137 research outputs found

    Fast reoptimization for the minimum spanning tree problem

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    AbstractWe study reoptimization versions of the minimum spanning tree problem. The reoptimization setting can generally be formulated as follows: given an instance of the problem for which we already know some optimal solution, and given some “small” perturbations on this instance, is it possible to compute a new (optimal or at least near-optimal) solution for the modified instance without ex nihilo computation? We focus on two kinds of modifications: node-insertions and node-deletions. When k new nodes are inserted together with their incident edges, we mainly propose a fast strategy with complexity O(kn) which provides a max{2,3−(2/(k−1))}-approximation ratio, in complete metric graphs and another one that is optimal with complexity O(nlogn). On the other hand, when k nodes are deleted, we devise a strategy which in O(n) achieves approximation ratio bounded above by 2⌈|Lmax|/2⌉ in complete metric graphs, where Lmax is the longest deleted path and |Lmax| is the number of its edges. For any of the approximation strategies, we also provide lower bounds on their approximation ratios

    Parameterized (in)approximability of subset problems

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    We discuss approximability and inapproximability in FPT-time for a large class of subset problems where a feasible solution SS is a subset of the input data and the value of SS is S|S|. The class handled encompasses many well-known graph, set, or satisfiability problems such as Dominating Set, Vertex Cover, Set Cover, Independent Set, Feedback Vertex Set, etc. In a first time, we introduce the notion of intersective approximability that generalizes the one of safe approximability and show strong parameterized inapproximability results for many of the subset problems handled. Then, we study approximability of these problems with respect to the dual parameter nkn-k where nn is the size of the instance and kk the standard parameter. More precisely, we show that under such a parameterization, many of these problems, while W[\cdot]-hard, admit parameterized approximation schemata.Comment: 7 page

    An overview on polynomial approximation of NP-hard problems

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    The fact that polynomial time algorithm is very unlikely to be devised for an optimal solving of the NP-hard problems strongly motivates both the researchers and the practitioners to try to solve such problems heuristically, by making a trade-off between computational time and solution's quality. In other words, heuristic computation consists of trying to find not the best solution but one solution which is 'close to' the optimal one in reasonable time. Among the classes of heuristic methods for NP-hard problems, the polynomial approximation algorithms aim at solving a given NP-hard problem in poly-nomial time by computing feasible solutions that are, under some predefined criterion, as near to the optimal ones as possible. The polynomial approximation theory deals with the study of such algorithms. This survey first presents and analyzes time approximation algorithms for some classical examples of NP-hard problems. Secondly, it shows how classical notions and tools of complexity theory, such as polynomial reductions, can be matched with polynomial approximation in order to devise structural results for NP-hard optimization problems. Finally, it presents a quick description of what is commonly called inapproximability results. Such results provide limits on the approximability of the problems tackled

    Probabilistic optimization in graph-problems

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    We study a probabilistic optimization model for graph-problems under vertex-uncertainty. We assume that any vertex vi of the input-graph G(V,E) has only a probability pi to be present in the final graph to be optimized (i.e., the final instance for the problem tackled will be only a sub-graph of the initial graph). Under this model, the original "deterministic" problem gives rise to a new (deterministic) problem on the same input-graph G, having the same set of feasible solutions as the former one, but its objective function can be very different from the original one, the set of its optimal solutions too. Moreover, this objective function is a sum of 2|V| terms; hence, its computation is not immediately polynomial. We give sufficient conditions for large classes of graph-problems under which objective functions of the probabilistic counterparts are polynomially computable and optimal solutions are well-characterized. Finally, we apply these general results to natural and well-known combinatorial problems that belong to the classes considered

    The Maximum Duo-Preservation String Mapping Problem with Bounded Alphabet

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    Given two strings A and B such that B is a permutation of A, the max duo-preservation string mapping (MPSM) problem asks to find a mapping ? between them so as to preserve a maximum number of duos. A duo is any pair of consecutive characters in a string and it is preserved by ? if its two consecutive characters in A are mapped to same two consecutive characters in B. This problem has received a growing attention in recent years, partly as an alternative way to produce approximation algorithms for its minimization counterpart, min common string partition, a widely studied problem due its applications in comparative genomics. Considering this favored field of application with short alphabet, it is surprising that MPSM^?, the variant of MPSM with bounded alphabet, has received so little attention, with a single yet impressive work that provides a 2.67-approximation achieved in O(n) [Brubach, 2018], where n = |A| = |B|. Our work focuses on MPSM^?, and our main contribution is the demonstration that this problem admits a Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme (PTAS) when ? = O(1). We also provide an alternate, somewhat simpler, proof of NP-hardness for this problem compared with the NP-hardness proof presented in [Haitao Jiang et al., 2012]

    On-line vertex-covering

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    AbstractWe study the minimum vertex-covering problem under two on-line models corresponding to two different ways vertices are revealed. The former one implies that the input-graph is revealed vertex-by-vertex. The second model implies that the input-graph is revealed per clusters, i.e. per induced subgraphs of the final graph. Under the cluster-model, we then relax the constraint that the choice of the part of the final solution dealing with each cluster has to be irrevocable, by allowing backtracking. We assume that one can change decisions upon a vertex membership of the final solution, this change implying, however, some cost depending on the number of the vertices changed