144 research outputs found

    Late prematurity: a systematic review

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    AbstractObjectivethis study aimed to review the literature regarding late preterm births (34 weeks to 36 weeks and 6 days of gestation) in its several aspects.Sourcesthe MEDLINE, LILACS, and Cochrane Library databases were searched, and the references of the articles retrieved were also used, with no limit of time.Data synthesisnumerous studies showed a recent increase in late preterm births. In all series, late preterm comprised the majority of preterm births. Studies including millions of births showed a strong association between late preterm birth and neonatal mortality. A higher mortality in childhood and among young adults was also observed. Many studies found an association with several neonatal complications, and also with long-term disorders and sequelae: breast-feeding problems, cerebral palsy, asthma in childhood, poor school performance, schizophrenia, and young adult diabetes. Some authors propose strategies to reduce late preterm birth, or to improve neonatal outcome: use of antenatal corticosteroids, changes in some of the guidelines for early delivery in high-risk pregnancies, and changes in neonatal care for this group.Conclusionsnumerous studies show greater mortality and morbidity in late preterm infants compared with term infants, in addition to long-term disorders. More recent studies evaluated strategies to improve the outcomes of these neonates. Further studies on these strategies are needed

    Cine y psicología: un análisis acerca de los procesos de subjetivación en la contemporaneidad

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    Desde o início do século XX, o cinema e a Psicologia tornaram-se uma presença constante nas sociedades capitalistas e, de modo particular, nas grandes cidades, inscrevendo-se no cotidiano das populações. Que efeitos a exibição cinematográfica produziu e produz na constituição dos sujeitos? Como a Psicologia se posiciona perante as transformações subjetivas que o cinema provoca? O objetivo deste artigo consiste em examinar a trajetória da Psicologia que, reafirmando sistematicamente a unidade do sujeito no conceito de personalidade, perde de vista a multiplicidade inerente à subjetividade que o cinema evidencia. De modo complementar, cabe ainda identificar os processos de subjetivação que ganham suporte à medida que o cinema se populariza. A análise dessa relação entre cinema e psicologia justifica-se pela forte presença do cinema nas sociedades atuais, incidindo nos processos de subjetivação. Tais processos podem ser caracterizados como uma multiplicidade de efeitos irredutíveis a uma unificação, uma vez que o cinema possibilita múltiplas identificações simultâneas e com diferentes personagens. Para a realização deste estudo foi adotado o procedimento de pesquisa de natureza qualitativa voltado para a compreensão das relações entre o cinema e a Psicologia em uma perspectiva histórica. Como resultado parcial desta pesquisa teórica, chegou-se à constatação de que no decorrer do século XX a Psicologia transformou-se, adotando concepções de personalidade nas quais a multiplicidade prevalece. Assim, emergem vertentes teóricas que admitem que a heterogeneidade e a complexidade dos sujeitos não são compatíveis com o enfoque unificador da personalidade que prevalecia na Psicologia desde o início do século

    Opinions, knowledge, and attitudes of health professionals on induced abortion: a review of Brazilian studies (2001-2011)

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    O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar uma revisão das pesquisas brasileiras quantitativas e qualitativas sobre opiniões, conhecimentos e atitudes de profissionais da saúde sobre o aborto induzido publicadas entre 2001 e 2011. Admitiram-se publicações com amostras compostas por profissionais com quaisquer graus de formação. Os trabalhos foram categorizados segundo características metodológicas: abordagem dos dados, técnica e instrumento para coleta de dados, categorias profissionais incluídas, local da pesquisa, tamanho amostral e técnica de amostragem. Na etapa seguinte, categorizaram-se os temas centrais das pesquisas (por exemplo, aconselhamento genético e anticoncepção de emergência). Finalmente, categorizaram-se os resultados das pesquisas: conhecimento técnico e legal, perspectiva moral, opiniões sobre a lei, opiniões sobre o Sistema Único de Saúde, e atitudes hipotéticas e concretas. As publicações identificadas sugerem ampla aprovação dos casos de aborto atualmente permitidos por lei, mas larga rejeição da criminalização em casos de malformações fetais graves. A maioria das publicações relatou ter investigado profissionais de medicina (especialmente gineco-obstetras) ou de enfermagem, sendo poucos ou inexistentes dados sobre assistentes sociais e psicólogos. Não foram identificados quaisquer instrumentos apresentando dados mínimos de validade, análise de confiabilidade ou adaptação transcultural. Acredita-se que, no futuro, o desenvolvimento de instrumentos com essas qualidades possa facilitar a realização de novas pesquisas sobre esse tema, inclusive com maior abrangência e diversificação das categorias profissionais a serem estudadas.This paper reviews quantitative and qualitative Brazilian research published from 2001 to 2011 on opinions, knowledge, and attitudes of health professionals on abortion. We included publications with samples composed of professionals with some degree of training. The papers were categorized according to methodological characteristics such as data approach and technique and instrument for data collection, and professional categories such as research site, sample size, and sampling technique. Next, we categorized the main themes of research (e.g., genetic counseling and emergency contraception). Finally, we categorized the results of research on technical and legal knowledge, moral perspectives, opinions about the law, opinions about the National Health System, and hypothetical and concrete attitudes. The publications that were identified suggested broad approval of the abortion cases currently allowed by law but high rejection of criminalization in cases of serious fetal malformations. Most articles reported having investigated medical professionals (obstetricians-gynecologists) or nurses, with little or no data on social workers and psychologists. We have not identified any instruments providing minimum data validity, reliability analysis, or cross-cultural adaptation. We believe that, in the future, development of instruments with these qualities could facilitate the implementation of new research on this topic, including greater coverage and diversification of the professional categories to be studied

