63 research outputs found

    Diabetes in sub-Saharan Africa – from policy to practice to progress: targeting the existing gaps for future care for diabetes

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    The global prevalence and impact of diabetes has increased dramatically, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. This region faces unique challenges in combating the disease including lack of funding for noncommunicable diseases, lack of availability of studies and guidelines specific to the population, lack of availability of medications, differences in urban and rural patients, and inequity between public and private sector health care. Because of these challenges, diabetes has a greater impact on morbidity and mortality related to the disease in sub-Saharan Africa than any other region in the world. In order to address these unacceptably poor trends, contextualized strategies for the prevention, identification, management, and financing of diabetes care within this population must be developed. This narrative review provides insights into the policy landscape, epidemiology, pathophysiology, care protocols, medication availability, and health care systems to give readers a comprehensive summary of many factors in these domains as they pertain to diabetes in sub-Saharan Africa. In addition to providing a review of the current evidence available in these domains, potential solutions to address the major gaps in care will be proposed to reverse the negative trends seen with diabetes in sub-Saharan Africa

    Implementation of a low-cost unna boot alternative as adjunctive treatment for Kaposi Sarcoma

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    There are 6 million people living with HIV; 70% reside in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Furthermore, 1.1 million deaths occur due to opportunistic infections (OIs) that can be minimized with antiretroviral therapy. In Kenya, Kaposi Sarcoma (KS) is an especially debilitating OI that presents with dermatologic lesions; magnifying the stigma that patients with HIV face physically and psychosocially. Dermatology research is underway to determine the effectiveness of an unna boot (medicated, layered compression dressing) to speed the healing of these lesions with anecdotal success. Commercially available unna boot products are too expensive and not readily available in SSA. Clinicians from Purdue University College of Pharmacy and the AMPATH Consortium hope to address this need in SSA. A pharmacy student was tasked with developing a low-cost unna boot as a service learning project during an eight-week advanced pharmacy practice experience in Eldoret, Kenya. This project began with an extensive literature review to determine the utility and feasibility of an unna boot, and resulted in the development of a modified kit costing significantly less than commercial products, potentially improving quality of life for this population. This poster describes the implementation and methodology of the local unna boot’s creation, a summation of the service learning project, and the impact on a pharmacy student, clinicians, and patients in SSA

    To address emerging infections, we must invest in enduring systems: The kinetics and dynamics of health systems strengthening

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    Clinical pharmacology uses foundational principles of pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) to address medication use spanning a continuum from molecules to the masses. In the realm of infectious diseases, PK/PD attributes are considered especially important, because subtherapeutic dosing of antibiotics has been associated with poorer clinical outcomes in patients and increased incidences of drug resistance in populations. In consideration of these PK/PD principles, we will describe the analogous relationship between health systems strengthening, including for educating healthcare providers about emerging infections, and the tenets of therapeutic drug monitoring

    Learning to Sew: A Student Pharmacist’s Service-Learning Experience

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    Karolina Grzesiak is a fourth-year professional student in the College of Pharmacy at Purdue University and will earn her Doctor of Pharmacy degree in May 2017. She was raised in Poland but has called La Porte, Indiana home for the past eight years. Craig Vargo is a 2012 pharmacy graduate working as a clinical specialist pharmacist at the James Cancer Hospital at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus, Ohio

    Mitigating The Burden Of Diabetes In Sub-Saharan Africa Through An Integrated Diagonal Health Systems Approach

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    Diabetes is a chronic non-communicable disease (NCD) presenting growing health and economic burdens in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Diabetes is unique due to its cross-cutting nature, impacting multiple organ systems and increasing the risk for other communicable and non-communicable diseases. Unfortunately, the quality of care for diabetes in SSA is poor, largely due to a weak disease management framework and fragmented health systems in most sub-Saharan African countries. We argue that by synergizing disease-specific vertical programs with system-specific horizontal programs through an integrated disease-system diagonal approach, we can improve access, quality, and safety of diabetes care programs while also supporting other chronic diseases. We recommend utilizing the six World Health Organization (WHO) health system building blocks – 1) leadership and governance, 2) financing, 3) health workforce, 4) health information systems, 5) supply chains, and 6) service delivery – as a framework to design a diagonal approach with a focus on health system strengthening and integration to implement and scale quality diabetes care. We discuss the successes and challenges of this approach, outline opportunities for future care programming and research, and highlight how this approach can lead to the improvement in the quality of care for diabetes and other chronic diseases across SSA

    Student Pharmacists and Street Children: A Mutually Beneficial Relationship

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    The Tumaini Children’s Drop-In Center is a daytime drop-in center for the street children of Eldoret, Kenya. It is part of a partnership between the Purdue University College of Pharmacy, the Academic Model Providing Access to Healthcare program, Eldoret community members, and numerous individuals in both Kenya and the US. Through the efforts of local staff and Purdue student pharmacists, who work at the local hospital on an eight-week clinical rotation, the center has helped a population of nearly 400 local street children by providing a safe haven from life on the streets. Purdue student pharmacists aid the center by applying for grants to fund service-learning projects. These projects, run by the students, help provide the children with basic necessities in addition to screening and education sessions regarding local health issues. In turn, the street children aid the students by providing a break from the stress of the hospital and by providing a broader view of what health care should look like

