6 research outputs found

    Calidad de vida de sobrevivientes de sepsis grave después del alta hospitalar

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    AIMS: to evaluate the quality of life in severe sepsis survivors, using specific QoL questionnaires: the EuroQol-5 Dimensions and the Visual Analogue Scale (EQ-VAS). METHOD: This case-control study was performed in patients discharged from a teaching hospital after being admitted to the ICU with severe sepsis. Medical records from 349 patients were retrieved from the hospital sepsis registry. Each patient with sepsis was considered as a case. Patients who were admitted immediately after the sepsis episode were considered as controls, provided that they did not have sepsis and survived the ICU admission. This specific study population included 100 patients. RESULTS: The sepsis group showed higher mortality at 1 year compared with critically ill patients. However, the control group showed no sepsis. Older patients (>;60 years) in the sepsis group had a significantly higher prevalence of problems. There were no differences in EQ-VAS between respondents from both groups. CONCLUSIONS: After discharge from ICU, sepsis survivors of sepsis had a higher mortality rate than critically ill patients without sepsis. Older patients with sepsis had more moderate and severe problems in all five quality of life dimensions evaluated.OBJETIVO: Evaluación de la calidad de vida de los sobrevivientes de sepsis grave con los instrumentos EuroQol-5D y la Escala Analógica Visual (EQ-VAS). MÉTODO: Estudio caso-control anidado en pacientes que recibieron alta de la unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI) de un hospital de enseñanza después de la admisión con sepsis grave. La selección fue realizada a partir del registro de sepsis conteniendo 349 pacientes y cada paciente con sepsis fue considerado como un caso y el que fue hospitalizado inmediatamente después fue seleccionado como control, desde que no tuviera sepsis y hubiera sobrevivido a la hospitalización en la UCI y la sepsis, totalizando 100 sujetos. RESULTADOS: El grupo de sepsis mostró una mayor mortalidad a 1 año comparado con los pacientes en estado crítico pero sin sepsis en el grupo control. Los pacientes ancianos (>;60 años) con sepsis tuvieron una prevalencia significativamente mayor de problemas. No hubo diferencias en EQ-VAS entre los entrevistados de ambos grupos. CONCLUSIONES: Después del alta de la UCI, los pacientes que sobrevivieron a la sepsis tuvieron una tasa de mortalidad más alta que los pacientes sin enfermedad crítica. Pacientes ancianos con sepsis tuvieron problemas moderados y graves en todas las cinco dimensiones de calidad de vida evaluadas.OBJETIVOS: avaliar a qualidade de vida em sobreviventes de sepse grave, utilizando os instrumentos EuroQol-5 Dimensions e Escala Analógica Visual. MÉTODO: caso controle aninhado, realizado em pacientes que receberam alta da unidade de terapia intensiva de um hospital de ensino, após admissão com sepse grave. A seleção foi feita a partir do cadastro sepse, contendo 349 prontuários. Cada paciente com sepse foi considerado como um sujeito e o paciente internado após foi considerado controle, desde que não tivesse sepse e tivesse sobrevivido à internação, totalizando 100 sujeitos. RESULTADOS: o grupo sepse apresentou mortalidade mais elevada em 1 ano comparado com pacientes críticos, porém, sem sepse no grupo controle. Pacientes mais velhos (>;60 anos de idade) no grupo sepse tiveram prevalência significativamente maior de problemas. Não houve diferença na Escala Visual Análoga entre os entrevistados de ambos os grupos. CONCLUSÕES: após alta da unidade de terapia intensiva, os pacientes que sobreviveram à sepse tiveram taxa de mortalidade mais elevada do que os pacientes críticos sem a doença. Pacientes idosos com sepse tiveram problemas variando de moderado a grave, em todas as cinco dimensões de qualidade de vida avaliadas

