2,086 research outputs found

    Longitudinal and Transverse Parton Momentum Distributions for Hadrons within Relativistic Constituent Quark Models

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    Longitudinal and transverse parton distributions for pion and nucleon are calculated from hadron vertexes obtained by a study of form factors within relativistic quark models. The relevance of the one-gluon-exchange dominance at short range for the behavior of the form factors at large momentum transfer and of the parton distributions at the end points is stressed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figs. Proceedings of Hadron 09, to appear in AIP Conference Proceeding

    Probing the parton content of the nucleon

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    The parton content of the nucleon is explored within a meson-cloud model developed to derive light-cone wave functions for the physical nucleon. The model is here applied to study electromagnetic form factors, distribution amplitudes and nucleon-to-meson transition distribution amplitudes.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures; proceedings of the workshop "Recent Advances in Perturbative QCD and Hadronic Physics" in Honor of Prof. Anatoly Efremov's 75th Birthday Celebration; to appear in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    The Nuclear Shell Model Toward the Drip Lines

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    We describe the "islands of inversion" that occur when approaching the neutron drip line around the magic numbers N=20, N=28 and N=40 in the framework of the Interacting Shell Model in very large valence spaces. We explain these configuration inversions (and the associated shape transitions) as the result of the competition between the spherical mean field (monopole) which favors magicity and the correlations (multipole) which favor deformed intruder states. We also show that the N=20 and N=28 islands are in reallity a single one, which for the Magnesium isotopes is limited by N=18 and N=32.Comment: Proceedings of the Nordic Conference in Nuclear Physics 2011, Stockholm, to appear in Physica Script

    Beam normal spin asymmetry for the epeΔ(1232)e p \to e \Delta(1232) process

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    We calculate the single spin asymmetry for the epeΔ(1232)e p \to e \Delta(1232) process, for an electron beam polarized normal to the scattering plane. Such single spin asymmetries vanish in the one-photon exchange approximation, and are directly proportional to the absorptive part of a two-photon exchange amplitude. As the intermediate state in such two-photon exchange process is on its mass shell, the asymmetry allows one to access for the first time the on-shell ΔΔ\Delta \to \Delta as well as NΔN^\ast \to \Delta electromagnetic transitions. We present the general formalism to describe the epeΔe p \to e \Delta beam normal spin asymmetry, and provide a numerical estimate of its value using the nucleon, Δ(1232)\Delta(1232), S11(1535)S_{11}(1535), and D13(1520)D_{13}(1520) intermediate states. We compare our results with the first data from the Qweak@JLab experiment and give predictions for the A4@MAMI experiment.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Shell-model phenomenology of low-momentum interactions

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    The first detailed comparison of the low-momentum interaction V_{low k} with G matrices is presented. We use overlaps to measure quantitatively the similarity of shell-model matrix elements for different cutoffs and oscillator frequencies. Over a wide range, all sets of V_{low k} matrix elements can be approximately obtained from a universal set by a simple scaling. In an oscillator mean-field approach, V_{low k} reproduces satisfactorily many features of the single-particle and single-hole spectra on closed-shell nuclei, in particular through remarkably good splittings between spin-orbit partners on top of harmonic oscillator closures. The main deficiencies of pure two-nucleon interactions are associated with binding energies and with the failure to ensure magicity for the extruder-intruder closures. Here, calculations including three-nucleon interactions are most needed. V_{low k} makes it possible to define directly a meaningful unperturbed monopole Hamiltonian, for which the inclusion of three-nucleon forces is tractable.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, minor additions, to appear as Rapid Comm. in Phys. Rev.

