264 research outputs found

    Remote Contextual Bandits

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    We consider a remote contextual multi-armed bandit (CMAB) problem, in which the decision-maker observes the context and the reward, but must communicate the actions to be taken by the agents over a rate-limited communication channel. This can model, for example, a personalized ad placement application, where the content owner observes the individual visitors to its website, and hence has the context information, but must convey the ads that must be shown to each visitor to a separate entity that manages the marketing content. In this remote CMAB (R-CMAB) problem, the constraint on the communication rate between the decision-maker and the agents imposes a trade-off between the number of bits sent per agent and the acquired average reward. We are particularly interested in characterizing the rate required to achieve sub-linear regret. Consequently, this can be considered as a policy compression problem, where the distortion metric is induced by the learning objectives. We first study the fundamental information theoretic limits of this problem by letting the number of agents go to infinity, and study the regret achieved when Thompson sampling strategy is adopted. In particular, we identify two distinct rate regions resulting in linear and sub-linear regret behavior, respectively. Then, we provide upper bounds for the achievable regret when the decision-maker can reliably transmit the policy without distortion

    Remote contextual bandits

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    We consider a remote contextual multi-armed bandit (CMAB) problem, in which the decision-maker observes the context and the reward, but must communicate the actions to be taken by the agents over a rate-limited communication channel. This can model, for example, a personalized ad placement application, where the content owner observes the individual visitors to its website, and hence has the context information, but must convey the ads that must be shown to each visitor to a separate entity that manages the marketing content. In this remote CMAB (R-CMAB) problem, the constraint on the communication rate between the decision-maker and the agents imposes a trade-off between the number of bits sent per agent and the acquired average reward. We are particularly interested in characterizing the rate required to achieve sub-linear regret. Consequently, this can be considered as a policy compression problem, where the distortion metric is induced by the learning objectives. We first study the fundamental information theoretic limits of this problem by letting the number of agents go to infinity, and study the regret achieved when Thompson sampling strategy is adopted. In particular, we identify two distinct rate regions resulting in linear and sub-linear regret behavior, respectively. Then, we provide upper bounds for the achievable regret when the decision-maker can reliably transmit the policy without distortion

    Legal Study of Users of Prostitution Services Online According to Indonesian Legislation

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    The internet is no longer just a necessity, but has also become a way of life for the people. The internet does not only have a positive side, such as Email, Facebook, E-Learning, E-Banking and E-Government, cyberspace also has a negative impact with the development of cybercrime, including in the field of decency, such as cyberporn, cyber prostitution, online sex and cybersex. Prostitution not only has an impact on those who do it, namely the behavior and service users, but also has an impact on the wider community. The purpose of this research is to find out the legal arrangements and legal studies on users of online prostitution services according to statutory regulations. The research method used in this research is normative research with a statutory approach and so on. Furthermore, the results of research and discussion, namely regulation and legal review are positive laws that regulate online prostitution, namely the Criminal Code, Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions and Law Number 44 of 2008 concerning Pornography. The punishment regulated in the above law explains only the punishment for service providers. The law does not regulate criminal provisions for service users in online prostitution crimes

    Pemetaan Politik Etnik Masyarakat Aceh Tenggara Desa Pulonas Kecamatan Babussalam

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    Politik Etnik merupakan pemanfaatan manusia secara politis dengan mengutamakan satu kelompok karena persamaan pola yang termaksud ras, etnis, gender dan agama. Politik seperti ini selalu di gunakan di masa lalu. Sebagai contoh Adolf Hitler yang meyakini orang Jerman bahwa sumber krisis ekonomi dan kekalahan perang dunia ialah karena pengaruh orang Yahudi. politik identitas hanya sekedar dijadikan alat menipulasi politik untuk menggalang suara guna memenuhi ambisi politik dan ekonomi. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini ialah guna mengetahui pemetaan politik etnik mayarakat Aceh Tenggara serta mengetahui dampak yang di timbulkan dari politik etnik tersebut. Jenis penelitian yang di gunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah Kualitatif. Penelitian yang di lakukan dengan cara observasi lapangan, wawancara dan pembagian angket, kuesioner, dokumentasi, serta data-data tertulis yang berkenaan dengan penelitian ini. Dampak yang di timbulkan dari politik etnik tersebut cenderung ke arah negatif dikarenakan seringkali dari suku-suku lokal (terkhusus suku Alas) menganggap bahwa hanya mereka lah pewaris sah dan suku-suku lainnya tidak memiliki hak berpolitik yang sama dengan mereka, padahal harusnya masyarakat Aceh Tenggara terkhususnya suku Alas lebih terbuka atas suku apapun yang ingin ikut serta dalam kontelasi perpolitikan Aceh Tenggara

    Sparse random networks for communication-efficient federated learning

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    One main challenge in federated learning is the large communication cost of ex-changing weight updates from clients to the server at each round. While prior work has made great progress in compressing the weight updates through gradient compression methods, we propose a radically different approach that does not update the weights at all. Instead, our method freezes the weights at their initial random values and learns how to sparsify the random network for the best performance. To this end, the clients collaborate in training a stochastic binary mask to find the optimal sparse random network within the original one. At the end of the training, the final model is a sparse network with random weights – or a sub-network inside the dense random network. We show improvements in accuracy, communication (less than 1 bit per parameter (bpp)), convergence speed, and final model size (less than 1 bpp) over relevant baselines on MNIST, EMNIST, CIFAR- 10, and CIFAR-100 datasets, in the low bitrate regime

