208 research outputs found

    Aplicacions del treball cooperatiu en el currículum de matemàtiques

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    El present treball és un recull dels resultats de l'experiència amb treball cooperatiu que he pogut portar a terme en una aula de 1r ESO en el meu centre de pràctiques. En el context docent actual, trobem dificultats a l'hora de fer front a tòpics com: la diversitat de l'alumnat, la manca de disciplina i d'atenció o la falta de motivació. Però, a més, hi ha un aspecte que trobo molt necessari en la formació dels nens i nenes d'avui, que és el desenvolupament de certes destreses socials i interpersonals que afavoreixin la relació, cooperació i convivència amb els altres, que no està gaire present en les nostres aules. Per donar resposta a aquests requeriments educatius, la metodologia basada en el treball cooperatiu es presenta potencialment com una eina eficaç i molt útil. L'aproximació al treball cooperatiu presentada és, essencialment, experimental. A partir d'una recerca inicial sobre els fonaments del treball cooperatiu, es mostra l'aplicació real que he pogut realitzar i que representa el cor d'aquest treball. Posteriorment, en la part final i avaluant els avantatges i inconvenients (o aspectes a tenir en compte) observats, en base a l'experiència duta a terme, exposo una proposta de millores, en aquest cas teòrica, de com ho faria en una propera ocasió en què es presentés l'oportunitat d'implementar de nou el treball cooperatiu. Tant per les destreses que desenvolupa en els alumnes com pels avantatges que aporta en la gestió de l'aula, el treball cooperatiu, l'aprenentatge entre iguals, és una metodologia a tenir molt en compte en el present context educatiu

    Creación de un modelo de costes para la decisión de embalaje retornable frente a no retornable en una cadena de suministro del sector automóvil

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    [ES] El objeto del presente trabajo fin de grado es proponer un modelo de costes para la ayuda a la toma de decisiones respecto a qué tipo de embalaje utilizar en cada proyecto llevado a cabo en una empresa proveedora del sector del automóvil. Para alcanzar esta meta se desarrolla un estudio técnico-económico de los parámetros que afectan a la toma de decisión abordada.Marzal Pastor, C. (2017). Creación de un modelo de costes para la decisión de embalaje retornable frente a no retornable en una cadena de suministro del sector automóvil. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/97743TFG

    Gestión de stocks en fases de finalización de proyecto en la empresa

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    [ES] El alumno deberá revisar los estándares actuales de gestión de stocks en procesos de finalización de proyectos, elaboración de VSM, definir el plan de negociación clientes y proveedores y establecer el procedimiento para minimizar su impacto en la cuenta de resultados de la empresa en cuestión.[EN] The student must review the current stock management standards in the process of project completion, preparation of VSM, define the negotiation plan for customers and suppliers and establish the procedure to minimize its impact on the income statement of the company.Marzal Pastor, C. (2019). Gestión de stocks en fases de finalización de proyecto en la empresa. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/129436TFG

    Promoting the Use of Numerical Computing Tools among Students of Agricultural Engineering

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    [EN] This paper presents a didactic methodology for introducing students in the application of numerical computing tools for reference evapotranspiration estimation. Students learn a specific application of this software within their field of future professional competencies. Specifically, the session focuses on the application of these tools for assessing reference evapotranspiration according to two standard non-calibrated methods, as well as on proposing an improved version for the local climatic scenario. Through this specific practical application, students should become aware of the computing possibilities offered by this software in this specific subject in comparison to the time-consuming conventional procedures usually adopted. The lecturer should stress the generalizability of the training acquired by the students for solving specific real problems that they might find in other subjects, as well as in their professional future as agricultural engineers.Martí Pérez, PC.; Fuster García, E.; Royuela, A.; Turegano Pastor, JV. (2017). Promoting the Use of Numerical Computing Tools among Students of Agricultural Engineering. International Journal of Information and Education Technology. 7(1):60-65. doi:10.18178/ijiet.2017.7.1.842S60657

