of mycorrhizal plants at 38 kg P2O5 ha-1 more than the non-mycorrhizal plants at 75 kg P2O5 ha-1. The biomass and seed yield of mycorrhizal plants at same P level were more than the non-mycorrhizal plants. Mycorrhizal plants of Morden at 38 kg P2O5 ha-1 and MSFH-8 at 56 kg P2O5 ha-1 produced higher seed yield, oil content and total biomass than non-mycorrhizal plants supplied with 75 kg P2O5 ha-1. The results indicated that, VA-mycorrhizal inoculation helps in saving 25 and 50 percent of recommended dose of phosphatic fertilizer (75 kg P2O5 ha-1) in MSFH-8 (single cross hybrid) and Morden (open pollinated variety), respectively

    Endophytic Mycoflora of Indian Medicinal Plant, Terminalia arjuna and their Biological Activities

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    Studies were undertaken to isolate, identify and evaluate the biological activities of endophytic mycoflora of Indian medicinal plant, Terminalia arjuna. A total of 20 isolates of endophytic fungi were obtained from the leaves, twigs and bark tissues of the Terminalia arjuna. Out of 20, six isolates exhibited promising antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory activities when cultivated at shake flask level. The selected isolates were identified on the basis of morphology and ITS gene sequencing. Three isolates, designated as TA BA 1, TA L1 and TA L2 were identified as Aspergillus flavus whereas; the remaining three endophytic fungi were identified as Diaporthe arengae (TA TW2), Alternaria Sp. (TA TW1) and Lasiodiplodia theobromae (TA BA2). Aspergillus flavus was found as the predominant endophyte in leaves and bark tissues of the plant. The crude extract of the test isolates showed considerable antimicrobial activity against common human bacterial (Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus vulgaris, Salmonella abony and Bacillus subtilis) and fungal (Candida albicans, Aspergillus niger and Penicilium sp.) pathogens. The extract of Diaporthe arengae (TA TW2) significantly reduced the concentration of DPPH free radical as percent DPPH scavenging activity was found to be highest (69.56%) in comparison with other isolates. The % inhibition of hemolysis of RBCs was found to be highest (82.85%) with Diaporthe arengae (TA TW2) in comparison (83.26%) with standard drug (Ibuprofen). Among all, the extract of the Diaporthe arengae (TA TW2) showed excellent biological activities and hence was subjected to further characterization. The phytochemical investigation of the extract revealed the presence of terpenoids as the major phytoconstituents which was supported by TLC and UV spectroscopic studies. The results indicate that the isolated endophytes could be the valuable source of these bioactive molecules with diverse biological activities. The bioactivities may be attributed to the terpenoids present in the endophytic extract

    Comparative Studies on 'Nucellar', 'Sathgudi' and 'Local' Sweet Orange (Mosambi) (Citrus sinensis Osbeck.) under Marathwada Conditions

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    The present investigation was conducted during Ambia bahar season in the year 2011-12. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three treatments and seven replications. The variety 'Nucellar' recorded maximum average height of plant, spread of tree, stem girth, number of branches per tree, was early to mature, had highest yield, fruit size, number of segments per fruit, weight of fruit, peel weight, peel thickness of fruit, TSS, and pH, while, the variety 'Sathgudi' recorded maximum juice weight, with low peel-to-juice ratio. The taste of fruits of Local mosambi was sweeter, with less acidity than the other two varieties. Maximum number of seeds per fruit was recorded in Local mosambi. Highest average pH and ascorbic acid content in fruit juice was recorded in cv. Nucellar. Therefore, on the basis of results obtained in the present investigation, it is suggested that of the three varieties studied, 'Nucellar' is the best in yield and other parameters, with 'Sathgudi' being the second best

    Evolution of the Kondo resonance feature and its relationship to spin-orbit coupling across the quantum critical point in Ce2Rh{1-x}CoxSi3

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    We investigate the evolution of the electronic structure of Ce2Rh{1-x}CoxSi3 as a function of x employing high resolution photoemission spectroscopy. Co substitution at the Rh sites in antiferromagnetic Ce2RhSi3 leads to a transition from an antiferromagnetic system to a Kondo system, Ce2CoSi3 via the Quantum Critical Point (QCP). High resolution photoemission spectra reveal distinct signature of the Kondo resonance feature (KRF) and its spin orbit split component (SOC) in the whole composition range indicating finite Kondo temperature scale at the quantum critical point. We observe that the intensity ratio of the Kondo resonance feature and its spin orbit split component, KRF/SOC gradually increases with the decrease in temperature in the strong hybridization limit. The scenario gets reversed if the Kondo temperature becomes lower than the magnetic ordering temperature. While finite Kondo temperature within the magnetically ordered phase indicates applicability of the spin density wave picture at the approach to QCP, the dominant temperature dependence of the spin-orbit coupled feature suggests importance of spin-orbit interactions in this regime.Comment: 6 figure