    Spatial analysis of leprosy incidence and associated socioeconomic factors

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify clusters of the major occurrences of leprosy and their associated socioeconomic and demographic factors. METHODS: Cases of leprosy that occurred between 1998 and 2007 in Sao Jose do Rio Preto (southeastern Brazil) were geocodified and the incidence rates were calculated by census tract. A socioeconomic classification score was obtained using principal component analysis of socioeconomic variables. Thematic maps to visualize the spatial distribution of the incidence of leprosy with respect to socioeconomic levels and demographic density were constructed using geostatistics. RESULTS: While the incidence rate for the entire city was 10.4 cases per 100,000 inhabitants annually between 1998 and 2007, the incidence rates of individual census tracts were heterogeneous, with values that ranged from 0 to 26.9 cases per 100,000 inhabitants per year. Areas with a high leprosy incidence were associated with lower socioeconomic levels. There were identified clusters of leprosy cases, however there was no association between disease incidence and demographic density. There was a disparity between the places where the majority of ill people lived and the location of healthcare services. CONCLUSIONS: The spatial analysis techniques utilized identified the poorer neighborhoods of the city as the areas with the highest risk for the disease. These data show that health departments must prioritize politico-administrative policies to minimize the effects of social inequality and improve the standards of living, hygiene, and education of the population in order to reduce the incidence of leprosy

    Diagnóstico da rede de atendimento laboratorial de hanseníase no Departamento Regional de Saúde XV, São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo

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    Objective. To present the situational diagnosis of the laboratory reference network for leprosy in the region of São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil. Methods. An online form was sent to each person responsible for the leprosy program. Results. All 102 municipalities that make up the region sent the requested data, 82.4% (84/102) requested slit skin smear microscopy and of these 68 received training. Of the total, 11.7% send slit skin smear to other laboratories without respecting the reference network. Only 57.8% (59/102) requested a biopsy, of these 47 had a doctor responsible for the collection and 31 didn´t respect the reference network for forwarding the biopsies. Aspects that make it difficult to diagnose leprosy cases in the region have been described as the lack of an adequate room, trained professionals, the absence of material for transportation and the request for printed exams. Conclusion. The laboratory network is fragile and needs to be respected in its initial composition or reorganized.Objetivo. Apresentar o diagnóstico situacional da rede laboratorial para hanseníase na região de São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brasil. Métodos. Pesquisa de avaliação com desenho descritivo. Os dados foram coletados por meio de formulário online preenchido pelos responsáveis do programa de hanseníase, em 2018. Resultados. Todos os 102 municípios que compõem a região enviaram os dados solicitados, 84 (82,4%) solicitavam a baciloscopia e destes, 68 receberam capacitação. Do total, 11,7% enviavam baciloscopia para outros laboratórios sem respeitar a rede de referência. Apenas 59 (57,8%) solicitavam a biópsia e destes, 47 tinham médico responsável pela coleta e 31 não respeitavam a rede de referência para encaminhamento das biópsias. Foram descritos, como aspectos que dificultavam o diagnóstico dos casos de hanseníase na região, a falta de sala adequada, poucos profissionais capacitados, ausência de material para transporte e de requisição de exames impressa. Conclusão. A rede laboratorial se encontra fragilizada, necessitando reestruturação

    Limitations in activities of people affected by leprosy after completing multidrug therapy: application of the SALSA scale

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    Objectives: To identify people affected by leprosy with impairments after completing multidrug therapy for leprosy, and to assess their limitations in conducting daily activities by applying the Screening of Activity Limitation and Safety Awareness (SALSA) scale. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed of all residents of a medium-sized city who were treated for leprosy from 1998 to 2006. A specific questionnaire was applied to obtain general and clinical data and the SALSA scale was used to assess limitations in activities. Impairments were assessed using the 'World Health Organization leprosy disability grading system' (WHO-DG). Findings: Of the 335 people affected by leprosy treated in the period, 223 (62.1%) were located and interviewed. A total of 51.6% were female with a mean age of 54 years (SD +/- 15.72) and 67.9% had up to 6 years formal education. The borderline form predominated among interviewees (39.9%) and 54.3% suffer from associated diseases with hypertension (29.1%) and diabetes (10.3%) being the most common. Pain was reported by 54.7% of interviewees. By multiple logistic regression analysis, associations were found between limitations in activities and being female (P < 0.025), family income <= 3 minimum wages (P-value < 0.003), reports of major lesions (P-value < 0.004), pain (P-value < 0.001), associated diseases (P-value < 0.023) and the WHO-DG (P-value < 0.001). Disabilities, as identified using the WHO-DG, were less common (32%) than limitations in activities as evaluated by the SALSA scale (57.8%). Conclusion: Limitations in activities proved to be common in people affected by leprosy and were. associated with low income, being female, reported major lesions, disability, disease and pain.Fundacao Paulista Contra a HanseniaseFundacao Paulista contra a HanseniasePaulista Foundation against Leprosy (Fundacao Paulista Contra Hanseniase)Paulista Foundation against Leprosy (Fundacao Paulista Contra Hanseniase

