199 research outputs found

    Mikrocirkulåció vizsgålata gasztrointesztinålis sebészetben = Investigation of microcirculation in gastrointestinal surgery

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    I. Kimutattuk, hogy a gyomorcsövesĂ­tĂ©s kĂĄrosĂ­tja a csƑgyomor cranialis harmadĂĄnak vĂ©rellĂĄtĂĄsĂĄt. Igazoltuk, hogy a thoracalis epidurĂĄlis anaesthesia (TEA) fokozza a vasculĂĄrisan kĂĄrosodott csƑgyomor proximĂĄlis harmadĂĄnak mikrocirkulĂĄciĂłjĂĄt, egyben javĂ­tja a szöveti oxigenizĂĄciĂłt Ă©s a belek motilitĂĄsĂĄt is. MegfigyelĂ©seink alapjĂĄn javasoljuk a TEA rutinszerƱ klinikai alkalmazĂĄsĂĄt a nyelƑcsƑ-sebĂ©szeti gyakorlatban. II. KĂ­sĂ©rletes mechanikus icterus sĂșlyos mikrocirkulĂĄciĂłs kĂĄrosodĂĄshoz vezet Ă©s fokozza a bacteriĂĄlis endotoxin (LPS) okozta mikrokeringĂ©si kĂĄrosodĂĄsokat Ă©s jelentƑsen emeli a Kupffer sejtek aktivĂĄlĂłdĂĄsĂĄt. Az obstructios icterusban fokozĂłdik az LPS okozta Kupffer sejt aktivitĂĄs Ă©s mikrokeringĂ©si kĂĄrosodĂĄsok is. A Kupffer sejt blokĂĄd jelentƑsen javĂ­totta az LPS indukĂĄlta gyulladĂĄsos vĂĄlaszreakciĂłt Ă©s csökkentette a mĂĄj mikrokeringĂ©si Ă©s szöveti kĂĄrosodĂĄsĂĄt is. A phosphatidylcholinban (PC) gazdag tĂĄp adĂĄsa kedvezƑen befolyĂĄsolja obstructios icterusban az endotoxaemia okozta lokĂĄlis/szisztĂ©mĂĄs gyulladĂĄsos reakciĂłkat, a perfĂșziĂłs valamint szöveti kĂĄrosodĂĄst. EredmĂ©nyeink bizonyĂ­tjĂĄk, hogy a Kupffer sejt gĂĄtlĂĄs mĂłdszere Ă©s a PC diĂ©ta megfelelƑ terĂĄpiĂĄs lehetƑsĂ©get nyĂșjthat a cholestasis okozta gyulladĂĄsos szövƑdmĂ©nyekkel szemben. III. VizsgĂĄlataink igazoltĂĄk, hogy a glĂŒkokortikoidok lĂ©nyeges szerepet jĂĄtszanak a heveny pancreatitis ĂĄltal elƑidĂ©zett gyulladĂĄsos vĂĄlaszreakciĂł kontrolljĂĄban Ă©s az extrapancreatikus szervek (tĂŒdƑ, mĂĄj) kĂĄrosodĂĄsainak mĂ©rsĂ©klĂ©sĂ©ben. | I. Our results proved that gastroplasty dramatically impairs the blood flow in the cranial part of the gastric roll, while thoracic epidural anesthesia (TEA) significantly improves the microcirculation of the distal portion of the gastric tube and increases the intestinal motility after a gastric pull-up. These findings indicate that TEA is favorable and should be recommended during reconstructive esophageal surgery. II. Obstructive jaundice causes a severe perfusion failure with a moderate leukocyte reaction in the liver, and enhances both the bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide-induced microcirculatory failure and the increased Kupffer cell activity. Kupffer cell blockade by GdCl3 reduces the microcirculatory consequences of endotoxemia, and beneficially influences the inflammatory reactions of obstructive jaundice combined with the lipopolysaccharide challenge. In experimental obstructive jaundice, the dietary phosphatidylcholine (PC) supplementation significantly ameliorates the local and systemic inflammatory reactions, perfusion failure and liver damage caused by endotoxemia. These data suggest a potential therapeutic benefit of PC supplementation to mitigate the harmful consequences of the inflammatory complications of cholestasis. III. The glucocorticoids mitigate progression of the inflammatory reaction and extrapancreatic organs (liver, lung) injuries during the early phase of acute pancreatitis

    Crop growth effects of processed raw materials applied as fertilisers or growth stimulators – a summary of partial EU project results

