98 research outputs found

    Nutritivni kvalitet hraniva koja se koriste u ishrani mlečnih koza u Vojvodini

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    The study was to conduct to evaluate the chemical composition and nutritive values of feedstuffs (forages and concentrate mixtures) used for dairy goats nutrition in Vojvodina. Samples were collected from six farms, including one organic farm. The results showed that the relative feed values of analyzed forages were in the range of good, medium to lower quality. Average protein content from lowest to highest for investigated forages was: corn silage (Zea Mays) (65.37-82.57g kgˉ¹DM), alfalfa haylage (Medicago sativa L.) (159.99-184.17g kgˉ¹DM), pasture (185.30g kgˉ¹ DM), and alfalfa hay (Medicago sativa L.) (167.48-203.60g kgˉ¹DM). The non-fibre carbohydrates and protein content most varied in organic hay samples (cv: 29.25% and 19.09%, respectively). Generally, feedstuffs used in organic nutrition, including organic concentrate, were of lower nutritional quality and moreover contained higher amounts of crude fibre and lignin. Especially, a high source of variation was observed in investigated concentrate mixtures for the crude protein content (p lt 0.0001), ranged from 135.32 to 209.87g kgˉ¹DM. Corn silages also varied substantially in their chemical composition and significant difference (p lt 0.05) was observed in regard to acid detergent fibre (ADF) and lignin content (ranged: ADF: 242.20-319.24g kg‾¹DM; ADL: 27.98-52.54g kg‾¹DM, respectively). Furthermore, pasture contained the most soluble materials during May and June and their content was related inversely to crude fibre amount. This survey highlights that investigated farms still pay insufficient attention to the quality of the feedstuff. For the development of intensive goat farming, greater emphasis should be placed on using higher quality feedstuffs, as well, standards for feed quality must be considered and established.Istraživanje je bilo sprovedeno sa ciljem procene hemijskog sastava i nutritivne vrednosti kabastih hraniva i smeša koncentrata koja se koriste u ishrani mlečnih koza u Vojvodini. Ispitivano je ukupno šest farmi,uključujući i organsku farmu. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da se relativna hranibena vrednost analiziranih kabastih hraniva kretala od dobrog, srednjeg do slabijeg kvaliteta. Prosečan sadržaj proteina od najmanjih do najviših vrednosti se kretao u opsegu: kukuruzna silaža (Zea Mays) (65.37-82.50g kg‾¹DM), senaža lucerke (Medigao sativa L.) (159.99-184.17g kg‾¹DM), pašnjak (185.30g kg‾¹DM ) i seno lucerke (Medigao sativa L.) (167.48-203.60g kg‾¹DM). Sadržaj nestrukturnih ugljenih hidrata i proteina pokazao je najveće varijacije u uzorcima organskog sena (cv: 29.25% и 19.09%, pojedinačno). Generalno, hraniva koja su bila ispitivana na organskoj farmi, uključujući organske smeše koncentrata, su pokazale lošiji nutritivni kvalitet usled većeg sadržaja sirovih vlakana i lignina. Posebno su utvrdjene velike varijacije u ispitivanim smešama koncentrata u pogledu sadržaja proteina (p lt 0.0001), koji je bio rangiran od 135.32 do 209.87g kg‾¹DM. Kukuruzne silaže su takodje značajno varirale u njihovom hemijskom sastavu i signifikantna razlika (p lt 0.05) je utvrdjena u pogledu sadržaja kiselih deteržent vlakana (ADF) i lignina (u opsegu: ADF: 242.20-319.24g kg‾¹DM; ADL: 27.98-52.54g kg‾¹DM, pojedinačno). Osim toga, utvrdjeno je da je pašnjak posedovao najviše rastvorljivih materija tokom Maja i Juna meseca a njihov sadržaj je bio obrnuto povezan sa sadržajem sirovih vlakana. Ovo istraživanje je pokazalo da ispitivane farme još uvek ne posvećuju dovoljno pažnje kvalitetu hraniva. Za razvoj intenzivnog uzgoja koza, veći naglasak treba staviti na upotrebu kvalitetnijih hraniva i istovremeno standardi kvaliteta hrane moraju biti razmotreni i utvrđeni

