801 research outputs found

    The relationship between psychedelic use, mystical experiences, and pro-environmental behaviors

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    Expanding on the work of Forstmann and Sagioglou, this study investigated the differences in personality and pro-environmental behavior (PEB) as a function of psychedelic-occasioned mystical experiences. A sample of 240 participants with prior psychedelic experience completed an online survey. Data were collected on participants’ psychedelic-occasioned mystical states, personality, and self-reported PEB. A measure of behavioral PEB was also included (Charity Task). The mean scores on self-reported PEB, openness and agreeableness of participants who met the criteria for a “complete” mystical state, were significantly higher than those who did not. Specifically, those who experienced a mystical state scored higher on the PEB types “eco-shopping and eating” and “one-off domestic conservation actions.” Participants who demonstrated PEB in the Charity Task scored higher on self-reported PEB than those who did not, supporting the task’s validity. Findings suggest that mystical experiences influence PEB. Future research with experimental designs could further illuminate potential causal relationships

    Role of the Neuroinflammation in the Degree of Spinal Cord Injury: New Therapeutic Strategies

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    A case of spinal cord injury (SCI) is defined as the occurrence of an acute traumatic lesion of neural elements in the spinal canal (spinal cord and cauda equina), resulting in temporary or permanent sensory and/or motor deficit. Most studies on traumatic SCI show a bimodal age distribution, with a first peak in young adulthood and a second peak in older adults. Spinal cord trauma activates a cascade of events that exacerbates the damage such as activation of inflammatory process that determinates cytokine and chemokine production and that generates reduction in functional recovery resulting in necrosis or apoptosis of neurons. However, the precise mechanism of SCI-induced inflammatory response remains not fully understood at present. Current strategy to treat damage to the spinal cord is limited, only the treatment with methylprednisolone (MP), if administered in excessive dose during the acute phase of the damage, could ameliorate patients with severe SCI. However, associated to the beneficial effects, there are growing evidence that high-dose of MP is correlated to increased risk of infections, pneumonia and gastrointestinal bleeding. Therefore, there is a necessity to develop new therapies to treat SCI; one of these is to selectively reduce inflammation that possess unique role in the processes of injury and recovery

    Profili penali della tutela del paesaggio

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    Profili penali della tutela del paesaggi

    Repressione penale del terrorismo internazionale e tutela dei diritrl umani fondamentali

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    Nel contrasto al terrorismo intemazionale, le Nazioni Unite chiedono rispetto per i diritti umani e le libertà fondamentali, riconoscendo che alcune misure provocherebbero discriminazioni e razzismo. Negli USA, tuttavia, si assiste alla criminalizzazione del nemico ed all'uso della guerra come pena. Più in generale, i sistemi penali occidentali tendono a configurare il fenomeno come rapporto soggettivo di inimicizia e ad attenuare le garanzie per soddisfare esigenze repressive. La politica criminale dell'UE definisce il fenomeno e individua gli interventi per contrastarlo. N egli Sta ti membri seguono tecniche normative finalizzate: alla concentrazione e al coordinamento delle indagini, all'ampliamento dei mezzi di ricerca della prova, all'uso di misure di prevenzione, al controllo sui finanziamenti ed alle regolamentazioni amministrative. L'intento è quello di prevenire anziché reprimere. Si ricorre alle fattispecie associative, all'incriminazione di atti preparatori e di f orme di manifestazione del pensiero. Strumenti che condizionano valutazioni giuridico penp.li con categorie della politica internazionale, veicolando giudizi di valore illiberali.P ericolosità e prevenzione, individuazione · di tipologie d'autore e stigma costituiscono i caratteri del sistema che esalta funzioni di scopo, trascurando proporzione e colpevolezza. II diritto penale si trasf orma da strumento di tutela di beni e di garanzie in arma sociale. Vengono utilizzate provvedimenti amministrativi e di polizia piuttosto che atti giurisdizionali. Nella giurisdizione il fine non giustifica i mezzi, ossia deroghe sulle regole e sulle forme. Questo tipo di repressione perde non solo la sua legittimità, ma anche la sua efficacia.peer-reviewe