    Analysis of local head losses in microirrigation lateral connectors based on machine learning approaches

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    [EN] The presence of emitters along the lateral, as well as of connectors along the manifold, causes additional local head losses other than friction losses. An accurate estimation of local losses is of crucial importance for a correct design of microirrigation systems. This paper presents a procedure to assess local head losses caused by 6 lateral start connectors of 32- and 40-mm nominal diameter each under actual hydraulic working conditions based on artificial neural networks (ANN) and gene expression programming (GEP) modelling approaches. Different input-output combinations and data partitions were assessed to analyse the hydraulic performance of the system and the optimum training strategy of the models, respectively. The range of the head losses in the manifold (hs(M)) is considerable lower than in the lateral (hs(L)). hs(M) increases with the protrusion ratio (s/S). hs(L) does not decrease for a decreasing s/S. There is a correlation between hs(L) and the Reynolds number in the lateral (Re-L). However, this correlation might also be dependent on the flow conditions in the manifold before the derivation. The value of the head loss component due to the protrusion might be influenced by the flow derivation. DN32 connectors and hs(M) present more accurate estimates. Crucial input parameters are flow velocity and protrusion ratio. The inclusion of friction head loss as input also improves the estimating accuracy of the models. The range of the indicators is considerably worse for DN40 than for DN32. The models trained with all patterns lead to more accurate estimations in connectors 7 to 12 than the models trained exclusively with DN40 patterns. On the other hand, including DN40 patterns in the training process did not involve any improvement for estimating the head losses of DN32 connectors. ANN were more accurate than GEP in DN32. In DN40 ANN were less accurate than GEP for hs(M), but they were more accurate than GEP for hs(L), while both presented a similar performance for hs(combined). Different equations were obtained using GEP to easily estimate the two components of the local loss. The equation that should be used in practice depends on the availability of inputs.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer NatureMartí Pérez, PC.; Shiri, J.; Roman Alorda, A.; Turegano Pastor, JV.; Royuela, A. (2023). Analysis of local head losses in microirrigation lateral connectors based on machine learning approaches. Irrigation Science. 41(6):783-801. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00271-023-00852-z783801416Al-Amoud AI (1995) Significance of energy losses due to emitter connections in trickle irrigation lines. 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    OntoPharma: ontology based clinical decision support system to reduce medication prescribing errors

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    Background: Clinical decision support systems (CDSS) have been shown to reduce medication errors. However, they are underused because of different challenges. One approach to improve CDSS is to use ontologies instead of relational databases. The primary aim was to design and develop OntoPharma, an ontology based CDSS to reduce medication prescribing errors. Secondary aim was to implement OntoPharma in a hospital setting. Methods: A four-step process was proposed. (1) Defining the ontology domain. The ontology scope was the medication domain. An advisory board selected four use cases: maximum dosage alert, drug-drug interaction checker, renal failure adjustment, and drug allergy checker. (2) Implementing the ontology in a formal representation. The implementation was conducted by Medical Informatics specialists and Clinical Pharmacists using Protégé-OWL. (3) Developing an ontology-driven alert module. Computerised Physician Order Entry (CPOE) integration was performed through a REST API. SPARQL was used to query ontologies. (4) Implementing OntoPharma in a hospital setting. Alerts generated between July 2020/ November 2021 were analysed. Results: The three ontologies developed included 34,938 classes, 16,672 individuals and 82 properties. The domains addressed by ontologies were identification data of medicinal products, appropriateness drug data, and local concepts from CPOE. When a medication prescribing error is identified an alert is shown. OntoPharma generated 823 alerts in 1046 patients. 401 (48.7%) of them were accepted. Conclusions: OntoPharma is an ontology based CDSS implemented in clinical practice which generates alerts when a prescribing medication error is identified. To gain user acceptance OntoPharma has been designed and developed by a multidisciplinary team. Compared to CDSS based on relational databases, OntoPharma represents medication knowledge in a more intuitive, extensible and maintainable manner