    The quality of goat milk and hygiene management practices on farms in Vojvodina

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    The present work aimed to study the goat farms concerning different hygiene-sanitary and health management practice. Also, bulk tank milk of Alpine breed goats was used to investigate changes in the composition of milk during lactation on six farms in Vojvodina Region. The results showed that although 96.67% of farmers were familiar with mastitis, approximately 56.67% of farmers reported a lack of knowledge about subclinical mastitis and therefore not intensely monitoring udder health during the lactation period. Somatic cell count (SCC) and total bacteria count (TBC) were the most variable traits in our research and lactation average SCC between investigated farms showed a significant difference (P < 0.01) (a range from 1088×10³/ml to 3129×10³/ml). At the same time, TBC was found in a wider range, from 66×10³/ml to 3508×10³/ml. Further-more, SCC and TBC often did not meet the recommended quality level. Therefore, during the entire lactation period, 63% of the milk samples contained above 1.5 million SCC/ml and 37% of the samples were contained TBC above 1.5 million CFU/ ml. Results also confirmed considerable seasonal variations of goat milk composition and the milk fat was the component that most varied (cv: 33.16%). It was observed that organic in comparison to conventional milk chemical composition, was signifi-cantly different, especially in terms of protein content (P < 0.0001). In conclusion, goat dairy production could be of considerable importance in Vojvodina but dairy goat sector requires a more systemic approach, better hygiene milking conditions and implemented prevention and control programmes during the milking routine

    Electronic structure and topological analysis of charge density of metal-hybride systems with NaCl and rutile crystal structure.

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    Skladištenje u čvrstom stanju, pre svega u formi metalnih hidrida, predstavlja potencijalno rešenje za bezbedno i efikasno čuvanje vodonika, što je jedan od većih izazova komercijalnoj upotrebi ovog elementa kao goriva i (ili) energetskog vektora. Rezultati istraživanja prikazani u ovom radu pružaju uvid u mehanizme koji određuju različite interakcije u čistim i primesnim metal-hidridnim sistemima – kandidatima za skladištenje vodonika u čvrstom stanju...Metal hydrides represent a promising solution for the safe and efficient solid state storage of hydrogen - one of the major challenges and obstacles for commercial use of this element as a fuel and (or) energy vector. The research results presented in this paper provide a detailed insight into the mechanisms that determine the different interactions in pure and doped metal-hydride systems – potential candidates for hydrogen storage in solid state..

    Comparison of the Chemical Composition of Whey Cheeses: Urda and Ricotta

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the nutritional quality of two types of cheese prepared from bovine whey: Urda and Ricotta. Cheeses were examined for chemical parameters and their amino acids profile was determined. The results revealed that the chemical composition of the observed whey cheeses was highly significantly different (p lt 0.01) from each other. The amounts of dry matter, fat, protein, lactose, ash and salt were higher in Ricotta compared with Urda cheese samples. On the other hand, Urda contained more moisture, fat on a dry matter basis and moisture on a fat-free basis (79.59%, 27.50%, 84.27% versus 69.82%, 21.02%, 74.56%, respectively). Especially higher yield, salt in moisture content and energy values were observed in Ricotta cheese (5.93%, 3.12%, 145.99Kcal/100g versus 4.39%, 2.40%, 108.97Kcal/100g; Ricotta and Urda, respectively). Whey cheeses are a particularly good source of amino acids containing approximately-Ricotta: Leucine (1.60g/100g), lysine (1.17g/100g), phenylalanine (0.78g/100g) and followed by threonine (0.77g/100g), while Urda contained leucine (0.80g/100g), lysine (0.45g/100g), threonine (0.68g/100g) and phenylalanine (0.31g/100g). Both cheese varieties contained glutamic and aspartic acid as the predominant non-essential amino acids (Ricotta: 3.91g/100g and 1.68g/100g versus Urda: 1.65g/100g and 0.80g/100g, respectively). Generally, from a nutritional point of view, the investigated whey cheeses could be considered as cheeses with low salt and fat content, as well as cheeses particularly abundant in branched chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine and valine). These results also emphasize their advantages as products that present a cost-effective way of dealing with whey as waste material

    GNN and transfer learning for prediction of formation enthalpy of metal hydrides

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    Prediction of metal hydride formation enthalpy is one of the key elements for a rapid screening and design of new hydrogen storage materials. In the last decades, DFT (density functional theory) approach showed good predictive potential for the ground state properties and calculation of hydride formation energies. Recently, graph neural network (GNN) implementations show promising results for fast and reliable prediction of formation energies for molecules and crystals. Here, we consider approach for universal machine learning based on a MatErials Graph Network (MEGNet) [1] that enable hydride formation energy prediction with a DFT accuracy. We demonstrate wide screening of potential dopants in Mg2FeH6 and Mg2NiH4. In addition, we study the potential of transfer learning for building the universal machine- learning model capable of addressing experimentally reported hydride formation enthalpies.Solid-State Science & Research ; 10-11th June 2021, Onlin