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    In an EU CRAFT project (COOP-CT-2004-508458) running from March 2004 to March 2006, an international consortium of producers of environmen-tally benign crop inputs (BFPs: Biological Food for Plants), RTD performers and end users, evaluated the production and use of BFPs manufactured from differ-ent raw materials: bovine hides, trees, and herba-ceous species. At the manufacturing level, production methods and procedures were reviewed to establish possible relationships between processing steps and end-product quality. At the field level, the BFP prod-ucts were applied as solid pellets or liquids, as fertil-isers or sprays, respectively, on organically grown potatoes and tomatoes and conventionally grown watermelon, cauliflower, strawberries, black currant, raspberries and apples. Evaluations were made of yield, plant health, quality aspects, and environmental effects of the products. In this paper, some Polish crop growth results are presented. In most of the experiments the solid BFP fertilisers did not give positive growth effects additional to those obtained with conventional fertilisers, probably because of the very high fertility levels of the soils used. One of the liquid BFP products applied as a spray performed very well in most experiments. It is concluded that espe-cially liquid BFPs can have very promising effects on crop performance and as such they merit much more scientific attention than what is evident to date

    Technologies for Beneficial Microorganisms Inocula Used as Biofertilizers

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    The increasing need for environmentaly friendly agricultural practices is driving the use of fertilizers based on beneficial microorganisms. The latter belong to a wide array of genera, classes, and phyla, ranging from bacteria to yeasts and fungi, which can support plant nutrition with different mechanisms. Moreover, studies on the interactions between plant, soil, and the different microorganisms are shedding light on their interrelationships thus providing new possible ways to exploit them for agricultural purposes. However, even though the inoculation of plants with these microorganisms is a well-known practice, the formulation of inocula with a reliable and consistent effect under field conditions is still a bottleneck for their wider use. The choice of the technology for inocula production and of the carrier for the formulation is key to their successful application. This paper focuses on how inoculation issues can be approached to improve the performance of beneficial microorganisms used as a tool for enhancing plant growth and yield

    A Barrett nyelƑcsƑ klinikai Ă©s kĂ­sĂ©rletes vizsgĂĄlata = Clinical and experimental investigation of Barrett's esophagus

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    Klinikai vizsgĂĄlatok MegvizsgĂĄltuk a laparoscopos Nissen fĂ©le fundoplicatio hatĂ©konysĂĄgĂĄt Barrett-nyelƑcsƑ (BNY) miatt operĂĄlt betegeken (n=78). A mƱtĂ©t utĂĄn 64 beteg utĂĄnkövetĂ©se törtĂ©nt, ĂĄtlagosan 42±16.19 hĂłnapig. VizsgĂĄlataink szerint a low-grade dysplasia kialakulĂĄsĂĄban szerepet jĂĄtszik a sĂșlyos epĂ©s reflux. A kontroll vizsgĂĄlatok 10 esetben mutattĂĄk a Barrett-metaplasia (BM) teljes regressziĂłjĂĄt. RĂ©szleges regressziĂł 9 esetben volt, 34 betegnĂ©l nem volt progressziĂł, 11 esetben volt progressziĂł (cardiĂĄlis vagy intestinĂĄlis metaplasia kialakulĂĄsa). Az antireflux mƱtĂ©tek a betegek nagy rĂ©szĂ©ben kontrollĂĄljĂĄk a reflux betegsĂ©get, megakadĂĄlyozzĂĄk a BM progressziĂłjĂĄt Ă©s elƑsegĂ­tik a BM regressziĂłjĂĄt. In vitro vizsgĂĄlatok KĂ­sĂ©rleti rendszert dolgoztunk ki, amely alkalmas a humĂĄn nyelƑcsƑ epitĂ©l sejtek (NYES) iontranszport folyamatainak karakterizĂĄlĂĄsĂĄra Ă©s toxikus ĂĄgensek NYES kifejtett hatĂĄsĂĄnak a vizsgĂĄlatĂĄra. Kidolgoztunk egy Ășj mĂłdszert, melynek sorĂĄn nyelƑcsƑ biopsziĂĄs mintĂĄkbĂłl enzimatikus Ășton NYESeket tudunk izolĂĄlni, mikrofluorometriĂĄs mĂłdszerrel karakterizĂĄltuk a Na+/H+ Ă©s a Cl-/HCO3- kicserĂ©lƑ Ă©s a Na+/HCO3- kotranszporter jelenlĂ©tĂ©t. HumĂĄn NYES vonalon kimutattuk a pH regulĂĄciĂłs transzporterek jelenlĂ©tĂ©t, megvizsgĂĄltuk az epesav terhelĂ©s hatĂĄsĂĄt a sejtek intracellulĂĄris pH-jĂĄra, összehasonlĂ­tottuk a NYES ion transzportjĂĄt mĂĄs gasztrointesztinĂĄlis epitĂ©l sejtek mƱködĂ©sĂ©vel. | Clinical studies: We investigated the efficacy of laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication in patients with Barrett’s esophagus (BE) (n=78). We assessed effect of fundoplication on symptoms of reflux disease, the changes of Barrett’s metaplasia (BM) in these patients. Clinical follow-up was available in the case of 64 patients at a mean of 42±16.19 months after surgery. Check-up examination revealed total regression of BM in 10 patients. Partial regression was seen in 9 cases, no further progression in 34 patients, and progression into cardiac or intestinal metaplasia in 11 patients. No cases of dysplastic or malignant transformation were registered. Severe biliary reflux is presumed to be a factor in the development of low grade dysplasia.Antireflux surgery can appropriately control the reflux disease and it may inhibit the progression and induce the regression of BM in these patients. In vitro studies: We developed a system for the characterization of ion transport mechanisms of human oesophageal epithelial cells (HOEC) and to study the effects of toxic agents on them. We used a novel method for the isolation of HOEC from oesophageal biopsy samples and characterized the presence of Na+/H+, Cl-/HCO3- exchanger and Na+/HCO3- cotransporter on HOEC. We confirmed the presence of pH regulatory transporters in HOEC line. We studied the effect of bile acids on the intracellular pH of HOEC and compared the HCO3- transport mechanisms of HOEC to those of other epithelial cells