    Opinions, knowledge, and attitudes of health professionals on induced abortion: a review of Brazilian studies (2001-2011)

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    This paper reviews quantitative and qualitative Brazilian research published from 2001 to 2011 on opinions, knowledge, and attitudes of health professionals on abortion. We included publications with samples composed of professionals with some degree of training. The papers were categorized according to methodological characteristics such as data approach and technique and instrument for data collection, and professional categories such as research site, sample size, and sampling technique. Next, we categorized the main themes of research (e.g., genetic counseling and emergency contraception). Finally, we categorized the results of research on technical and legal knowledge, moral perspectives, opinions about the law, opinions about the National Health System, and hypothetical and concrete attitudes. The publications that were identified suggested broad approval of the abortion cases currently allowed by law but high rejection of criminalization in cases of serious fetal malformations. Most articles reported having investigated medical professionals (obstetricians-gynecologists) or nurses, with little or no data on social workers and psychologists. We have not identified any instruments providing minimum data validity, reliability analysis, or cross-cultural adaptation. We believe that, in the future, development of instruments with these qualities could facilitate the implementation of new research on this topic, including greater coverage and diversification of the professional categories to be studied.O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar uma revisão das pesquisas brasileiras quantitativas e qualitativas sobre opiniões, conhecimentos e atitudes de profissionais da saúde sobre o aborto induzido publicadas entre 2001 e 2011. Admitiram-se publicações com amostras compostas por profissionais com quaisquer graus de formação. Os trabalhos foram categorizados segundo características metodológicas: abordagem dos dados, técnica e instrumento para coleta de dados, categorias profissionais incluídas, local da pesquisa, tamanho amostral e técnica de amostragem. Na etapa seguinte, categorizaram-se os temas centrais das pesquisas (por exemplo, aconselhamento genético e anticoncepção de emergência). Finalmente, categorizaram-se os resultados das pesquisas: conhecimento técnico e legal, perspectiva moral, opiniões sobre a lei, opiniões sobre o Sistema Único de Saúde, e atitudes hipotéticas e concretas. As publicações identificadas sugerem ampla aprovação dos casos de aborto atualmente permitidos por lei, mas larga rejeição da criminalização em casos de malformações fetais graves. A maioria das publicações relatou ter investigado profissionais de medicina (especialmente gineco-obstetras) ou de enfermagem, sendo poucos ou inexistentes dados sobre assistentes sociais e psicólogos. Não foram identificados quaisquer instrumentos apresentando dados mínimos de validade, análise de confiabilidade ou adaptação transcultural. Acredita-se que, no futuro, o desenvolvimento de instrumentos com essas qualidades possa facilitar a realização de novas pesquisas sobre esse tema, inclusive com maior abrangência e diversificação das categorias profissionais a serem estudadas.91693

    The role of maternal infection in preterm birth: evidence from the Brazilian Multicentre Study on Preterm Birth (EMIP)

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    OBJECTIVES: Evidence suggests that infection or inflammation is a major contributor to early spontaneous preterm birth (sPTB). Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the development and causes of maternal infection associated with maternal and neonatal outcomes in women with sPTB. METHODS: This was a secondary analysis of a multicenter cross-sectional study with a nested case–control component, the Brazilian Multicentre Study on Preterm Birth (EMIP), conducted from April 2011 to July 2012 in 20 Brazilian referral obstetric hospitals. Women with preterm birth (PTB) and their neonates were enrolled. In this analysis, 2,682 women undergoing spontaneous preterm labor and premature pre-labor rupture of membranes were included. Two groups were identified based on self-reports or prenatal or hospital records: women with at least one infection factor and women without any maternal infection (vulvovaginitis, urinary tract infection, or dental infection). A bivariate analysis was performed to identify potential individual risk factors for PTB. The odds ratios (ORs) with their respective 95% confidence intervals were calculated. RESULTS: The majority of women with sPTB fulfilled at least one criterion for the identification of maternal infection (65.9%), and more than half reported having urinary tract infection during pregnancy. Approximately 9.6% of women with PTB and maternal infection were classified as having periodontal infection only. Apart from the presence of a partner, which was more common among women with infectious diseases (p=0.026; OR, 1.28 [1.03–1.59]), other variables did not show any significant difference between groups. CONCLUSION: Maternal infection was highly prevalent in all cases of sPTBs, although it was not clearly associated with the type of PTB, gestational age, or any adverse neonatal outcomes