    La tutela delle minoranze linguistiche tra “prudenza” statale e slanci regionali alla luce delle pronunce della Corte Costituzionale

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    Il tema della protezione delle minoranze linguistiche è molto complesso e ricco di spunti. Sino al 1999, in assenza di apposite norme statali di attuazione, la Corte costituzionale ha individuato uno “statuto minimo” di tutela per le sole minoranze riconosciute, soprattutto attraverso il richiamo all’ordinamento internazionale e agli impegni assunti in tale ambito dallo stato. Con la legge n. 482/1999 è stata introdotta una specifica disciplina in materia di tutela delle minoranze linguistiche. Tuttavia, a seguito della riforma costituzionale del Titolo V della Costituzione Italiana del 2001, sono emerse innumerevoli difficoltà nel riparto di competenze tra Stato e Regioni. Alla luce del menzionato quadro normativo, la ricerca ripercorre il non sempre lineare percorso della giurisprudenza costituzionale in materia, al fine di individuare eventuali segnali di apertura e il necessario bilanciamento tra competenze statali e regionali, nel quadro dei principi proclamati dall’art. 6 Cost. e da molteplici accordi internazionali. The question of the protection of linguistic minorities is very complicated and rich in ideas. Until 1999, in the absence of specific State implementing rules, the Constitutional Court identified a “minimum statute” of protection for only recognised minorities, especially through the reference to the international order and the commitments made in this field by the state. The Law N° 482/1999 has introduced a specific regulation on the protection of linguistic minorities. However, because of the constitutional reform of Title V of the Italian Constitution in 2001, countless difficulties have arisen in the division of competences between State and Regions. Under the above-mentioned regulatory framework, the research retraces the not always linear path of the constitutional jurisprudence in the matter, in order to identify any signs of openness and the necessary balance between state and regional competences, within the framework of the principles proclaimed by art. 6 Cost. and several international agreements

    Effect of PD98059, a selective MAPK3/MAPK1 inhibitor, on acute lung injury in mice.

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    The aim of the present study is to evaluate the contribution of mitogen-activated protein kinase 1–3 (MAPK3/MAPK1) in a model of acute lung inflammation in mice. Injection of carrageenan into the pleural cavity of mice elicited an acute inflammatory response characterized by: accumulation of fluid containing a large number of neutrophils (PMNs) in the pleural cavity, infiltration of PMNs in lung tissues and subsequent adhesion molecule expression (I-CAM and P-selectin), lipid peroxidation, and increased production of tumour necrosis factor-α, (TNF-α) and interleukin-1β (IL-1β). Furthermore, carrageenan induced lung apoptosis (Bax and Bcl-2 expression) as well as nitrotyrosine formation, NF-κB activation, and pJNK expression, as determined by immunohistochemical analysis of lung tissues and the degree of lung inflammation and tissue injury (histological score). Administration of PD98059, an inhibitor of MAPK3/MAPK1 (10 mg/kg) 1 h after carrageenan caused a reduction in all the parameters of inflammation measured. Thus, based on these findings we propose that inhibitors of the MAPK3/MAPK1 signaling pathways, such as PD98059, may be useful in the treatment of various inflammatory diseases

    WY-14643, a Potent Peroxisome Proliferator Activator Receptor-α PPAR-α Agonist Ameliorates the Inflammatory Process Associated to Experimental Periodontitis

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    We have investigated the effects of WY14643, a potent peroxisome proliferator activator receptor-α (PPAR-α) agonist, in a rat model of ligature-induced periodontitis. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were lightly anaesthetized with pentobarbitone (35 mg/kg). Sterile, 2-0 black braided silk thread was placed around the cervix of the lower left first molar and knotted medially. Animals received WY14643 (1 mg/kg i.p, daily for eight days). Eighths days after placement of the ligature, we evaluated several markers of inflammation such us (1) myeloperoxidase activity, (2) a cytokines and adhesion molecules expression, (3) NF-κB expression, (4) iNOS expression, (5) the nitration of tyrosine residues, (6) activation of the nuclear enzyme poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, (7) apoptosis, and (8) the degree of gingivomucosal tissues injury. Administration of WY14643 significantly decreased all of the parameters of inflammation as described above. These results demonstrate that WY14643 exerts an anti-inflammatory role during experimental periodontitis and is able to ameliorate the tissue damage

