11 research outputs found


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    There are limited numbers of scientific publication regarding genotypic differences which exist among olive cultivars concerning nutrient uptake and translocation. For that purpose, the object of our study was to determine possible differences between leaf mineral content of five selected olive cultivars since leaf nutrient analysis is consider being the best method for diagnosing olive tree nutritional status. Plant material was obtained from an olive collection, grown on calcareous soil maintained at Institute of Adriatic Crops and Karst Reclamation, Split, Croatia. The study was conducted with two Croatian autochthonous olive cultivars (“Istarska bjelica”, “Lastovka”), two Italian cultivars (“Pendolino”, “Leccino”) and one Spanish cultivar (“Hojiblanca”). Completely randomized design was applied. This study has shown questionably low Mg concentration in all olive cultivars with exception for “Hojiblanca” cultivar. Also, only Croatian cultivars “Istarska bjelica” and “Lastovka” as well as Spanish cultivar “Hojiblanca” recorded sufficient levels of iron leaf mineral content. Regarding other elements studied (P, K, Ca, Zn, Mn, Cu) all cultivars were above literature cited thresholds for possible deficiencies. Selected olive cultivars in our experiment demonstrated different nutrient leaf concentration, which is of particular importance for fertilization requirements and fertilization practice in Croatian orchards grown on calcareous soil

    Mineral content and nutritive value of radichio (Cichorium intybus L. var. foliosum Hegi) between different fertilization treatments

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    Mineralni sastav povrća općenito predstavlja važan izvor minerala koji su uključeni u razne osnovne metaboličke procese u ljudskom tijelu. Ipak prilikom uzgoja povrća na alkalnim, karbonatnim tlima deficijencije P, Fe, Zn, Mn česta su pojava, zbog formiranja teško topivih spojeva i slabije dostupnosti navedenih minerala biljkama. S toga je cilj našeg istraživanja bio utvrditi utjecaj različitih gnojidbi na mineralni sastav i nutritivnu vrijednost radiča kao visoko vrijedne namirnice. Rezultati su pokazali da je primjena organskog gnojiva (s huminskom i fulvičnom kiselinom i dodatkom makro i mikoelementa) putem tla signifikantno povećala koncentraciju P, K i Mg u lišću radiča. Također, uočljiv je i relativni porast količine Fe pri primjeni navedenog organskog gnojiva putem tla u odnosu na ostale gnojidbene tretmane.Vegetable mineral content represents an important source of minerals that are involved in basic metabolic processes in human body. Nevertheless, growing vegetable on alkaline, calcareous soils may result with P, Zn, Mn and Fe plant deficiency since these elements are firmly bound in precipitates of low solubility and consequently their availability to plants is markedly decreased. Therefore, the aim of our experiment was to determine influence of different fertilization treatments on mineral and nutritional value of radicchio as valuable food. The results showed that soil application of organic fertilizer (with humic and fulvic acid + macro and microelements) significantly increased P, K and Mg radicchio leaf concentration. Furthermore, in comparison to the other treatments, relative increase of iron content within organic fertilizer soil application is noticeable

    Occurrence of pesticide residues in indoor dust of farmworker households across Europe and Argentina.

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    Pesticides are widely used as plant protection products (PPPs) in farming systems to preserve crops against pests, weeds, and fungal diseases. Indoor dust can act as a chemical repository revealing occurrence of pesticides in the indoor environment at the time of sampling and the (recent) past. This in turn provides information on the exposure of humans to pesticides in their homes. In the present study, part of the Horizon 2020 funded SPRINT project, the presence of 198 pesticide residues was assessed in 128 indoor dust samples from both conventional and organic farmworker households across Europe, and in Argentina. Mixtures of pesticide residues were found in all dust samples (25-121, min-max; 75, median). Concentrations varied in a wide range (<0.01 ng/g-206 μg/g), with glyphosate and its degradation product AMPA, permethrin, cypermethrin and piperonyl butoxide found in highest levels. Regarding the type of pesticides, insecticides showed significantly higher levels than herbicides and fungicides. Indoor dust samples related to organic farms showed a significantly lower number of residues, total and individual concentrations than those related to conventional farms. Some pesticides found in indoor dust were no longer approved ones (29 %), with acute/chronic hazards to human health (32 %) and with environmental toxicity (21 %)

    Pesticide residues with hazard classifications relevant to non-target species including humans are omnipresent in the environment and farmer residences

