61 research outputs found

    Rober J. and Janet R. Pasquesi to Mr. Meredith (1 October 1962)

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    Cruel Sorority, Or, Feminizing Enjoyment in American Romance

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    Cruel Sorority, or, Feminizing Enjoyment in American Romance analyzes the often-overlooked anti-social figures and affects found on the margins of American Romanticism. Symptomatically registering dissatisfaction and rage at the foreclosure of democratic possibility and public life, these feminized figures represent violent reactions against the dominant disciplinary institutions (e.g. marriage, motherhood, domesticity, slavery) that impoverish their lives. In keeping with the rich imaginative possibilities within the romance genre but often exceeding and redefining these conventions, these figures break with the reformist/inclusive logic that pervades works of the period. This project participates in recent critical discussions in American studies that deal with issues of being and (un)belonging, civility and anti-sociality, and what has been called the affective turn in literary studies. The thrust of the critical work of this period can be described as reparative criticism, to use Eve Sedgwick\u27s term. While influenced by the impulse to repair or make good on the unfulfilled promises of democracy, this project freeze frames instances when antebellum authors question whether or not a complete overhaul of the social model might not be more desirable. To this end, the project examines intractable feminized figures that resist the channeling of democracy\u27s radical potential away from public and collective forms of being and belonging. As I argue throughout the chapters, the turning of public into private results in symptomatic outbursts affectively recorded in texts generically affiliated to the romance genre (convent tales, plantation, domestic, and gothic novels). Through close readings of canonical and non-canonical texts, I analyze feminized figures whose antisocial acts work against the reformist main logic of the narratives. The figures at the center of this project over-identify with the very symptoms dominant culture encourages them to repress in order to obtain a healthy sociality. That is to say, instead of subscribing to femininity\u27s strategies for turning disadvantages into advantages, like the transformation of aggression into delicacy, the inculcation of familial duty, and the idealization of motherhood, to name a few, the project looks at figures and texts at odds with the matrix of identity and reform dominant in the period. From the infanticidal nuns of Maria Monk\u27s convent tale and Harriet Beecher Stowe\u27s sadistic slave Cassy, to Nathaniel Hawthorne\u27s petulant, unwanted daughters in The House of Seven Gables and The Scarlet Letter and Elizabeth Stoddard\u27s cruel and imperious Cassandra Morgeson, this project traces the erratic resistance to the foreclosure of public space and collective life in antebellum America. In keeping with romance\u27s transformative vision, the antisocial strain I identify in these texts holds, in the eclipse of self and world that often defines them, the potential for bringing into being social realities not yet imagined

    Mesotelina: regolazione post-trascrizionale e analisi dell'evoluzione del gene.

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    La mesotelina è una proteina ancorata alla membrana cellulare, caratterizzata da un profilo di espressione tessuto-specifica nel mesotelio. Tuttavia, questa è presente anche in tessuti tumorali di origine non mesoteliale (ovaio e pancreas) a livelli superiori di quelli fisiologici, come dimostra il confronto in contesto tessuto-specifico tra pleure sane ed affette da mesotelioma pleurico maligno (MPM). Non è nota la funzione biologica da questa svolta, ed al momento le maggiori indicazioni sono di un possibile coinvolgimento in processi di adesione cellulare eterotipica, proliferazione ed invasività. Se si confrontano i livelli di messaggero tra tessuti e linee cellulari di mesotelio sano e di MPM si osserva un rapporto non proporzionale con i corrispettivi livelli di espressione proteica, che è molto inferiore nelle linee sane. Si è ipotizzata pertanto una regolazione ad opera di microRNA, presenti a livello fisiologico e sottoespressi nel tumore. La ricerca bibliografica su lavori high-throughput di microRNA profiling ha portato alla selezione del microRNA 204-5p quale possibile candidato della regolazione post-trascrizionale della mesotelina. La capacità regolatoria del microRNA è stata testata in vitro in cellule della linea mero-14 secondo una metodica di real-time RT-PCR per i livelli di espressione del messaggero e di western blot per la proteina. Al fine di rendere più solide le predizioni sulla funzionalità del gene, l'analisi sperimentale è stata integrata da una analisi in-silico sul microRNA e sul cDNA del gene MSLN, volte a valutare il grado di conservazione evolutiva dell'interazione microRNA-messaggero. E’ stata quindi condotta una analisi esone per esone sulla sequenza della mesotelina in 17 specie di mammiferi al fine di identificare accelerazioni evolutive per siti e taxa specifici. Dall’analisi è emersa una significativa capacità del microRNA di reprimere l’espressione del gene tanto a livello di trascritto quanto di proteina, con siti di nucleazione predetti nella regione codificante; il fatto che la sequenza del microRNA maturo sia poi altamente conservata nei vertebrati supporta il suo valore funzionale. La porzione di trascritto che codifica per la mesotelina matura presenta solo pochi siti sottoposti ad accelerazione evolutiva nei mammiferi, due per l'esone 14 ed uno per l'esone 16, e sembra che nel complesso sia piuttosto sottoposta a selezione purificante. Apparentemente, in tempi recenti la mesotelina non ha acquisito nuove caratteristiche funzionali o strutturali, ma non si esclude che nuove caratteristiche possano essere insorte prima della divergenza dei mammiferi dagli altri vertebrati. Sono stati infine identificati tre siti di nucleazione microRNA-mRNA perfettamente conservati nei mammiferi, ad ulteriore supporto del ruolo regolatorio del microRNA 204-5p nei confronti della mesotelina

