76 research outputs found

    Electrochemical NOx reduction using a carbon nanospiked catalyst

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    Electrochemical NOx reduction was studied using a novel, nanostructured nitrogen-doped carbon nanospikes catalyst (CNS). NOx is a major environment and health concern that is typically eliminated using noble-metal gas-phase catalytic reactors. Alternatively, an electrocatalytic approach may reduce NOx to N2 using electric potential and reaction, foregoing noble metal catalysis. For these studies nitrate 〖(NO〗_3^-) and nitrite (〖NO〗_2^-) (the end products of dissolved NOx in water) were used as surrogate reagents. Basic solutions were more favorable than acidic solutions for nitrate reduction. The nitrate reduction reaction with three different electrolytes, Lithium hydroxide, Sodium hydroxide, and Potassium hydroxide has been compared. Identification and quantification tests for nitrate, nitrite, and ammonia indicated that nitrite is an intermediate product during nitrate reduction. The final product with sodium hydroxide is ammonia. Potassium hydroxide and lithium hydroxide suggested no formation of ammonia. However, it suggested a possibility of formation of nitrogen and oxygen

    Effect of Phyllostachys parvifolia leaf extract on ionizing radiation-induced genetic damage: A preliminary in vitro cytogenetic study

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    AbstractThe ionizing radiation is a known carcinogen as well as cancer therapeutic agent however, the side effect on normal tissue is a limiting factor and inadequate doses necessitates search for an ideal radioprotective agent. Bamboo species are rich source of antioxidants hence have therapeutic value in many free radical mediated diseases. This is the first report regarding in vitro protective effect of bamboo leaf extract against radiation induced genetic damage in human peripheral blood lymphocytes by cytokinesis blocked micronuclei (CBMN) assay. Fresh whole blood was exposed to 5Gy of cobalt-6o gamma radiation with or without 30 min pre-treatment with 3 μl and 5 μl of hydro alcoholic leaf extract of Phyllostachys parvifolia. In addition to whole extract the effect of potential active compound orientin was also assessed. The frequency of radiation induced micronuclei decreased significantly in a dose dependent manner following treatment with whole extract as well as orientin. The extent of reduction in micronuclei frequency was higher with whole bamboo leaf extract as compared to orientin alone

    Fetomaternal outcome in patients of decreased fetal movements after thirty-four weeks of gestation

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    Background: Maternal perception of decreased fetal movements is a cause of concern and common reason for visits to the antenatal clinic or delivery room. Several studies have shown that a reduction or cessation of fetal movements may result in poor pregnancy outcome and magnified increased risks of serious perinatal morbidity and mortality. Aim and objectives were to determine the correlation between decreased daily fetal movement counts, NST, USG and Colour Doppler with maternal and fetal outcome. Methods: This study was a prospective observational study, conducted in department of obstetrics and gynecology at Surat municipal institute medical education and research medical college from January 2020 to June 2021. Results: The study group consisted of 83 patients between 34 to 40 weeks of gestation with Decreased fetal movements. 60.24% patients belonged to age group between 21-25 years. 60.22% patients were multigravida.87.95% patients were full term, 59.09% patients presented between 12-24 hours of duration with complain of decreased fetal movements. In view of NST results, 72.29% patients had reactive-NST. In ultrasonography, 27.10% had AFI <5 cm and 72.90% had AFI >5 cm & all patients had normal color Doppler study.  60 patients had induced labor. 68.67% patients delivered vaginally. 42.10% of vaginal deliveries, 80% of Instrumental vaginal deliveries and 75% of LSCS had Meconium-stained liquor. 81.92% babies had APGAR score of >7 at birth. 84.33% had birth weight more than 2.5 kg 68.18% babies were admitted in NICU due to Meconium aspiration syndrome, followed by respiratory distress syndrome in 18.18% and birth asphyxia in 13.63% babies. Conclusions: Decreased fetal movement is a frequently occurring antenatal presentation, associated with poor perinatal outcomes. Daily fetal movement counts are very effective, cheap and reliable method to diagnose fetal compromise early. Methods like NST, USG and Colour Doppler study are helpful in the identification of causes and timely management of the patient with decreased fetal movements and helpful to diagnose the fetus at risk and their timely delivery

