30 research outputs found

    Decolorization of a chromophore molecule with immobilized horseradish peroxidase / Descoloração de uma molécula de cromóforo com peroxidase de rábano imobilizada

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    The enzymes can modify some effluent characteristics in order to increase the degradability, or the bioconversion of liquid  effluents. The oxireductases, laccases and peroxidases have been used due their high potentiality in many environmental treatments of natural and synthetic organic compounds as dyes, phenols and polyphenolics molecules. The performance of immobilized horseradish peroxidase on aminopropyl glass beads was investigated in this work in a decolorization reaction of methylene blue colorant. The experiments were conducted in batch conditions during 3 hours, with different aqueous solutions of peroxide hydrogen (H2O2) concentration solutions (2-10 mg/L), methylene blue (ME)  (5-20 mg/L) and the pH in the range from 4 to 8, according an experimental design proposed by the software STATISTICA®. After 3 hours of treatment the reduction of  the color was 60% when comparing to the original color and 50% when the immobilized enzymes were reused in five sequential batch treatment cycles for a 10 mg/L of H2O2 solution, 20 mg/L of ME  and pH 8.0.  Working in continuous process with two microreactors in series the system showed a good performance with 97% of decolorization in the first 15 minutes. After 1 hour of continuous treatment the percentage of the color removing was around 70%.

    On the biological and genetic diversity in Neospora caninum

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    Published: 22 March 2010Neospora caninum is a parasite regarded a major cause of foetal loss in cattle. A key requirement to an understanding of the epidemiology and pathogenicity of N. caninum is knowledge of the biological characteristics of the species and the genetic diversity within it. Due to the broad intermediate host range of the species, worldwide geographical distribution and its capacity for sexual reproduction, significant biological and genetic differences might be expected to exist. N. caninum has now been isolated from a variety of different host species including dogs and cattle. Although isolates of this parasite show only minor differences in ultrastructure, considerable differences have been reported in pathogenicity using mainly mouse models. At the DNA level, marked levels of polymorphism between isolates were detected in mini- and microsatellites found in the genome of N. caninum. Knowledge of what drives the biological differences that have been observed between the various isolates at the molecular level is crucial in aiding our understanding of the epidemiology of this parasite and, in turn, the development of efficacious strategies, such as live vaccines, for controlling its impact. The purpose of this review is to document and discuss for the first time, the nature of the diversity found within the species Neospora caninum.Sarwat E. Al-Qassab, Michael P. Reichel and John T. Elli

    Arctic shipping and polar seaways

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    Climate change in the Arctic triggered a series of discourses about the opening-up of a previously unreachable region. Navigation remains however difficult in the Arctic, transits are still very limited, as sea-ice still is a major constraint. How did the development policies of both the North West Passage and the Northern Sea Route unfold ? What are the recent trends in Arctic shipping ?

    The time window for vessels without ice strengthening on the Northern Sea Route

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    The work discusses possibility to make transit voyages of vessels without ice strengthening on the Northern Sea Route (NSR). Exist many uncertainties for it. They are related to hydrometeorological conditions, mostly to ice cover on the Russian Arctic. Ice conditions are under dynamic changes in time and space. Is hard to precisely predict ice conditions now, in the time range of one month and so on. Statistical historical data of daily changes same like yearly changes show a considerable scatter of the data. The author analyzed number of ice-free days of particular seas of the NSR in the latest eight years. The results of this work may be used for estimation of time frame (time window) for transport of cargo on the NSR by means of vessels without ice strengthening. The statistical presentation of ice-free days data was used in the work to develop decision supporting method related to planning vessel voyage including ice-free time frame on particular seas of the Northern Sea Route.W artykule omówiono możliwości tranzytu statków bez wzmocnień lodowych kadłuba północną drogą morską (PDM). Najwięcej niepewności dotyczy warunków hydrometeorologicznych, głównie pokrywy lodowej w rosyjskiej części Arktyki, która podlega dynamicznym zmianom w czasie i przestrzeni. Trudno przewidzieć bieżące warunki lodowe, w przedziale jednego miesiąca, tym bardziej zaś z dużym wyprzedzeniem. Statystyczne dane historyczne dziennych zmian oraz zmian rocznych wykazują znaczny rozrzut wartości. Autor przeanalizował liczbę dni bezlodowych na poszczególnych morzach PDM w ostatnich ośmiu latach — od 2008 do 2015 roku. Wyniki te mogą być wykorzystane do szacowania przedziału czasu (okna czasowego) dla przewozu ładunków północną drogą morską statkami bez wzmocnień lodowych kadłuba. Statystyczne zależności dni wolnych od lodu zostały wykorzystane do opracowania metody wspierającej decyzje związane z planowaniem podróży statku z uwzględnieniem okna czasowego żeglugi bezlodowej na poszczególnych morzach PDM