    Implementation of Regional Regulation No. 8/2017 on Investment in Increasing Regional Investment in Bengkulu Province

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    This thesis research aims to examine and analyze the implementation of PERDA Number 8 of 2017 concerning Investment in Increasing Regional Investment in Bengkulu Province and to examine and analyze what efforts can be made in optimizing PERDA Number 8 of 2017 concerning Investment in Increasing Regional Investment in Bengkulu Province. The method used is empirical and the results of this study indicate that the implementation of PERDA Number 8 of 2017 concerning Investment in increasing regional investment in Bengkulu Province has not gone well, this is due to several factors including: a. There are still unclear arrangements in PERDA Number 8 of 2017 concerning Investment and there are still several articles that overlap; b. Not yet supported by arrangements that should be outlined by the relevant Pergub; c. Convoluted and unclear flow and changes in rules that can hinder processing and extend investment licensing time; d. Not many human resources who have not mastered the evaluation of investment licensing; e. There is a lack of understanding of the evaluation of investment licensing. There are not many human resources who have not mastered the evaluation and licensing process, especially in the field of mining and transportation of mining products. The efforts made by the government in optimizing PERDA Number 8 of 2017 concerning Investment in increasing regional investment in Bengkulu Province have not run optimally and optimally, this is due to two factors including: internal factors and external factors

    Complementary medicine, exercise, meditation, diet, and lifestyle modification for anxiety disorders : a review of current evidence

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    Use of complementary medicines and therapies (CAM) and modification of lifestyle factors such as physical activity and exercise, and diet are being increasingly considered as potential therapeutic options for anxiety disorders. The objective of this metareview was to examine evidence across a broad range of CAM and lifestyle interventions in the treatment of anxiety disorders. In early 2012 we conducted a literature search of PubMed, Scopus, CINAHL, Web of Science, PsycInfo, and the Cochrane Library, for key studies, systematic reviews, and metaanalyses in the area. Our review found that in respect to treatment of generalized anxiety or specific anxiety disorders, CAM evidence revealed support for the herbal medicine Kava. One isolated study shows benefit for naturopathic medicine, whereas acupuncture, yoga, and Tai chi have tentative supportive evidence, which is hampered by overall poor methodology. The breadth of evidence does not support homeopathy for treating anxiety. Strong support exists for lifestyle modifications including adoption of moderate exercise and mindfulness meditation, whereas dietary improvement, avoidance of caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine offer encouraging preliminary data. In conclusion, certain lifestyle modifications and some CAMs may provide a beneficial role in the management of anxiety disorders

    Complementary medicine, exercise, meditation, diet, and lifestyle modification for anxiety disorders : a review of current evidence

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    Use of complementary medicines and therapies (CAM) and modification of lifestyle factors such as physical activity and exercise, and diet are being increasingly considered as potential therapeutic options for anxiety disorders. The objective of this metareview was to examine evidence across a broad range of CAM and lifestyle interventions in the treatment of anxiety disorders. In early 2012 we conducted a literature search of PubMed, Scopus, CINAHL, Web of Science, PsycInfo, and the Cochrane Library, for key studies, systematic reviews, and metaanalyses in the area. Our review found that in respect to treatment of generalized anxiety or specific anxiety disorders, CAM evidence revealed support for the herbal medicine Kava. One isolated study shows benefit for naturopathic medicine, whereas acupuncture, yoga, and Tai chi have tentative supportive evidence, which is hampered by overall poor methodology. The breadth of evidence does not support homeopathy for treating anxiety. Strong support exists for lifestyle modifications including adoption of moderate exercise and mindfulness meditation, whereas dietary improvement, avoidance of caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine offer encouraging preliminary data. In conclusion, certain lifestyle modifications and some CAMs may provide a beneficial role in the management of anxiety disorders

    Complementary Medicine, Exercise, Meditation, Diet, and Lifestyle Modification for Anxiety Disorders: A Review of Current Evidence

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    Use of complementary medicines and therapies (CAM) and modification of lifestyle factors such as physical activity, exercise, and diet are being increasingly considered as potential therapeutic options for anxiety disorders. The objective of this metareview was to examine evidence across a broad range of CAM and lifestyle interventions in the treatment of anxiety disorders. In early 2012 we conducted a literature search of PubMed, Scopus, CINAHL, Web of Science, PsycInfo, and the Cochrane Library, for key studies, systematic reviews, and metaanalyses in the area. Our paper found that in respect to treatment of generalized anxiety or specific disorders, CAM evidence revealed current support for the herbal medicine Kava. One isolated study shows benefit for naturopathic medicine, whereas acupuncture, yoga, and Tai chi have tentative supportive evidence, which is hampered by overall poor methodology. The breadth of evidence does not support homeopathy for treating anxiety. Strong support exists for lifestyle modifications including adoption of moderate exercise and mindfulness meditation, whereas dietary improvement, avoidance of caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine offer encouraging preliminary data. In conclusion, certain lifestyle modifications and some CAMs may provide a beneficial role in the treatment of anxiety disorders