    The Estimated Effects of Participation in Service-Learning on Liberal Arts Outcomes

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    This study used data from a longitudinal, national study of recent college students to examine the estimated effects of students’ participation in service-learning on six liberal arts outcomes.  Findings indicate that service-learning was a positive, significant predictor for students’ political and social involvement.  Service-learning did not have a significant effect on students’ growth regarding critical thinking, moral reasoning, inclination to inquire and lifelong learn, intercultural effectiveness, or psychological well-being. 

    Professional identity, career commitment, and career entrenchment of midlevel student affairs professionals

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    The purposes of this study were to identify factors of midlevel student affairs administrators’ professional identity and to examine the association of those factors to career commitment, career entrenchment, and demographic characteristics. Principal axis factor analysis derived 3 dimensions of professional identity: career contentment, community connection, and values congruence with the profession. Regression analyses conducted on 377 survey responses revealed that 3 of 4 demographic characteristics, all 3 career commitment subscales, and all 3 career entrenchment subscales were significantly associated with at least 1 of the professional identity subscales. Implications for research and practice are discussed

    Socialization to student affairs: Early career experiences associated with professional identity development

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    In this study, the authors propose and test a model of professional identity development among early career student affairs professionals. Using survey data from 173 new professionals (0-5 years of experience), factor analysis revealed three dimensions of professional identity: commitment, values congruence, and intellectual investment. Multivariate analyses found significant associations of age, master’s program characteristics, and influential people and experiences (e.g., interactions with professional colleagues and associations) with the dimensions of professional identity. Findings indicated key socialization experiences during and after graduate school were associated with the development of professional identity. We conclude with recommendations for practice and research

    Development of Professional Identity Through Socialization in Graduate School

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    Professional identity is one outcome of successful socialization. The purpose of this study was to understand how socialization in graduate programs contributes to the development of professional identity for new professionals in student affairs. Via survey, we found significant relationships between program qualities, standards, activities, and experiences and measures of professional identity. Out-of-class experiences were perceived to have a strong influence than in-class experiences. Implications for graduate preparation programs and supervisors are discussed

    Patient satisfaction while enrolled in clinical trials: A literature review

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    Patient satisfaction surveys may not adequately reflect organizations that conduct research in patients who enroll in clinical trials. The purpose of this systematic literature review was to summarize the current state of knowledge of patient satisfaction while enrolled in clinical trials utilizing a widely used, validated patient satisfaction instrument. A comprehensive literature search was conducted using CINAHL, EMBASE, PsycInfo, PubMed and Web of Science. Studies were evaluated in terms of clinical trial participation; assessment conducted during or after participation; utilization of a validated instrument; a pharmacological intervention; and the paper was published in English. Only nine studies met this review’s inclusion criteria. Eight studies utilized investigator-developed patient satisfaction instruments and only one study used a widely-used, validated patient satisfaction instrument. Two studies evaluated patient satisfaction during the development of the instrument. Of the nine studies identified, only five patient satisfaction domains were common across the studies and only study evaluated the associations of patient satisfaction responses with clinical outcomes. Given the importance of patient satisfaction surveys, future studies need to focus on this subset of patients enrolled in clinical trials to evaluate a patient’s experience and its impact on protocol compliance and protocol outcomes. Future studies need to focus on domains associated with clinical trial participation and look beyond the current patients’ general expectations about healthcare accessibility, facilities, healthcare team clinical skills, and their ability to focus and listen to the patients’ concerns. Experience Framework This article is associated with the Policy & Measurement lens of The Beryl Institute Experience Framework. (https://www.theberylinstitute.org/ExperienceFramework). Access other PXJ articles related to this lens. Access other resources related to this lens
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