1,409 research outputs found

    Gestión estatal y regulación legal del uso del subsuelo: aspectos teóricos y legales

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    The article is devoted to the theoretical and legal relationship disclosure between the concepts of state management and legal regulation in the field of subsoil use. While the legal aspect of the problem has been analyzed, the issues of subsoil use are coupling with the issues of legal regulation; the study is conducted from the standpoint of theoretical and legal science as well. It has been concluded that both the of state management subsoil use and the legal regulation of subsoil use are inextricably linked, and the ultimate goal of them both is the law formation in society. There are some practical conclusions given as the results of studying the theoretical and legal relationship between the concepts of state management and legal regulation in the field of subsoil use. As a result, it has been concluded that the state management of subsoil use in the Russian Federation must be determined by law.El artículo está dedicado a la divulgación de la relación teórica y legal entre los conceptos de gestión estatal y regulación legal en el campo del uso del subsuelo. Si bien se ha analizado el aspecto legal del problema, los problemas del uso del subsuelo se combinan con los problemas de la regulación legal; el estudio también se realiza desde el punto de vista de la ciencia teórica y jurídica. Se ha concluido que tanto el uso del subsuelo por la administración estatal como la regulación legal del uso del subsuelo están inextricablemente vinculados, y el objetivo final de ambos es la formación de leyes en la sociedad. Hay algunas conclusiones prácticas dadas como resultado del estudio de la relación teórica y legal entre los conceptos de gestión estatal y regulación legal en el campo del uso del subsuelo. Como resultado, se concluyó que la gestión estatal del uso del subsuelo en la Federación de Rusia debe determinarse por ley

    A holomorphic representation of the Jacobi algebra

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    A representation of the Jacobi algebra h1su(1,1)\mathfrak{h}_1\rtimes \mathfrak{su}(1,1) by first order differential operators with polynomial coefficients on the manifold C×D1\mathbb{C}\times \mathcal{D}_1 is presented. The Hilbert space of holomorphic functions on which the holomorphic first order differential operators with polynomials coefficients act is constructed.Comment: 34 pages, corrected typos in accord with the printed version and the Errata in Rev. Math. Phys. Vol. 24, No. 10 (2012) 1292001 (2 pages) DOI: 10.1142/S0129055X12920018, references update

    Effect of bisacodyl on postoperative bowel motility in elective colorectal surgery: a prospective, randomized trial

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    Background: Postoperative ileus is a common condition after abdominal surgery. Many prokinetic drugs have been evaluated including osmotic laxatives. The data on colon-stimulating laxatives are scarce. This prospective, randomized, double-blind trial investigates the effect of the colon-stimulating laxative bisacodyl on postoperative ileus in elective colorectal resections. Materials and methods: Between November 2004 and February 2007, 200 consecutive patients were randomly assigned to receive either bisacodyl or placebo. Primary endpoint was time to gastrointestinal recovery (mean time to first flatus passed, first defecation, and first solid food tolerated; GI-3). Secondary endpoints were incidence and duration of nasogastric tube reinsertion, incidence of vomiting, length of hospital stay, and visual analogue scores for pain, cramps, and nausea. Results: One hundred sixty-nine patients were analyzed, and 31 patients discontinued the study. Groups were comparable in baseline demographics. Time to GI-3 was significantly shorter in the bisacodyl group (3.0 versus 3.7days, P = 0.007). Of the single parameters defining GI-3, there was a 1-day difference in time to defecation in favor to the bisacodyl group (3.0 versus 4.0days, P = 0.001), whereas no significant difference in time to first flatus or tolerance of solid food was seen. No significant difference in the secondary endpoints was seen. Morbidity and mortality did not differ between groups. Conclusion: Bisacodyl accelerated gastrointestinal recovery and might be considered as part of multimodal recovery programs after colorectal surger

    Исследование кинематики формообразования зубчатых колес методом контурной обработки

