131 research outputs found

    Differential Energy Allocation Among 15 New Guineagrass (Panicum Maximum Jacq.) Hybrids

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    The main aim of this research work was to determine trends of energy allocation among newly developed guineagrass (Panicum maximum Jacq) hybrids, ranging from very-early to late-flowering genotypes. Besides the flowering cycle, eight phenological and two seed quality traits were scored in a greenhouse randomized complete block experiment including plant height (PH), reproductive tiller number/overall tiller number (RTN/OTN), panicle number/reproductive tiller (PN/RT), leaf length (LL), leaf width (LW), panicle length (PL), fresh weight (FW), dry weight (DW), number of seeds/gram (NS/G) and seed sample physical purity (SPP). Very-early and early-flowering hybrids consistently showed the highest correlations values between flowering cycle and RTN/OTN (r= - 0.59**), PN/RT (r= - 0.48**), NS/G (r= - 0.88**) and SPP (r= - 0.80**) (reproductive functions) while intermediate and lateflowering hybrids showed the highest values for LL (r= 0.53**), LW (r= 0.60**), PL (r= 0.77**), FW (r= 0.78**) and DW (r= 0.85**) (vegetative functions). The implications of these results for plant breeding and forage management purposes are discussed

    Differential Behaviour of Guineagrass (\u3cem\u3ePanicum Maximum Jacq.\u3c/em\u3e) Hybrids, With Different Al\u3csup\u3e+3\u3c/sup\u3e Reactions, as to Major Nutrient Translocations to the Leaves

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    Most of the Brazilian cultivated pasture fields presents soils with high Al+3 levels and liming is economically unfeasible. So, there is an urgent need for grasses with good forage yielding potentials that can withstand Al+3 deleterious effects (abnormal root development: short, thick and poorly branched roots, which are unable to effectively translocate water and essential nutrients to the leaves) (Foy, 1984); as a consequence, susceptible genetic materials have their field persistences greatly affected, mainly during drought periods. Researches on Al+3 reaction are usually compare supposedly resistant/tolerant genotypes with a resistant control check; doing so, the genotypic effect is not isolated, making unreliable the comparisons made (Thomas & Lapointe, 1989). Guineagrass hybrids were tested as to nutrient translocations to the leaves, through comparisons of results obtained in treatments with and without N, P and K applications to the soil, for each genotype

    Evaluation of the disciplinary competences of the students of the Bachelor's degree in Nursing at 'Sapienza' University of Rome through the TECO: A cross-sectional study

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    The objective of the study is to evaluate whether the TECO-D is a useful tool for measuring the skills acquired by students during three years of the nursing bachelor's degree course at the 'Sapienza' University of Rome. The sample was recruited between January and April 2018. The distribution of the scores for the TECO-D shows an increasing average (standard deviation) from 177.3 ± 28 in the first year up to 214.1 ± 18.5 for graduating students. The test is comprehensive by sampling all relevant disciplines in a curriculum, usually determined by a fixed blueprint. The evaluation of the single macro areas showed statistically significant data reflecting increasing knowledge regarding the progression of the skills. Because of this, we can say that the TECO-D is a great tool for determining student's knowledge in order to evaluate study programs

    Effect of Sowing Time on Phytomass Production during Early Growth of Two Varieties of \u3ci\u3eStylosanthes guianensis (Aubl.) Sw.\u3c/i\u3e

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    The objective of this research was to determine the effect of two sowing times on phytomass production of two varieties of Stylosanthes guianensis (var. pauciflora and var. vulgaris). Two experimental periods were studied (1: January - May/1998 and 2: November/1998 - March/1999) using a completely randomized factorial design 2 x 2 x 14 (two periods, two varieties and fourteen ages of evaluation), with four replications. The results showed a difference between the periods concerning the growth and development of Stylosanthes, and that period 2 was the most favourable to this forage plant. There was, also, different adaptability between the two varieties concerning the sowing times. The var. pauciflora was more adapted in period 1, and the var. vulgaris, in period 2. The data showed the possibility of selecting Stylosanthes cultivars adapted to different seasonal conditions

    Evaluating Genetic Relationships Between Tropical Maize Inbred Lines By Means Of Aflp Profiling.

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    Diversity among tropical maize inbred lines that compose breeding programs, is not well known. The lack of this information has made the arrangement of heterotic groups to be used for breeding purposes difficult. Methods of molecular analysis have been used as efficient alternatives for evaluating genetic diversity, aiming at heterotic group arrangement and acquisition of new hybrids. In this study, AFLP (amplified fragment length polymorphism) was used to investigate the genetic relationships among 96 tropical maize inbred lines from two different origins. The polymorphism level among the genotypes and the possibility of their allocation in heterotic groups were evaluated. Besides, correlations among genetic diversity and flowering time were analyzed. Nine primer combinations were used to obtain AFLP markers, producing 638 bands, 569 of which were polymorphic. Genetic similarities (GS), determined by Jaccard's similarity coefficient, varied from 0.345 to 0.891, with an average of 0.543. The dendrogram based on the GS and on the UPGMA cluster method did not separate the inbred lines in well-defined groups. Aiming at separating the lines into more accurate groups, Tocher's optimization procedure was carried out, 17 groups being identified. Association between flowering time and germplasm pools was detected. AFLP showed itself to be a robust assay, revealing a great power of detection of genetic variability in the tropical germplasm, and also demonstrated to be very useful for guiding breeding programs.14024-3

