240 research outputs found
The content of antimicrobial proteins in children with respiratory tract inflammatory diseases
Background. Inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract are often associated with impaired synthesis of antimicrobial peptides, whose representatives are defensins and lactoferrin (LF). The purpose of the study was to establish the concentrations of antimicrobial peptides in the oropharyngeal secretion and plasma in children with inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. Materials and methods. The study group included 111 children aged 4 to 17 years from orphanages. Сontent of antimicrobial proteins of LF, α-defensins 1–3 (human neutrophil peptides (HNP) 1–3), secretory immunoglobulin A in the oropharyngeal secretion, HNP 1–3 in the blood plasma, of interleukin 6 (IL-6) and -10 in the blood serum in children was measured by immunoassay. Results. Analysis of anamnestic data in somatically healthy children from orphanages showed the presence of 4 to 6 episodes of acute respiratory infections throughout the year, the duration of which averaged 5.3 ± 0.4 days. According to the results of the study, the content of α-defensins 1–3 in the blood plasma of the children of the control group was 3583.3 ± 735.4 pg/ml, while in the group of children with recurrent bronchitis, the HNP 1–3 level was almost twice higher — 6576.7 ± 602.8 pg/ml, p 0.05). Against this background, we observed more than 3-fold increase in the level of anti-inflammatory IL-10, which is a product of type 2 helper cells, responsible for the formation of a humoral antigen-specific immune response, — 4.42 ± 1.00 pg/ml vs 1.41 ± 0.59 pg/ml, respectively (p < 0.05). Conclusions. It was found that sickly children had been characterized by the changes of mucosal protection, low content of α-defensins 1–3 in oropharyngeal secretions. The revealed changes indicated the stress of the local defense mechanisms. The investigation has revealed that overproduction of HNP 1–3 in children with recurrent bronchitis against the background of the disturbed balance between pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines could be one of the causes of recurrent forms of the respiratory tract infection.
Актуальність. Запальні захворювання дихальних шляхів часто пов’язані з порушенням синтезу антимікробних пептидів, представниками яких є дефензини та лактоферин (ЛФ). Метою дослідження було встановлення концентрації антимікробних пептидів в орофарингеальному секреті та плазмі кровi в дітей iз запальними захворюваннями дихальних шляхів. Матеріали та методи. Досліджувана групи включала 111 дітей віком від 4 до 17 років із дитячих будинків. Уміст антимікробних білків ЛФ, α-дефензинів 1–3 (людські нейтрофільні пептиди (ЛНП) 1–3), секреторного імуноглобуліну A в ротоглотковому секреті, ЛНП 1–3 у плазмі крові, інтерлейкіну-6 (IЛ-6) та -10 у дітей визначали з використанням методу імуноферментного аналізу. Результати. Аналіз анамнестичних даних у соматично здорових дітей із дитячих будинків показав наявність від 4 до 6 епізодів гострих респіраторних інфекцій протягом року, тривалість яких становила в середньому 5,3 ± 0,4 дня. За результатами дослідження, уміст α-дефензинів 1–3 у плазмі крові дітей контрольної групи становив 3583,3 ± 735,4 пг/мл, тоді як у групі дітей iз рецидивуючим бронхітом рівень ЛНП 1–3 був майже вдвічі вищим — 6576,7 ± 602,8 пг/мл,
р 0,05). На цьому тлі ми спостерігали збільшення більше ніж у 3 рази рівня протизапального ІЛ-10, що є продуктом клітин-помічників 2-го типу, якi відповідають за формування гуморальної антигенспецифічної імунної відповіді, — 4,42 ± 1,00 пг/мл проти 1,41 ± 0,59 пг/мл
відповідно (p < 0,05). Висновки. Встановлено, що для дітей, якi часто хворіють, характерні зміни показників мукозального захисту, низький вміст α-дефензинів 1–3 в ротоглотковому секреті, що свідчить про напруження механізмів місцевого захисту. У результаті дослідження виявлено, що гіперпродукція ЛНП 1–3 в дітей, хворих на рецидивуючий бронхіт, на тлі порушеної рівноваги між про- і протизапальними цитокінами може бути однією з причин виникнення рецидивуючих форм інфекційного процесу респіраторного тракту
Environmental Aspects of Treatment with Lactose-containing Biological Preparations in Organic Agriculture
The paper presents data from developing a technology for production of protectingstimulating lactose-containing biological preparations to be applied in growing small grain crops. The process diagram of the biological preparation production includes 7 stages: raw feed acceptance, quality evaluation; separation of fat and casein dust; production of plant extracts; fermentation of the plant extracts with whey; sterilization; bottling and packaging; storage and sales Studies of qualitative and quantitative indicators of the biological preparation have been completed and its photometric indicators have been studied to standardize the preparation. Influence of the biological preparation onto growth-stimulating activity of winter wheat seeds variety DON-85 was studied in the laboratory. Application of the protecting-stimulating biological preparation to wheat cultivation (var. DON-95) and agricultural applicability were studied in field studies conducted on the test plots of instructional and experimental farm of Stavropol State Agricultural University. Practical recommendations for use have been developed