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    Intensive and widespread use of pesticides raises serious environmental and human health concerns. The presence and levels of 209 pesticide residues (active substances and transformation products) in 625 environmental samples (201 soil, 193 crop, 20 outdoor air, 115 indoor dust, 58 surface water, and 38 sediment samples) have been studied. The samples were collected during the 2021 growing season, across 10 study sites, covering the main European crops, and conventional and organic farming systems. We profiled the pesticide residues found in the different matrices using existing hazard classifications towards non-target organisms and humans. Combining monitoring data and hazard information, we developed an indicator for the prioritization of pesticides, which can support policy decisions and sustainable pesticide use transitions. Eighty-six percent of the samples had at least one residue above the respective limit of detection. One hundred residues were found in soil, 112 in water, 99 in sediments, 78 in crops, 76 in outdoor air, and 197 in indoor dust. The number, levels, and profile of residues varied between farming systems. Our results show that non-approved compounds still represent a significant part of environmental cocktails and should be accounted for in monitoring programs and risk assessments. The hazard profiles analysis confirms the dominance of compounds of low-moderate hazard and underscores the high hazard of some approved compounds and recurring “no data available” situations. Overall, our results support the idea that risk should be assessed in a mixture context, taking environmentally relevant mixtures into consideration. We have uncovered uncertainties and data gaps that should be addressed, as well as the policy implications at the EU approval status level. Our newly introduced indicator can help identify research priority areas, and act as a reference for targeted scenarios set forth in the Farm to Fork pesticide reduction goals

    Pesticide residues with hazard classifications relevant to non-target species including humans are omnipresent in the environment and farmer residences

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    Intensive and widespread use of pesticides raises serious environmental and human health concerns. The presence and levels of 209 pesticide residues (active substances and transformation products) in 625 environmental samples (201 soil, 193 crop, 20 outdoor air, 115 indoor dust, 58 surface water, and 38 sediment samples) have been studied. The samples were collected during the 2021 growing season, across 10 study sites, covering the main European crops, and conventional and organic farming systems. We profiled the pesticide residues found in the different matrices using existing hazard classifications towards non-target organisms and humans. Combining monitoring data and hazard information, we developed an indicator for the prioritization of pesticides, which can support policy decisions and sustainable pesticide use transitions. Eighty-six percent of the samples had at least one residue above the respective limit of detection. One hundred residues were found in soil, 112 in water, 99 in sediments, 78 in crops, 76 in outdoor air, and 197 in indoor dust. The number, levels, and profile of residues varied between farming systems. Our results show that non-approved compounds still represent a significant part of environmental cocktails and should be accounted for in monitoring programs and risk assessments. The hazard profiles analysis confirms the dominance of compounds of low-moderate hazard and underscores the high hazard of some approved compounds and recurring “no data available” situations. Overall, our results support the idea that risk should be assessed in a mixture context, taking environmentally relevant mixtures into consideration. We have uncovered uncertainties and data gaps that should be addressed, as well as the policy implications at the EU approval status level. Our newly introduced indicator can help identify research priority areas, and act as a reference for targeted scenarios set forth in the Farm to Fork pesticide reduction goals

    Assessing pesticide residues occurrence and risks in water systems

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    Freshwater ecosystems face a particularly high risk of biodiversity loss compared to marine and terrestrial systems. The use of pesticides in agricultural fields is recognized as a relevant stressor for freshwater environments, exerting a negative impact worldwide on the overall status and health of the freshwater communities. In the present work, part of the Horizon 2020 funded SPRINT project, the occurrence of 193 pesticide residues was investigated in 64 small water bodies of distinct typology (creeks, streams, channels, ditches, rivers, lakes, ponds and reservoirs), located in regions with high agricultural activity in 10 European countries and in Argentina. Mixtures of pesticide residues were detected in all water bodies (20, median8–40 min-max). Total pesticide levels found ranged between 6.89 and 5860 ng/L, highlighting herbicides as the dominant type of pesticides. Glyphosate was the compound with the highest median concentration followed by 2,4-D and MCPA, and in a lower degree by dimethomorph, fluopicolide, prothioconazole and metolachlor(-S). Argentina was the site with the highest total pesticide concentration in water bodies followed by The Netherlands, Portugal and France. One or more pesticides exceeded the threshold values established in the European Water Framework Directive for surface water in 9 out of 11 case study sites (CSS), and the total pesticide concentration surpassed the reference value of 500 ng/L in 8 CSS. Although only 5 % (bifenthrin, dieldrin, fipronil sulfone, permethrin, and terbutryn) of the individual pesticides denoted high risk (RQ > 1), the ratios estimated for pesticide mixtures suggested potential environmental risk in the aquatic compartment studied

    Tissue-specific calcium and magnesium allocation to explain differences in bulk concentration in leaves of one-year-old seedlings of two olive (Olea europaea L.) cultivars