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    Для процесу контурної обробки зубчатих коліс ексцентрично розташованою дисковою фрезою теоретично встановлено характер залежності форми одержаних профілів зубів від параметрів установки фрези і її геометричних розмірів. На базі зубофрезерного верстата мод. 5В312 з використовуванням фрезерної оправки із зміщеним центром осі обертання фрези експериментально доведено можливість використовування такої схеми для чорнової обробки евольвентніх зубчатих коліс.For process of gears’ contour machining by the eccentric placed disk-shaped milling cutter, dependence’s nature of obtained teeth’ form from parameters of milling cutter’s placement and its geometrical sizes was determined theoretically. By using a special tooling with eccentric axis of milling cutter rotation on the base of gear-hobbing machine 5В312, a possibility of using of this type of machining for involute gears’ roughing was proved experimentally.Для процесса контурной обработки зубчатых колес эксцентрически расположенной дисковой фрезой теоретически установлен характер зависимости формы полученных профилей зубов от параметров установки фрезы и ее геометрических размеров. На базе зубофрезерного станка мод. 5В312 с использованием фрезерной оправки со смещенным центром оси вращения фрезы экспериментально доказана возможность использования такой схемы для черновой обработки евольвентних зубчатых колес

    Raman fingerprints of ultrasmall nanodiamonds produced from adamantane

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    The synthesis of ultrasmall (2-5 nm) nanodiamonds purely from adamantane at pressure of 12 GPa is reported. Their structural features have been studied by Raman spectroscopy. The unusual vibration band containing a number of pronounced maxima at about 1147, 1245, 1344, and 1456 cm-1 was detected in Raman spectra. The band is confidently identified with the bending vibrational modes of CHx groups terminating the nanodiamonds surface. Excessively intense mode at 1344 cm-1 is explained by its coupling with the 1328 cm-1 diamond phonons. The Raman band found is proposed to be used for express recognition of ultrasmall nanodiamonds produced from adamantane and other hydrocarbons with a high hydrogen content. Moreover, polarized CH bonds on a diamond surface are sensitive to environmental conditions. This opens up opportunities for using the diamond produced from adamantane as ultrasmall nanosensors in biology, chemistry, and medicineComment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Extra- and intracerebral course of the recurrent artery of Heubner

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    Background: The aim of the current study was to analyse the extra- and intracerebral course of the recurrent artery of Heubner (RAH) to provide detailed information for neurosurgeons operating in this area.Materials and methods: The material for this study was obtained from cadavers (ages 31–75 years) during routine autopsies. A total of 70 human brains (39 male and 31 female) were examined. The material was collected not later than 48 h post-mortem. People who died due to neurological disorders were not includedinto the study. Right after dissection the arteries were perfused with either acrylicpaint emulsion, polyvinyl chloride or Mercox CL-2R resin, through the Circle ofWillis or electively through the RAH. The obtained material was analysed usinga stereoscopic light microscope, magnification 2–40´.Results: The RAH was present in 138 hemispheres with a mean of 1.99 RAH per hemisphere (275 RAH in total). The mean RAH length was 25.2 mm and the mean RAH diameter, in its place of origin, was 1 mm. In 168 (61%) cases the RAH ran superiorly, in 88 (32%) cases anteriorly, in 11 (4%) cases inferiorly and in 8 (3%) cases posteriorlyto the A1 segment. In 70.2% of the cases the course of the RAH was parallel to theanterior communicating artery A1 segment, and in 29.8% of the cases the RAH archedtowards the olfactory tract. As the extracerebral course of the RAH was always tortuous,its length was 1 to 5 times the distance between its place of origin and the most lateralpoint of anterior perforated substance (APS) penetration. The intracerebral course ofthe RAH was almost always univectorial — towards the head of the caudate nucleus.The course of RAH branches depended on their number. When the number of RAH sand their branches was low, they separated immediately after penetrating the APS andformed multiple small branches. When the number of RAHs and branches was high,post-APS branching was less frequent and occurred in distal segments.Conclusions: The origin and course of the RAH is highly variable. The RAH, in itsextra- and intracerebral course, may join with the middle group of the lenticulostriatearteries or directly with the middle cerebral artery. This artery should beroutinely identified during anterior communicating artery aneurysm clipping toprevent postoperative neurological deficits