1,679 research outputs found

    Processing of Sorghum From Different Varieties and Hybrids for Semolina and Their Products

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    The present study was undertaken with the objective to standardise procedures for preparation of semolina (rava) from sorghum, to identify the best genotype for preparation of semolina and to study the nutritional quality parameters of semolina. For processing of sorghum, ten varieties and five hybrids were used for preparation of semolina and their products. A process has been standardized for semolina preparation using ultra grinding mill from sorghum grain. The semolina yield ranged from 46.51% to 54.29%. Hybrid CSH-15R gave the highest yield of semolina (54.29%). Starch content in semolina ranged from 59.93% to 66.43%. The new genotypes Phule Vasudha, Phule Yashoda and M 35-1 showed higher levels of starch content as compared to the other genotypes. The Phule Vasudha and Selection-3 showed higher levels of total soluble sugars in grains, as well as in semolina than the other genotypes. Phule Maulee gave higher level of crude fibre content (3.12%). The amino acid profile of sorghum grain and semolina showed very minor differences in the content due to the processing of sorghum grains into various products like semolina. The new genotypes of rabi sorghum showed comparable results for the mineral with that of hybrids. The organoleptic properties of the sweet (shira), upama and idali prepared from semolina were judged on the basis of colour, texture and appearance, flavour, taste and overall acceptability of the products using semi-trained judges and 1 to 9 hedonic scales. All products prepared from semolina were like very much and gave highest rating of more than 8 hedonic scales. While considering the yield of semolina from sorghum grains as well as their nutritional composition and organoleptic properties of the niche products (shira, upama, idali) prepared from them, the varieties Phule Vasudha and Phule Yashoda were the best one as compared to the other varieties and hybrids and overall varieties were better than the hybrids

    Selective Flotation of Scheelite and Calcite

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    The gold tailings from Gold Fields containing low scheelite values has a compled mineralogy with hornblende, quartz, arsenopyrite and calcite as major gangue minerals. The most difficult problem in scheelite flotation is not the removal of the siliceous or sulphide gangue, but the separation of Scheelite and calcite minerals which have similar surface properties. This is greatly influenced by many factors(1)such as (1) the extent of adsorption of the collectors (2) the dissolution of the minerals and the interference by the released species and (3) the intera-ction of adsorbed ions with the mineral surface. Direct flotation tests to recover scheelite from tailings failed due to the dilution of the concentrate by calcite. Hence to adopt the flotation process successfully, it is nece-ssary to depress the calcite selectively which is not achi-eved easily(2) due to the presence of small amounts of Ca, Mg and Fe salts and the lean grade of the ores to be treated. Slime coating(3) is also another factor adver-sely affecting the flotation of scheelite. The present study is an attempt to improve the selectivity of separ-ation of scheelite, based on the flotation of pure clacite-scheelite system using sodium oleate as collector

    Impacts Of Online Education Learning

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    This study was conducted to establish the effect of online classes towards the improvement of academic achievement. In addition, it revealed that such learning also had its downsides on a student's academic scores. According to the study, online education has both positive and negative effects in an academic setting as well as offering a flexible mode with minimal pressure coupled with social separation. This paper is aimed at examining the impact of using online learning on student’s achievements in schools due to the spread of the pandemic. This objective was achieved through a meta-analysis of relevant studies that examined the impact of online education on students academics achievements in various nations from the years 2020 to 2022. In addition, this study will serve as a reference for future research that investigates whether learning outcomes have improved or deteriorated in a post-pandemic world. Qualitative methodological approach was adopted in this research for investigating the views of university and college students’ concerning the quality of online education against their own online experience.  Different digital and printed documents were gathered. Student positive and negative experiences were analysed. Some of those experiences were also identified as factors contributing towards them. The findings reveal that online education impacts academic achievement in an intermediate manner


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    UV, first, second and third derivative spectrophotometric methods have been developed for the determination of meglumine. The solutions of standard and sample were prepared in distilled water. For the first method i.e. calibration curve UV spectrophotometric method, the quantitative determination of the drug was carried at 254 nm and the linearity range was found to be 10 – 60 µg/ml. For the first, second, third derivative spectrophotometric methods the drug was determined at 247 nm, 216 nm, 266 nm with the linearity range 10 – 60 µg /ml. The calibration graphs constructed at their wavelength of determination were found to be linear for UV and derivative spectrophotometric methods. All the proposed methods have been extensively validated. There was no significant difference between the performance of the proposed methods regarding the mean values and standard deviations

    Analysis and Classification of Breast Cancer Disease Via Different Datasets and Classifier Models

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    Nowadays, Tumour is one of the important reasons of human death worldwide, producing about 9.6 million people in 2018. BC (breast cancer) is the common reason for cancer deaths in females. BC is a type of cancer that can be treated when detected early. The main motive of this analysis is to detect cancer early in life using ML (machine learning) techniques. The features of the people included in the WDBC (Wisconsin diagnostic breast cancer) and Coimbra BC datasets were classified by SVOF-KNN, KNN, and Naïve Bayes techniques. The pre-processing data phase was applied to the datasets before classification. After the data pre-processing steps, three classification methods were applied to the data. Specificity and Sensitivity rates were used to calculate the success of the techniques. As an outcome of the BC diagnosis classification, the SVOF-KNN technique was found with a 91 percent specificity rate and 90 percent sensitivity rate. When the outcomes attained from feature extraction and selection are calculated. It is seen that feature extraction, selection, and data pre-processing techniques improve the specificity and sensitivity rate of the detection system

    Hearing Assessment in Infants: A Retrospective Institutional Study

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    Introduction Disorders of hearing are one of the most common disabilities in the country, especially in children. Hearing impairment is the most common congenital disease (3.5–9%) considering all degrees of permanent unilateral or bilateral deafness.  Hearing disability can further lead to lifestyle difficulties later on in life. Early identification and a comprehensive treatment can help these people lead a better and productive life. Materials and Methods A retrospective study from the hospital records was done of infants admitted in NICU/PICU in a rural setting in, Davangere, Karnataka from January 2017 to January 2021 who had undergone Oto-acoustic emission (OAE) upon discharge, with a Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry (BERA) test done in cases that failed the initial test after 3 months. Results Out of the 1115 cases that was included 213(19.1%) cases were found to have hearing disability with low birth weight and hyperbilirubinemia counting for most of the cases with 326(29.2%) and 301(27.0%) cases respectively. Conclusion The findings of our study suggest that an early investigation for hearing disability in high-risk infants for early detection and comprehensive management of hearing disorders. It also points towards a further need for advocating a universal screening of neonates for detecting hearing disability when feasible

    Study of survival of motor neuron (SMN) and neuronal apoptosis inhibitory protein (NAIP) gene deletions in SMA patients

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    In view of the paucity of deletion studies of survival of motor neuron (SMN) and neuronal apoptosis inhibitor protein (NAIP) genes in Indian SMA patients, this study has been undertaken to determine the status of SMN1, SMN2 and NAIP gene deletions in Indian SMA patients. Clinically and neurophysiologically diagnosed SMA patients were included in the study. A gene deletion study was carried out in 45 proximal SMA patients and 50 controls of the same ethnic group. Both SMN1 and NAIP genes showed homozygous absence in 76 % and 31 % respectively in proximal SMA patients. It is proposed that the lower deletion frequency of SMN1 gene in Indian patients may be due to mutations present in other genes or population variation, which need further study