64 research outputs found

    Revisión de la eficacia y seguridad de fármacos incretín-miméticos, inhibidores del cotransportador sodio – glucosa tipo 2 y análogos de la amilina en el tratamiento de la Diabetes Mellitus 2.

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    El presente trabajo se propone revisar la evidencia de eficacia de las nuevas estrategias farmacológicas para el tratamiento de la Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 incluyendo en este grupo a los fármacos con efecto incretina, inhibidores del cotransportador SGTL 2 y los análogos de la amilina. La eficacia de los diferentes fármacos se ha evaluado mediante su capacidad demostrada para la reducción de los niveles de HbA1C y por su efecto sobre la ganancia o disminución de peso en los pacientes. En monoterapia todas las opciones terapéuticas han demostrado lograr una reducción de HbA1C significativa frente a placebo. Sitagliptina (inhibidor de la DPP-4) en 24 semanas consiguió una reducción de la HbA1C de hasta - 0.94% respecto a la basal, Exenatide consiguió cifras muy similares a las de insulina glargina - 1,1% y Dapagliflozina en monoterapia consiguió una reducción de - 0,77%. Los análogos de la amilina consiguieron una reducción de - 0,62%. Son cifras muy similares a las obtenidas con el uso de los antidiabéticos orales clásicos. Se ha comprobado que en todos ellos (salvo en los inhibidores de la DPP-4) se evidencia una disminución de peso. El riesgo de hipoglucemia es mínimo en todos, salvo terapia combinada con otros antidiabéticos. A día de hoy estas nuevas estrategias en monoterapia no han conseguido demostrar ventajas en la reducción de HbA1C sobre la farmacoterapia existente de la Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2. Sin embargo, si que tienen utilidad en combinación con otros antidiabéticos clásicos como sulfonilureas, metformina, glitazonas o insulina, sin embargo, se asocian a otros efectos adversos como los gastrointestinales o infecciones. Por tanto se necesitarán más estudios para dilucidar los verdaderos efectos a largo plazo de estos fármacos y su seguridad

    Expression of DDX11 and DNM1L at the 12p11 Locus Modulates Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Susceptibility

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    This study employed genetic and functional analyses using OASIS meta-analysis of multiple existing GWAS and gene-expression datasets to identify novel SLE genes. Methods: Four hundred and ten genes were mapped using SNIPPER to 30 SLE GWAS loci and investigated for expression in three SLE GEO-datasets and the Cordoba GSE50395-dataset. Blood eQTL for significant SNPs in SLE loci and STRING for functional pathways of differentially expressed genes were used. Confirmatory qPCR on SLE monocytes was performed. The entire 12p11 locus was investigated for genetic association using two additional GWAS. Expression of 150 genes at this locus was assessed. Based on this significance, qPCRs for DNM1L and KRAS were performed. Results: Fifty genes were differentially expressed in at least two SLE GEO-datasets, with all probes directionally aligned. DDX11, an RNA helicase involved in genome stability, was downregulated in both GEO and Cordoba datasets. The most significant SNP, rs3741869 in OASIS locus 12p11.21, containing DDX11, was a cis-eQTL regulating DDX11 expression. DDX11 was found repressed. The entire 12p11 locus showed three association peaks. Gene expression in GEO datasets identified DNM1L and KRAS, besides DDX11. Confirmatory qPCR validated DNM1L as an SLE susceptibility gene. DDX11, DNM1L and KRAS interact with each other and multiple known SLE genes including STAT1/STAT4 and major components of IFN-dependent gene expression, and are responsible for signal transduction of cytokines, hormones, and growth-factors, deregulation of which is involved in SLE-development. Conclusion: A genomic convergence approach with OASIS analysis of multiple GWAS and expression datasets identified DDX11 and DNM1L as novel SLE-genes, the expression of which is altered in monocytes from SLE patients. This study lays the foundation for understanding the pathogenic involvement of DDX11 and DNM1L in SLE by identifying them using a systems-biology approach, while the 12p11 locus harboring these genes was previously missed by four independent GWAS