    The impact of woody biochar on microbial processes in conventionally and organically managed arable soils

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    Although environmental impacts of biochar are well characterized, impacts on soil quality, nutrient availability and crop productivity, still remain a challenge due to the diverse response of different soil types to different types of biochar, namely those obtained at low temperature. The impact of an alkaline woody biochar (two doses 5% and 10%) obtained at 280°C, on soil enzyme activity, soil microbial respiration rate, mineral nitrogen (N) availability and ammonia volatilization was studied in one conventionally and one organically managed soils, with and without the addition of urea or composted farmyard manure. Biochar additions had different effects on soil enzyme activity in both soils, suggesting lower decomposing microbial activity processes promoted by biochar. Both soils showed a similar decreasing trend regarding soil respiration rates for all treatments, and significant relationships were observed between the treatments with different rates of applied biochar, but not constant for the entire incubation period. Urea application increased soil mineral N concentrations, especially nitrate concentrations when biochar was applied as well. Biochar decreased ammonia volatilization from conventionally managed soil fertilized with urea, but did not have a significant effect when compost was added to the organically managed soil. Biochar altered microbial behavior in soil, and was affected by previous soil management. So, the impact of biochar produced at low temperatures on soil biological processes is similar to those obtained at high temperature, thus proving that there is no need to increase the energy expenditure to produce biochar, to obtain a good product

    Physiological Response of Three Grapevine Cultivars Grown In North-Western Poland to Mycorrhizal Fungi

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    West Pomerania (Poland) is located near the northern boundary of the range of viticulture (the coldest zone A). Unfavourable weather conditions can pose a serious threat to the cultivated vines. One of the treatments used to increase the tolerance of plants to abiotic and biotic stresses is inoculation with symbiotic soil microorganisms. This paper focuses on the influence of mycorrhization on the changes in soil microbiology, the degree of colonization of roots by mycorrhizal fungi, and on selected physiologicalparameters of three grapevine cultivars (‘Pinot Noir’ on SO4 rootstock, ‘Regent’ on 5BB rootstock, and ‘Rondo’ on 125AA rootstock). The applied inoculation had a stimulating effect on the colonization of roots by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, as evidenced by higher mycorrhizal frequency and intensity in the mycorrhized plants. The mycorrhizal treatment increased the intensity of CO2 assimilation and transpiration. Mycorrhization reduced the efficiency of photosynthetic water use and increased stomatal conductance for water in the grapevines tested. The mycorrhizal treatment did not affect the concentration of assimilation pigments in vine leaves. The mycorrhization of grapevines had no effect on the values of initial fluorescence, maximum fluorescence, the maximum potential efficiency of photochemical reaction in PS II, the size of the pool of reduced electron acceptors in PS II, nor on the value of the PS II vitality index

    Occurrence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the roots of two grapevine cultivars in response to bioproducts

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    The aim of this study was to determine the influence of different bioproducts on the occurrence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in the roots of ‘Solaris’ and ‘Regent’ grapevine cultivars. The following bioproducts were used, alone or with mineral fertilization (NPK): Ausma, Bioilsa, manure and BF Ekomix. The highest mycorrhizal frequency was recorded in the roots of ‘Solaris’ after applying the bioproduct Ausma. For the ‘Regent’ cultivar, the highest mycorrhizal frequency was found in the plants treated with Ausma, BF Ekomix and manure. Colonization of grapevine roots by AM fungi was limited bymineral fertilization. After the combined use of bioproducts and mineral fertilizers, there was observed a tendency for minimized negative effect of mineral fertilization on the formation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
