66 research outputs found

    Post-Thyroidectomy Hypocalcemia: Timing of Discharge Based on Serum Calcium Levels

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    Purpose: The study concerns about the evaluation of Calcium serum levels in patients who underwent total thyroidectomy. Our previous experience underlined how patients who had levels of serum Calcium more than 9 mg/dl at the first day after surgery, did not show Hypocalcemia in the next days,so that this value could be considered a good cut-off for the decision of an early discharge. With regards to this experience, the aim of our current study was to confirm the effective feasibility of an early discharge based on the levels of serum Calcium at the first post-operative day. Patients and Methods: Our study included 102 consecutive patients (82 F; 20 M, age with a range between 14-78 year sold, average 52.6) that were submitted to total thyroidectomy in the years 2010 to 2014, performed by the same operator and all done with sutureless technique (Ligasure precise©) We classify hypocalcemia, according to their normal range (8.6 to 10.4 mg/dl), in mild (not less than 7.6 mg/dL), moderate (between 7.5 mg/dL and 7 mg/dL) and severe (less than 7 mg/dL) We classified the normal range of serum Calcium between 8.6 mg/dl and 10.4 mg/dl. Patients that showed levels of serum Calcium under this limit (<8.6 mg/dl) were treated with 6 fials of Gluconate Calcium 40 mEq in 500 ml of saline solution NaCl 0.9% i.v. (one per day), until the return to the normal range. Patients who had serum Calcium levels more than 9 mg/dl at the first post-operative days, and did not have other complications, were discharged at the same day and revaluated after 7 days. Discussion and Conclusion: Moreover our study has been useful to confirm what we observed in the previous experience, that levels of serum Calcium more than 9 mg/dl at the first postoperative day can be considered a feasible cut-off to exclude the appearance of hypocalcaemia in future. Therefore, according to our results, we assume to propose an early discharge for the patients who have serum Calcium levels more than 9 mg/dl, asking them to come back for controls one week after discharge

    Hyperfunctioning Parathyroid Giant Adenoma

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    Purpose: The objective of this paper is to report the management and treatment of a 47-year-old patient admitted with multiple problems including asthenia, nausea and bradycardia, and was diagnosed with a giant parathyroid adenoma. Case report: A 47-year-old man was admitted to the Department of General Surgery for acute and worsening asthenia, nausea and bradycardia. Blood tests showed hypercalcemia, hypophosporemia, very high serum parathormone level, so that he was diagnosed with primary hyperparathyroidism. Cervical ultrasonography and scintigraphy with technetium 99 mTc Methoxyisobutylisonitrile (99 mTc-MIBI) showed the presence of positive nodule at the isthmus of the thyroid gland. The patient underwent neck exploration. Intra-operative iPTH essay was measured. A giant parathyroid adenoma was identified and excised, with no macroscopic signs of malignancy. Discussion and conclusion: Hyper functioning parathyroid giant adenoma can present with typical symptoms of hypercalcemic crisis: ECG alterations, kidney failure, emotional lability, confusion, delirium, psychosis, asthenia, epilepsy. Elective treatment is the excission. The surgical technique contemplates neck exploration and to ensure the finding of the adenoma, previously identified with imaging tests. It is necessary to measure intra-operative iPTH assay

    Molecular targets and oxidative stress biomarkers in hepatocellular carcinoma: an overview

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    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a complex and heterogeneous tumor with multiple genetic aberrations. Several molecular pathways involved in the regulation of proliferation and cell death are implicated in the hepatocarcinogenesis. The major etiological factors for HCC are both hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus infection (HCV)