    A Framework for Enhancing the Spatial Urban Form of Informal Economies in India: The Case of Krishna Rajendra Market, Bangalore

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    The International Monetary Fund estimates that the Indian economy contributes over 8% to the global gross domestic product (GDP), making India the fifth largest economy in the world. However, the formal and informal sectors do not contribute equally to the national GDP, with over 80% of this total originating from the informal sector. Street vending, among other informal activities in India, is a vital contributor to the informal economy. Many scholars argue that despite the critical influence of physical urban patterns on the practicability and viability of informal activities, urban planners are not providing adequate urban planning policies. Bangalore, the third largest Indian city by population, is the subject of the present case study. Although this city hosts a wide variety of cultures, economies, and lifestyles, 74% of its population can be categorized as working in the informal sector. The goals of this research study are (a) to explore spatial planning in relation to the urban informal sector in Central Bangalore, (b) to identify the physical urban challenges experienced by the city’s street vendors, and (c) to examine the implications of these challenges for the city’s master plan. Through interviews, surveys, and site analysis (mapping), This study elucidates (a) the challenges experienced by the area’s stakeholders (i.e., vendors and buyers), (b) the limited planning of the spatial urban form by urban planners with regard to the accommodation of informal economic activities, and accordingly, (c) the need to implement spatial planning policies and design regulations appropriate to Bangalore’s high-density marketplace

    A case report on angioedema induced by levofloxacin: an unexpected occurrence

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    Angioedema is an abrupt swelling of the skin, mucous membrane, or both. It can be either food or drug induced. Drug induced Angioedema (allergic or non-allergic) is known with ACE inhibitors, NSAIDs, Beta-lactams. Levofloxacin is a well-tolerated, broad-spectrum fluoroquinolone commonly prescribed for urinary or respiratory tract infections. Common side effects with levofloxacin involve gastrointestinal tract. However, reports on Levofloxacin induced Angioedema are scarce. Hence, we report two cases of Levofloxacin induced Angioedema. In both the cases, patients developed swelling of face following ingestion of Tab. Levofloxacin 500 mg orally BD on previous day. Drug was prescribed for urinary or respiratory infection. After a provisional diagnosis of Levofloxacin induced Angioedema by the dermatologist, both the patients were asked to withdraw the drug immediately. The reaction was treated with Inj. Avil (Pheniramine maleate) 1 cc i.v. stat and Inj. Dexona (Dexamethasone) 2 cc i.v. stat in one patient whereas oral corticosteroid (Tab. Prednisolone 10mg orally OD with tapering dose) was used in second patient. Oral antihistaminics were also prescribed as per the necessity. Both patients recovered within 4-7 days. Both ADRs were uploaded via Vigiflow under Pharmacovigilance Programme of India (PvPI) with likely relationship between suspected drug and ADR. Incidence of Drug induced cutaneous ADRs (CADRs) in India is 2.85%. Instances of hypersensitivity or anaphylactic reactions with fluoroquinolones are much lesser and milder than with NSAIDs or Beta-lactams. These reactions are associated with quinolone-specific Ig E. Existence of cross reactivity with quinolones is also high. This property is due to a similar ring (4-oxo-1, 4-dihydroquinoline ring) possessed by all fluoroquinolones. This allergic angioedema confined to the skin can be treated with antihistaminics or glucocorticoids

    The urban regeneration’s framework for transit villages in Qatar: the case of Al Sadd in Doha