    PPAR-α Contributes to the Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Verbascoside in a Model of Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Mice

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    The previous results suggest that peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha (PPAR)-α, an intracellular transcription factor activated by fatty acids, plays a role in control of inflammation. There is persuasive epidemiological and experimental evidence that dietary polyphenols have anti-inflammatory activity. In this regard, it has been demonstrated that verbascoside (VB) functions as intracellular radical scavenger and reduces the microscopic and macroscopic signs of experimental colitis. With the aim to characterize the role of PPAR-α in VB-mediated anti-inflammatory activity, we tested the efficacy of VB in an experimental model of inflammatory bowel disease induced by dinitrobenzene sulfonic acid, comparing mice lacking PPAR-α (PPAR-αKO) with wild type (WT) mice. Results indicate that VB-mediated anti-inflammatory activity is weakened in PPAR-αKO mice, compared to WT controls, especially in the inhibition of neutrophil infiltration, intestinal permeability and colon injury. These results indicate that PPAR-α can contribute to the anti-inflammatory activity of VB in inflammatory bowel disease

    Emerging Role of PPAR-β/δ in Inflammatory Process Associated to Experimental Periodontitis

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the contribution of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR-β/δ) in animal model of periodontitis. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were lightly anaesthetized with pentobarbitone (35 mg/kg). Sterile, 2-0 black braided silk thread was placed around the cervix of the lower left first molar and knotted medially. Animals received GW0742 (0.3 mg/kg, 10% DMSO, i.p. after the ligature placement and daily for eight days). At day 8, the gingivomucosal tissue encircling the mandibular first molar was removed. One the eighth day after placement of the ligature, we evaluated (1) NF-κB expression, (2) cytokines expression, (3) iNOS expression, (5) the nitration of tyrosine, (6) apoptosis, and (8) the degree of gingivomucosal tissues injury. Administration of GW0742 significantly decreased all of the parameters of inflammation as described above. Taken together, these results demonstrate that GW0742 exerts an anti-inflammatory role during experimental periodontitis and is able to ameliorate the tissue damage

    Anti-inflammatory effect of simvastatin in an experimental model of spinal cord trauma: involvement of PPAR-α

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Statins such as simvastatin are inhibitors of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase used in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. In addition to their cholesterol-lowering activities, statins exert pleiotropic anti-inflammatory effects, which might contribute to their beneficial effects on lipid-unrelated inflammatory diseases. Recently it has been demonstrated that the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-α mediates anti-inflammatory effects of simvastatin in vivo models of acute inflammation. Moreover, previous results suggest that PPAR-α plays a role in control of secondary inflammatory process associated with spinal cord injury (SCI).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>With the aim to characterize the role of PPAR-α in simvastatin activity, we tested the efficacy of simvastatin (10 mg/kg dissolved in saline i.p. 1 h and 6 h after the trauma) in an experimental model of SCI induced in mice by extradural compression of the spinal cord (T6-T7 level) using an aneurysm clip with a closing force of 24 g via a four-level T5-T8 laminectomy, and comparing mice lacking PPAR-α (PPAR-α KO) with wild type (WT) mice. In order to elucidate whether the effects of simvastatin are due to activation of the PPAR-α, we also investigated the effect of a PPAR-α antagonist, GW6471 (1 mg/kg administered i.p. 30 min prior treatment with simvastatin) on the protective effects of on simvastatin.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Results indicate that simvastatin activity is weakened in PPAR-α KO mice, as compared to WT controls. In particular, simvastatin was less effective in PPAR-α KO, compared to WT mice, as evaluated by inhibition of the degree of spinal cord inflammation, neutrophil infiltration, nitrotyrosine formation, pro-inflammmatory cytokine expression, nuclear factor (NF)-κB activation, inducible nitric-oxide synthase (iNOS) expression, and apoptosis. In addition we demonstrated that GW6471 significantly antagonized the effect of the statin and thus abolished the protective effect.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study indicates that PPAR-α can contribute to the anti-inflammatory activity of simvastatin in SCI.</p