    Role of perineural invasion as a prognostic factor in laryngeal cancer

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    The diffusion of laryngeal cancer cells in the perineural space is a parameter associated with a negative prognosis, high loco-regional recurrence and low disease-free survival rates. The spread of tumor cells on the perineural sheath highlights the histopathological and clinically aggressive behavior of this type of tumor, which may extend proximally or distally in the nerve for >10 cm. Therefore, the surgical resection margin is generally insufficient to treat patients with laryngeal cancer presenting with perineural invasion (PNI) with surgery alone. In PNI, the minor laryngeal nerves are frequently involved, rather than the superior and inferior laryngeal nerves. The aim of the present study was: i) To evaluate the prognostic importance of PNI; ii) to correlate the rate of infiltration with factors associated with the tumor, including histotype, site and tumor-node-metastasis stage, and with the type of surgery (total or partial laryngectomy); and iii) to evaluate the rate of disease-free survival according to the outcome of combined surgery and radiotherapy (RT) treatment, by means of retrospective analysis. The results of the present study highlighted the importance of performing a closer clinical and instrumental follow-up in patients with laryngeal cancer whose histopathological examination is positive for PNI. In such cases, it is important to complement the surgical therapeutic treatment with adjuvant RT

    Single nucleotide polymorphisms of ABCC5 and ABCG1 transporter genes correlate to irinotecan-associated gastrointestinal toxicity in colorectal cancer patients: a DMET microarray profiling study.

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    Abstract Recent findings have disclosed the role of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) 1A1*28 on the haematological toxicity induced by irinotecan (CPT-11), a drug commonly used in the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). We investigated the pharmacogenomic profile of irinotecan-induced gastrointestinal (GI) toxicity by the novel drug-metabolizing enzyme and transporter (DMET) microarray genotyping platform. Twenty-six mCRC patients who had undergone to irinotecan-based chemotherapy were enrolled in a case (patients experiencing > grade 3 gastrointestinal, (GI) toxicity) - control (matched patients without GI toxicity) study. A statistically significant difference of SNP genotype distribution was found in the case versus control group. The homozygous genotype C/C in the (rs562) ABCC5 gene occurred in 6/9 patients with GI toxicity versus 1/17 patients without GI toxicity (P=0.0022). The homozygous genotype G/G in the (rs425215) ABCG1 was found in 7/9 patients with GI toxicity versus 4/17 patients without GI toxicity (P=0.0135). The heterozygous genotype G/A in the 388G>A (rs2306283) OATP1B1/SLCO1B1 was found in 3/9 patients with grade > 3 GI toxicity versus 14/17 patients without GI toxicity (P=0.0277). DNA extracted from peripheral blood cells was genotyped by DMET Plus chip on Affymetrix array system. Genotype association was calculated by Fisher's exact test (two tailed) and relevant SNPs were further analyzed by direct sequencing. We have identified 3 SNPs mapping in ABCG1, ABCC5 and OATP1B1/SLCO1B1 transporter genes associated with GI toxicity induced by irinotecan in mCRC patients expanding the available knowledge of irinogenomics. The DMET microarray platform is an emerging technology for easy identification of new genetic variants for personalized medicine

    Dose/dense metronomic chemotherapy with fractioned cisplatin and oral daily etoposide enhances the anti-angiogenic effects of bevacizumab and has strong antitumor activity in advanced non-small-cell-lung cancer patients.

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    Background: We designed a translational clinical trial to investigate whether a dose/dense chemotherapy regimen is able to enhance in patients with non-small-cell-lung-cancer, the anti-angiogenic, and anti-tumor activity of bevacizumab, a murine/human monoclonal antibody to the vasculo-endothelial-growth-factor (VEGF) Patients and Methods: Forty-eight patients (42 males and 6 females) with stage IIIB/IV non-small-cell-lung-cancer, a mean age of 68 years, and ECOG ≤ 2 were enrolled in the study. They received every three weeks fractioned cisplatinum (30 mg/sqm, days 1-3) and oral etoposide (50 mg, days 1-15) and were divided in 5 cohorts receiving different bevacizumab dosages [0; 2.5; 5; 7.5; and 10 mg/kg] on the day 3. Results: The combined treatment was able of inducing a significant decline in the blood-perfusion of primary tumor (NMR-study); in serum levels of VEGF, angiopoietin-1, thrombospondin-1; and in the number of VEGF-transporting cells. In the group of 40 patients who received bevacizumab ther..