    Proizvodnja tvrdog kozjeg sira i sirutke od organskog kozjeg mlijeka

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    Technology of hard goat cheese and whey production from organic goat’s milk is very complex and must be harmonized with the methods and guidelines of organic production. The organic goat cheeses are declared as products of higher quality, with greater or added value, and to achieve this, all technological parameters of production must be controlled and adapted to the desired type of cheese. In this study chemical analyses of the composition of organic and conventional goat’s milk, cheese and whey were performed. Cheese fatty acids profile was determined by gas chromatograph (GC) with FID detector, while for detection of amino acids was used HPLC method with fluorescence detection. Data obtained in the study were analyzed using Statistica 9.0 software package and significant differences were determined using t-test. Based on the results, organic milk was statistically significantly higher in all components, except in ash and sodium (p<0.05, p<0.01). Contrary, cheeses (aged 4 days) did not show significant differences (p<0.05, p<0.01), except for dry matter and lactose. During ripening of organic cheese the contents of threonine, tyrosine, valine and isoleucine decreased, whereas methionine, phenylalanine and lysine, showed a tendency to increase. Saturated fatty acids were mainly represented with myristic, palmitic and stearic acids while oleic acid was dominant as unsaturated FA. Organic whey samples contained significantly more protein (1.43 % versus 0.52 %, p<0.05, p<0.01). The application of organic standards of manufacture and control of all technological parameters in the production of organic hard goat cheese and whey resulted in obtaining a high-quality products.Proizvodnja tvrdih kozjih sireva i sirutke iz organskog kozjeg mlijeka vrlo je kompleksna i mora biti usklađena s metodama i propisima organske proizvodnje. Organski tvrdi kozji sirevi deklariraju se kao proizvodi visoke kvalitete, s većom ili dodanom vrijednošću, a da bi se to postiglo svi tehnološki parametri proizvodnje moraju biti kontrolirani i prilagođeni tipu željenog sira. U ovom ispitivanju izvršene su kemijske analize sastava organskog i konvencionalnog kozjeg mlijeka, sira i sirutke. Profil masnih kiselina bio je određen plinskom kromatografijom s FID detektorom, dok je za identifikaciju aminokiselina korištena HPLC metoda s fluorescentnim detektorom. Podatci dobiveni u istraživanju bili su analizirani primjenom Statistica 9.0 paketa a signifikantne razlike određene su upotrebom t-testa. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata organsko mlijeko bilo je značajno bogatije svim sastojcima, osim u sadržaju pepela i natrija (p<0,05, p<0,01). Suprotno, sirevi (stari 4 dana) nisu pokazali statistički značajne razlike, s izuzetkom udjela suhe tvari i laktoze (p<0,05, p<0,01). Tijekom zrenja organskih sireva udjel treonina, tirozina, valina i izoleucina se smanjivao dok su metionin, fenilalanin i lizin pokazivali tendenciju porasta. U pogledu sadržaja zasićenih masnih kiselina u siru više su bile zastupljene miristinska, palmitinska i stearinska, dok je od nezasićenih masnih kiselina dominirala oleinska. Uzorci organske sirutke sadržavali su više proteina (1,43 % prema 0,52 %, p<0,05, p<0,01). Primjena organskih standarda proizvodnje i kontrola svih tehnoloških parametara u proizvodnji organskih tvrdih kozjih sireva i sirutke rezultirali su dobivanjem visoko kvalitetnih proizvoda

    Property Prediction Using Machine Learning – A Case Study of Metal Hydrides

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    Accurate prediction of reversible metal hydride formation enthalpy is one of the key requirements for a rapid design of new hydrogen storage and nickel-metal-hydride battery materials. In the last decades, DFT (density functional theory) approach showed good predictive potential for the ground state properties and accurate energies of hydride formation. However, calculating zero-point energy and temperature contributions in addition to 0K formation energy is computationally and time-consuming and therefore often avoided, hindering modelling of experimental behaviour. Recently reported approach for universal machine learning in materials science based on a MatErials Graph Network (MEGNet), an implementation of DeepMind's graph networks, demonstrated very low prediction errors in a broad array of properties in both molecules and crystals, enabling hydride formation energy prediction with a DFT accuracy. In our work, we consider applications of this approach to the wide screening of potential dopants in reversible metal hydride materials, as well as the potential of transfer learning for the universal machine-learning model capable of addressing all contributions to hydrogen formation behaviour. Prediction of the formation energies for the Mg and Ni containing intermetallic hydrides, as well as the influence of various dopants, provides guide to the contribution of chemical nature and local structure to the destabilization of these hydrides

    Enhanced activation of matrix metalloproteinase-9 correlates with the degree of papillary thyroid carcinoma infiltration