    Guided weekly reflection papers: a strategy for Achieving academic goals

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    Rapid changes in innovative teaching need multidisciplinary efforts to accomplish a variety of goals through a collaborative tool which inspires and stimulates the students to learn and use the knowledge in a more a critical way. In this context, our team of lecturers concerned by educational innovation had carried out during three academic years a learning tool based on “Weekly Reflection Papers” (WRP). With the experience gained in this process we have implemented an essential modification in the procedure in order to improve the teaching-learning process. The goal of this communication is to show the development of the initial tool and how it has been changed until the actual proposal called Guided Weekly Reflection Papers” (GWRP)

    Improving learning environment at different academic Levels throughout guided weekly reflection papers

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    A group of lecturers from different teaching areas at Alcalá University concern by Innovative Education had implemented during four academic years a learning tool based on “reflective weekly papers”. With the experience gained in this process we have carried out an essential modification in the procedure which provides the students the possibility of a more active and participative learning called Guided Weekly Reflective Papers. In this communication we present the adaptation of this educational method for the first time as a valuable strategy for improving the learning environment in secondary schools, as an extension of its implementation at the University level and as a contribution to the integral formation and meaningful learning of the secondary level students

    Guided Weekly Reflection Papers

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    The experience gained by our team of educational innovation with the implementation of the “Weekly Reflection Papers” has led us to diversify and make more flexible the employed methodology. The modified tool, applied during the academic year 2010-2011, was called “Guided Weekly Reflection Papers”. The aim of this modification has been the development of certain abilities and skills of the students, with particular emphasis on their ability to integrate, review and apply knowledge in a critical and reflective way. The professors guide the student´s work through a series of questions on which the students must apply the most significant concepts studied each week, to prove the acquisition of such aptitudes and skills

    Guided Weekly Reflection Papers

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    The experience gained by our team of educational innovation with the implementation of the “Weekly Reflection Papers” has led us to diversify and make more flexible the employed methodology. The modified tool, applied during the academic year 2010-2011, was called “Guided Weekly Reflection Papers”. The aim of this modification has been the development of certain abilities and skills of the students, with particular emphasis on their ability to integrate, review and apply knowledge in a critical and reflective way. The professors guide the student´s work through a series of questions on which the students must apply the most significant concepts studied each week, to prove the acquisition of such aptitudes and skills

    An information literacy approach within the "Guided weekly reflection papers"

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    INTED 2015, 9 th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, March 2 nd-4 th, 2015-Madrid, SpainA group of lecturers from diverse areas of knowledge of the University of Alcalá have implemented an experience of teaching innovation based on “reflective diaries”. The students hand in to the lecturer every week their “Weekly Reflection Papers” (WRP), in which they schematically express the most important ideas related with the topic presented during the classes of the previous week. They must include their reflections about the aspects they found especially interesting. After having applied this tool for some academic years we introduced a modification called “Guided Weekly Reflection Papers” (GWRP), where the professors suggest a series of questions on which the students must apply the most significant concepts studied each week. This modification enhances student’s motivation, encourages them to achieve more significant and reflective knowledge and generates interest in emergent topics. However, we often detect that the information management needed to solve the proposed questions in the GWRP is not the most suitable one. Therefore our present work is aimed at helping students develop the necessary skills and acquire a searching criterion in the framework of the information literacy. The strategy was focussed on some important items for the acquisition of information competencies. In this communication we analyze the progress of the GWRP tool and we explore the response of students to the information literacy approach

    Efecto de la electroacupuntura y ultrasonido terapéutico sobre secuelas de esguince cervical postraumático: estudio de caso 2022