    Quality of Life of Severe Sepsis Survivors After Hospital Discharge Calidad de vida de sobrevivientes de sepsis grave después del alta hospitalar Qualidade de vida de sobreviventes de sepse grave após alta hospitalar

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    AIMS: to evaluate the quality of life in severe sepsis survivors, using specific QoL questionnaires: the EuroQol-5 Dimensions and the Visual Analogue Scale (EQ-VAS). METHOD: This case-control study was performed in patients discharged from a teaching hospital after being admitted to the ICU with severe sepsis. Medical records from 349 patients were retrieved from the hospital sepsis registry. Each patient with sepsis was considered as a case. Patients who were admitted immediately after the sepsis episode were considered as controls, provided that they did not have sepsis and survived the ICU admission. This specific study population included 100 patients. RESULTS: The sepsis group showed higher mortality at 1 year compared with critically ill patients. However, the control group showed no sepsis. Older patients (>60 years) in the sepsis group had a significantly higher prevalence of problems. There were no differences in EQ-VAS between respondents from both groups. CONCLUSIONS: After discharge from ICU, sepsis survivors of sepsis had a higher mortality rate than critically ill patients without sepsis. Older patients with sepsis had more moderate and severe problems in all five quality of life dimensions evaluated.<br> OBJETIVO: Evaluaci&#243;n de la calidad de vida de los sobrevivientes de sepsis grave con los instrumentos EuroQol-5D y la Escala Anal&#243;gica Visual (EQ-VAS). M&#201;TODO: Estudio caso-control anidado en pacientes que recibieron alta de la unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI) de un hospital de ense&#241;anza despu&#233;s de la admisi&#243;n con sepsis grave. La selecci&#243;n fue realizada a partir del registro de sepsis conteniendo 349 pacientes y cada paciente con sepsis fue considerado como un caso y el que fue hospitalizado inmediatamente despu&#233;s fue seleccionado como control, desde que no tuviera sepsis y hubiera sobrevivido a la hospitalizaci&#243;n en la UCI y la sepsis, totalizando 100 sujetos. RESULTADOS: El grupo de sepsis mostr&#243; una mayor mortalidad a 1 a&#241;o comparado con los pacientes en estado cr&#237;tico pero sin sepsis en el grupo control. Los pacientes ancianos (>60 a&#241;os) con sepsis tuvieron una prevalencia significativamente mayor de problemas. No hubo diferencias en EQ-VAS entre los entrevistados de ambos grupos. CONCLUSIONES: Despu&#233;s del alta de la UCI, los pacientes que sobrevivieron a la sepsis tuvieron una tasa de mortalidad m&#225;s alta que los pacientes sin enfermedad cr&#237;tica. Pacientes ancianos con sepsis tuvieron problemas moderados y graves en todas las cinco dimensiones de calidad de vida evaluadas.<br> OBJETIVOS: avaliar a qualidade de vida em sobreviventes de sepse grave, utilizando os instrumentos EuroQol-5 Dimensions e Escala Anal&#243;gica Visual. M&#201;TODO: caso controle aninhado, realizado em pacientes que receberam alta da unidade de terapia intensiva de um hospital de ensino, ap&#243;s admiss&#227;o com sepse grave. A sele&#231;&#227;o foi feita a partir do cadastro sepse, contendo 349 prontu&#225;rios. Cada paciente com sepse foi considerado como um sujeito e o paciente internado ap&#243;s foi considerado controle, desde que n&#227;o tivesse sepse e tivesse sobrevivido &#224; interna&#231;&#227;o, totalizando 100 sujeitos. RESULTADOS: o grupo sepse apresentou mortalidade mais elevada em 1 ano comparado com pacientes cr&#237;ticos, por&#233;m, sem sepse no grupo controle. Pacientes mais velhos (>60 anos de idade) no grupo sepse tiveram preval&#234;ncia significativamente maior de problemas. N&#227;o houve diferen&#231;a na Escala Visual An&#225;loga entre os entrevistados de ambos os grupos. CONCLUS&#213;ES: ap&#243;s alta da unidade de terapia intensiva, os pacientes que sobreviveram &#224; sepse tiveram taxa de mortalidade mais elevada do que os pacientes cr&#237;ticos sem a doen&#231;a. Pacientes idosos com sepse tiveram problemas variando de moderado a grave, em todas as cinco dimens&#245;es de qualidade de vida avaliadas