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    Aim To determine whether matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) may be a useful adjunctive tool for predicting unfavorable biological behavior of papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) by evaluating the expression profile and proteolytic activity of MMP-9 in PTC by different techniques and correlating the findings with clinicopathological prognostic factors. Methods Immunohistochemical localization of MMP-9 was analyzed with antibodies specific for either total or active MMP-9. Activation ratios of MMP-9 were calculated by quantifying gel zymography bands. Enzymatic activity of MMP-9 was localized by in situ zymography after inhibiting MMP-2 activity. Results Immunostaining of total and active MMP-9 was observed in tumor tissue and occasionally in non-neoplastic epithelium. Only active MMP-9 was significantly associated with extrathyroid invasion, lymph-node metastasis, and the degree of tumor infiltration (P < 0.001, P = 0.004, and P < 0.001, respectively). Gelatin zymography revealed a correlation between the MMP-9 activation ratio and nodal involvement, extrathyroid invasion, and the degree of tumor infiltration. In situ zymography showed that gelatinases exerted their activity in tumor parenchymal and stromal cells. Moreover, after application of MMP-2 inhibitor, the remaining gelatinase activity, corresponding to MMP-9, was highest in cancers with the most advanced degree of tumor infiltration. Conclusions This is the first report suggesting that the evaluation of active MMP-9 by immunohistochemistry and determination of its activation ratio by gelatin zymography may be a useful adjunct to the known clinicopathological factors in predicting tumor behavior. Most important, in situ zimography with an MMP-2 inhibitor for the first time demonstrated a strong impact of MMP-9 activity on the degree of tumor infiltration during PTC progression

    Consumer attitudes towards goat milk and goat milk products in Vojvodina

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    This study presents the results of a survey conducted in the Province of Vojvodina, Serbia to investigate consumers’ attitudes towards goat milk and goat milk products. Furthermore, the factors affecting consumer perception and subjective norms with respect to purchase were examined. The quantitative random survey was conducted and the data were collected using a structured questionnaire. The findings from this study revealed significantly lower acceptance of goat milk and dairy products compared to bovine milk and dairy products. Of total 440 respondents, 24.2 % had never consumed goat milk with significant positive impact (p<0.05) of age on consumption was found. Among, respondents, mostly the young population (18-25 years) does not consume goat milk. The study identified the odour (42.3 %) and taste (22.5 %) as the main barriers for consuming goat milk. In regard to purchasing, more than half of interviewed respondents do not buy goat milk and dairy products (67 % and 70.5 %, respectively) while the rest respondents expressed very low purchasing frequency. Health benefits represent the most important reason for potential consuming goat milk and dairy products (66.5 %). On the other hand, the main motives for purchasing bovine milk and dairy products are taste and quality (55.5 %). In particular, the oldest surveyed population (40-55 years) seemed to be the most positive group toward goat milk and the most interested in the product’s nutritional value and its health impact. The main category of goat dairy products purchased among surveyed respondents was cheese. These findings suggest that for better positioning on the market and for producing price-competitive products goat milk and dairy products should be more clarified as either quality products or products with added value or as products with unique health benefits

    Assessment of water buffalo milk and traditional milk products in a sustainable production system

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    Water bu alo (Bubalus bubalis) conservation in Serbia is under an in situ program, but additional e orts are needed to ensure the development of this animal’s genetic resources biodiversity. This research aims to describe challenges and possible strategies for sustainable water bu alo milk production. In this study, the physicochemical characteristics of bu alo milk and bu alo dairy products (cheese, butter, and kajmak) were determined. Furthermore, amino and fatty acids composition and the related health lipid indices (atherogenic and thrombogenic) were assessed. The findings support the fact that bu alo milk is a reliable source of high-quality nutrients (dry matter: 16.10%, fat: 6.02%, protein: 4.61%). Leucine, lysine, and valine content were found to be high in bu alo milk and cheese. A substantial quantity of non-essential glutamic and aspartic amino acids was observed in milk, as well as glutamic acid and tyrosine in cheese. It was established that milk protein of bu alo cheese had a favorable proportion of essential and non-essential amino acids (61.76%/38.24%). The results revealed significant di erences (p < 0.05) in fatty acid profiles among the three dairy products for saturated short-chain, n-3, and n-6 fatty acids. Conversely, no significant di erence (p < 0.05) was observed in monounsaturated fatty acids content. Kajmak showed the most favorable anti-atherogenic and anti-thrombogenic properties due to lower saturated and higher polyunsaturated fatty acid content. These results confirmed that bu alo milk could be successfully used in producing high-quality traditional dairy products with added value and beneficial characteristics from the aspect of a healthy diet. Furthermore, it could actively contribute to the promotion of sustainable production of bu aloes and strengthen the agricultural production of rural areas and their heritage