    Survey of Different Data Dependence Analysis Techniques

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    Dependency analysis is a technique to detect dependencies between tasks that prevent these tasks from running in parallel. It is an important aspect of parallel programming tools. Dependency analysis techniques are used to determine how much of the code is parallelizable. Literature shows that number of data dependence test has been proposed for parallelizing loops in case of arrays with linear subscripts, however less work has been done for arrays with nonlinear subscripts. GCD test, Banerjee method, Omega test, I-test dependence decision algorithms are used for one-dimensional arrays under constant or variable bounds. However, these approaches perform well only for nested loop with linear array subscripts. The Quadratic programming (QP) test, polynomial variable interval (PVI) test, Range test are typical techniques for nonlinear subscripts. The paper presents survey of these different data dependence analysis tests

    Ontology Based Approach for Services Information Discovery using Hybrid Self Adaptive Semantic Focused Crawler

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    Focused crawling is aimed at specifically searching out pages that are relevant to a predefined set of topics. Since ontology is an all around framed information representation, ontology based focused crawling methodologies have come into exploration. Crawling is one of the essential systems for building information stockpiles. The reason for semantic focused crawler is naturally finding, commenting and ordering the administration data with the Semantic Web advances. Here, a framework of a hybrid self-adaptive semantic focused crawler – HSASF crawler, with the inspiration driving viably discovering, and sorting out administration organization information over the Internet, by considering the three essential issues has been displayed. A semi-supervised system has been planned with the inspiration driving subsequently selecting the ideal limit values for each idea, while considering the optimal performance without considering the constraint of the preparation of data set. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15072

    Selective Separation of Mercury by Extraction into Tri-n-octylamine

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    Spectral Efficiency Enhancement using Hybrid Pre-Coder Based Spectrum Handover Mechanism

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    Recently, the use of Millimeter-wave (mm-Wave) has immensely enhanced in various communication applications due to massive technological developments in wireless communications. Furthermore, mm-Wave consists of high bandwidth spectrum which can handle large demands of data transmission and internet services. However, high interference is observed in previous researches at the time of spectrum handover from secondary (unlicensed) users to primary (licensed) users. Thus, interference reduction by achieving high spectral efficiency and easy spectrum handoff process with minimum delay is an important research area. Therefore, a Hybrid Pre-coder Design based Spectrum Handoff (HPDSH) Algorithm is proposed in this article to increase spectrum efficiency in Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs) and to access large bandwidth spectrum of mm-Wave system to meet the high data rate demands of current cellular networks. Moreover, a HPDSH Algorithm is presented to enhance spectral efficiency and this algorithm is utilized to take handover decisions and select backup channels. Here, different scenarios and parameters are considered to evaluate performance efficiency of proposed HPDSH Algorithm in terms of spectral efficiency and Signal to Noise (SNR) ratio. The proposed HPDSH Algorithm is compared against varied traditional spectrum handoff methods. Moreover, it is clearly evident from performance results that the proposed HPDSH Algorithm performs better than the other spectrum handoff method

    “CSMA-Based Link Scheduling in Multihop MIMO Networks using SINR Model ”

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    The main aim of this study to resolve the problem of distributed scheduling in multi-hop MIMO networks. We will first develop a “MIMO pipe” model which will provide the required SINR , which gives the rate-reliability tradeoff in MIMO communications.Here we are going to study development of CSMA-based MIMO-pipe scheduling especially under the SINR model.We are going to choose the SINR model over the conventionally studied matching or protocol-based interference models because it has ability to capture the impact of interference in wireless networks. Here each node is equipped with an antenna array. In CSMA based scheduling, nodes will first sense the channel activity before attempting transmissions, whenever the channel is sensed to be idle, the nodes will continue with data transmissions. When the channel is detected to be busy, the nodes have to wait for a random amount of backoff time before reattempting the transmission.We will study that protocol model based throughput-optimal CSMA based scheduling, would not work well under the SINR model because its has dynamic and intrinsic link coupling. To tackle this challenge,CSMA-based MIMO-pipe scheduling is develpoed in both discrete-time system and continuous-time system
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