    Processing of Moringa oleifera seeds using different equipments to obtain coagulant solution

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    This work was condcted to assess four different equipments used in processing seeds of Moringa oleifera to produce a coagulant solution to be used in water treatment with the turbidity obtained synthetically. Six coagulant solutions with different types of processing were used in assays of coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation in Jar-Test equipment. The dose of coagulant solution was 500 mg L-1 and the evaluated parameters were turbidity and apparent color. After 30 min of sedimentation, it was clear that the best processes to reduce turbidity and apparent color were the pestle and grinder, respectively, however, in both cases the sieving of the powder was essential in reducing the parameters in question. Using a blender and a mixer the reduction rates of turbidity and apparent color were the lowest. The grinding of the seeds during processing in the grinder and the pestle remove part of the oil present in them, which does not occur when using the blender and mixer, stating that the removal of oil present in the seeds result in a more efficient coagulant solution.Desenvolveu-se este trabalho para avaliar o uso de quatro equipamentos no processamento das sementes de Moringa oleifera, visando à produção de solução coagulante a ser empregada no tratamento de água com turbidez obtida sinteticamente. Seis soluções coagulantes com diferentes tipos de processamento foram utilizadas em ensaios de coagulação, floculação e sedimentação em equipamento Jar-Test. A dosagem da solução coagulante utilizada foi 500 mg L-1 e os parâmetros avaliados foram turbidez e cor aparente; verificou-se, após 30 min de sedimentação, que para redução de turbidez e cor aparente os melhores processamentos foram com pilão e máquina de moer, respectivamente, sendo que em ambos os casos o peneiramento do pó foi essencial para a redução dos parâmetros em questão. Através de liquidificador e mixer, os índices de redução de turbidez e cor aparente foram os menores encontrados e a trituração das sementes durante o processamento na máquina de moer e no pilão remove parte do óleo neles presente, o que não ocorre com o uso do liquidificador e mixer, evidenciando que a retirada do óleo presente nas sementes resulta em solução coagulante com maior eficiência.66166

    Effects of the supression partial and total of the frutification on stalks traits of maize cultivars

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    Neste estudo, objetivou-se avaliar o potencial do colmo de cultivares de milho, quanto ao teor de açúcares e de produção de álcool, em função da supressão parcial e total da frutificação. Pesquisas nesse sentido são desejáveis porque fornecem dados sobre o potencial energético da planta e geram informações sobre processos fisiológicos do milho. O ensaio foi conduzido em Piracicaba, SP, no ano agrícola de 1981/82, utilizando-se o delineamento de blocos casualizados com parcelas subdivididas e seis repetições. Nas parcelas, foram cultivadas oito cultivares, incluindo: um híbrido duplo, dois híbridos simples, e cinco variedades de polinização-livre. Às subparcelas foram aplicados os seguintes tratamentos: a) IP = inflorescência feminina protegida; b) IR = inflorescência feminina removida; c) MV = colheita de milho verde; e d) MM = colheita de milho maduro. Os colmos, colhidos aos 109 dias do plantio, foram avaliados imediatamente após a colheita, quanto a quatorze características. As variedades de polinização-livre (principalmente as populações selecionadas para alto teor de açúcares no colmo) foram superiores aos híbridos, para a maioria das características avaliadas. Os tratamentos IP, IR e MV não diferiram entre si e superaram o tratamento MM, quanto às seguintes características: produção de álcool, sacarose real em percentagem do caldo, e sacarose aparente, açúcares redutores, açúcares totais e sólidos solúveis, em percentagem do caldo e do peso fresco do colmo. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que seria vantajoso o cultivo do milho para produção de milho verde, com a utilização dos colmos para a produção de álcool.A study was carried out to evaluate the potential of the stalks of maize cultivars for both sugar content and alcohol production, as influenced by partial and total supression of the frutification. The informations obtained are considered important not only to know more about the energetic potential, but also increase the knowledge of the physiologic processes of the corn plant. The experiment was carried out in Piracicaba, São Paulo State, Brazil, during the 1980/81 growing season, using a randomized block design with split-plots and six replications. Plots were represented by eight cultivars as follows: one double cross, two single crosses, and five open-pollinated populations. The following treatments were applied to sub-plots: female shoots protected to avoid pollination (SP); female shoots removed (SR); ears at the milks stage removed (GC); and mature kernels produced (MC). Stalks were analized immediately after harvest. In general, the open-pollinated varieties (mainly the populations selected for high sugars in the stalks) were superior to the hybrids for most of the tecnological traits evaluated. The SP, SR, and GC treatments did not differ and were superior to the MC treatment for most of the traits studied. The results obtained in this study suggest the possibility of producing corn at milk stage for human consumption with utilization of the stalks for alcohol production

