367 research outputs found

    Soliton dynamics in the multiphoton plasma regime

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    Solitary waves have consistently captured the imagination of scientists, ranging from fundamental breakthroughs in spectroscopy and metrology enabled by supercontinuum light, to gap solitons for dispersionless slow-light, and discrete spatial solitons in lattices, amongst others. Recent progress in strong-field atomic physics include impressive demonstrations of attosecond pulses and high-harmonic generation via photoionization of free-electrons in gases at extreme intensities of 1014 Wcm2. Here we report the first phase-resolved observations of femtosecond optical solitons in a semiconductor microchip, with multiphoton ionization at picojoule energies and 1010 Wcm2 intensities. The dramatic nonlinearity leads to picojoule observations of free-electron-induced blue-shift at 1016 cm3 carrier densities and self-chirped femtosecond soliton acceleration. Furthermore, we evidence the time-gated dynamics of soliton splitting on-chip, and the suppression of soliton recurrence due to fast free-electron dynamics. These observations in the highly dispersive slow-light media reveal a rich set of physics governing ultralow-power nonlinear photon-plasma dynamics.Comment: 14 pages (main body and supplement), 11 figures - earlier draft; http://www.nature.com/srep/2013/130122/srep01100/full/srep01100.htm

    FLEA: Fresnel-limited extraction algorithm applied to spectral phase interferometry for direct field reconstruction (SPIDER)

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    We present a novel extraction algorithm for spectral phase interferometry for direct field reconstruction (SPIDER) for the so-called X-SPIDER configuration. Our approach largely extends the measurable time windows of pulses without requiring any modification to the experimental X-SPIDER set-up.Comment: 24 pages 26 references 8 figure

    Self-locked optical parametric oscillation in a CMOS compatible microring resonator: a route to robust optical frequency comb generation on a chip

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    We report a novel geometry for OPOs based on nonlinear microcavity resonators. This approach relies on a self-locked scheme that enables OPO emission without the need for thermal locking of the pump laser to the microcavity resonance. By exploiting a CMOS-compatible microring resonator, we achieve oscillation featured by a complete absence of “shutting down”, i.e. the self-terminating behavior that is a very common and detrimental occurrence in externally pumped OPOs. Further, our scheme consistently produces very wide bandwidth (>300nm, limited by our experimental set-up) combs that oscillate at a spacing equal to the FSR of the micro cavity resonance

    CMOS compatible integrated all-optical radio frequency spectrum analyzer

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    We report an integrated all-optical radio frequency spectrum analyzer based on a ~4cm long doped silica glass waveguide, with a bandwidth greater than 2.5 THz. We use this device to characterize the intensity power spectrum of ultrahighrepetition rate mode-locked lasers at repetition rates up to 400 GHz, and observe dynamic noise related behavior not observable with other technique

    High-energy terahertz surface optical rectification

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    The interest in surface terahertz emitters lies in their extremely thin active region, typically hundreds of atomic layers, and the agile surface scalability. The ultimate limit in the achievable emission is determined by the saturation of the several different mechanisms concurring to the THz frequency conversion. Although there is a very prolific debate about the contribution of each process, surface optical rectification has been highlighted as the dominant process at high excitation, but the effective limits in the conversion are largely unknown. The current state of the art suggests that in field-induced optical rectification a maximum limit of the emission may exist and it is ruled by the photocarrier induced neutralisation of the medium's surface field. This would represent the most important impediment to the application of surface optical rectification in high-energy THz emitters. We experimentally unveil novel physical insights in the THz conversion at high excitation energies mediated by the ultrafast surface optical rectification process. The main finding is that the expected total saturation of the Terahertz emission vs pump energy does not actually occur. At high energy, the surface field region contracts towards the surface. We argue that this mechanism weakens the main saturation process, re-establishing a clearly observable quadratic dependence between the emitted THz energy and the excitation. This is relevant in enabling access to intense generation at high fluences

    Signal processing by opto-optical interactions between self-localized and free propagating beams in liquid crystals

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    The reorientational nonlinearity of nematic liquid crystals enables a self-localized spatial soliton and its waveguide to be deflected or destroyed by a control beam propagating across the cell. We demonstrate a simple all-optical readdressing scheme by exploiting the lens-like perturbation induced by an external beam on both a nematicon and a co-polarized guided signal of different wavelength. Angular steering as large as 2.2 degrees was obtained for control powers as low as 32mW in the near infrared

    Efficient wavelength conversion and net parametric gain via four wave mixing in a high index doped silica waveguide

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    We demonstrate sub-picosecond wavelength conversion in the C-band via four wave mixing in a 45cm long high index doped silica spiral waveguide. We achieve an on/off conversion efficiency (signal to idler) of + 16.5dB as well as a parametric gain of + 15dB for a peak pump power of 38W over a wavelength range of 100nm. Furthermore, we demonstrated a minimum gain of + 5dB over a wavelength range as large as 200nm
