28 research outputs found

    A multi-objective approach based on soft computing techniques for production scheduling in Corrugator manufacturing plants

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    AbstractThe corrugator scheduling problem is a difficult problem due to a wide varietyof parameters and optimisation objectives that have to be accounted for andthe relationships among them. Majority of solution techniques proposed so faronly deal with minimizing either, the trim waste or pattern changes, this paperproposes a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm to optimize the WPL objective(weighted planning level) and the cost objectives. Computational experimentswere conducted and results were compared against the current shop schedulingmethod used at a real-life corrugator manufacturing facility. A series of experimentswere also conducted to determine the evolutionary algorithm parameters. Theimprovement on performance metrics encourages us to actually implement thealgorithm at the factory.The corrugator scheduling problem is a difficult problem due to a wide varietyof parameters and optimisation objectives that have to be accounted for andthe relationships among them. Majority of solution techniques proposed so faronly deal with minimizing either, the trim waste or pattern changes, this paperproposes a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm to optimize the WPL objective(weighted planning level) and the cost objectives. Computational experimentswere conducted and results were compared against the current shop schedulingmethod used at a real-life corrugator manufacturing facility. A series of experimentswere also conducted to determine the evolutionary algorithm parameters. Theimprovement on performance metrics encourages us to actually implement thealgorithm at the factory

    Sistema multiobjetivo de soporte a decisiones para planificaci贸n de programaci贸n de operaciones

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    This research shows the design and construction of a multi objective optimization support system for decision making, DSS-SCHEDULER, in order to effectively perform naval shipbuilding operations, by managing to have a rational usage, under a limited capacity, of the installed capacity. The system creates the operational plan for the scheduling of operations as well as the allocation of all the resources related to the processes carried out at the plant, and, taking into account all the restrictions this type of service entails, generate a set of optimal solutions in order to comply with the objective functions as planned, such as costs and the promise for delivery dates to support the decision making process in scheduling Cotecmar鈥檚 industrial operations.La presente investigaci贸n muestra el dise帽o y construcci贸n de un sistema de optimizaci贸n Multiobjetivo de soporte a toma de decisiones, DSS-SCHEDULER, para realizar de manera efectiva la actividad de programaci贸n de operaciones en planta de astilleros navales, logrando una utilizaci贸n racional, bajo capacidad finita, de la capacidad instalada, el cual realiza la creaci贸n de la planificaci贸n operativa de programaci贸n de operaciones y la asignaci贸n de todos los recursos asociados a los procesos que se realizan en la planta, y teniendo en cuenta todas las restricciones que conlleva estos servicios, generar un conjunto de soluciones 贸ptimas cumpliendo con las funciones objetivo propuestas, como costos y promesa de fechas de entrega para apoyar la toma de decisiones de la programaci贸n de las operaciones industriales de Cotecmar

    Minimizaci贸n del tiempo total de flujo de tareas en una sola m谩quina: Estado del arte

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    La programaci贸n de operaciones en una sola m谩quina es un problema cl谩sico de la investigaci贸n de operaciones. Numerosos m茅todos han sido propuestos para resolver diferentes instancias del problema, dependiendo de las restricciones impuestas y del objetivo del mismo. En este art铆culo estamos interesados en ilustrar el estado actual de desarrollo de los m茅todos y algoritmos existentes en la literatura para el problema de minimizaci贸n del flujo total de tareas sujetas a fechas de llegadas, tanto en problemas est谩ticos como din谩micos. Adem谩s, las posibilidades de trabajo y las preguntas abiertas ser谩n igualmente expuestas

    Modelo para programaci贸n de operaciones en la fabricaci贸n de cajas de cart贸n corrugado