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    In the past two decades, Doha, the capital city of the State of Qatar, has undergone a rapid urban transformation. In 2013 and 2014, the State of Qatar, respectively, initiated the construction of Doha Metro and launched the Qatar National Development Framework (QNDF), an action plan for managing sustainable urban development at national level. Namely, QNDF emphasizes the importance of linking Doha Metro system with urban growth through transit-oriented developments (TODs), a model maximizing the integration between transport systems and land use, through the development of sustainable, vibrant, livable, compact and mixed-use communities. This research study focuses on Al Sadd, a mixed-use neighborhood located in the center of Doha. Al Sadd is considered a significant site for investigating the extent to which the TOD model can contribute to enhance standards of urban living and fostering a long-term urban sustainability. The strategy for monitoring and assessing the potential benefits of the investigated TOD is grounded on the on-site analysis (based on graph theory) of two indices: (1) built environment diversity and density and (2) travel behavior. The revealed comprehensive approach for the urban regeneration of the Al Sadd TOD is based on a framework for enhancing its (1) mixed-used urban fabric and (2) multimodal transportation systems. In turn, the proposed framework provides insights to move incrementally toward interdisciplinary research and governance for TOD in Qatar and in the globalizing GCC, through a long-term sustainability perspective.The authors would like to acknowledge the research-oriented vision of Qatar University as an academic institute supporting sustainable development in the State of Qatar. This research study was developed as part of two research project schemes: (1) Collaborative Grant QUCG-CENG-1920-4 titled “The Action Plan for the Implementation of Qatar National Masterplan based on Integration of Land Use and Public Transport Systems”, awarded and funded by Qatar University; (2) UREP 23-065-5-001 titled “Sustainable Urbanism for the Urban Regeneration and Preservation of the Cultural-Heritage Site of the Souq Waqif in Doha (State of Qatar)”, awarded and funded from Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF, a member of Qatar Foundation). The authors would like to express their gratitude to the leading planners and architects of Qatar’s Government Agencies and Ministries, namely the Ministry of Municipality and Environment (MME), Qatar Rail (QR), Qatar Museums Authority (QMNA) and Ashghal Public Works Authority for their collaboration, for participating in the meetings, sharing visual data and cardinal documents relevant to the research aims, and for discussing the results and conclusion of this investigation. This paper was subject to a Double-Blind Peer Review process. Once accepted for publication, the journal ‘Environment, Development and Sustainability (ENVI)’ offered the authors the choice to publish this article on open access (OA). The open access (OA) publication of this article was funded by the Qatar National Library. Finally, the authors thank the anonymous reviewers for their comments, which contributed to an improvement of this paper. The authors are solely responsible for the statements made herein

    To assess the role fiberoptic bronchoscopy in the evaluation of hemoptysis

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    Background: To prospectively evaluate the efficiency of the fiberoptic bronchoscopy (FOB) examination in the evaluation of patients with hemoptysis.Methods: We prospectively reviewed 50 patients who underwent FOB for hemoptysis. There were 39 male and 11 female. The mean age was 46 years with a range from 21 to 83 years. The patients were divided between two groups on the basis of their chest roentograms (46% with normal and 54% with abnormal findings).Results: Hemoptysis  in normal  and abnormal chest roentograms was  respectively attributed  to bronchiectasis in         5 (21.7%) and 3 (11.1%) cases, bronchogenic carcinoma in 2 (8.6%)  and 9 (33.3%) cases, bronchitis in 2 (8.6%) and 3 (11.1%) cases, tuberculosis in 2 (8.6%)  and 5 (18.5%) cases, cryptogenic causes in 8 (34.7%)  and 4 (14.8%) cases and pseudohemoptysis  in 2 (8.6%) cases (bleeding from upper respiratory tract).  Conclusions: Fob plays a pivotal role in the evaluation of hemoptysis. It was found that left upper lobe followed by right upper lobe was the site most consistent with the findings, with bronchogenic carcinoma being the most common non- infectious cause. Infectious etiology was the most common pathology behind hemoptysis and bronchiectasis was the most important risk factor