394 research outputs found

    Low-Cost Uas Photogrammetry for Road Infrastructures' Inspection

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    Abstract. All over the world, road infrastructures are getting closer to their life cycle and need to be constantly inspected: a consistent number of bridges are structurally deficient, and the risk of collapse can no longer be excluded. In contrast with the past, the interest in structure durability has recently grown rapidly. In order to make bridges durable, it is necessary to carry out ordinary maintenance, preceded by inspection activities, which can be traditionally divided in two categories: destructive and non-destructive (NDT). All the NDT inspections (visual, IR thermography, GPR) can be conducted by using UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems), a technology that makes bridges inspections quicker, cheaper, objective and repeatable. This study presents the visual inspection and survey of two bridges by using a UAS DJI Mavic 2 Pro, equipped with a 20Mpixel Hasselblad camera that records 60fps 4K video and a 10bit radiometric resolution. Starting from the acquired data, a 3D model of each structure was built by using Structure from Motion (SfM) principles and software. To validate the two models, each of them characterized by a centimetric accuracy, the UAS camera generated cloud of points and was co-registered with the point cloud of a terrestrial laser-scanner using Ground Control Points (GCPs). To make this, CloudCompare comparison software was used; the plugin M3C2 automatically calculates the distance between the points of two compared clouds. Finally, some general rules concerning the UAS main characteristics for inspection of bridges and software for data processing are proposed

    Laser-driven production with advanced targets of Copper-64 for medical applications

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    Radionuclides are of paramount importance in nuclear medicine both for clinical uses and radiopharmaceutical production. Among the others, nuclides suitable for theranostics like Copper-64 are particularly attractive since they can play both a diagnostic and therapeutic role. In the last years, the growing demand for these nuclides stimulated the research of new solutions, along with cyclotrons already in use, for their production. In this respect, a promising alternative is laser-driven proton accelerators based on the interaction of superintense laser pulses with target materials. Because of their potential compactness and flexibility, they are under investigation for several applications ranging from materials science to nuclear medicine. Moreover, the use of advanced Double-Layer targets (DLTs) was identified as a viable route to increase the number and energy of the accelerated protons to satisfy the requirements of demanding applications. In this contribution, we numerically investigate the use of DLT-based laser-driven sources for Copper-64 production. We show that activities relevant to pre-clinical studies can be achieved with an existing 150 TW laser and DLTs. Moreover, we extend the discussion by considering a broad range of laser systems by exploiting a theoretical model. Our results can guide the choice of laser and target parameters for future experimental investigations

    Bulk Cr tips for scanning tunneling microscopy and spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy

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    A simple, reliable method for preparation of bulk Cr tips for Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) is proposed and its potentialities in performing high-quality and high-resolution STM and Spin Polarized-STM (SP-STM) are investigated. Cr tips show atomic resolution on ordered surfaces. Contrary to what happens with conventional W tips, rest atoms of the Si(111)-7x7 reconstruction can be routinely observed, probably due to a different electronic structure of the tip apex. SP-STM measurements of the Cr(001) surface showing magnetic contrast are reported. Our results reveal that the peculiar properties of these tips can be suited in a number of STM experimental situations

    Pulsed Laser Deposition of two-dimensional ZnO nanocrystals on Au(111): Growth, surface structure and electronic properties

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    Two-dimensional (2D) ZnO structures have been deposited on the Au(111) surface by means of the pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique. In situ scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy (STS) measurements have been performed to characterize morphological, structural and electronic properties of 2D ZnO at the nanoscale. Starting from a sub-monolayer coverage, we investigated the growth of ZnO, identifying different atomic layers (up to the 5th). At low coverage, we observed single- and bi-layer nanocrystals, characterized by a surface moire pattern that is associated to a graphene-like ZnO structure. By increasing the coverage, we revealed a morphological change starting from the 4th layer, which was attributed to a transition toward a bulk-like structure. Investigation of the electronic properties revealed the semiconducting character of 2D ZnO. We observed a dependence of the density of states (DOS) and, in particular, of the conduction band (CB) on the ZnO thickness, with a decreasing of the CB onset energy for increasing thickness. The CB DOS of 2D ZnO shows a step-like behaviour which may be interpreted as due to a 2D quantum confinement effect in ZnO atomic layer