The possibility of using total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis (TXRF) for the determination of some elements in natural water samples of different salt content was evaluated. The influence of different factors on TXRF results was investigated such as a surface density of dried water residue on the sample carrier, a sample dilution by bidistilled water and solution of Triton X-100, concentrations of minerals, and internal standard, repeated pipetting of sample. The data obtained by direct TXRF of natural water samples has been compared with data obtained by “wet” chemistry and ICP-MS. The results of the determining some elements in tap water before and after filtration using different domestic filters are presented. Key words: Total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis, TXRF, natural waters.(Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2013.17.1.002 G.V. Pashkova, A.G. Revenko Institute of the Earth’s Crust, SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russian FederationОценена возможность использования рентгенофлуоресцентного анализа с полным внешним отражением (РФА ПВО) для определения ряда элементов в природных водах разной степени минерализации. Изучено влияние различных факторов на результаты РФА ПВО: поверхностной плотности сухого остатка воды на подложке, степени разбавления проб бидистиллированной водой и раствором поверхностно-активного вещества Triton X-100, концентрации макроэлементов, концентрации внутреннего стандарта, многократного накапывания. Для ряда проб результаты РФА ПВО сопоставлены с результатами, полученными методами «мокрой» химии и ИСП-МС. Представлены результаты определения ряда элементов в водопроводной воде до и после фильтрования с использованием разных бытовых фильтров.Ключевые слова: рентгенофлуоресцентный анализ с полным внешним отражением, РФА ПВО, TXRF, природные воды.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2013.17.1.00
Purpose. The article focuses on the study of film titles that we consider an integral part of cinema text from the point of view of its special sign nature. A film title gives the key to the subject matter of the film story line. The translator faces a number of challenges as it is essential to capture the semantic multidimensionality of the original title in order to transmit accurately the same vision, sense and tonality embodied in the original title.
Methodology. The study is done in the light of the synergetic approach to film translation that emphasizes the dominant role of the image-sense and its influences on translation solutions. The polysemiotic nature of a film text should be taken into account while dealing with film title translations.
Results. The image-sense is an integral unity that can be cognized only in the context of the whole as the essence of semiosis, unity of individual and general, creating an authentic image in a viewer’s mind. Image-sense is characterized by unpredictability and ambiguity that can be eliminated due to video image and the interaction of some semiotic systems in creating an integral entity. The research materials are film dialogues of Korean and American feature films
In the literature review the advances are discussed achieved in the application of total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (TXRF) to study the elemental compositions of different types of water. The special features of the main stages of analysis are described. Particular attention is given to the equipment, sample preparation procedure and error sources in TXRF of waters with various compositions. The examples of matrix effects and spectral interferences in TXRF and metrological characteristics of techniques are presented.Key words: Total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis, TXRF, water.(Russian)DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2013.17.2.001G.V. Pashkova, A.G. Revenko Institute of the Earth’s Crust, SB RAS, Irkutsk, RussiaВ литературном обзоре рассмотрен прогресс, достигнутый в области применения рентгенофлуоресцентного анализа с полным внешним отражением (РФА ПВО) для исследования элементного состава разных типов вод. Показаны особенности основных этапов анализа. Особое внимание уделено аппаратуре, процедуре подготовки проб и источникам погрешностей при РФА ПВО вод разного состава. Приведены примеры матричных эффектов и спектральных наложений элементов при РФА ПВО, а также метрологические характеристики методик.Ключевые слова: рентгенофлуоресцентный анализ с полным внешним отражением, РФА ПВО, TXRF, водаDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2013.17.2.00
Formation of Verbal Forms of Imperative in the Livvik and Lyudik Dialects of Karelian Language