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    En este trabajo se presenta un nuevo acercamiento al problema del refile o desperdicio, con el objetivo primordial de programar la producci贸n de cajas corrugadas teniendo en cuenta el desperdicio generado y la utilizaci贸n del corrugador. Como complemento a la programaci贸n del corrugador se implementa un heur铆stico de despacho para programaci贸n de m谩quinas restrictivas, con el fin de lograr un modelo global que involucre todas las m谩quinas que intervienen en el proceso de producci贸n. En la primera etapa de la investigaci贸n se formul贸 y valid贸 un modelo no-lineal que resuelve el problema del desperdicio por refile al encontrar las mejores combinaciones de pedidos a ser acomodados en la l谩mina de cart贸n. En la segunda etapa se implement贸 un heur铆stico de despacho, con el fin de obtener un programa de las operaciones de acabado.Como resultado de esta integraci贸n se obtuvo un modelo global de programaci贸n que reduce la incertidumbre del desperdicio derivado de conformar combinaciones de pedidos para aprovechar el ancho de la l谩mina de cart贸n, durante la programaci贸n del corrugador, y permite integrar la programaci贸n de 茅ste con las operaciones de acabado al utilizar el heur铆stico de despacho. Esto 煤ltimo garantiza un flujo de materiales en funci贸n de la m谩quina restrictiva teniendo como objetivo la fecha de entrega de un pedido

    Breaking Frontiers and Barriers in Engineering: Education, Research and Practice

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    Abstract This paper focuses on the problem of line balancing in an assembly line. Although there are numerous studies published on the various aspects of the problem, most of the work focuses on the single-model problem, while the number of studies on the mixed-model assembly line balancing problem assume that processing times of tasks are deterministic. Task time variation however has a great impact with short cycle times. So, because there is always some variation when performing tasks, our research addresses stochastic processing duration of tasks. We propose an analytical analysis of the problem by using a multi-objective mathematical formulation that aims to minimize the total number of stations, to maximize system's productivity and to find a production sequence that smoothes system's operation

    Management and Marketing Innovation through

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    Abstract: This paper explores, through a company case study, the importance of innovation for the competitive development of a company and how the adoption of an open innovation strategy could be effective to face typical barriers associated with the implementation of such processes. The case analysis shows the importance of the University-Industry relationship and the relevant role that the government plays in fomenting these relationships. Likewise, we point out the value of adopting an integral vision of the innovation process that not only considers its technological dimension (new product development), but also the elements associated to marketing and organizational change practices. The case studied herein exemplifies the systemic character of innovation and the relevance it has for companies, particularly for SME's, to open its innovation strategy and integrate themselves with other actors to leverage its cognitive and financial resources as well as to explore new routes to bring the best of its internal technological capacities

    An谩lisis cinem谩tico de un robot aut贸nomo con ruedas

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    En este art铆culo se muestra un algoritmo para el an谩lisis cinem谩tico de una configuraci贸n Multi Degree Of Freedom (MDOF) de un robot aut贸nomo con ruedas. Tambi茅n se presentan los resultados de la simulaci贸n cinem谩tica desarrollada a trav茅s del programa Visual Nastran 4D. Esta investigaci贸n fue desarrollada para la generaci贸n de un robot aut贸nomo de limpieza, espec铆ficamente de un robot aspiradora de limpieza

    An谩lisis cinem谩tico de un robot aut贸nomo con ruedas

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    En este art铆culo se muestra un algoritmo para el an谩lisis cinem谩tico de una configuraci贸n Multi Degree Of Freedom (MDOF) de un robot aut贸nomo con ruedas. Tambi茅n se presentan los resultados de la simulaci贸n cinem谩tica desarrollada a trav茅s del programa Visual Nastran 4D. Esta investigaci贸n fue desarrollada para la generaci贸n de un robot aut贸nomo de limpieza, espec铆ficamente de un robot aspiradora de limpieza

    Simulation model of the supply chain on a naval shipyard

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    17 p谩ginasDiscrete-event simulation has been used as an analysis tool to evaluate the new production system concepts and has also been used in the operation and planning of manufacturing facilities. However, sensitivity analysis has to be used to find the best resource combination to execute the construction tasks. The results of the sensitivity analysis can assist project managers in planning effective resource assignment based on their goals. This paper presents the discrete-event simulation of the supply chain operations in a naval shipyard using the ARENA庐 software. This paper presents a model which supports the operations planning and the decisions on capacity in the naval shipyard. The experiments performed present the service level of the current operations and their results show that the proposed model shows good performance in terms of the quality of the solution