    Ocena bezpieczeństwa i ekonomiki żeglugi w lodach na Północnej Drodze Morskiej

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    This article discusses safety and economic issues of sea transport during transit voyages of a vessel across the North Sea Route (NSR) in the Arctic Ocean. The main obstacles to shipping and threat to vessels are the regions of ice occurrence and, in particular, clusters of ice with high and very high concentration, thickness and hummocking occurring each year in the same places, which are called ice massifs. Speed of vessels has the greatest impact on the economy of transit voyage. The safe speed of vessels, as a means of transport that ensures trouble-free navigation of the vessels depends on ice conditions. Until now, the concept of safe speed has not been precisely defined. Also, the impact of speed of the vessel in certain ice conditions on over-coming the ice and the risk of damage to vessel has not been precisely defined. Issues of direct and potential costs of vessel’s safety, damages and consequences of damages in ice were also not fully considered. The author analyzed the above relation-ships on the example of the first commercial vessel transit voyage through the NSR and obtained generalized results that can be applied to the initial, general and tactical route planning till 10 days - 6 months ahead and transit schedule of a vessel between Europe and the Far East ports via the Northern Sea Route. The presented method should increase safety and economy of sea transportation in areas covered with ice.W artykule omówiono zagadnienia bezpieczeństwa i ekonomiczne transportu morskiego podczas podróży tranzytowych statku przez Północną Drogę Morską (PDM) na Oceanie Arktycznym. Głównym utrudnieniem dla żeglugi i zagrożeniem dla statków są na niej rejony występowania lodu a w szczególności skupiska lodu o dużej i bardzo dużej zwartości, grubości i zwałowaniu, występujące każdego roku w tych samych miejscach, które są nazywane masywami lodowymi. Największy wpływ na ekonomiczność podróży tranzytowych stanowi prędkość statku. Bezpieczna prędkość statku, jako środka transportu, która zapewni bezawaryjną jego nawigację zależy od warunków lodowych. Do chwili obecnej pojęcie prędkości bezpiecznej nie zostało precyzyjnie określone. Również wpływ prędkości statku w określonych warunkach żeglugi lodowej na utrudnienie żeglugi i zagrożenie uszkodzeniami statku nie zostały precyzyjnie ustalone. Nie były rozpatrywane również kwestie bezpośrednich i potencjalnych kosztów zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa statku w lodach. Autor przeanalizował powyższe zależności na przykładzie przypadku pierwszej komercyjnej podróży tranzytowej statku przez PDM i uzyskał uogólnione wyniki, które mogą być zastosowane do wstępnego, generalnego i taktycznego planowania trasy i harmonogramu podróży tranzytowej statku pomiędzy Europą i portami Dalekiego Wschodu przez Północną Drogę Morską. Przedstawiona metoda powinna zwiększyć bezpieczeństwo i ekonomiczność transportu morskiego w rejonach pokrytych lodem

    Hydrology of tidal waters at the glacier terminus and their Impact on hydrographical surveys and navigation safety

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    The data analysed in the paper are related to the hydrology of tidal waters at a tidewater glacier terminus. Set of data was collected in the wide span of time from 2009 till 2015 in the Nordaustlandet and Southwest Spitsbergen near various tidal glaciers terminus. The data are related to tidal phenomenon, calving glacier, drifting ice, hydrology of brackish water from ice of glacial origin and theirs consequences on safety of navigation. Thus, results of analysis of hydrological data may serve for improvement of safety of maritime transport in polar regions on high latitudes in vicinity of tidewater glaciers. The research work was part of the reconnaissance of hydrological and hydrographic conditions for the needs of other studies. Measurements were taken at the Kamavika inlet leading from the Hans Glacier to-wards Hornsund fjord (Southern Svalbard). Based on above data, the causes of disturbances and errors of hydrographic measurements that may occur in area of occurrence of brackish water layer and their influence on errors of digital information displayed in ECDIS systems as well as prediction of ice conditions and safety of watercrafts in vicinity of glacier terminus and on anchorage were described