The question of the formation of imperative forms in the dialects of the Karelian language is considered. Attention is paid to two dialects: Livvik and Lyudik. The results of a comparative analysis of affirmative and negative forms of the imperative in the mentioned adverbs are presented. Particular attention is paid to the indicators of the imperative, their origin, features of use in a comparative aspect. The novelty of research is that at present the literary form of the Lyudik dialect of the Karelian language is still not fully formed, and today the Lyudik dialect is poorly represented in the educational space: systematic and systematic teaching due to the influence of objective and subjective factors is not conducted. It is noted that the Livvik dialect, on the contrary, is actively taught in educational institutions of the Republic of Karelia, the grammatical structure of this dialect is quite well studied and tested in the educational process. Based on the fact that the Livvik and Lyudik dialects are most closely related to each other, the material analyzed can also be used in the preparation of textbooks, which are urgently needed by people of the Lyudik dialect
Unlike conventional X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, the total-reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry is not a widespread and routine method for analyzing solid samples with mineral matrix, but it has a great potential for geochemical, geological, and archaeological studies. Rapid multi-elemental analysis of very small sample amounts can be performed by the internal standard method which does not require the matrix-matched reference materials. This is an undoubted advantage of the TXRF method over the conventional X-ray fluorescence method, especially if there is a limited available sample amount and a lack of well-characterized reference materials. This paper presents our experience with the application of TXRF spectrometry in the elemental analysis of apatite, ceramics, sediments, ores, and nodules. Special attention has been paid to the sample preparation procedure because it is one of the main sources of errors in the analysis. Preparing thin homogeneous specimen from the solid sample with a complex mineral matrix is not easy. Sample preparation strategy should be chosen considering the features of an analytical object, the content of the elements to be determined, and the accuracy required for a reliable interpretation. Consideration is being given to the examples of the preparation of a suspension for rapid analysis of ores and sediments, and to the original techniques of chemical decomposition for apatite and ceramics
The article is devoted to review of the problem of studying traces of metallizing in a smoothbore firearm bore when firing various types of kinetic projectiles. The features of the mechanism of formation of lead traces in a bore as well as conditions contributing to lead plating are considered. The main cases of detecting traces of lead on bore surface in the course of corresponding multidisciplinary forensic ballistic and chemistry analysis are considered. The main methods for detecting traces of lead in the bore of the studied sample of weapon are described, as well as signs on the basis of which it is possible to establish the type of projectile that was fired in cases when a bore has not been thoroughly cleaned. In the course of the survey on the study of traces of metallization, it was found that the contact-diffusion method is suitable only for qualitative analysis of lead traces, it can be used to determine only the presence of lead and visualize the degree of concentration of the studied metal in the contact zone based on the intensity of color display of chemical reaction. To establish quantitative indicators of the chemical elements that make up the traces of metallization, this method is unpromising. Particular attention is paid to the study of traces of metallization in a bore of traumatic guns. The possible problematic aspects of this kind of research are indicated. It is obvious that research in this direction requires the introduction into practice of more advanced equipment and new approaches aimed at identifying individualizing signs of the nature of traces origin.Статтю присвячено огляду проблематики досліджень слідів металізації в каналах стволів гладкоствольної вогнепальної зброї у процесі стрільби різними видами кінетичних снарядів. Розглянуто особливості механізму утворення слідів свинцю в каналі ствола, а також умови, через які спричиняється свинцювання. Досліджено основні випадки виявлення слідів свинцю на стінках каналу стволів гладкоствольної зброї під час проведення відповідних комплексних балістичних і хімічних досліджень. Описано основні методи виявлення слідів свинцю в каналі ствола досліджуваного зразка зброї, а також ознаки, що дають змогу визначити вид снаряда, яким було здійснено постріл. Визначено обмеженість застосування контактно-дифузного методу під час проведення якісного аналізу слідів металізації та його безперспективність для проведення кількісного аналізу складових компонентів нашарувань
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