8 research outputs found

    L’apprendimento della letto-scrittura e i fattori di rischio: un progetto sulla consapevolezza degli insegnanti

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    Reports of suspected Learning Disorders are significantly increased even when it comes to problems that must be addressed with specific teaching actions. To meet that need, born the pilot project for research-training, financed by the Umbria Region, and that involves the Regional Scholastic Office and the local health authorities of Perugia and Terni, is meant to accompany a championof teachers of the first classes of primary school in the acquisition of a more refined professional skill with respect to the reading and writing, and early identification of risk factors.Research has highlighted the importance of building a methodology and teaching based on observation and documentation. These tools are able to tell the story of every child learns to read and write, in an open setting to learning social perspective and respectful of the times of each. The pilot project will be extended this year to other teachers of other educational institutions andtrained teachers will become, in turn, co-trainers of colleagues in their own educational institution.Reports of suspected Learning Disorders are significantly increased even when it comes to problems that must be addressed with specific teaching actions. To meet that need, born the pilot project for research-training, financed by the Umbria Region, and that involves the Regional Scholastic Office and the local health authorities of Perugia and Terni, is meant to accompany a championof teachers of the first classes of primary school in the acquisition of a more refined professional skill with respect to the reading and writing, and early identification of risk factors.Research has highlighted the importance of building a methodology and teaching based on observation and documentation. These tools are able to tell the story of every child learns to read and write, in an open setting to learning social perspective and respectful of the times of each. The pilot project will be extended this year to other teachers of other educational institutions andtrained teachers will become, in turn, co-trainers of colleagues in their own educational institution

    Antropologia culturale e didattica dei saperi disciplinari: un’esperienza laboratoriale

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    This article presents some experimental results of two didactic experiences that were conducted in the University of Perugia in the year 2014/2015: an experience has involved university teachers, tutor of trainees, tutors, school leaders, on a path of training conjunct in which we have been adopted strategies to promote participation and comparison, using as a source of learning the trainees' writing ('board diaries') and others materials. The experience was elaborated on starting with cultural anthropology, whose teaching is imparted into the course of study. Many groups of teachers have drawn to the anthropological approach for the critical reflections on Western thought in order to open it to the understanding of diversity; the anthropological approach has the liminal vocation , that puts it for its own tradition at border with other approaches, capable of dialogue with the various disciplinary knowledgeIn questo articolo vengono presentati e discussi alcuni risultati relativi alla sperimentazione di due esperienze di didattica Nell’Ateneo di Perugia è stata condotta, nell’a.a. 2014/2015 un’esperienza che ha coinvolto docenti universitari, tutor dei tirocinanti, tutor universitari, dirigenti scolastici, in un percorso di formazione congiunto in cui sono state adottate strategie volte a promuovere la partecipazione e il confronto, utilizzando come fonte di apprendimento scritti dei tirocinanti (‘diari di bordo’) e altri materiali. L’esperienza è stata elaborata a partire dall’antropologia culturale, il cui insegnamento è impartito a Perugia fin dalla costituzione del corso di studio. Da tempo vari gruppi di insegnanti hanno attinto all’approccio antropologico per le riflessioni critiche prodotte sul pensiero occidentale al fine di aprirlo alla comprensione della diversità, oltre che per la sua vocazione liminare, che collocandosi per propria tradizione al confine con altri approcci, dialoga -a seconda del tema/problema esaminato- con i vari saperi. E soprattutto perché risulta utile alla ricerca didattica in quanto può chiarire leimplicazioni formative e il valore d’uso delle categorie disciplinari in rapporto alla cultura degli alunni, in modo da costruire apprendimenti significativi

    Molecular characterization and expression of a divergent α-tubulin in planarian <i>Schmidtea polychroa</i>

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    We report the cloning and sequencing of a cDNA from planarian Schmidtea polychroa (Platyhelminthes, Turbellaria, Tricladida) encoding for an unusual tubulin isoform (SpTub-1) which is specifically expressed in testis. Sequence comparison of SpTub-1 with other known tubulins reveals that it has the highest homology with &#x3b1;-tubulins, even though the analysis of the molecular features shows that this isoform is significantly divergent. Hybridization of SpTub-1 to restriction-digested genomic DNA to Southern blotting produced a multiple banding pattern indicating that in planarian, a tubulin multigene family exists. Using in situ hybridization, we showed that the transcript is specifically detectable in planarian testis, suggesting that it may play a role in spermatogenesis

    The Pathogen of Frogs Amphibiocystidium ranae Is a Member of the Order Dermocystida in the Class Mesomycetozoea

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    The pathogen of frogs Amphibiocystidium ranae was recently described as a new genus. Due to its spherical shape, containing hundred of endospores, it was thought to be closely related to the pathogens of fish, mammals, and birds known as Dermocystidium spp., Rhinosporidium seeberi, and Sphaerothecum destruens in the Mesomycetozoea, but further studies were not conducted to confirm this relationship. To investigate its phylogenetic affinities, total genomic DNA was extracted from samples collected from infected frogs containing multiple cysts (sporangia) and endospores. The universal primers NS1 and NS8, used to amplify the 18S small-subunit rRNA by PCR, yielded ≈1,770-bp amplicons. Sequencing and basic local alignment search tool analyses indicated that the 18S small-subunit rRNA of A. ranae from both Rana esculenta and Rana lessonae was closely related to all of the above organisms. Our phylogenetic analysis placed this pathogen of frogs as the sister group to the genus Dermocystidium and closely related to Rhinosporidium. These data strongly supported the placement of the genus Amphibiocystidium within the mesomycetozoeans, which is in agreement with the phenotypic features that A. ranae shares with the other members of this class. Interestingly, during this study Dermocystidium percae did not group within the Dermocystidium spp. from fish; rather, it was found to be the sister group to Sphaerothecum destruens. This finding suggests that D. percae could well be a member of the genus Sphaerothecum or perhaps represents a new genus

    Italian study on buckwheat allergy: prevalence and clinical features of buckwheat-sensitized patients in Italy.

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    Buckwheat allergy is considered a rare food allergy outside of Asia. In Europe, buckwheat has been described mainly as a hidden allergen. Data on the prevalence of buckwheat hypersensitivity in non-Asian countries is very poor. The aim of this multicenter study was to evaluate the prevalence of buckwheat sensitization and its association with other sensitizations among patients referred to allergy clinics in different geographic areas of Italy. All patients referred to 18 Italian allergy clinics from February through April 2011 were included in the study and evaluated for sensitization to buckwheat and other allergens depending on their clinical history. A total of 1,954 patients were included in the study and 61.3% of them were atopic. Mean prevalence of buckwheat sensitization was 3.6% with significant difference between Northern (4.5%), Central (2.2%) and Southern (2.8%) regions. This is, to our knowledge, the largest epidemiological survey on buckwheat allergy reported outside of Asia. Buckwheat is an emerging allergen in Italy, being more frequently associated to sensitization in Northern regions