    Navigating a vessel without an ice class on the NSR close to the front of Ice-free zone during ice melting period

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    Arikaynen A.I., Tsubakov K.N. 1987. Alphabet of ice navigation. [in Russian] (Aзбyкa лeдoвoгo плaвaния). Transport, Moscov: 224 Buysse J. 2007. Handling ships in ice, A practical guide to handling 1A and 1AS classed ships. The Nautical Institute, London: 166 House D.J., Lloyd T., Toomey P.R.M., Dickins D. 2010. The ice navigation manual. Witherby Seamanship International Ltd: 409 International Hydrographic Office, 1953. Limits of oceans and seas. Publication S-23: 40 International Hydrographic Office, 2002. Limits of oceans and seas. Publication S-23, Draft 4th Edition, 2002: 235 Jurdziński M. 2000. Planning the navigation in ice [in Polish] (Planowanie nawigacji w lodach). Wyższa Szkoła Morska, Gdynia: 192 NATICE, 2018. MIZ ice concentration maps in ESRI Shape format. U.S. National Ice Center, http://www.natice.noaa.gov/Main_Products.htm. Accessed 19.12.2018 Natural Earth, 2017. Free vector and raster map data at 1:10 m, 1:50 m, and 1:110 m scales, http://www.naturalearth-data.com. Accessed 01.01.2017 Parnell G.Q. 1986. Ice seamanship, Monograph. The Nauitical Institute: 87 Pastusiak T. 2016a. The time window for vessels without ice strengthening on the Northern Sea Route, Annual of Navigation, No. 23: 103-119 Pastusiak T. 2016b. The Northern Sea Route as a shipping lane. Expectations and Reality, ISBN 978-3-319-41832-2, ISBN eBook 978-3-319-41834-6, Springer International Publishing AG, Switzerland: 247 Pastusiak T. 2016c. Principles of Vessel Route Planning in Ice on the Northern Sea Route, TRANSNAV, International Journal of Marine Navigation and safety of sea transportation, Vol. 10 No. 4 - December 2016 Pastusiak T. 2018. Planning independent transit voyages of vessel without ice strengthening through the Northern Sea Route [in Polish] (Planowanie samodzielnych podróży tranzytowych statku bez wzmocnień lodowych przez Północną Drogę Morską). Akademia Morska w Gdyni, Gdynia, ISBN 978-83-7421-286-1: 278 Pastusiak T. 2020. Voyages on the Northern Sea Route, Springer International Publishing, 1st ed. 2020, XXXVIII, Print ISBN 978-3-030-25489-6: 279 Shapaev V.M. 1975. Hydrometeorological conditions and navigation [in Russian] (Гидрометеорологические условя и мореплавание). Moscov, Transport: 24