    Testing LCDM with the Growth Function \delta(a): Current Constraints

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    We have compiled a dataset consisting of 22 datapoints at a redshift range (0.15,3.8) which can be used to constrain the linear perturbation growth rate f=\frac{d\ln\delta}{d\ln a}. Five of these data-points constrain directly the growth rate f through either redshift distortions or change of the power spectrum with redshift. The rest of the datapoints constrain f indirectly through the rms mass fluctuation \sigma_8(z) inferred from Ly-\alpha at various redshifts. Our analysis tests the consistency of the LCDM model and leads to a constraint of the Wang-Steinhardt growth index \gamma (defined from f=\Omega_m^\gamma) as \gamma=0.67^{+0.20}_{-0.17}. This result is clearly consistent at 1σ1\sigma with the value \gamma={6/11}=0.55 predicted by LCDM. A first order expansion of the index \gamma in redshift space leads to similar results.We also apply our analysis on a new null test of LCDM which is similar to the one recently proposed by Chiba and Nakamura (arXiv:0708.3877) but does not involve derivatives of the expansion rate H(z)H(z). This also leads to the fact that LCDM provides an excellent fit to the current linear growth data.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. Added comments on the data of Table I (after eq. (2.16)). Corrected a typo on eq. (2.15). The mathematica files with the numerical analysis of this study may be found at http://nesseris.physics.uoi.gr/growth/growth.ht

    Atom interferometry with Bose-Einstein condensates in a double-well potential

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    A trapped-atom interferometer was demonstrated using gaseous Bose-Einstein condensates coherently split by deforming an optical single-well potential into a double-well potential. The relative phase between the two condensates was determined from the spatial phase of the matter wave interference pattern formed upon releasing the condensates from the separated potential wells. Coherent phase evolution was observed for condensates held separated by 13 μ\mum for up to 5 ms and was controlled by applying ac Stark shift potentials to either of the two separated condensates.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Distillation of Bose-Einstein condensates in a double-well potential

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    Bose-Einstein condensates of sodium atoms, prepared in an optical dipole trap, were distilled into a second empty dipole trap adjacent to the first one. The distillation was driven by thermal atoms spilling over the potential barrier separating the two wells and then forming a new condensate. This process serves as a model system for metastability in condensates, provides a test for quantum kinetic theories of condensate formation, and also represents a novel technique for creating or replenishing condensates in new locations

    The Two-Body Random Ensemble in Nuclei

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    Combining analytical and numerical methods, we investigate properties of the two-body random ensemble (TBRE). We compare the TBRE with the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble of random matrices. Using the geometric properties of the nuclear shell model, we discuss the information content of nuclear spectra, and gain insight in the difficulties encountered when fitting the effective interaction. We exhibit the existence of correlations between spectral widths pertaining to different quantum numbers. Using these results, we deduce the preponderance of spin-zero ground states in the TBRE. We demonstrate the existence of correlations between spectra with different quantum numbers and/or in different nuclei.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figure

    Convergence of Wnt signalling on the HNF4a-driven transcription in controlling liver zonation

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: In each hepatocyte, the specific repertoire of gene expression is influenced by its exact location along the portocentrovenular axis of the hepatic lobule and provides a reason for the liver functions compartmentalization defined "metabolic zonation." So far, few molecular players controlling genetic programs of periportal (PP) and perivenular (PV) hepatocytes have been identified; the elucidation of zonation mechanisms remains a challenge for experimental hepatology. Recently, a key role in induction and maintenance of the hepatocyte heterogeneity has been ascribed to Wnt/beta-catenin pathway. We sought to clarify how this wide-ranging stimulus integrates with hepatocyte specificity. METHODS: Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) allowed the transcriptional profiling of hepatocytes derived from in vitro differentiation of liver stem cells. The GSK3beta inhibitor 6-bromoindirubin-3'-oxime (BIO) was used for beta-catenin stabilization. Co-immunoprecipitations were used to study biochemical protein interactions while ChIP assays allowed the in vivo inspection of PV and PP genes regulatory regions. RESULTS: We found that spontaneous differentiation of liver stem cells gives rise to PP hepatocytes that, after Wnt pathway activation, switch into PV hepatocytes. Next, we showed that the Wnt downstream player LEF1 interacts with the liver-enriched transcriptional factor HNF4alpha. Finally, we unveiled that the BIO induced activation of PV genes correlates with LEF1 binding to both its own and HNF4alpha consensus, and the repression of PP genes correlates with HNF4alpha displacement from its own consensus. CONCLUSION: Our data show a direct and hitherto unknown convergence of the canonical Wnt signaling on the HNF4alpha-driven transcription providing evidences of a mechanism controlling liver zonated gene expression