1,283 research outputs found

    Mito-nuclear coevolution and phylogenetic artifacts: the case of bivalve mollusks

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    Mito‐nuclear phylogenetic discordance in Bivalvia is well known. In particular, the monophyly of Amarsipobranchia (Heterodonta + Pteriomorphia), retrieved from mitochondrial markers, contrasts with the monophyly of Heteroconchia (Heterodonta + Palaeoheterodonta), retrieved from nuclear markers. However, since oxidative phosphorylation nuclear markers support the Amarsipobranchia hypothesis instead of the Heteroconchia one, interacting subunits of the mitochondrial complexes ought to share the same phylogenetic signal notwithstanding the genomic source, which is different from the signal obtained from other nuclear markers. This may be a clue of coevolution between nuclear and mitochondrial genes. In this work we inferred the phylogenetic signal from mitochondrial and nuclear oxidative phosphorylation markers exploiting different phylogenetic approaches and added two more datasets for comparison: genes of the glycolytic pathway and genes related to the biogenesis of regulative small noncoding RNAs. All trees inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear subunits of the mitochondrial complexes support the monophyly of Amarsipobranchia, regardless of the phylogenetic pipeline. However, not every single marker agrees with this topology: this is clearly visible in nuclear subunits that do not directly interact with the mitochondrial counterparts. Overall, our data support the hypothesis of a coevolution between nuclear and mitochondrial genes for the oxidative phosphorylation. Moreover, we suggest a relationship between mitochondrial topology and different nucleotide composition between clades, which could be associated to the highly variable gene arrangement in Bivalvia

    Mitochondrial selfish elements and the evolution of biological novelties.

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    We report the present knowledge about RPHM21, a novel male-specific mitochondrial protein with a putative role in the paternal inheritance of sperm mitochondria in the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum, a species with doubly uniparental inheritance of mitochondria (DUI). We review all the available data on rphm21 transcription and translation, analyze in detail its female counterpart, RPHF22, discuss the homology with RPHM21, the putative function and origin, and analyze their polymorphism. The available evidence is compatible with a viral origin of RPHM21 and supports its activity during spermatogenesis. RPHM21 is progressively accumulated in mitochondria and nu- clei of spermatogenic cells, and we hypothesize it can influence mitochondrial inheritance and sex- ual differentiation. We propose a testable model that describes how the acquisition of selfish fea- tures by a mitochondrial lineage might have been responsible for the emergence of DUI, and for the evolution of separate sexes (gonochorism) from hermaphroditism. The appearance of DUI most likely entailed the invasion of at least 1 selfish element, and the extant DUI systems can be seen as resolved conflicts. It was proposed that hermaphroditism was the ancestral condition of bi- valves, and a correlation between DUI and gonochorism was documented. We hypothesize that DUI might have driven the shift from hermaphroditism to gonochorism, with androdioecy as transi- tion state. The invasion of sex-ratio distorters and the evolution of suppressors can prompt rapid changes among sex-determination mechanisms, and DUI might have been responsible for one of such changes in some bivalve species. If true, DUI would represent the first animal sex-determination system involving mtDNA-encoded proteins

    Identification and localization of the bilitranslocase homologue in white grape berries (Vitis vinifera L.) during ripening

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    A homologue of the mammalian bilirubin transporter bilitranslocase (BTL) (TCDB 2.A.65.1.1), able to perform an apparent secondary active transport of flavonoids, has previously been found in carnation petals and red grape berries. In the present work, a BTL homologue was also shown in white berries from Vitis vinifera L. cv. Tocai/Friulano, using anti-sequence antibodies specific for rat liver BTL. This transporter, similarly to what found in red grape, was localized in the first layers of the epidermal tissue and in the vascular bundle cells of the mesocarp. In addition, a strong immunochemical reaction was detected in the placental tissue and particularly in peripheral integuments of the seed. The protein was expressed during the last maturation stages in both skin and pulp tissues and exhibited an apparent molecular mass of c. 31 kDa. Furthermore, the transport activity of such a carrier, measured as bromosulphophthalein (BSP) uptake, was detected in berry pulp microsomes, where it was inhibited by specific anti-BTL antibodies. The BTL homologue activity exhibited higher values, for both Km and Vmax, than those found in the red cultivar. Moreover, two non-pigmented flavonoids, such as quercetin (a flavonol) and eriodictyol (a flavanone), inhibited the uptake of BSP in an uncompetitive manner. Such results strengthen the hypothesis that this BTL homologue acts as a carrier involved also in the membrane transport of colourless flavonoids and demonstrate the presence of such a carrier in different organs and tissues

    Four selected commercial seaweeds: biologically active compounds, antioxidant and cytotoxic properties

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    The aim of this research work was to study the chemical characterisation, antioxidant and cytotoxic activity of ethanolic extracts of four commercial algae species Arame, Kombu, Hijiki and Wakame. The highest scavenging activity has been observed in Arame extract. Antioxidant potential of all extracts was in correlation with total phenol content (Arame extract: 319.15 + - 0,56 mg GAE/g. d.w) and it was not in correlation with total carotenoids content (Wakame: 75.15 + - 0.20 mg/g). Polyphenols were quantified using LC-MS/MS technique. Baicalein and amentoflavone were identified in higher amount in relation to other phenols. Intracellular antioxidant activity and cytotoxicity of algae extracts were evaluated on the human prostate cancer cell line PC3. Although presented biomolecules in the extracts have demonstrated in vitro antioxidant activity, they did not show a significant effect on PC3 cells. However, this study opens up a broad perspective for the further comprehensive investigaton of these, commercial, sea weed's biopotential

    Eco-friendly gas mixtures for Resistive Plate Chambers based on Tetrafluoropropene and Helium

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    Due to the recent restrictions deriving from the application of the Kyoto protocol, the main components of the gas mixtures presently used in the Resistive Plate Chambers systems of the LHC experiments will be most probably phased out of production in the coming years. Identifying possible replacements with the adequate characteristics requires an intense R&D, which was recently started, also in collaborations across the various experiments. Possible candidates have been proposed and are thoroughly investigated. Some tests on one of the most promising candidate - HFO-1234ze, an allotropic form of tetrafluoropropane- have already been reported. Here an innovative approach, based on the use of Helium, to solve the problems related to the too elevate operating voltage of HFO-1234ze based gas mixtures, is discussed and the relative first results are shown.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Cms gem detector material study for the hl-lhc

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    A study on the Gaseous Electron Multiplier (GEM) foil material is performed to determine the moisture diffusion rate, moisture saturation level and the effects on its mechanical properties. The study is focused on the foil contact with ambient air and moisture to determine the value of the diffusion coefficient of water in the foil material. The presence of water inside the detector foil can determine the changes in its mechanical and electrical properties. A simulated model is developed with COMSOL Multiphysics v. 4.3 [1] by taking into account the real GEM foil (hole dimensions, shapes and material), which describes the adsorption of water. This work describes the model, its experimental verification, the water diffusion within the entire sheet geometry of the GEM foil, thus gaining concentration profiles and the time required to saturate the system and the effects on the mechanical properties

    A Novel Approach for an Integrated Straw tube-Microstrip Detector

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    We report on a novel concept of silicon microstrips and straw tubes detector, where integration is accomplished by a straw module with straws not subjected to mechanical tension in a Rohacell ®^{\circledR} lattice and carbon fiber reinforced plastic shell. Results on mechanical and test beam performances are reported on as well.Comment: Accepted by Transactions on Nuclear Science (2005). 11 pages, 9 figures, uses lnfprep.st