75 research outputs found

    Management of produced water in oil and gas operations

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    Produced water handling has been an issue of concern for oil and gas producers as it is one of the major factors that cause abandonment of the producing well. The development of effective produced water management strategies poses a big challenge to the oil and gas industry today. The conversion of produced water into irrigation or fresh water provides a cost effective tool to handle excessive amounts of the produced water. In this research we proposed on-site produced water treatment units configured to achieve maximum processing throughput. We studied various advanced separation techniques to remove oil and dissolved solids from the produced water. We selected adsorption as the oil removing technique and Reverse Osmosis (RO) as the dissolved solids removing technique as being the best for our purpose. We performed experiments to evaluate operating parameters for both adsorption and RO units to accomplish maximum removal of oil and dissolved solids from the produced water. We compared the best models fitting the experimental data for both the processes, then analyzed and simulated the performance of integrated produced water treatment which involves adsorption columns and RO units. The experimental results show that the adsorption columns remove more than 90% of the oil and RO units remove more than 95% of total dissolved solids from the produced water. The simulation results show that the proper integration and configuration of adsorption and RO units can provide up to 80% efficiency for a processing throughput of 6-8 gallons per minute of produced water. From an oil and gas producers viewpoint output from the produced water treatment system is a revenue generating source. The system is flexible and can be modified for the applications such as rangeland restoration, reservoir recharge and agricultural use


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    Objective: To develop precise, accurate and reproducible stability assay method by RP-HPLC for estimation of dapagliflozin in API and pharmaceutical dosage form.Methods: The adequate separation was carried using agilent C18 (4.6 ml (millimeter)*150,5 µm (micromiter), mixture of acetonitrile: di-potassium hydrogen phosphate with pH-6.5 adjusted with OPA (40:60 %v/v) as a mobile phase with the flow rate of 1 ml/min (milliliter/minute) and the effluent was monitored at 222 nm (nanometer) using photo diode array detector. The retention time of dapagliflozin API and dapagliflozin tablet were 3.160 min (minute) and 3.067 min (minute) respectively.Results: Linearity for dapagliflozin was found in the range of 50-150µg/ml (microgram/milliliter) (R2 = 0.99) respectively. The accuracy of the present method was evaluated at 50 %, 100% and 150%. The % recoveries of dapagliflozin API and tablet were found to be in the range of 99.00–99.99 % and 98.50–99.99 % respectively. Precision studies were carried out and the relative standard deviation values were less than two. The method was found to be robust.Conclusion: The proposed method was found to be specific, accurate, precise and robust can be used for estimation of dapagliflozin in API and Pharmaceutical dosage form

    Study of role of blood transfusion in obstetric emergencies

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    Background: Blood Transfusion is recognized as one of the eight essential component of comprehensive emergency obstetric care which has been shown to reduce the maternal mortality.1,2 In developing country like India, efforts should be done to make blood and transfusion services well maintained and quickly available to reduce maternal morbidity from haemorrhage and thus decrease the incidence of maternal mortality. Aims & objectives: (1) To study clinical status of the patients at time of admission. (2) To study the role of antenatal visits in all patients required blood transfusion. (3) To study the effect of blood components on the patients’ health. (4) To screen out the patients of high risk pregnancy and treat them safely. (5) To study causes of maternal mortality.Methods: Retrospective study of requirement of blood transfusion in antenatal and postnatal patients who came in labour room during last 3 month period at tertiary care Centre, Ahmedabad.Results: during the whole study out of 2200 patients 440 patients required blood transfusion among which 70% required due to obstetric hemorrhage and 30% due to severe anemia (less than 7 gm/dl). Major associated complications in the transfused patients were anemia (34%) and PPH (36%). 4 patients expired among them 2 were due to development of DIC and septicemia, 1 due to severe anemia and 1 due to severe PPH.Conclusions: Ensuring a safe supply of blood and blood products and the appropriate and rational clinical use of blood. Strategies made to maximize the haemoglobin (Hb) level at the time of delivery as well as to minimize blood loss. Active management of the third stage of labour is required to prevent avoidable morbidities, such as PPH, Retained product of conception, and vaginal lacerations.

    Role of methotrexate in ectopic pregnancy

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    Background: Ectopic pregnancy is an acute emergency in obstetric if not timely diagnosed and timely treated. Ectopic pregnancy is leading cause of death in first trimester. Ectopic pregnancy can be managed surgically or medically. Medical management with Methotrexate administration avoids anesthesia in surgery, is cost effective and also offers success rate comparable to surgical management. Aim and objectives were to study the role of methotrexate in ectopic pregnancyMethods: This will be a retrospective observational study conducted in Obstetrics and Gynecology department of AMC MET medical college. Study group constitutes of 30 females with ectopic pregnancy. Preliminary blood investigations, ultrasonography and beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (b-hcg) level will be tested. Patients will be treated with single dose of methotrexate 50 mg/M2. Follow up b-hcg level will be done after 48 hours. Response and tolerance to methotrexate will be monitored.Results: The success rate of methotrexate therapy in our study was 83.33% (n=25) and 16.66% (n=5) required surgical intervention with tubal ruptured and abdominal pain.Conclusions: Methotrexate treatment of ectopic pregnancies is safe and effective with no major side effects. It has the advantage of tubal conservation and saves patients from surgical intervention