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    En el presente estudio de caso se da a conocer el efecto de la electroacupuntura en combinación con el ultrasonido terapéutico sobre secuelas de esguince cervical, siendo éste un mecanismo de lesión, que acontece por una flexión y extensión forzada del cuello, afectando los tejidos blandos implicados, generando incapacidad funcional y alteraciones en la calidad de vida. Se ha observado en estudios previos que al menos del 14 al 42% de las personas que padecen esta patología, el dolor y las secuelas permanecen de manera crónica.La electroacupuntura en esguince cervical ha demostrado generar un efecto analgésico en menor tiempo generando también menos costos que un tratamiento farmacológico, así mismo se ha demostrado que el ultrasonido terapéutico en el tratamiento de padecimientos del sistema osteomioarticular genera respuestas favorables con gran efecto en síntomas leves y moderados para mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Es por ello que se emplea el tratamiento de electroacupuntura sobre los puntos V10 (Tianzhu), ID9 (Jianzhen) y la aplicación de ultrasonido terapéutico para disminuir el dolor y aumentar los rangos de movilidad de la región cervical, mejorando así la calidad de vida del paciente

    Aplicación del modelo de datos ArcHydro en el cálculo de disponibilidad de agua superficial

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    Actualmente, el concepto de base de datos geográfica está siendo utilizado para integrar datos espaciales y series de tiempo de los recursos hídricos de una región. Los sistemas de información geográfica (SIG) basados en este concepto permiten no sólo integrar ambos tipos de información en una base de datos sino que establecen relaciones entre la misma información. Aquí se presenta una herramienta dentro de un SIG para estimar la disponibilidad de agua superficial expresada con base en la ecuación de continuidad, conforme lo establece la Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM- 011-CNA-2000 “Conservación del recurso agua – Que establece las especificaciones y el método para determinar la disponibilidad media anual de las aguas nacionales”, publicada en el Diario Oficial de la Federación el 17 de abril de 2002. Para ello es necesario implementar una base de datos geográfica del modelo de datos ArcHydro, que aplique los modelos matemáticos y almacene la información asociada con los recursos hídricos en cuencas hidrológicas, puntos de monitoreo y sus correspondientes datos históricos. Las ventajas es que centraliza la información y se reducen los inconvenientes que se presentan al utilizar diversos formatos

    Reflective practice applications: "Guided weekly refection papers" excented from Alcalá University (Spain) to the Montfort University (UK)

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    Edulearn16: 8th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Barcelona, 4th-6th of july, 2016-Barcelona, SpainKnowledge has to be developed firmly based on reflections and thoughts as much as evidence. Being conscious of this principle, our innovation teaching group from the University of Alcalá has developed a reflective pedagogical approach called Guided Weekly Reflection Papers (GWRP) and implemented it since 2007. In this approach students hand in to the lecturer their “weekly work”, in which they schematically express the most important ideas related with the topic presented during the classes, and their reflections and comments on those aspects which they found especially difficult or interesting. Moreover students have to apply the concepts developed during the week to solve some questions or problems proposed by the lecturers to find solutions to real life situations and to explore beyond the walls of the classroom to discover where in the world around them they can find application of the material presented by the lectures.This innovative pedagogical approach has deeply contributed to the development of the student learning process and consequently been reflected in our teaching practice. The outcomes of the GWRP activity do not depend upon how much students have been studying but upon the level of comprehension of the knowledge we have shared with them. Therefore this strategy is very useful to prove the efficiency and quality of our teaching practice which leads us to continuously improve our way of teaching. Over several years, we have shown our results both in internal meetings in our University and in International Conferences, our colleagues have been caught up by our enthusiasm, which promotes their involvement in our model. Thus, different academics and organizations have adopted our reflective pedagogic strategy. The most recent incorporation of this approach has been implemented by selected academic staff at De Montfort University (DMU), Leicester (United Kingdom). This versatile methodology is being tested in a new university educational environment using a student cohort with a different set of characteristics and academic context compared to previous cohorts. This communication will describe the adaptation of the GWRP to teaching in the Clinical Biochemistry module delivered as part of two different Bachelor degrees taught at DMU: Biomedical Science and Medical Science and the response of students enrolled in this programmes at DMU. The results of the GWRP implemented in new subjects by the teachers of the innovation group at the University of Alcalá (UAH) will be also analysed