    PMUTs Arrays for Structural Health Monitoring of Bolted-Joints

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    Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) have enabled new techniques for the miniaturization of sensors suitable for Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) applications. In this study, MEMS-based sensors, specifically Piezoelectric Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers (PMUT), are used to evaluate and monitor the pre-tensioning of a bolted joint structural system. For bolted joints to function properly, it is essential to maintain a suitable level of pre-tensioning. In this work, an array of PMUTs attached to the head and to the end of a bolt, serve as transmitter and receiver, respectively, in a pitch-catch Ultrasonic Testing (UT) scenario. The primary objective is to detect the Change in Time of Flight (CTOF) of the acoustic wave generated by the PMUT array and propagating along the bolt’s axis between a non-loaded bolt and a bolt in service. To model the pre-tensioning of bolted joints and the transmission of the acoustic wave to and from a group of PMUTs through the bolt, a set of numerical models is created. The CTOF is found to be linearly related to the amount of pre-tensioning. The numerical model is validated through comparisons with the results of a preliminary experimental campaign

    Fabrication and Characterization of Molybdenum Tips for Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy

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    We present a method for the preparation of bulk molybdenum tips for scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy (STM - STS) and we assess their potential in performing high resolution imaging and local spectroscop by measurements on different single crystal surfaces in UHV, namely Au(111), Si(111)-7x7 and titanium oxide 2D ordered nanostructures supported on Au(111). The fabrication method is versatile and can be extended to other metals, e.g. cobalt

    Numerical Study of Carbon Nanofoam Targets for Laser-Driven Inertial Fusion Experiments

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    Porous materials have peculiar characteristics that are relevant for inertial confinement fusion (ICF). Among them, chemically produced foams are proved to be able to smooth the laser inhomogeneities and to increase the coupling of the laser with the target. Foams realized with other elements and techniques may prove useful as well for ICF applications. In this work, we explore the potential of a novel class of porous materials for ICF, namely, carbon nanofoams produced with the pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique, by means of hydrodynamic numerical simulations. By comparison with a simulation of solid-density carbon, PLD nanofoams show a higher pressure at the shock front, which could make them potential good candidates as ablators for a capsule for direct-drive fusion

    Co-optimizing grating couplers for hybrid integration of InP and SOI photonic platforms

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    Grating couplers are widely used optical interfaces in integrated photonics, especially on the Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) platform. Their design has been optimized for coupling light between a Photonic Integrated Circuit (PIC) and a single-mode fiber, a μlens for free space transport, or even a second PIC in the same SOI platform. In this work, we co-design matching pairs of grating-couplers on distinct SOI and InP photonic platforms for optimized PIC-to-PIC coupling. By matching the scattering strengths of the two grating-couplers, we show that a PIC-to-PIC insertion loss of 3dB can be achieved. We also investigate how the design parameters impact the coupling efficiency and the bandwidth, ending up with a tolerance analysis. The proposed coupling approach between two different waveguide materials has prospective applications for the hybrid-integration of SOI and InP photonic platforms for communication technologies.Grating couplers are widely used optical interfaces in integrated photonics, especially on the Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) platform. Their design has been optimized for coupling light between a Photonic Integrated Circuit (PIC) and a single-mode fiber, a μlens for free space transport, or even a second PIC in the same SOI platform. In this work, we co-design matching pairs of grating-couplers on distinct SOI and InP photonic platforms for optimized PIC-to-PIC coupling. By matching the scattering strengths of the two grating-couplers, we show that a PIC-to-PIC insertion loss of 3dB can be achieved. We also investigate how the design parameters impact the coupling efficiency and the bandwidth, ending up with a tolerance analysis. The proposed coupling approach between two different waveguide materials has prospective applications for the hybrid-integration of SOI and InP photonic platforms for communication technologies

    Two-dimensional TiOx nanostructures on Au(111): a Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy investigation

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    We investigated the growth of titanium oxide two-dimensional (2D) nanostructures on Au(111), produced by Ti evaporation and post-deposition oxidation. Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (STM and STS) and low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) measurements characterized the morphological, structural and electronic properties of the observed structures. Five distinct TiOx phases were identified: the honeycomb and pinwheel phases appear as monolayer films wetting the gold surface, while nanocrystallites of the triangular, row and needle phases grow mainly over the honeycomb or pinwheel layers. Density Functional Theory (DFT) investigation of the honeycomb structure supports a (2 x 2) structural model based on a Ti-O bilayer having Ti2O3 stoichiometry. The pinwheel phase was observed to evolve, for increasing coverage, from single triangular crystallites to a well-ordered film forming a (4*sqrt(7) x 4*sqrt(7))R19.1° superstructure, which can be interpreted within a moire-like model. Structural characteristics of the other three phases were disclosed from the analysis of high-resolution STM measurements. STS measurements revealed a partial metallization of honeycomb and pinwheel and a semiconducting character of row and triangular phases
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