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    The aim of this paper is to analyse socio-economic inequalities in the European Union and their influence on health care. The empirical analysis is based mainly on data from the European Community Household Panel which contains data homogeneous across European Union countries and make comparisons possible. In addition, the functional form of the relationship between income and health, considering the impact of socioeconomic status among individuals whose medical needs are similar, is studied.


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    In this paper, the effects of socioeconomic characteristics (gender, age, education level, marital status, income, occupational and health status, household size and social relationships) on individuals´ health status in Spain from 1994 to 2001 are analysed. The estimations are carried out using ordered probit models and new data from the whole waves of the European Community Household Panel (ECHP) have been used. The results indicate that personal characteristics, education level, income as well as health status and social relationships have strong influence on self-assessed health.

    Obesity and socio-economic inequalities in spain: evidence from the ECHP

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    This paper explores the relationship between obesity, measured by the Body Mass Index (BMI), and socio-demographic characteristics in Spain. Empirical work is based on data from the European Community Household Panel (ECHP). The results obtained through probit models show that factors such as age, education, marital status, health status and some economic data are relevant in explaining whether an individual is obese or not.ECHP.

    Viatge a Etobon: el silenci continua

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    La tragèdia de cal Pere Llarg, una novel.la quasi oblidada

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    Arquitectura como dialogía entre las artes. Pieza de danza como pieza museística interactiva: “Work/Travail/Arbeid” ATDK

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    Ponència presentada a: Session 4: Etnografías, fenomenología, fenomenología social y dialogía social / Ethnographies in the studios, phenomenology, social dialog

    La «bolsa común» en las parejas : algunos significados y algunas trampas

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    Se plantea la enorme plasticidad de la idea de dinero en común o «bolsa común» en las parejas a partir del análisis del dinero doméstico, su propiedad, gestión y uso. Se seleccionan tres casos que se analizan como tipos ideales, en los que se comprueban las tensiones entre los marcos normativos considerados: el tradicional del varón proveedor, el comunitarista y el de la individualización propia de la segunda modernidad. Las conclusiones que nos permite este análisis son tanto de tipo metodológico como de resultados empíricos. Desde la metodología, se defiende el análisis de las relaciones de pareja a partir del estudio de caso. Los resultados empíricos se mantienen en la línea de las investigaciones en este campo: cierto refuerzo de la teoría de los recursos (el que ingresa el dinero está legitimado para ejercer mayor poder), que hay que matizar con la ideología de género y las «trampas» que comportan algunas decisiones vitales.Thru the domestic money analysis (its property, management and use) the enormous versatility of the idea of pooled money or the common purse of couples is considered. We select three cases, analyzed as ideal types, where is showed tensions between different normative patterns: the traditional breadwinner ideal, the communitarian one and the individualization related with the second modernity. The conclusions derived from this analysis are both of a methodological and an empirical kind. As for the methodology, we defend an analysis of the relations of couples on the basis of case studies, affirming that the keys of the analysis are provided by the biographical history, not only with respect to the past, but in certain cases also as to the future. The empirical results remain in line with the investigations in this field: reinforcement of resource theory (the one who brings the money in has legitimacy to exercise more power), which should be completed with elements of gender ideology and the «traps» that some crucial decisions entail

    Income Inequality Rankings for Different Equivalence Scales and Population Health

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    This paper is divided in two parts. The first one is dedicated to analyse the inequality of the income distribution in Spain during the convergence process to the European Monetary Union. To carry out this task, we propose two robust models based on the quantile functions. Specifically, we use the Gamma and Beta quantile functions. The income inequality in Spain and the sensitivity of the results for different equivalence scales are analysed using the data corresponding to the first five waves (1994-1998) of the European Community Household Panel (ECHP). This survey contains data on individuals and households and the information is homogeneous across European countries. The second part of the paper is dedicated to study the correlation between income inequality and one of the most important health indicators such as life expectancy. We will try to add new perspectives to conventional studies of health inequalities. With this aim we will focus on relations between socio-economic factors and health of the individuals. In conclusion, this analysis seems to confirm the results obtained in previous researches. Income distribution has significant effects on health indicators. Although we can not confirm that the social capital is highly related with health, at least it is an important factor which helps to explain it. Key words: Inequality, social capital, health, European Community Household Panel
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