    Role of doppler in fetal growth restriction

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    Background: Fetal growth restriction is an important and particularly challenging problem for modern obstetricians and paediatricians. The present study is to correlate the importance of Doppler velocimetry and perinatal outcome in cases of growth restricted foetuses by comparing perinatal outcome of control & study groups with normal and abnormal Doppler waveforms.Methods: A study and a control group comprising of 50 pregnant women having growth restricted foetuses in each group was matched for all other confounding factors except for Doppler changes. These patients were followed up and the perinatal outcomes of FGR foetuses having Doppler changes was compared with those having normal Doppler studies.Results: In our study, alteration in both MCA and UmbA Doppler was associated with perinatal morbidity and NICU admissions in 64% and mortality in 28%. Doppler changes showing altered CPR less than 1 had adverse outcome with NICU admission in 61% and mortality in 34%. Alteration in DV Doppler was associated with perinatal morbidity and NICU admissions in 17% cases and mortality in 83% cases, with no pregnancies having a healthy outcome. Among high-risk pregnancies with suspected IUGR, the use of Doppler assessment significantly decreases the likelihood of labor induction, caesarean delivery, and perinatal deaths.Conclusions: Abnormal Doppler waveform changes indicate adverse perinatal outcome of pregnancies with FGR. Doppler study helps to reduce perinatal mortality and morbidity by timely and appropriate interventions

    A Student-Initiated Elective in Medical Ethics: Innovations in Design and Institutionalization

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    Introduction: This study addresses how to best approach the instruction and evaluation of clinical ethics with preclinical medical students. [See PDF for complete abstract

    Compendium of Single Event Effects Test Results for Commercial Off-The-Shelf and Standard Electronics for Low Earth Orbit and Deep Space Applications

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    We present the results of Single Event Effects (SEE) testing with high energy protons and with low and high energy heavy ions for electrical components considered for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and for deep space applications

    Gitelman-Like Syndrome Caused by Pathogenic Variants in mtDNA

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    Background: Gitelman syndrome is the most frequent hereditary salt-losing tubulopathy characterized by hypokalemic alkalosis and hypomagnesemia. Gitelman syndrome is caused by biallelic pathogenic variants in SLC12A3, encoding the Na+-Cl− cotransporter (NCC) expressed in the distal convoluted tubule. Pathogenic variants of CLCNKB, HNF1B, FXYD2, or KCNJ10 may result in the same renal phenotype of Gitelman syndrome, as they can lead to reduced NCC activity. For approximately 10 percent of patients with a Gitelman syndrome phenotype, the genotype is unknown. Methods: We identified mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variants in three families with Gitelman-like electrolyte abnormalities, then investigated 156 families for variants in MT-TI and MT-TF, which encode the transfer RNAs for phenylalanine and isoleucine. Mitochondrial respiratory chain function was assessed in patient fibroblasts. Mitochondrial dysfunction was induced in NCC-expressing HEK293 cells to assess the effect on thiazide-sensitive 22Na+ transport. Results: Genetic investigations revealed four mtDNA variants in 13 families: m.591C>T (n=7), m.616T>C (n=1), m.643A>G (n=1) (all in MT-TF), and m.4291T>C (n=4, in MT-TI). Variants were near homoplasmic in affected individuals. All variants were classified as pathogenic, except for m.643A>G, which was classified as a variant of uncertain significance. Importantly, affected members of six families with an MT-TF variant additionally suffered from progressive chronic kidney disease. Dysfunction of oxidative phosphorylation complex IV and reduced maximal mitochondrial respiratory capacity were found in patient fibroblasts. In vitro pharmacological inhibition of complex IV, mimicking the effect of the mtDNA variants, inhibited NCC phosphorylation and NCC-mediated sodium uptake. Conclusion: Pathogenic mtDNA variants in MT-TF and MT-TI can cause a Gitelman-like syndrome. Genetic investigation of mtDNA should be considered in patients with unexplained Gitelman syndrome-like tubulopathies

    An Environment-Wide Association Study (EWAS) on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Background: Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) and other chronic diseases are caused by a complex combination of many genetic and environmental factors. Few methods are available to comprehensively associate specific physical environmental factors with disease. We conducted a pilot Environmental-Wide Association Study (EWAS), in which epidemiological data are comprehensively and systematically interpreted in a manner analogous to a Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS). Methods and Findings: We performed multiple cross-sectional analyses associating 266 unique environmental factors with clinical status for T2D defined by fasting blood sugar (FBG) concentration $126 mg/dL. We utilized available Centers for Disease Control (CDC) National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) cohorts from years 1999 to 2006. Within cohort sample numbers ranged from 503 to 3,318. Logistic regression models were adjusted for age, sex, body mass index (BMI), ethnicity, and an estimate of socioeconomic status (SES). As in GWAS, multiple comparisons were controlled and significant findings were validated with other cohorts. We discovered significant associations for the pesticide-derivative heptachlor epoxide (adjusted OR in three combined cohorts of 1.7 for a 1 SD change in exposure amount; p,0.001), and the vitamin c-tocopherol (adjusted OR 1.5; p,0.001). Higher concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) such as PCB170 (adjusted OR 2.2; p,0.001) were also found. Protective factors associated with T2D included b-carotenes (adjusted OR 0.6; p,0.001)
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