    Assessment of safety and economy of navigation in ice on the Northen Sea route

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    This article discusses safety and economic issues of sea transport during transit voyages of a vessel across the North Sea Route (NSR) in the Arctic Ocean. The main obstacles to shipping and threat to vessels are the regions of ice occurrence and, in particular, clusters of ice with high and very high concentration, thickness and hummocking occurring each year in the same places, which are called ice massifs. Speed of vessels has the greatest impact on the economy of transit voyage. The safe speed of vessels, as a means of transport that ensures trouble-free navigation of the vessels depends on ice conditions. Until now, the concept of safe speed has not been precisely defined. Also, the impact of speed of the vessel in certain ice conditions on over-coming the ice and the risk of damage to vessel has not been precisely defined. Issues of direct and potential costs of vessel’s safety, damages and consequences of damages in ice were also not fully considered. The author analyzed the above relation-ships on the example of the first commercial vessel transit voyage through the NSR and obtained generalized results that can be applied to the initial, general and tactical route planning till 10 days - 6 months ahead and transit schedule of a vessel between Europe and the Far East ports via the Northern Sea Route. The presented method should increase safety and economy of sea transportation in areas covered with ice.W artykule omówiono zagadnienia bezpieczeństwa i ekonomiczne transportu morskiego podczas podróży tranzytowych statku przez Północną Drogę Morską (PDM) na Oceanie Arktycznym. Głównym utrudnieniem dla żeglugi i zagrożeniem dla statków są na niej rejony występowania lodu a w szczególności skupiska lodu o dużej i bardzo dużej zwartości, grubości i zwałowaniu, występujące każdego roku w tych samych miejscach, które są nazywane masywami lodowymi. Największy wpływ na ekonomiczność podróży tranzytowych stanowi prędkość statku. Bezpieczna prędkość statku, jako środka transportu, która zapewni bezawaryjną jego nawigację zależy od warunków lodowych. Do chwili obecnej pojęcie prędkości bezpiecznej nie zostało precyzyjnie określone. Również wpływ prędkości statku w określonych warunkach żeglugi lodowej na utrudnienie żeglugi i zagrożenie uszkodzeniami statku nie zostały precyzyjnie ustalone. Nie były rozpatrywane również kwestie bezpośrednich i potencjalnych kosztów zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa statku w lodach. Autor przeanalizował powyższe zależności na przykładzie przypadku pierwszej komercyjnej podróży tranzytowej statku przez PDM i uzyskał uogólnione wyniki, które mogą być zastosowane do wstępnego, generalnego i taktycznego planowania trasy i harmonogramu podróży tranzytowej statku pomiędzy Europą i portami Dalekiego Wschodu przez Północną Drogę Morską. Przedstawiona metoda powinna zwiększyć bezpieczeństwo i ekonomiczność transportu morskiego w rejonach pokrytych lodem

    Navigation infrastructure of the Northern Sea Route

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    The reduction of sea ice area in the Arctic has increased the availability of the Russian Arctic seas for navigation by vessels of relatively low ice class. The signing of the Act on the Northern Sea Route (NSR) by the President of the Russian Federation has created the possibility for ships from countries other than Russia to use the NSR. However, the NSR is very poorly recognized in terms of navigation by countries other than Russia. The author of the paper analyzed the NSR navigation infrastructure components in terms of the reliability of the information provided by the main producers of nautical publications for initial voyage planning. For the purpose of this analysis an indicator of the quality of the navigation infrastructure was developed. The value of this indicator, obtained on the basis of the above analysis, is low. Navigators that collect information during the initial stage of voyage planning may be misled if they use nautical publications originating from only one global producer of charts and publications. If the navigators act in accordance with good seamanship and familiarize themselves with information from two or three global producers of nautical publications, they may be disoriented due to the receipt of divergent information. It seems that before the voyage begins and preferably before planning a trip, the master or owner of the vessel intending to carry out a voyage by the NSR should first use the most current local knowledge in the possession of the Northern Sea Route Administration. This is also where information can be found as to where to obtain the most current and reliable information for initial voyage planning

    Nautical electronic maps of S-411 standard and their suitability in navigation for assessment of ice cover condition of the Arctic Ocean

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    The research on the ice cover of waterways, rivers, lakes, seas and oceans by satellite remote sensing methods began at the end of the twentieth century. There was a lot of data sources in diverse file formats. It has not yet carried out a comparative assessment of their usefulness. A synthetic indicator of the quality of data sources binding maps resolution, file publication, time delay and the functionality for the user was developed in the research process. It reflects well a usefulness of maps and allows to compare them. Qualitative differences of map content have relatively little impact on the overall assessment of the data sources. Resolution of map is generally acceptable. Actuality has the greatest impact on the map content quality for the current vessel’s voyage planning in ice. The highest quality of all studied sources have the regional maps in GIF format issued by the NWS / NOAA, general maps of the Arctic Ocean in NetCDF format issued by the OSI SAF and the general maps of the Arctic Ocean in GRIB-2 format issued by the NCEP / NOAA. Among them are maps containing information on the quality of presented parameter. The leader among the map containing all three of the basic characteristics of ice cover (ice concentration, ice thickness and ice floe size) are vector maps in GML format. They are the new standard of electronic vector maps for the navigation of ships in ice. Publishing of ice cover maps in the standard electronic map format S-411 for navigation of vessels in ice adopted by the International Hydrographic Organization is advisable in case is planned to launch commercial navigation on the lagoons, rivers and canals. The wide availability of and exchange of information on the state of ice cover on rivers, lakes, estuaries and bays, which are used exclusively for water sports, ice sports and ice fishing is possible using handheld mobile phones, smartphones and tablets