    Pré-filtration in boulder and slow sand filtration with non-woven synthetic layers and granulated vegetal coal to improve quality in wastewater treated by constructed wetlands

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    The objective of this study was the comparison between two filtration systems, being one composed of a boulder pre-filter followed by a slow filter with sand as filtration media and a non-woven synthetic fabric in the upper part, and the other one composed of a boulder pre-filter followed by a slow filter with sand as filtration media and granular activated charcoal and a non-woven synthetic fabric in the upper part, for the purification of household effluents treated in cultivated beds, to be applied in fertigation. The filtration systems were compared to assess the efficiency in the removal of the parameters: suspended solids, turbidity, apparent color, chemical oxygen demand, dissolved oxygen, iron, manganese, total coliforms and E. coli. The two systems operated 24 hours a day, with the same application rate, treating a total final flow of 1.5 m³ day-1, while the application rate for the pre-filtration unit was 8.4 m³ m-2 day-1 on average and for each of the slow filtration units it was 2.7 m³ m-2 day-1 on average. The pre-filtration and slow filtration units were efficient in the reduction of suspended solids concentrations, turbidity, apparent color and COD, for the purification of previously treated domestic sewage. The use of granular activated charcoal combined with sand in the slow filter allowed a higher efficiency in the removal of suspended solids, color, turbidity, total coliforms and E. Coli., without increasing the initial head loss. The use of effluents is possible in the fertigation practice, where the disinfection process may be necessary or not, depending on the cultivation and the irrigation system adopted.O presente trabalho teve como objetivo comparar sistemas de filtragem, composto de pré-filtro de pedregulho seguido de filtro lento com o meio filtrante areia e no topo manta sintética não tecida e pré-filtro de pedregulho seguido de filtro lento com meio filtrante areia e carvão ativado granular e no topo manta sintética não tecida, para polimento de efluentes domésticos tratados em leitos cultivados, visando à aplicação na fertirrigação. Na comparação dos sistemas de filtragem, avaliou-se a eficiência de remoção dos parâmetros: sólidos em suspensão, turbidez, cor aparente, demanda química de oxigênio, oxigênio dissolvido, ferro, manganês, coliformes totais e E. coli. Os dois sistemas operavam 24 horas por dia, com a mesma taxa de aplicação, tratando uma vazão total final de 1,5 m³ dia-1, sendo que a taxa de aplicação para a unidade de pré-filtração era, em média, de 8,4 m³ m-2 dia-1 e para cada uma das unidades de filtração lenta era, em media, de 2,7 m³ m-2 dia-1. As unidades de pré-filtração e filtração lenta mostraram-se eficientes na redução das concentrações de sólidos suspensos, turbidez, cor aparente e DQO, como polimento de esgotos domésticos previamente tratados. O uso de carvão ativado granular, em combinação com areia, proporcionou ao filtro lento maior eficiência na remoção de sólidos suspensos, cor, turbidez, coliformes totais e E. Coli., sem com isso aumentar a perda de carga inicial. Existe a possibilidade de utilização dos efluentes para a prática da fertirrigação, sendo necessário o processo de desinfecção ou não, dependendo da cultura e o sistema de irrigação utilizado.80381

    Effect of water quality on head loss in filters utilized in trickle irrigation

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    This study had the objective to conduct an experimental enquiry on a surface water source utilized in a trickle irrigation system and its influence on the head loss evolution in two filters - a disc filter (130 micra) and a non-woven synthetic fabric in filtration of water. The temporal variation of physical, chemical and biological parameters of the irrigation water causing problem of obstruction in drippers were analysed. The evaluation criterion of the impurities present in the irrigation water were based on the studies of the trickle irrigation systems. The research was executed in four phases of 30 days each, in different seasons. The results showed that the chemical factors, which presented medium risk of clogging for emitters, were pH and the concentration of iron and sulphites. The physical and biological parameters of water quality showed low risk of clogging the drippers. The evolution of head loss, according to the volume filtered was also followed up for the sake of comparison. It was observed that the non woven synthetic fabric showed higher and faster head loss evolution than the disc filter.O presente trabalho teve como objetivo apresentar a investigação experimental de uma fonte hídrica superficial utilizada em um sistema de irrigação por gotejamento e sua influência na evolução da perda de carga de dois filtros, um de disco e outro de manta sintética não-tecida, na filtragem da água. Analisou-se a variação temporal dos principais parâmetros físicos, químicos e biológicos da água de irrigação que causam problemas de entupimento nos emissores. Os critérios para avaliação das impurezas presentes na água de irrigação basearam-se em estudos realizados nos sistemas de irrigação localizada. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em quatro etapas de 30 dias, em diferentes estações do ano. Os resultados mostraram que os parâmetros químicos que apresentaram médio risco de obstrução aos emissores, foram: pH, ferro e sulfetos. Os parâmetros físicos e biológicos analisados apresentaram baixo risco de entupimento dos emissores. Fez-se o acompanhamento da evolução da perda de carga em função do volume filtrado, objetivando uma análise comparativa. No filtro de manta sintética não-tecida a evolução da perda de carga foi mais acentuada e mais rápida em relação à de disco.1