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    Olive tree (Olea europaea L.) leaves have recently been recognised as a valuable source in cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry as well as in preparation of health-supporting beverages. Little is known about the element composition of olive leaves and almost nothing about tissue-specific allocation of elements. Element composition in tissue-specific distribution were determined in leaves of two olive cultivars, Leccino and Istarska bjelica using micro-particle induced X-ray emission (micro-PIXE). In leaves of the Istarska bjelica cultivar larger bulk concentrations of potassium, sodium, molybdenum and boron, but smaller concentrations of calcium and magnesium were found than in leaves of the Leccino cultivar. Tissue-specific investigation revealed that larger concentration of calcium in epidermis and in leaf blade tissues (secondary veins, palisade and spongy mesophyll) contributed to the larger leaf bulk calcium concentration in the Leccino cultivar. For magnesium, all leaf tissues, except the bundle sheath cells and consequently the main vascular bundle, contributed to the larger bulk concentration in the Leccino cultivar. Potassium was not predominant in any of the leaf tissues examined, while sodium and molybdenum were below the limit of detection, and boron not detectable by micro-PIXE. The results indicate that sinks for calcium and magnesium are stronger in specific leaf tissues of the Leccino than of the Istarska bjelica cultivar. The new understanding of tissue-specific allocation of elements in leaves of olive will serve as a basis for detailed studies into the effects of foliar and/or soil fertilisers in olive

    Phenolic Potential of Olive Leaves from Different Istrian Cultivars in Croatia

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    For the first time the effects of different sampling periods and their interaction with five major autochthonous Croatian Istrian olive cultivars and the Italian cultivar ‘Leccino’ on the quantity and composition of olive leaf phenolic compounds and mineral nutrients were investigated. For that purpose, olive leaves were sampled in two collecting periods, in October and March, coinciding with the harvesting and pruning periods, respectively. All selected cultivars had a higher oleuropein leaf content in the pruning collecting period, with the highest levels noted for the ‘Leccino’ and ‘Buža’ cultivars. Cultivar significantly affected almost all the investigated phenols, with higher concentrations of these valuable compounds in the pruning than in the harvesting period. Differences observed in leaf mineral composition were closely related to the differences in phenolic profiles and were significantly affected by genotype. Some of the studied mineral nutrients, such as P, Cu and B, were found to be significantly correlated with the most abundant olive leaf phenolic compounds, oleuropein and verbascoside

    Combined Sulfur and Nitrogen Foliar Application Increases Extra Virgin Olive Oil Quantity without Affecting Its Nutritional Quality

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    This study investigates the effect of combined sulfur (S) and nitrogen (N) foliar fertilization on leaf S and N concentration, as well as on the growth of olive fruit and on the quantity and quality of olive oil, obtained from two olive cultivars ‘Istarska bjelica’ and ‘Leccino’ in two consecutive years. S and N are some of the most important nutrients, and both play a crucial role in plant oil production. The here-reported fertilization program significantly increased S concentration in leaves without affecting N concentration, which led to an increase in fruit yield and improvement of all fruit morphological parameters. The best oil yield per tree was obtained under the treatment with the highest S/N dose. Oil quality was not affected by S and N supply, and this allowed us to classify all our oil samples as extra virgin (EVOO). Regarding the content of total phenols (TPC) and composition of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME), they remained unaltered under the applied treatments. All investigated fruit morphological parameters, as well as fruit and oil yield, were highly cultivar-dependent. ‘Istarska bjelica’ was characterized as a cultivar with higher fruit mass and pulp percentage, while its stone parameters were lower than those of ‘Leccino’. Consequently, the extraction oil yield obtained from ‘Istarska bjelica’ fruits was much higher. Moreover, environmental conditions had a great impact on fruit and oil quantity. The here-obtained results led us to the conclusion that supply of S and N can enhance oil production without affecting its nutritional quality, a finding that could generate large long-term effects on economic growth in the olive oil sector

    Assessing pesticide residues occurrence and risks in water systems: A Pan-European and Argentina perspective

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    Freshwater ecosystems face a particularly high risk of biodiversity loss compared to marine and terrestrial systems. The use of pesticides in agricultural fields is recognized as a relevant stressor for freshwater environments, exerting a negative impact worldwide on the overall status and health of the freshwater communities. In the present work, part of the Horizon 2020 funded SPRINT project, the occurrence of 193 pesticide residues was investigated in 64 small water bodies of distinct typology (creeks, streams, channels, ditches, rivers, lakes, ponds and reservoirs), located in regions with high agricultural activity in 10 European countries and in Argentina. Mixtures of pesticide residues were detected in all water bodies (20, median; 8–40 min-max). Total pesticide levels found ranged between 6.89 and 5860 ng/L, highlighting herbicides as the dominant type of pesticides. Glyphosate was the compound with the highest median concentration followed by 2,4-D and MCPA, and in a lower degree by dimethomorph, fluopicolide, prothioconazole and metolachlor(-S). Argentina was the site with the highest total pesticide concentration in water bodies followed by The Netherlands, Portugal and France. One or more pesticides exceeded the threshold values established in the European Water Framework Directive for surface water in 9 out of 11 case study sites (CSS), and the total pesticide concentration surpassed the reference value of 500 ng/L in 8 CSS. Although only 5 % (bifenthrin, dieldrin, fipronil sulfone, permethrin, and terbutryn) of the individual pesticides denoted high risk (RQ > 1), the ratios estimated for pesticide mixtures suggested potential environmental risk in the aquatic compartment studied