2,487 research outputs found

    Design of Hybrid Network Anomalies Detection System (H-NADS) Using IP Gray Space Analysis

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    In Network Security, there is a major issue to secure the public or private network from abnormal users. It is because each network is made up of users, services and computers with a specific behavior that is also called as heterogeneous system. To detect abnormal users, anomaly detection system (ADS) is used. In this paper, we present a novel and hybrid Anomaly Detection System with the uses of IP gray space analysis and dominant scanning port identification heuristics used to detect various anomalous users with their potential behaviors. This methodology is the combination of both statistical and rule based anomaly detection which detects five types of anomalies with their three types of potential behaviors and generates respective alarm messages to GUI.Network Security, Anomaly Detection, Suspicious Behaviors Detection

    Effect of Additives on the Physicochemical and Drug Release Properties of Pioglitazone Hydrochloride Spherical Agglomerates

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    Purpose: To prepare and evaluate spherical agglomerates of pioglitazone hydrochloride (PGH) for direct compression with different additives.Method: Spherical agglomerates of pioglitazone hydrochloride were prepared by emulsion solvent diffusion method with and without additives (polyethylene glycol 6000, polyvinyl pyrrolidone, β cyclodextrin, Eudragit RS100, low acyl gellan gum and xanthan gum) using methanol, chloroform and water as good solvent, bridging liquid and poor solvent respectively. The agglomerates were evaluated for compressibility, solubility and dissolution rate and also by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Xray powder diffraction (XRPD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FTIR).Results: The particle size, flowability, compactibility, packability, solubility and dissolution rate of plain agglomerates and agglomerates with additives, except polyvinyl pyrrolidone, were enhanced compared with the original crystals of pioglitazone hydrochloride. This might be attributed to their large size (10 x original PGH crystals), spherical shape, enhanced fragmentation during compaction (yield pressure increased from 22.6 to 29.3 MPa) and reduced elastic recovery of compacts (from 8.1 to 5.5 %) compared to the original drug crystals. XRPD and DSC studies indicate polymorphic transition of PGH in all agglomerates from form II to I during recrystallization; FTIR spectra show that this was not associated with any chemical transition.Conclusion: The findings indicate that spherical crystallization by emulsion solvent diffusion method to produce agglomerates containing selected additives is a satisfactory approach for the formulation of directly compressed pioglitazone hydrochloride tablets.Keywords: Spherical crystallization, Agglomerates, Compressibility, Pioglitazone, Emulsion solvent diffusion

    Influence of Storage Containers and Seed Pelleting on Seed Quality in Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) during Storage

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    The experiment was conducted using brinjal hybrid seeds cv. Arka Navneet. Seeds were pelleted with Bavistin, ZnSO4, MnSO4, DAP and Arappu leaf powder and stored in paper and polyethylene bags under ambient conditions for 12 months. Among the seed pelleting treatments, seeds pelleted with Bavistin (0.1%) followed by Albezia amara leaf powder (250 g/kg) resulted in minimum quantitative losses with better seed quality parameters. The seeds stored in polyethylene (700 gauges) bags maintained better seed quality parameters with less quantitative losses in comparison with seeds stored in paper bags throughout the storage period. In the interaction, effect of seeds pelleted with Bavistin and stored in polyethylene bag followed by Albezia amara leaf powder and stored in polyethylene bag revealed higher values for all the positive quality parameters when compared to other interaction effects throughout the storage period

    Surgical management of Stenson’s duct injury using epidural catheter: A novel technique

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    Stenson’s duct of parotid gland is a major duct which drains saliva into the oral cavity. Deep penetrating wound in the form of cut or crush injury to the buccal area carries the risk of parotid duct injury. It is in the form of ductal exposure, laceration, total severing, or crushing of the duct. These conditions are difficult to diagnose because of complex anatomy and variable nature of injury. Successful management of parotid duct injury depends on early diagnosis and appropriate intervention, failing of which may lead to complications like sialocele or salivary fistula. Many techniques have been proposed for diagnosis and management of parotid duct injuries. This article presents an easy and novel technique to diagnose and manage the parotid duct injuries using an “epidural catheter” which is often used for inducing spinal anesthesia. The technique of epidural catheter usage, its advantages, and limitation over other techniques proposed for the management of parotid duct injury are discussed.Key words: Epidural catheter, parotid duct, salivary fistula, sialocel