    Association between cervical length and gestational age at birth in singleton pregnancies : a multicentric prospective cohort study in the Brazilian population

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    Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation [OPP1107597], the Brazilian Ministry of Health, and the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) [401615/20138]. The funders had no role in the design, development of the study, analysis, interpretation of data, writing the manuscript and in the decision to submit the article for publication. T.V.S. was supported by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento Pessoal de Nível Superior—CAPES (grant number 001).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Association Of Anticardiolipin Antibody And C677t In Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase Mutation In Women With Recurrent Spontaneous Abortions: A New Path To Thrombophilia?

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    Recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA) has been associated with venous thrombosis in the mother. Acquired and inherited thrombophilia factors are possible causes. To evaluate the association between thrombogenic factors and recurrent spontaneous abortion. Case-control study. Centro de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher, Universidade Estadual de Campinas. 40 ml of blood was collected from 88 women attending an RSA clinic and 88 fertile women attending a family planning clinic, to evaluate the presence of acquired and inherited thrombophilia factors. Anticardiolipin antibodies (ACA), lupus anticoagulant and deficiencies of proteins C and S and antithrombin III were evaluated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), dilute Russell Viper Venom time (dRVVT), coagulometric and chromogenic methods. DNA was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to study factor V Leiden and G20210A mutations in the prothrombin gene and C677T mutation in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene. Data were analyzed using odds ratios and a regression model for age adjustment. Fishers exact test was used to evaluate statistical relationships between associated factors and RSA. ACA was detected in 11 women with RSA and one fertile woman. Heterozygous C677T was detected in 59 women with RSA and 35 fertile women. Concomitant presence of ACA and C677T was found in eight women with RSA and no fertile women (p < 0.01). The meaning of the association between C677T mutation in the MTHFR gene and ACA is still not clear. It is possible that an inherited factor that alone would not strongly predispose a woman to thrombosis could, when associated with an acquired factor, start the process and increase the likelihood of thrombosis expression. ACA and C677T in the MTHFR gene are statistically associated with RSA. The association of these two conditions is a new finding in thrombogenic factors and RSA.12315-2

    Natural history of monochorionic diamniotic twin pregnancies with and without twin-twin transfusion syndrome

