664 research outputs found

    Regulating intimate relationships in the European polity: same-sex unions and policy convergence

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    Since 1989, twenty-three European countries have implemented same-sex union (SSU) laws. We argue that the political processes leading to the adoption of these policies have been shaped by international influences such as policy harmonization, elite lesson-drawing and most importantly by social learning fostered within transnational networks. We examine SSU policies in four West European countries—Germany, Austria, Belgium, and Spain—to illustrate how these international influences and transnational networks have shaped SSU policy outcomes, and argue that the workings of these networks resemble those of the “velvet triangle” policy communities identified by gender scholars

    De regelprestatie van operators

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    Short survey of research activities

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    Rhizopus in Kalanchoë

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    In 2001 is door PPO-glastuinbouw onderzoek gedaan aan Rhizopus stolonifer in Kalanchoë ( verslag PPO 533). Naar aanleiding van dit onderzoek en na gesprekken met de begeleidingscommissie en telers van Kalanchoë moerplanten is de conclusie getrokken dat vooral grote schommelingen in watergehalte van het teeltsubstraat, extremen wat betreft pH en EC van de voedingoplossing in het wortelmilieu en plantversterkende middelen en calcium die de weerstand van moerplanten tegen Rhizopus-infectie kunnen verhogen, van invloed kunnen zijn op aantasting van Kalanchoë door Rhizopus. In dit vervolgonderzoek is aandacht besteed aan het effect van schommelingen en extremen in vochtgehalte, EC en pH van de voedingsoplossing in het teeltsubstraat en het plantenversterkende middel Aliette op Rhizopus-aantasting. Moerplanten geteeld met een voedingsoplossing met een EC van 0,75 werden ernstiger door Rhizopus aangetast dan planten geteeld met een voedingsoplossing met een EC van 2,25 of en wisselende EC van 0,75 en 2,25. Planten geteeld in glaswol, die voedingsoplossing met pH 4-5 krijgen, lijken ernstiger te worden aangetast dan planten die voedingsoplossing met pH 6-7 krijgen. Met het ouder worden van de planten worden ze ook vatbaarder voor Rhizopus. Bij planten geteeld op veensubstraat werd dit pH effect niet gevonden. Aliette gaf op de rassen Tenorio, Juventa, Oriba en Toledo geen gewasschade, er is geen effectiviteit van het middel tegen Rhizopus en Botrytis gevonden. Er is ook geen effect van hoge CO2 doseringen op Rhizopus-aantasting gevonden

    Biological soil disinfestation with organic fermentation products

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    Matrimonio “homosexual” y ciudadanía: la hipótesis de la resignificación

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    This article investigates the relationship between same-sex marriage and access to citizenship. If we agree that homosexuals have been a historically minorized social group, the demand for same-sex marriage reveals a paradox that must be questioned: the institution which was considered as one of the cornerstones of oppression has become worth struggling for. It is also regarded as a potential way to citizenship. This piece of writing attempts to further define the inclusion model which could underpin this claim. Given the limits of existing analytical models, it suggests a new one, which is called inclusion through resignification, and is inspired by the work of Judith Butler. Through its confrontation to other examples, this model appears as intrinsically fragile, a characteristic linked to its perpetual openness.En este artículo, se trata de las relaciones entre “matrimonio gay” y acceso a la ciudadanía. Si admitimos que los/as homosexuales han constituido históricamente un grupo minorizado, la demanda de apertura del matrimonio desvela una paradoja que debe ser cuestionada: la institución que era considerada como uno de los pilares de la opresión se convierte en objetivo de lucha y, sobre todo, un medio potencial de acceso a la ciudadanía. Se intenta aquí profundizar en la naturaleza del modelo de inclusión que podría fundar esta demanda. Frente a los límites de las parrillas analíticas existentes, se presenta la hipótesis de un nuevo modelo de inclusión, que se podría, a partir de Judith Butler, calificar de inclusión a través de la resignificación. Sin embargo, con la ayuda de ejemplos extraídos del estudio de otros grupos sociales, se concluye destacando su fragilidad, que está ligada a su carácter perpetuamente abierto

    System and climate related pythium problems in mobile chrysanthemum growing systems

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    One Dutch greenhouse company started to grow chrysanthemums in a mobile system. The system’s basic unit is a sub-irrigated V-shaped gully of 8.0 m long and 5 cm wide, filled with a peat-coir mix. The system is hampered by growth differences along the length profile of the gullies and Pythium related yield reductions of up to 10% during the summer period. A series of experiments aimed to mimic the problems, explain causes and to advice on improvements. A Pythium ultimum pathogen from the grower was cultured in the laboratory and disseminated in the irrigation water tanks. In part of the cultivations the plants were subjected to high temperature and low air humidity treatments aimed at creating stress and Pythium susceptibility. Various plugs fit for transporting rooted chrysanthemum cuttings were tested as well. The results show that Pythium ultimum is initially the result of a too high water content in the first 10 days of the propagation phase. This was a direct consequence of precipitation of pure water by the mist system used to keep the relative humidity high. A related factor was a too low EC o

    Adaptation, Fitness and the Selection-Optimality Links

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