    Functional outcome of elbow after comminuted radial head fractures treated with radial head excision arthroplasty versus radial head prosthesis

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    Background: Aim of the study was to compare the functional outcome of the elbow after treating a Mason type III radial head fractures with radial head excision arthroplasty versus radial head arthroplasty with prosthesis and to study the complications which occur in both techniques.Methods: This prospective study comprised of 30 patients, with each group comprising of 15 patients each (n=15). Randomization was done; group A comprised of patients with Mason type 3 radial head fractures treated with excision arthroplasty and group B included patients with Mason type 3 radial head fractures treated with radial head arthroplasty with prosthesis. Post operatively the operated limb was immobilized in an above-elbow plaster of Paris slab for 3 weeks in all patients.Results: Mean disabilities of the arm, shoulder and hand (DASH) score at 6 weeks was noted to be 30.13 for patients belonging to group A and 13.06 for patients in group B. The mean DASH score at 3 months follow up was calculated as 22.53 for group A and 10.66 for group B. The mean DASH score at 6 monthly follow up was noted to be 13.86 for patients in group A and 5.2 for patients in group B.Conclusions: As evident from the radiological findings and the clinical follow up, it is safe to say that radial head arthroplasty with prosthesis produces more convincing results in terms of stability of the elbow joint, range of motion and pain as compared to radial head excision arthroplasty for the treatment of Mason type III radial head fractures.

    Growth and yield of Vigna radiata L.) under Terminalia arjuna and Mitragyna parvifolia based agrisilvicultural system

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    The present investigation was carried out in an agrisilvicultural system with treatments involving silvicultural component of 20 years old Terminalia arjuna Bedd. (Arjun) and Mitragyna parvifolia Korth (Kalam) intercropped with agricultural component of four varieties of green gram (Vigna radiata L.) viz. Pusa Vishal, GM-3, GM-4 and K-851. All the varieties of green gram were compared for growth and yield parameters like plant height (cm), number of leaves, number of branches per plant, total grain yield per plant as well as per plot at harvestablestage under Arjuna and Kalam trees. All the varieties of green gram performed superior in terms of number of leaves, numbers of branches, grain yield (per plant and per plot basis) under open condition as compared to crops under Arjuna and Kalam. However, only the plant height was found to be highest under Arjun, followed by Kalam trees. Among all the varieties tested, K-851 variety showed superiority for number of leaves (12.31) and number of branches per plant (3.96) and grain yield (2.66 gm per plant and 0.80 kg per plot) as compared to other varieties (at P=0.05). Therefore, this variety is suggested to grow in south Gujarat condition. Further, comparatively lower yield of crop under tree cover could be due to shade effect, which can be managed by regular pruning of tree branches

    Evaluation of anxiolytic activity of encapsulated flax seed oil alone and as an adjuvant in Swiss Albino mice

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    Background: Anxiety is a psychological and physiological state characterized by somatic, emotional, cognitive, and behavioural components with displeasing feeling of fear and concern. Among all the antianxiety drugs benzodiazepines are commonly employed drugs for the treatment but they do have limitations. Considering the high prevalence of anxiety disorders and lack of an ideal anxiolytic drug, search for better anxiolytic drugs continue. Medicinal plants are an inexhaustible source and continue to get explored in the search for new drugs.Methods: Antianxiety activity of Flax seed oil was evaluated in mice using Light-Dark Arena model and Elevated Plus Maze model. Encapsulated Flax seed oil (10ml/kg and 20ml/kg), Diazepam (1mg/kg), Normal saline (10ml/kg) and combination of Encapsulated Flax seed oil and Diazepam (10ml/kg + 1mg/kg) were given orally to the randomly divided 5 groups of 6 animals each. Number of entries and time spent in light arena of Light-Dark Arena model and in open arm of Elevated Plus Maze model were noted and compared among the 5 groups. Observations were analysed using ANOVA and Post hoc Tukey’s test.Results: Encapsulated Flax seed oil alone as well as an adjuvant to Diazepam showed significantly increased number of entries and time spent in light arena of Light-Dark Arena model (<0.05). It also showed significantly (<0.05) increased time spent but not number of entries in open arm of Elevated Plus Maze model.Conclusions: Encapsulated Flax seed oil showed anxiolytic property in Light-Dark arena model and Elevated plus maze model
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