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    PURPOSE: to evaluate the evolution of monochorionic-diamniotic twin pregnancies with and without the twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS), followed up in an expectant way. METHODS: retrospective study in which the pregnancies with and without TTTS and with mild (Quintero's stage I) and severe (Quintero's stages II, III, IV and V) disease manifestations were compared according to extreme preterm delivery, neurological impairment and the twins' nursery discharge. The extreme preterm twins who had had TTTS, or not, were compared whether they had or not neurological impairment. The &#967;2 or Fisher's exact test were used. RESULTS: among 149 monochorionic-diamniotic twin pregnancies, 15 presented TTTS, 11 (11/15 - 73.3%) in the severe form and 4 (4/15 - 26.7%) at stage I. The extreme preterm delivery was more frequent (p<0.001) in the cases with the disease (11/15 - 73.3%) than in the cases without it (25/134 - 18.7%), and more common (p=0.033) in severe (10/11 - 91.1%) than in mild cases (1/4 - 25.0%). Neurological impairment in at least one twin was more frequent in cases with (5/8 - 62.5%) than in cases without (9/134 - 6.7%) the disease (p<0.001). Nursery discharge of at least one twin was more common (p<0.001) in cases without (132/134 - 98.5%) than in cases with the disease (8/15 - 53.0%). Neurological impairment in at least one of the twins was more frequent (p=0.04) in the severe (5/5 - 100%) than in the mild (1/4 - 25%) form of the disease. Nursery discharge of both twins was more common (p=0.004) at stage I (4/4 - 100%), than in the severe form of the disease (1/11 - 9.0%). Among the 47 extreme preterm twins, the neurological impairment was more frequent (p=0.001) among the ones who had (6/6 - 100%), than among those who did not have TTTS (11/41 - 26.8%). CONCLUSIONS: cases with twin-twin transfusion syndrome, followed up in an expectant way have bad perinatal prognosis, with high neonatal mortality and high rates of neurological arrest among the survivors.OBJETIVO: avaliar a evolução de gestações gemelares monocoriônicas diamnióticas com e sem síndrome de transfusão feto-fetal (STFF), acompanhadas de forma expectante. MÉTODOS: estudo retrospectivo no qual as gestações sem e com STFF e com as formas leve (estágio I de Quintero) e grave (estágios II, III, IV e V de Quintero) da doença foram comparadas quanto a parto pré-termo extremo, comprometimento neurológico e alta dos gêmeos do berçário. Os gêmeos pré-termo extremo que tiveram ou não STFF foram comparados quanto à ocorrência de comprometimento neurológico. Foram utilizados os testes do &#967;2 ou exato de Fisher. RESULTADOS: quinze entre 149 gestações gemelares monocoriônicas diamnióticas apresentaram STFF, 11 (11/15-73,3%) na forma grave e 4 (4/15-26,7%) no estágio I. O parto pré-termo extremo foi mais frequente (p<0,001) nos casos com (11/15 - 73,3%) do que sem a doença (25/134 - 18,7%) e mais comum (p=0,033) em casos graves (10/11 - 91,1%) do que leves (1/4 - 25,0%). O comprometimento neurológico de pelo menos um gêmeo foi mais frequente nos casos com (5/8=62,5%) do que sem (9/134=6,7%) a doença (p<0,001). A alta do berçário de pelo menos um gêmeo foi mais comum (p<0,001) nos casos sem a doença (132/134=98,5% versus 8/15=53,0%). O dano neurológico em pelo menos um gêmeo foi mais frequente (p=0,04) na forma grave (5/5=100%) do que leve (1/4=25%) da doença. A alta de ambos os gêmeos do berçário foi mais comum (p=0,004) no estágio I (4/4=100%) do que na doença grave (1/11=9,0%). Entre os 47 gêmeos pré-termo extremo, o dano neurológico foi mais frequente (p=0,001) naqueles que tiveram (6/6-100%) do que entre os que não tiveram STFF (11/41-26,8%). CONCLUSÕES: casos com transfusão feto-fetal acompanhados de forma expectante têm prognóstico perinatal ruim, com elevada mortalidade neonatal e altos índices de comprometimento neurológico entre as sobreviventes.27327

    Anestesia combinada e métodos não farmacológicos para alívio da dor durante o trabalho de parto e satisfação materna: ensaio clínico randomizado

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to compare maternal satisfaction with childbirth according to whether or not combined spinal-epidural anesthesia (CSE) of pain relief was used during labor. METHODS: A randomized, open clinical trial was performed with 70 pregnant women, 35 of whom received CSE anesthesia while 35 received only non-pharmacological forms of pain relief during labor. The variables evaluated were visual analogue scale (VAS) pain score, maternal satisfaction with the technique of pain relief used during childbirth and with delivery, the patient's intention to request the same technique in a subsequent delivery, and loss of control during delivery. RESULTS: VAS pain score decreased significantly in patients receiving CSE during vaginal delivery. Furthermore, maternal satisfaction with the technique of pain relief and with delivery was higher in the CSE group, and around 97% of the patients would repeat the same technique at future deliveries compared to 82.4% of the women in the group using only non-pharmacological methods. With respect to the women's impressions of their control during delivery, approximately half the women in both groups felt that they had lost control at some point during the process. CONCLUSION: The use of CSE was associated with a significant reduction in VAS pain scores during delivery and with greater maternal satisfaction with the pain relief method and with the childbirth process.OBJETIVOS: Comparar a satisfação materna com o processo do nascimento de acordo com a realização ou não de métodos farmacológicos para alívio da dor do trabalho de parto. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se um ensaio clínico randomizado com 70 parturientes, 35 das quais receberam anestesia combinada (raquidiana e peridural associadas) e 35 receberam métodos não farmacológicos para alívio da dor durante o parto vaginal. As variáveis estudadas foram: escores de dor pela Escala Visual Analógica (EVA), satisfação materna com a técnica analgésica e com o parto, desejo de repetir a técnica analgésica em parto posterior e perda do controle sobre o parto. A análise estatística foi realizada no programa Epi-Info 3.5.3, com base na intenção de tratar. RESULTADOS: Pacientes recebendo anestesia combinada (AC) durante o parto vaginal experimentaram uma diminuição significativa dos escores da EVA e maior satisfação materna com a técnica analgésica e com o parto. A maioria das parturientes, cerca de 97% do grupo da anestesia combinada, repetiu a técnica em partos futuros, contra 82,4% do grupo dos métodos não farmacológicos. No que diz respeito ao sentimento de controle do parto, aproximadamente metade das parturientes dos dois grupos sentiu que em algum momento do parto perdeu o controle deste, não havendo diferença significativa entre os grupos. CONCLUSÃO: O uso da AC está associado a uma significante diminuição dos escores da dor durante o parto, e maior satisfação materna com a técnica analgésica e com o parto.11211