    Layering and scaling up chronic non-communicable disease care on existing HIV care systems and acute care settings in Kenya: a cost and budget impact analysis

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    Like many countries in sub-Saharan Africa, Kenya is experiencing a rapid rise in the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs): NCDs now contribute to over 50% of inpatient admissions and 40% of hospital deaths in the country. The Academic Model Providing Access to Healthcare (AMPATH) Chronic Disease Management (CDM) programme builds on lessons and capacity of HIV care to deliver chronic NCD care layered into both HIV and primary care platforms to over 24,000 patients across 69 health facilities in western Kenya. We conducted a cost and budget impact analysis of scaling up the AMPATH CDM programme in western Kenya using the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research guidelines.; Costs of the CDM programme for the health system were measured retrospectively for 69 AMPATH clinics from 2014 to 2018 using programmatic records and clinic schedules to assign per clinic monthly costs. We quantified the additional costs to provide NCD care above those associated with existing HIV or acute care services, including clinician, staff, training, travel and equipment costs, but do not include drugs or consumables as they would be paid by the patient. We projected the budget impact of increasing CDM coverage to 50% of the eligible population from 2021 to 2025, and compared it with the county budgets from 2019.; The per visit cost of providing CDM care was 10.42(SD10.42 (SD 2.26), with costs at facilities added to HIV clinics 1.00(951.00 (95% CI: -2:11 to $0.11) lower than at primary care facilities. The budget impact of adding 26,765 patients from 2021 to 2025 to the CDM programme was 3,088,928 under constant percent growth, and 3,451,732 under steady-state enrolment. Scaling up under the constant percent growth scenario resulted in 12% cost savings in the budget impact. The county programmatic CDM cost in 2025 was <1% of the county healthcare budgets from 2019.; The budget impact of scaling up AMPATH's CDM programme will be driven by annual growth scenarios, and facility/provider mix. By leveraging task shifting, referral systems and partnering with public and non-profit clinics without NCD services, AMPATH's CDM programme can provide critical NCD care to new, rural populations with minimal financial impact

    Prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus based on various screening strategies in western Kenya : a prospective comparison of point of care diagnostic methods.

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    Background: Early diagnosis of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is crucial to prevent short term delivery risks and long term effects such as cardiovascular and metabolic diseases in the mother and infant. Diagnosing GDM in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) however, remains sub-optimal due to associated logistical and cost barriers for resource-constrained populations. A cost-effective strategy to screen for GDM in such settings are therefore urgently required. We conducted this study to determine the prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) and assess utility of various GDM point of care (POC) screening strategies in a resource-constrained setting. Methods: Eligible women aged ≥18 years, and between 24 and 32 weeks of a singleton pregnancy, prospectively underwent testing over two days. On day 1, a POC 1-h 50 g glucose challenge test (GCT) and a POC glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) was assessed. On day 2, fasting blood glucose, 1-h and 2-h 75 g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) were determined using both venous and POC tests, along with a venous HbA1c. The International Association of Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group (IADPSG) criteria was used to diagnose GDM. GDM prevalence was reported with 95% confidence interval (CI). Specificity, sensitivity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of the various POC testing strategies were determined using IADPSG testing as the standard reference. Results: Six hundred-sixteen eligible women completed testing procedures. GDM was diagnosed in 18 women, a prevalence of 2.9% (95% CI, 1.57% - 4.23%). Compared to IADPSG testing, POC IADPSG had a sensitivity and specificity of 55.6% and 90.6% respectively while that of POC 1-h 50 g GCT (using a diagnostic cut-off of ≥7.2 mmol/L [129.6 mg/dL]) was 55.6% and 63.9%. All other POC tests assessed showed poor sensitivity. Conclusions: POC screening strategies though feasible, showed poor sensitivity for GDM detection in our resource-constrained population of low GDM prevalence. Studies to identify sensitive and specific POC GDM screening strategies using adverse pregnancy outcomes as end points are required

    Symptoms of depression among patients attending a diabetes care clinic in rural western Kenya

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    Objective: The prevalence of diabetes in sub-Saharan Africa is rising, but its relationship to depression is not well-characterized. This report describes depressive symptom prevalence and associations with adherence and outcomes among patients with diabetes in a rural, resource-constrained setting. Methods: In the Webuye, Kenya diabetes clinic, we conducted a chart review, analyzing data including medication adherence, hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), clinic attendance, and PHQ-2 depression screening results. Results: Among 253 patients, 20.9% screened positive for depression. Prevalence in females was higher than in males; 27% vs 15% (p = 0.023). Glycemic control trends were better in those screening negative; at 24 months post-enrollment mean HbA1c was 7.5 for those screening negative and 9.5 for those screening positive (p = 0.0025). There was a nonsignificant (p = 0.269) trend toward loss to follow-up among those screening positive. Conclusions: These findings suggest that depression is common among people with diabetes in rural western Kenya, which may profoundly impact diabetes control and treatment adherence
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