11,526 research outputs found

    Special values of derivatives of LL-series and generalized Stieltjes constants

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    The connection between derivatives of L(s,f)L(s,f) for periodic arithmetical functions ff at s=1s=1 and generalized Stieltjes constants has been noted earlier. In this paper, we utilize this link to throw light on the arithmetic nature of L(1,f)L'(1,f) and certain Stieltjes constants. In particular, if pp is an odd prime greater than 77, then we deduce the transcendence of at least (p7)/2(p-7)/2 of the generalized Stieltjes constants, {γ1(a,p):1a<p}\{ \gamma_1(a,p) : 1 \leq a < p \}, conditional on a conjecture of S. Gun, M. R. Murty and P. Rath.Comment: 11 page

    Effects on Amorphous Silicon Photovoltaic Performance from High-temperature Annealing Pulses in Photovoltaic Thermal Hybrid Devices

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    There is a renewed interest in photovoltaic solar thermal (PVT) hybrid systems, which harvest solar energy for heat and electricity. Typically, a main focus of a PVT system is to cool the photovoltaic (PV) cells to improve the electrical performance, however, this causes the thermal component to under-perform compared to a solar thermal collector. The low temperature coefficients of amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) allow for the PV cells to be operated at higher temperatures and are a potential candidate for a more symbiotic PVT system. The fundamental challenge of a-Si:H PV is light-induced degradation known as the Staebler-Wronski effect (SWE). Fortunately, SWE is reversible and the a-Si:H PV efficiency can be returned to its initial state if the cell is annealed. Thus an opportunity exists to deposit a-Si:H directly on the solar thermal absorber plate where the cells could reach the high temperatures required for annealing. In this study, this opportunity is explored experimentally. First a-Si:H PV cells were annealed for 1 hour at 100\degreeC on a 12 hour cycle and for the remaining time the cells were degraded at 50\degreeC in order to simulate stagnation of a PVT system for 1 hour once a day. It was found that, when comparing the cells after stabilization at normal 50\degreeC degradation, this annealing sequence resulted in a 10.6% energy gain when compared to a cell that was only degraded at 50\degreeC

    On the production mechanism of radio-pulses from large extensive air showers

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    None of the theories put forward so far to explain the radio emission from cosmic ray showers, has been successful in giving a satisfactory explanation for all the experimental data obtained from various laboratories over the globe. It is apprehended that emission mechanism at low and high frequencies may be quite different. This calls for new theoretical look into the phenomenon. Theoretical as well as the experimental results indicate that the frequency spectrum is rather flat in the frequency range (40 to 60 MHz. Above 80 MHz, the radio emission can be explained with the help of geomagnetic mechanism. But at very low frequency ( 10 MHz), mechanisms other than geomagnetic are involved

    Dynamics of interacting quintessence

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    In this paper, we investigate coupled quintessence with scaling potential assuming specific forms of the coupling as AA namely, αρm˙\alpha \dot{\rho_m}, βρϕ˙\beta \dot{\rho_{\phi}} and σ(ρm˙+ρϕ˙)\sigma (\dot{\rho_m}+\dot{\rho_{\phi}}), and present phase space analysis for three different interacting models. We focus on the attractor solutions that can give rise to late time acceleration with ΩDE/ΩDM\Omega_{DE}/\Omega_{DM} of order unity in order to alleviate the coincidence problem.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, matches with the published versio

    Community at the Core: A Study of Sarvodaya Nano Finance Limited

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    The paper traces the evolution of Sarvodaya Nano Finance Limited (SNFL). At the outset we explore the background of SNFL, the motivation for the promoters to set up the organisation and how it has grown from the time it was taken over by the community trusts promoted by ASSEFA. As a part of the study, we examine the unique legal structure set up for federating the small SHGs that were widely spread out in the areas of its operation. The idea of federating the SHGs was to leverage the dispersed savings and interest earned on the initial donor resources that were made available to the SHGs at their early stages. The aggregation of these dispersed resources into SNFL enables the women SHGs to mobilise funds from commercial banks and specialised MFI lenders, for an accelerated growth of the movement. The paper examines the rationale for having this structure, its vulnerabilities and the possibilities for growth within the given structure. We argue that this is not a structure that can be replicated easily. We also argue that it cannot grow aggressively in the long run, unless some basic design changes are made. The paper also discusses the basic question on how to structure resources that are given by the donor community for the larger benefit of the poor; and when to bring in the individual stakes of the beneficiaries if one were to promote long lasting institutions. The paper also raises critical questions on governance and management. While appreciating the impressive result achieved by ASSEFA and BASIX in getting a community owned professionally managed institution into being, it also raises questions on whether there are inbuilt mechanisms of carrying forward this effectively in future – given the structuring of capital and rights of each of the constituents.

    A high frequency analysis of electromagnetic plane wave scattering by perfectly-conducting semi-infinite parallel plate and rectangular waveguides with absorber coated inner walls

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    An approximate but sufficiently accurate high frequency solution which combines the uniform geometrical theory of diffraction (UTD) and the aperture integration (AI) method is developed for analyzing the problem of electromagnetic (EM) plane wave scattering by an open-ended, perfectly-conducting, semi-infinite hollow rectangular waveguide (or duct) with a thin, uniform layer of lossy or absorbing material on its inner wall, and with a planar termination inside. In addition, a high frequency solution for the EM scattering by a two dimensional (2-D), semi-infinite parallel plate waveguide with a absorber coating on the inner walls is also developed as a first step before analyzing the open-ended semi-infinite three dimensional (3-D) rectangular waveguide geometry. The total field scattered by the semi-infinite waveguide consists firstly of the fields scattered from the edges of the aperture at the open-end, and secondly of the fields which are coupled into the waveguide from the open-end and then reflected back from the interior termination to radiate out of the open-end. The first contribution to the scattered field can be found directly via the UTD ray method. The second contribution is found via the AI method which employs rays to describe the fields in the aperture that arrive there after reflecting from the interior termination. It is assumed that the direction of the incident plane wave and the direction of observation lie well inside the forward half space tht exists outside the half space containing the semi-infinite waveguide geometry. Also, the medium exterior to the waveguide is assumed to be free space

    A new study on the emission of EM waves from large EAS

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    A method used in locating the core of individual cosmic ray showers is described. Using a microprocessor-based detecting system, the density distribution and hence, energy of each detected shower was estimated